The Right's systematic war on the middle-class

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
Listened to this author today & he reinforced what I already suspected- the rich have captured D.C. & most pols are merely pawns. Its called the emerging plutocracy but I like to call it the Repub/Randian War on the Middle-class.

Case in point- corporate profits have gone up 20% in the last 4 years and middle-class income has gone up 1%. Pssst :eusa_shhh:- thats exactly whats supposed to happen if you know who really calls the shots in D.C.

heres the podcast & below that, the book

"Who Stole the American Dream?" | The Kojo Nnamdi Show

Is America a plutonomy? -
snip (best read the wole article):
In 2005, three Citigroup analysts — Ajay Kapur, Niall MacLeod and Narendra Singh — answered yes. They explained: “Plutonomies have occurred before in sixteenth century Spain, in seventeenth century Holland, the Gilded Age and the Roaring Twenties in the U.S … Often these wealth waves involve great complexity, exploited best by the rich and educated of the time.” According to the Citigroup experts, a plutonomic economy is driven by the consumption of the classes, not the masses: “In a plutonomy there is no such animal as ‘the U.S. consumer’ or ‘the UK consumer,’ or indeed the ‘Russian consumer.’ There are rich consumers, few in number, but disproportionate in the gigantic slice of income and consumption they take. There are the rest, the ‘no-rich,’ the multitudinous many, but only accounting for surprisingly small bites of the national pie.”

This V is who CrusaderFrank THINKS he is V

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personal attack noted. :thup: :rolleyes: Anything to say on the topic sockboi? Anything you can back up w/ sources? Have you read any econ books in the last 1-3 years? Do tell.
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By all means, go full blown hyper partisan and blame Republicans...

If a tiny area in the economy/world/universe does “meh, ok” it’s because Obama farted. If something like healthcare costs go up it’s because Republicans badmouthed Obamacare.
I'm not a rightie... I'm simply not pathetic like your OP. Stop trolling, we have too many of them as is on these boards.
So why has Obama done nothing about this in the last four years? Hmmm?
nothing? What do you call the forced expiration of the tax-cuts for highest income brackets? You ARE correct in the fact that the Right has been very effective in the obstructionism/war on the middle-class
Where are the Righties that debate? You two can't possibly be covering for them

With an OP proposition that alleges the "right's" systematic war on the middle class, you think there's anything worthy of discussion?


let's see, wasn't it liberals

1)who supported the unions that drove 30 million middle class union jobs off shore??

2) liberals who want 20 million illegals here to drive down our wages out of the middle class

3) liberals who offer high taxes that drive corporations off shore

4) liberals who destroyed the American family thrusting both parents into poverty from the middle class
...Have you read any econ books in the last 1-3 years?

What has that to do with anything?

Are you suggesting current economic theory promotes reduction of spending in an under-performing economy.

well reduction of idiotic soviet Solyndra bubble government spending in favor of rational private spending.

The government does not invent new products so it cant help the economy grow!! We grew from the stone age to here as the private sector invented new stuff!!
Where are the Righties that debate? You two can't possibly be covering for them

With an OP proposition that alleges the "right's" systematic war on the middle class, you think there's anything worthy of discussion?


let's see, wasn't it liberals

1)who supported the unions that drove 30 million middle class union jobs off shore??

2) liberals who want 20 million illegals here to drive down our wages out of the middle class

3) liberals who offer high taxes that drive corporations off shore

4) liberals who destroyed the American family thrusting both parents into poverty from the middle class

why don't you ever supply links to prove your nonsensical assertions? :eusa_eh: CEO pay has gone through the roof which is a common-denominator in some of your assertions. This is why many women HAVE to work. Also, HC costs have driven labor out of the country as well. Thangod for Obamacare which will stabilize & reverse that trend over time & the Heritage Foundation for thinking it up (the individual mandate :) )
why don't you ever supply links to prove your nonsensical assertions?

why be so afraid to say which assertion is nonsensical?? What does your fear tell us about the character and IQ of liberals???

its common courtesy to provide links fraudboi. Look at the OP, it has links. Man up for once in your life.

why be so afraid to say which assertion is nonsensical?? What does your fear tell us about the character and IQ of liberals???

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