the rnc

Feb 15, 2004
I am looking forward to this one.

Seems every Hollywooder is a liberal and a bit off center to be honest - Michael Moore leading the troops of morons in Boston (lucky me as I live here).

I never seem to find any well known actor/director or anyone who is here are a few I know are conservative....
Kelsey Grammer
Chuck Norris
Tom Selleck
and Melissa Gilbert.

Who else? Can anyone add to this list??
winston churchi said:
I am looking forward to this one.

Seems every Hollywooder is a liberal and a bit off center to be honest - Michael Moore leading the troops of morons in Boston (lucky me as I live here).

I never seem to find any well known actor/director or anyone who is here are a few I know are conservative....
Kelsey Grammer
Chuck Norris
Tom Selleck
and Melissa Gilbert.

Who else? Can anyone add to this list??
Tom Selleck, really? Never had him figured that way. Hmmm.
I thought he was the obvious one.
He was a major target for Rosie O'Donnel - she detested him....because he owns a gun...She bereted him...a very nasty woman indeed. Anyway the question came up at the time - that while RO was insulting Selleck she was promoting K-Mart which sells guns and ammo...why??

Anyway...yes he is a conservative....but I know there are more out there...who are you Hollywood???
Although I would not say that this makes him a Conservative since most conservative politicians including Bush support acts that violate the second amendment, Ben Afflect recently was quoted as saying, "I believe in all the Bill of Rights, including the Second Amendment."

Ted Nugent is conservative, if that even counts for anything. Oh, and let's not forget that Charleton Heston is a Hollywooder and very conservative.
I can't believe you "guys" didn't remember Bo Derrick!!!! Wayne Newton too!
There are probably many, many more who dare not offend the Hollywood powers that be.

As Dennis Miller said last night, nobody lives in Hollywood anyway and they're all in the top 1% anyway...except for, of course, the people that actually do the day to day real work.
tpahl said:
There are plenty of people from hollywood that are not liberals. But many that are not liberals are also not republicans. The following page has a huge list of celebrities that are libertarian.

When????Please note: this is just a partial list. We have many more names to add, and will eventually have biographies for every person listed. We will be expanding some of the biographies here as well. We welcome additions, corrections, suggestions, and other feedback.

Clint Eastwood jumped out!
Kathianne said:
When????Please note: this is just a partial list. We have many more names to add, and will eventually have biographies for every person listed. We will be expanding some of the biographies here as well. We welcome additions, corrections, suggestions, and other feedback.

Clint Eastwood jumped out!

they have the bio for Eastwood. He is old news as far as coming out as a libertarian. I think he was even a mayor for a while as a libertarian. Or he just ran as mayor. I can't remmeber.
tpahl said:
they have the bio for Eastwood. He is old news as far as coming out as a libertarian. I think he was even a mayor for a while as a libertarian. Or he just ran as mayor. I can't remmeber.

Hey when you're right, you're right: Sounds 'reasonable'?


Playboy: "How would you characterize yourself politically?"

Eastwood: "Libertarian... Everyone leaves everyone else alone." -- Playboy Interview (March 1997)

Eastwood on Government (from Parade Magazine (January 12, 1997): "Abuse of power isn't limited to bad guys in other nations. It happens in our own country if we're not vigilant. At Waco, was there really an urgency to get those people out of the compound at that particular time? Was the press going to make it look heroic for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms? At Ruby Ridge, there was one guy in a cabin at the top of the mountain. Was it necessary for federal agents to go up there and shoot a 14-year-old in the back and shoot a woman with a child in her arms? What kind of mentality does that? Those in power get jaded, deluded, and seduced by power itself. The hunger for absolute power and, more to the point, the abuse of power, are part of human nature."

USA Today (January 25, 2004):

USA Today's Dennis McCafferty: So, socially, you're live-and-let-live. How about politically?

Eastwood: I like the libertarian view, which is to leave everyone alone. Even as a kid, I was annoyed by people who wanted to tell everyone how to live.

McCafferty: As an ex-politician, does that extend to your view of same-sex marriages? That could be the polarizing issue of the presidential race.

Eastwood: From a libertarian point of view, you would say, "Yeah? So what?" You have to believe in total equality. People should be able to be what they want to be and do what they want -- as long as they're not harming people.

word for word. Reasonable, believable.
What about the Osmonds? I don't really know if Mormons tend to be conservative but it would seem so. If that's the case, then Utah is in the bag!
clumzgirl said:
What about the Osmonds? I don't really know if Mormons tend to be conservative but it would seem so. If that's the case, then Utah is in the bag!

Utah is in the bag. Mormons are VERY conservative.
tpahl said:
Although I would not say that this makes him a Conservative since most conservative politicians including Bush support acts that violate the second amendment, Ben Afflect recently was quoted as saying, "I believe in all the Bill of Rights, including the Second Amendment."


Ben Affleck is all over the DNC. In fact, I believe he was caught cozying up to one of John Kerry's daughters.

Here's an article on his Bush bashing...
lilcountriegal said:
Ben Affleck is all over the DNC. In fact, I believe he was caught cozying up to one of John Kerry's daughters.

Here's an article on his Bush bashing...

It is reasonable to be pro second amendment and anti bush. Bush is not a strong supporter of the second amendment. Neither is the GOP really. Most all the GOP supports the 20,000 unconstitutional gun laws already on the books.

Therefore Affleck may very well be for less government and still not be GOP.

tpahl said:
It is reasonable to be pro second amendment and anti bush. Bush is not a strong supporter of the second amendment. Neither is the GOP really. Most all the GOP supports the 20,000 unconstitutional gun laws already on the books.

Therefore Affleck may very well be for less government and still not be GOP.


You are wrong. The majority of GOP reps oppose renewing the Clinton gun ban. The majority of GOP members are pro-gun rights, and would gladly repael many, if not all gun laws. But I'd like you to define what makes a gun law unconstitutional. Are laws regarding the sale of firearms unconstitutional? What about laws regarding the transportation of guns from manufacturer to wholesale to retail? Mind you, I am an NRA member and a strong supporter of gun rights, so please don't start in on the "you hate guns" routine.

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