The Rittenhouse Verdict

Yeah, he was black. That was suspicious. :rolleyes:

No, but it was stupid, and the cops told him not to do it.

Ambushing someone who is creepily following you is not the best move, but again, the guy did nothing to identify himself or state his attempt. He should have called out "Neighborhood Watch". Then again, if he was competant at being the neighborhood watch, he would have known Trayvon lived there.
Again, were you there that night ?? Thought not. Keep race baiting though, you're doing great.
Yeah, he was black. That was suspicious. :rolleyes:

No, but it was stupid, and the cops told him not to do it.

Ambushing someone who is creepily following you is not the best move, but again, the guy did nothing to identify himself or state his attempt. He should have called out "Neighborhood Watch". Then again, if he was competant at being the neighborhood watch, he would have known Trayvon lived there.
Martin was peering into people's windows at night. That's suspicious.
Yeah, he was black. That was suspicious. :rolleyes:

No, but it was stupid, and the cops told him not to do it.

Ambushing someone who is creepily following you is not the best move, but again, the guy did nothing to identify himself or state his attempt. He should have called out "Neighborhood Watch". Then again, if he was competant at being the neighborhood watch, he would have known Trayvon lived there.
Martin DIDN'T live there; he was a short-term guest of his father while he was on suspension for school for possessing burglary tools and jewelry that he couldn't account for.
Martin DIDN'T live there; he was a short-term guest of his father while he was on suspension for school for possessing burglary tools and jewelry that he couldn't account for.
Exactly right... All covered in the trial.
Again, were you there that night ?? Thought not. Keep race baiting though, you're doing great.
I don't have to be there. We have the 911 tapes. We know that Zimmerman violated Neighborhood Watch rules by walking around with a gun.

Martin was peering into people's windows at night. That's suspicious.
No proof of that... Zimmerman didn't even claim that in the 911 call. (You know, the ones where the cops specifically told him NOT to follow Trayvon).

Martin DIDN'T live there; he was a short-term guest of his father while he was on suspension for school for possessing burglary tools and jewelry that he couldn't account for.

He had a screwdriver. I have screwdrivers... As far as the Jewelry, the police tried to link it to any reported robberies and couldn't. So what you have is a lot of innuendo and not a lot of proof.

Unlike Zimmerman, who has been arrested multiple times before and after this incident.
I don't have to be there. We have the 911 tapes. We know that Zimmerman violated Neighborhood Watch rules by walking around with a gun.

No proof of that... Zimmerman didn't even claim that in the 911 call. (You know, the ones where the cops specifically told him NOT to follow Trayvon).

He had a screwdriver. I have screwdrivers... As far as the Jewelry, the police tried to link it to any reported robberies and couldn't. So what you have is a lot of innuendo and not a lot of proof.

Unlike Zimmerman, who has been arrested multiple times before and after this incident.
Agree that Zimmerman wasn't the brightest bulb on the tree, but it wasn't all his fault concerning the events that took place that night, where as Martin undoubtedly screwed up enough to sway the jury into Zimmerman's favor over the self defense issue.

And by the way, what's with this style or trend of wearing these damned hoodys in 80 to 90° weather anyway ??? Isn't hoody just another term for hoodlum or a hoodlum style ?

Why adopt such a style or trend, and then think that it's a cool fad by wearing the thing in weather that is extremely counter productive to wearing such a garment ? Just like the sagging pants being also a style or trend that was represented or started in prison by inmate's, and the next thing you know we begin seeing the criminal looking style being adopted by the youth who in many cases represent thuggery as an identifying trait that the members of gang's and such love to wear ??

Why the lean towards criminal styles and behavior's ????

What the questions ought to be for every mom and dad that gives a care about their children is why is this acceptable, uhhhh unless maybe the little one's are being raised in that way ???

You gotta think to yourself, why would grown adults think it ok for their kid's to adopt gang and criminal styles and trends, otherwise if they themselves want their children to not lean towards those criminal paths in life ?? The sad thing is that yes, many people have been misidentified as criminal's and thug's because of this, yet parent's act as if they are clueless about it.

So how dumb are these parent's one wonder's ? Not talking about color in general, because this thing is blowing up, and is now dragging or tempting those who didn't do these types of things into the devil's pit also now, so it's way beyond a color thing now. It's a generational change that has happened, and it has happened because of strong influential forces getting into high places, and then using their influence to cause societies to adopt many new things that in many cases or in many ways are anti-Christ, anti-Christianity, anti-Normal, anti-Moral, anti-Patriotic, and just rebellious in nature period.

What a devilish plan though, otherwise to create the condition's that make such things appear to be the norm or to be somewhat of a strong trend to gravitate towards, but all in hopes to bring as many into the mix in order to shield or hide the real evil intent within the midst of the groups by the blending machine (not by skin color), but by way of getting all the people all together by ways of these styles or trends taking place today, and this is because they all end up looking the same therefore making it harder to differentiate when the need arises to do so.


This is why the cop's are having such a hard time policing, and so are the court's in all of this mess now, because the style's, trend's, and habits begin to melt into each other, and therefore making it easier to misidentify, and to misjudge who is actually representing truly the criminal styles being worn or who is just a follower of the style, but not truly using or representing the style in a criminal way.

I gotta say that it's brilliant what's been going on. The devil ain't no joke, and he knows how to destroy something, especially if he ends up with highly vulnerable sheep that have strayed away for to long or were always awaiting his next instruction as his follower's if that is what they had chosen in life.

Celebrating or romancing criminality, thuggery, gangs, murder or any such things be it in any form that it takes, is surely the downfall of a society and people. We are witnessing it first hand now.

The black's and the white's coming up today, will have to make their choice's either to follow trends that lead them astray or rather to create or adopt new trend's and lifestyle's that are conducive to living and showing that one doesn't go along with things that were created or designed after criminality or rather were created from bad intent in which was known as the catalyst of such trend's, style's, and lifestyle's that brought about so much pain and suffering over time.
Agree that Zimmerman wasn't the brightest bulb on the tree, but it wasn't all his fault concerning the events that took place that night, where as Martin undoubtedly screwed up enough to sway the jury into Zimmerman's favor over the self defense issue.

Nope. What happened was that a racist white jury was going to give a white man free license to kill a black child.

Now we have riots when they do that, so we should probably knock it off.
Nope. What happened was that a racist white jury was going to give a white man free license to kill a black child.

Now we have riots when they do that, so we should probably knock it off.

Now we have riots when they do that, so we should probably knock it off.

Free Nikes and Courvoisier.

Win Win!!!
Nope. What happened was that a racist white jury was going to give a white man free license to kill a black child.

Now we have riots when they do that, so we should probably knock it off.
Your take, but considering your race baiting, well I'm not sure if anyone cares about your take because it appears to be highly partisan and full of race baiting bull crap constantly. Oh well it is what it is.
What rules did Trayvon violate by attacking Zimmerman?

None that justified killing him.

Your take, but considering your race baiting, well I'm not sure if anyone cares about your take because it appears to be highly partisan and full of race baiting bull crap constantly. Oh well it is what it is.

Trayvon's death was event one in BLM... So, um, yeah, it had real meaning.

But just keep pretending that this is a problem you can ignore or minimize. That worked out so well for you in 2020.
Except Zimmerman's life wasn't in any danger.

Getting your ass kicked by a child is embarrassing, but hardly fatal.
Have a “child” the size of Trayvon smash your pathetic skull repeatedly onto the concrete. If you can still speak, then talk to us about it, you hack.
Trayvon weighed 158 lbs... I don't think he'd pose much of a threat to me.

More to the point, I wouldn't have chased him and cornered him to start with.
Beside the point. 158 pounds of overall weight doesn’t tell us how strong he was. His victim was a chubby man. So, once again, the only issue is whether having your noggin repeatedly smashed backwards onto the concrete might reasonably make you feel like your life was in danger.

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