The Rise of Lonely, Single Men

Bottom line is that it is ok not to get married and have kids. Many young people don't need this. It's a choice not a responsibility. That's the way things should be.

If the reason they are not getting married is becasue they are really the type of people that would be happier NOT having children or spouses, that is one thing.

If the reason they are not getting married is because of bad ideas and behaviors that have undemined the ability of people to form healthy relationships, then that is another thing.
Oh, I suppose he's a handsome enough guy. The two women he was close to marrying were both drop-dead gorgeous.

I never said he never dates. He does. He just has no interest in getting married and having kids, especially as he's well into his 60's.

Odd that you seem to think the reason he's not married is because women don't find him attractive...

At 60, sure.
Young people today are more independent. Not needing a mate is not a bad thing. Waiting until early to mid 30s before marriage is a plus for the nation. How could it not be?

Because we end up with a declining population adn being absorded by immigrants from less successful cultures.
And, yet no problem finding women to date.

Look, just accept that you have no clue what you're talking about here...

That some guys are happy without marriage and/or children, does not mean that there is not a problem with a rise in lonely single men.

Indeed, the odd resistance to the idea that there could be a problem, is very strange.
That some guys are happy without marriage and/or children, does not mean that there is not a problem with a rise in lonely single men.

And I never said it wasn't happening. Whether it's a "problem" or not is something which can only be addressed intelligently by those who are single.

What I took issue with was the apparent belief that the reason that older, single guys are single is because women don't find them attractive.

That's stupid. There's a litany of reasons why a guy might be single.

I'm 60 years old. I have a smokin' hot Puerto Rican girlfriend who, by all accounts, fucking adores me (and I her). But if she and I had never met, and I'd not met anyone else, I'm comfortable enough in my own skin to be alone. I honestly don't think I'd see it as a "problem"...

Indeed, the odd resistance to the idea that there could be a problem, is very strange.

Who's shown resistance to the idea?
Pretty much.....For fuck sakes you have 25 year-olds still on their parent's insurance.

Hell when I was 20 I owned my first house.....Well the bank did.....I had to come-up with 20% down too.
And? Con-grats?
Maybe not for the gamer-freaks, but definitely for a large percentage of the young single guys I know (educated, employed, emotionally stable); they say there are few worthwhile women out there these days.
Such a self own when they are acknowledging that they are the common denominator.
Bottom line is that it is ok not to get married and have kids. Many young people don't need this. It's a choice not a responsibility. That's the way things should be.
Keep in mind some here are worried about Replacement Theory.
And I never said it wasn't happening. Whether it's a "problem" or not is something which can only be addressed intelligently by those who are single.

If the cause or A cause, is bad ideas being pushed by political zealots, then it can be addressed intelligently by anyone who can comment and push back on the bad ideas.

What I took issue with was the apparent belief that the reason that older, single guys are single is because women don't find them attractive.

That's stupid. There's a litany of reasons why a guy might be single.

I'm 60 years old. I have a smokin' hot Puerto Rican girlfriend who, by all accounts, fucking adores me (and I her). But if she and I had never met, and I'd not met anyone else, I'm comfortable enough in my own skin to be alone. I honestly don't think I'd see it as a "problem"...

Who's shown resistance to the idea?

you are. When you argue against the very idea of discussing the problem. Like in this very post.
FOX host Kennedy calls guest Robby Soave "the most handsome man in the world"...can you imagine if a male host said that to a female guest.

in her defense, Soave IS the most handsome man in the world!

So there's a few lonely men out there. Oh no the end times. Overreaction to a nothing burger really.
If the cause or A cause, is bad ideas being pushed by political zealots, then it can be addressed intelligently by anyone who can comment and push back on the bad ideas.

What bad ideas are those?

you are. When you argue against the very idea of discussing the problem. Like in this very post.

Did I ever say it wasn't a problem? Did I ever say it shouldn't be discussed?

I'll thank you not to put words in my mouth. I've little patience for such bullshit...

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