The Rise of Lonely, Single Men

He's still young then.

He might very well decide to look for a relationship later.

I wasn't in a serious relationship until my late 30s and i had no plans of getting married but I met a great girl.
You are correct. Waiting until ones late 30s early 40s is a good choice. Get financially sound, then if one finds a partner good. If not that's ok too. I've seen so many marriages of young people in their mid 20s not even last a year.
Might be interesting to discuss why women didn't look at that guy and find him very attractive.

Oh, I suppose he's a handsome enough guy. The two women he was close to marrying were both drop-dead gorgeous.

I never said he never dates. He does. He just has no interest in getting married and having kids, especially as he's well into his 60's.

Odd that you seem to think the reason he's not married is because women don't find him attractive...
Bottom line is that it is ok not to get married and have kids. Many young people don't need this. It's a choice not a responsibility. That's the way things should be.
SImple thinking.
The movie "Idiocracy" is becoming true.
It is of course a far fetched exaggeration of what the writer thought was going to happen - before it started happening.
That smart, productive people have fewer children, or NO children.... meanwhile the unproductive and stupid are having babies right and left. And slowly the nation is overtaken by the stupid and lazy.
This is a reality today.
Bottom line is that it is ok not to get married and have kids. Many young people don't need this. It's a choice not a responsibility. That's the way things should be.

My daughter and soon-to-be son-in-law have been talking about not having kids of their own but adopting siblings. They wouldn't have to be married to have kids of their own, but it's almost an imperative if they want to adopt...
I have a buddy who's 66 years old. He owned a large landscaping company in San Diego. When he got out of the Navy in 1981 he went back to Michigan to work at the nursery owned by his parents. He went to night school (there were no online course back then) to learn about... whatever the Hell it is landscapers need to learn about.

He moved back to San Diego and started his business with a Ford Ranger pick-up that had a lawnmower in the bed. His business grew expoentiallyto the point where he had the landscaping contracts for every Denny's restaurant in San Diego County and several hotels along the waterfront. What started out as a one-man show ended up employing over 60 people.

He sold that business and retired a little over two years ago.

Jimmy never married, although he's been close twice. He's got no kids, but is the best uncle possible to his nieces and nephews. He's generous to a fault with his family and friends. He's a self-made millionaire who lives life on his terms. He was given nothing growing up, and has worked hard for everything he has.

I don't see how someone could look at him and conclude that he's less of a man than someone else just because he never had kids...
Meh, there's always "one-offs".
Meh, there's always "one-offs".

Oh, I believe it's far more prevalent than you think.

If I wasn't with my smokin' hot Puerto Rican girlfriend, I don't know that I'd have a girlfriend. I meet people all the time, but it's rare that I meet a woman and think she's someone I would want to have a serious, committed relationship with...
My daughter and soon-to-be son-in-law have been talking about not having kids of their own but adopting siblings. They wouldn't have to be married to have kids of their own, but it's almost an imperative if they want to adopt...
That is a commendable choice if the siblings need a stable home. Kudos to her. My granddaughter is 27 her husband 28. They both have high paying careers and are not going to have kids so they can continue riding in their careers. They have a nice house with quite a bit of land. She is managing it for deer as she is a deer hunting enthusiast when not working. Her hubby is busy travelling for his company just about every week. They seem to thrive being away from each other many days. She comes home and hits the deer stand. She got the hunting thing from me.
Somewhat. THey are not expected to conform to societial norms to the same level white men are.

BUT, they are just as open to being fucked by child support or divorce, or bitter mothers not letting them see their children, for some examples.
Good luck getting child support out of the the generational welfare crowd.
You must be very young.
The VAST majority of people live lives of quiet desperation
If you don't know what that saying means...
Quiet desperation is acceptance of–and surrendering to–circumstances. Quietly desperate lives are frustrated, passive, and apathetic. They're unfulfilled and unrealized
This describes the lives of most people.
People are not self sufficient, generally speaking. Without companionship people fall into vices of one kind or another. Often become bitter and resentful.

You might even say it's a God-shaped hole
I was an emancipated minor at 17 while your mommy was still making your lunches and doing your laundry

Your situation was far from ideal and that's a vast understatement. However, teen boys being able to do laundry and pack their own lunches--and so much MORE--we need to bring that back. Helicopter parenting has been a nightmare and has fostered so much of the pathology we see in society now.
Unless you're old like me.
Then ya stand'em on their head and drop it in
There are remedies for older dudes. Blood flows in and out of Mr. Johnson. Find a way to prevent it from flowing out for a while and you're good to go (at no cost). :cool:
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Men who want to date are dating. Those that don't want to aren't. There isn't any problem going on. Not everyone wants a relationship and that's their choice.
I'm too old-fashioned to have a modern relationship. ;)
I don't want a relationship either and there are several reasons. Main one being my wife wouldn't stand for it!
Yup there you go.

You are living a self fulfilling prophecy so you might as well just accept it and stop whining.

I have never had any problem meeting women I liked and respected and I was pathologically shy as a young adult.

My point about feminists was not whining, and it is true, and you failed to address it. That is you losing.

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