The Right's systematic war on the middle-class

CEO pay has gone through the roof which is a common-denominator in some of your assertions. This is why many women HAVE to work.

Say what??? beyond rational way beyond!!!
CEO pay has gone through the roof which is a common-denominator in some of your assertions. This is why many women HAVE to work.
Say what??? beyond rational way beyond!!!

many women have to work because

1) Gloria Steinum said, a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle

2) because they are more materialistic than ever,

3) because liberal government wastes so much of our wealth.

4) work is less profitable because of global competition
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CEO pay has gone through the roof which is a common-denominator in some of your assertions. This is why many women HAVE to work.
Say what??? beyond rational way beyond!!!

many women have to work because

1) Gloria Steinum said, a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle

2) because they are more materialistic than ever,

3) because liberal government wastes so much of our wealth.

4) work is less profitable because of global competition

link fraudboi. I'm guessing that your either 14 or 80 yrs old.
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CEO pay has gone through the roof which is a common-denominator in some of your assertions. This is why many women HAVE to work.

Magical link is missing
CEO pay has gone through the roof which is a common-denominator in some of your assertions. This is why many women HAVE to work.
Say what??? beyond rational way beyond!!!

many women have to work because

1) Gloria Steinum said, a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle

2) because they are more materialistic than ever,

3) because liberal government wastes so much of our wealth.

4) work is less profitable because of global competition

I'm guessing that your either 14 or 80 yrs old.

Why not say if I'm right or wrong and why rather than change subject to guessing age. Is it because as a liberal you lack IQ for substance??
Clinton opened the borders to the scum of the earth as well as cheap goods made by forced labor, signed NAFTA, signed repeal of Glass Steagall, signed de regulation of low margin and no margin speculation in essential commodities and for good measure pioneered no-bid contracts for insiders Halliburton and Blackwater.

No question nutballs are AN enemy of America's blue collar middle class, but nutballs are not the ONLY enemy of America's blue collar middle class. That honor goes to BOTH political parties that sold out to corporations in the 1980s.

It tickles me that idiots attack the top 1% or even 1/10th of a percent when the enemy of the middle class is as a matter of fact the apathy of the majority of the top 20% of wage earners, especially bourgeoisie in the minor professions (employee lawyers, doctors, who would otherwise be professionals) and the upper third of pay levels in all aspects of federal, state and local government.

If nutball sheeple ever wake up, people like Karl Rove and the rest of the nutball leadership will probably have to move out of the country to stay alive. But again, Democratic party leadership shares the blame. Pusgut O'Neill began the sellout by blowing Reagan, Clinton did a lot of damage to blue collar Americans, and nothing Obama has done has helped blue collar America. Nothing.
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Clinton opened the borders to the scum of the earth as well as cheap goods made by forced labor, signed NAFTA, signed repeal of Glass Steagall, signed de regulation of low margin and no margin speculation in essential commodities and for good measure pioneered no-bid contracts for insiders Halliburton and Blackwater.

No question nutballs are AN enemy of America's blue collar middle class, but nutballs are not the ONLY enemy of America's blue collar middle class. That honor goes to BOTH political parties that sold out to corporations in the 1980s.

It tickles me that idiots attack the top 1% or even 1/10th of a percent when the enemy of the middle class is as a matter of fact the apathy of the majority of the top 20% of wage earners, especially bourgeoisie in the minor professions (employee lawyers, doctors, who would otherwise be professionals) and the upper third of pay levels in all aspects of federal, state and local government.

If nutball sheeple ever wake up, people like Karl Rove and the rest of the nutball leadership will probably have to move out of the country to stay alive. But again, Democratic party leadership shares the blame. Pusgut O'Neill began the sellout by blowing Reagan, Clinton did a lot of damage to blue collar Americans, and nothing Obama has done has helped blue collar America. Nothing.

typical and idiotic liberal ranting. If you have something specific to say against Republican capitalism please do or admit you lack the IQ for it.

Did you know you can go to any nuthouse and find people ranting?
Edmund, hie thee back to the bus station, okay?

You can pick up a few dollars doing something you are good at.
Edmund, hie thee back to the bus station, okay?

You can pick up a few dollars doing something you are good at.

typical violent personal attack when liberals finds he lacks IQ for substance

If you have something specific to say against Republican capitalism please do or simply admit you lack the IQ for it.
Edmund, hie thee back to the bus station, okay?

You can pick up a few dollars doing something you are good at.

typical violent personal attack when liberals finds he lacks IQ for substance

If you have something specific to say against Republican capitalism please do or simply admit you lack the IQ for it.

Here are my thoughts on the filthy degenerate economic program you yourself describe as "Republican" capitalism:

1. Reagan tripled the national debt. If nutball capitalism actually worked the debt would have gone down or been much lower.

2. Junebug Bush doubled the national debt. If nutball capitalism actually worked the debt would have gone down or been much lower.

3. These are the two biggest spenders in US peacetime history through their terms YET NOT ONE FILTHY GOD DAMNED NUTBALL tried to stop these crazies from breaking the bank over the backs of taxpayers.

4. The morons who voted for Junebug in 2004 elected their Lord and Master, President Barack Obama. Him jamming their craziness up their asses is a form of justice not seen much in recent years in America.

In sum, Edmund, all this Cassandra horseshit from the pursed lips of Chinless Wonder McConnell and Dude Boner is hilarious.

You people need to get a sense of humor.
1. Reagan tripled the national debt. If nutball capitalism actually worked the debt would have gone down or been much lower.

so you triple debt and debt is supposed to go down?????????????

See why we say a liberal will be slow, so very very slow. Maybe you can find a site where you only can rant as if you were in a nuthouse.
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1. Reagan tripled the national debt. If nutball capitalism actually worked the debt would have gone down or been much lower.

so you triple debt and debt is supposed to go down?????????????

See why we say a liberal will be slow, so very very slow. Maybe you can find a site where you only can rant as if you were in a nuthouse.

Wow, Ed. You just explained to the whole forum why millions of Americans think Reagan was a decent president. And you did it in a way that the dozen or so nutballs smart enough to pour piss out of a boot while reading the heel label can't possibly support.

Thank you.
1. Reagan tripled the national debt. If nutball capitalism actually worked the debt would have gone down or been much lower.

so you triple debt and debt is supposed to go down?????????????

See why we say a liberal will be slow, so very very slow. Maybe you can find a site where you only can rant as if you were in a nuthouse.

Wow, Ed. You just explained to the whole forum why millions of Americans think Reagan was a decent president. And you did it in a way that the dozen or so nutballs smart enough to pour piss out of a boot while reading the heel label can't possibly support.

Thank you.

second time: so you triple debt and debt is supposed to go down????????????? Who said that??????????

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