The Rise of Lonely, Single Men

Are you that dense you can't figure that out? Especially when it's included with "morals" and "values"?

Tell me now so I don't waste more time with you...

Well, nothing I said, indicated anything like that. So, I'm just wondering what you are talking about.
You wrote

Because you put it like that, it seemed to me that you had a problem with the woman being herself. In reality the Mother was probably warning her against men who expect not to compromise and for the woman to always be what he wanted. Obviously in a healthy relationship both will need to compromise but not who they are, not themselves.

Has that really been what you have observed in teh world, ie men just telling women how it's going to be?
One I heard recently, a woman was talking about how she told her daughter to never compromise with a man, that the man has to accept her just as she is.

For one example.

That is certainly the message I got. If that was not your intent...
So of course ALL women must teach their daughters the same thing right?

And there are some things no one should ever compromise on.
It seems like some believe that if a woman doesn't want to have kids that's a bad thing. When in reality it's not. Childless couples are growing. It's not in any way a bad trend. When it takes two people working to afford the necessities, there isn't much relaxation time when kids are involved.
That's not what you said in your "Incel" thread.

That incel thread was a mess. So many posters in there, just refused to discuss any of the issues, and wanted to punch down at the "incels".

It was impossible to really discuss anything. Complete failure really.
No Americans = No America

Who do you think does the working, buying, and defending any nation? People here are bitching about illegal aliens all the damn time. Do you want them to be the ONLY ones in the country? Do you know where people come from? Our fertility rate is below replacement now. You want it to be worse? Is human extinction your dream?
In some cases maybe. Perhaps some long for more than that.

Jobs come and go. People might be led to believe that work is more important than family. But, for the majority of people, it isn't.

Women, men, most of the nwill be/are getting more fullfillment from their families than their jobs.

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