The Rodney Dangerfield Presidency

its pathetic how Trump supporters cling to Trump's butt like pasty white lampreys!

Only Liberals worship their they called Hussein god, Jesus, and the messiah.

We on the right 'cling' to policies.

The glaring error you anti-Trumpers make is assuming that folks voted for the man.

Here's a dozen reasons:

Most voted against the Democrats,
against the mess Hussein Obama made of the economy,
against the corruption we've witnessed for decades,

against awarding nuclear weapons to the 7th century savages,
against the anti-white bias of the Democrat Party,

against the flood of illegal immigrants who require welfare
against bringing millions of unvetted Muslim refugees from war-indoctrinated nations,
against redistribution of wealth,
against the failed Liberal welfare industry,
against being dictated to by the United Nothings,
against a failed Liberal education industry,

...and for the slim possibility of a rebirth of America.

"When secular leftists express frustration at how practicing Catholics (your humble servants) and evangelicals could ever vote for Donald Trump, the first thing they refuse to concede is the horror of the alternative.

They refuse to admit that Hillary Clinton clearly, forthrightly stood for abortion on demand, at any time, for any reason and even supported it having it funded by pro-life taxpayers. It’s what she and her husband called “safe, legal and rare.” Hillary and her crew even dismissed the videotaped baby-organ-selling grotesqueries of Planned Parenthood as somehow fictional. And they refuse to admit that Hillary Clinton represented the creeping extremism of the LGBT movement, with its emphasis on redesigning all the nation’s bathrooms, not to mention human nature."
Bozell & Graham Column: The Book Against Transgender Extremism

“Job growth surges by 312,000 in December” Job growth surges by 312,000 in December

"Unemployment hits 49-year low as US employers step up hiring"
Unemployment hits 49-year low as US employers step up hiring

"The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 50% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. "
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

"Hispanic Unemployment Rate Sets New Record Low in April"
Hispanic Unemployment Rate Sets New Record Low in April

"Unemployment Rate for Women Falls to Lowest Since 1953"
Unemployment Rate for Women Falls to Lowest Since 1953 | Breitbart

"Lowest unemployment in 19 years for workers without bachelor's degrees in April"
Lowest unemployment in 19 years for workers without bachelor's degrees in April

“Black unemployment rate falls to 5.9%, ties record low hit earlier this year” Black unemployment rate falls to 5.9%, ties record low hit earlier this year

This info will come in handy in your near future: 15% is the customary tip for the paramedics.
with his nationalist hucksterism, Trump has destroyed conservatism and given rise to authoritarian statism

Well the Democrats should be happy because that's what they wanted with Hillary.


no gas chambers?
gays will still have rights?
laws still secular?
minorities still running for office?
the media still maintaining a liberal bias?

you call THAT a "totalitarian government"

you are to laugh

if you aren't going to deny anyone any rights then you are NOT a "totalitarian government"

that's called FREEDOM

You post fits rules 1 & 2

Rule #1 Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.

Rule #2
To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.

2a. If not for double standards Liberals would have no standards at all.

Let's check: here's your typical Democrat voter:

"Bernie staffer wants to kill the rich, put Republicans in “re-education camps”
Investigators: Bernie staffer wants to kill the rich, put Republicans in "re-education camps"

with his nationalist hucksterism, Trump has destroyed conservatism and given rise to authoritarian statism

Well the Democrats should be happy because that's what they wanted with Hillary.


no gas chambers?
gays will still have rights?
laws still secular?
minorities still running for office?
the media still maintaining a liberal bias?

you call THAT a "totalitarian government"

you are to laugh

if you aren't going to deny anyone any rights then you are NOT a "totalitarian government"

that's called FREEDOM

Of course it's freedom. We're far freer today than we would have been under Hillary.

...well....except for Jeffrey Epstein....
What a thread full of LIES.

Is the OP Don jr or Erik?

I heard Obama declared H1N1 an Emergency in April 2009,
11 days after the outbreak.

Is that Truth or a Lie.

No deflecting, just a simple Yes he did, or No he didn't.

Watch me rip you a new one,

This is the CNN article, stating Obama did nothing for 6 months.

Started in April, your god waited until October 26th.

"Obama declares H1N1 emergency
October 26, 2009 8:47 a.m. EDT
Washington (CNN) -- President Obama has declared a national emergency to deal with the "rapid increase in illness" from the H1N1 influenza virus."
Obama declares H1N1 emergency -

It isn't until paragraph 10 that this is noted:

"Since the H1N1 flu pandemic began in April, millions of people in the United States have been infected, at least 20,000 have been hospitalized and more than 1,000 have died, said Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention."

1,000 dead Americans under the messiah.
I'm positive you have not noticed

but the orange buffoon doesn't GIVE any respect....

this is rather typical of you and him and conservatives in general....

demanding respect for your hate and your insults and your ignorant opinions

and then whining (like snowflakes) when people give you the amount of respect you truly deserve....

you want respect?


You first!


that doesn't work

MOST of my responses ARE respectful

and the conservatives responses are NOT!

I'm sick and tired of saying "I'd like AFFORDABLE EDUCATION (you help keep America GREAT!)"

only to be called a PIECE OF GARBAGE and HUMAN FILTH by conservatives. will NOT respect those who refuse to show any respect.

Conservative principles are individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

Where's the problem, dunce?

" Franklin Roosevelt had pictured a place where citizens were joined in a collective enterprise ... Reagan pictured a more individualistic America where everyone would flourish once freed from the shackles of the state, and so the watchwords became self-reliance and small government."
The Liberal Crackup
Get it now????
He don't get no respect.

Because of Trump's quick actions America hasn't suffered the contagion to the extent that other nations have....but look at how the media handles it.

Which brings to mind this essay of tribute to the one they called god, Jesus and the messiah....

"Obama declares H1N1 emergency
October 26, 2009 8:47 a.m. EDT
Washington (CNN) -- President Obama has declared a national emergency to deal with the "rapid increase in illness" from the H1N1 influenza virus."
Obama declares H1N1 emergency -

It isn't until paragraph 10 that this is noted:

"Since the H1N1 flu pandemic began in April, millions of people in the United States have been infected, at least 20,000 have been hospitalized and more than 1,000 have died, said Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention."

Imagine if Hussein Obama was Paul Revere....we'd be wearing tri-corner hats.

I'm positive you have not noticed but the orange buffoon doesn't GIVE any respect....

this is rather typical of you and him and conservatives in general....

demanding respect for your hate and your insults and your ignorant opinions and then whining (like snowflakes) when people give you the amount of respect you truly deserve....

you want respect?


In the real world, respect is earned, not freely given like a participation trophy.
Absolutely true statement, and trump is unworthy and has not earned any respect. Over his term, he has earned our disdain.

Aside from saving 951 lives over the 1,000 that Hussein cost by waiting 6 months before he did anything about H1N1, who has done more for Americans.....Trump or Hussein?
He don't get no respect.

Because of Trump's quick actions America hasn't suffered the contagion to the extent that other nations have....but look at how the media handles it.

Which brings to mind this essay of tribute to the one they called god, Jesus and the messiah....

"Obama declares H1N1 emergency
October 26, 2009 8:47 a.m. EDT
Washington (CNN) -- President Obama has declared a national emergency to deal with the "rapid increase in illness" from the H1N1 influenza virus."
Obama declares H1N1 emergency -

It isn't until paragraph 10 that this is noted:

"Since the H1N1 flu pandemic began in April, millions of people in the United States have been infected, at least 20,000 have been hospitalized and more than 1,000 have died, said Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention."

Imagine if Hussein Obama was Paul Revere....we'd be wearing tri-corner hats.


He doesn’t deserve any respect. Here is what your fellow blob said in 2013:

View attachment 312475

Now he isn’t taking responsibility for anything.

"Obama declares H1N1 emergency
October 26, 2009 8:47 a.m. EDT

Washington (CNN) -- President Obama has declared a national emergency to deal with the "rapid increase in illness" from the H1N1 influenza virus."
Obama declares H1N1 emergency -

It isn't until paragraph 10 that this is noted:

"Since the H1N1 flu pandemic began in April, millions of people in the United States have been infected, at least 20,000 have been hospitalized and more than 1,000 have died, said Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention."

6 months and 1,000 American lives.

Who has done more for Americans, Trump or Hussein?
It’s true that Obama didn’t declare a national emergency for six months, but that ignores several other steps the administration took, including declaring a public health emergency the same month that the novel H1N1 infections were first reported.

If you want to declare Victory because of this. Sure.
But don't deny the FACT that the Obama administration was on it within 11 days.

Dotard Trump is no hero.
He is a lying con man.
He is currently conning you RWI's

6 months....1,000 American lives.

Just a fraction, though, of the number of lives that would be lost by guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism.
He don't get no respect.

Because of Trump's quick actions America hasn't suffered the contagion to the extent that other nations have....but look at how the media handles it.

Which brings to mind this essay of tribute to the one they called god, Jesus and the messiah....


Click, click...were, Default to line 030 - BUT OBAMA

Okay, let's get real here. H1N1 isn't Covid-19. It's just the flu. We have treatment for the flu. Yes, people died, but those were people who didn't get treatment or couldn't get treatment because we are the only country that doesn't have universal health care.

Trump's racism (against Asians,mind you!) didn't keep the contagion out. It got here, anyway.
He don't get no respect.

Because of Trump's quick actions America hasn't suffered the contagion to the extent that other nations have....but look at how the media handles it.

Which brings to mind this essay of tribute to the one they called god, Jesus and the messiah....

"Obama declares H1N1 emergency
October 26, 2009 8:47 a.m. EDT
Washington (CNN) -- President Obama has declared a national emergency to deal with the "rapid increase in illness" from the H1N1 influenza virus."
Obama declares H1N1 emergency -

It isn't until paragraph 10 that this is noted:

"Since the H1N1 flu pandemic began in April, millions of people in the United States have been infected, at least 20,000 have been hospitalized and more than 1,000 have died, said Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention."

Imagine if Hussein Obama was Paul Revere....we'd be wearing tri-corner hats.


He doesn’t deserve any respect. Here is what your fellow blob said in 2013:

View attachment 312475

Now he isn’t taking responsibility for anything.

"Obama declares H1N1 emergency
October 26, 2009 8:47 a.m. EDT
Washington (CNN) -- President Obama has declared a national emergency to deal with the "rapid increase in illness" from the H1N1 influenza virus."
Obama declares H1N1 emergency -

It isn't until paragraph 10 that this is noted:

"Since the H1N1 flu pandemic began in April, millions of people in the United States have been infected, at least 20,000 have been hospitalized and more than 1,000 have died, said Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention."

6 months and 1,000 American lives.

Who has done more for Americans, Trump or Hussein?

Clearly President Obama
He don't get no respect.

Because of Trump's quick actions America hasn't suffered the contagion to the extent that other nations have....but look at how the media handles it.

Which brings to mind this essay of tribute to the one they called god, Jesus and the messiah....

"Obama declares H1N1 emergency
October 26, 2009 8:47 a.m. EDT
Washington (CNN) -- President Obama has declared a national emergency to deal with the "rapid increase in illness" from the H1N1 influenza virus."
Obama declares H1N1 emergency -

It isn't until paragraph 10 that this is noted:

"Since the H1N1 flu pandemic began in April, millions of people in the United States have been infected, at least 20,000 have been hospitalized and more than 1,000 have died, said Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention."

Imagine if Hussein Obama was Paul Revere....we'd be wearing tri-corner hats.

YET. You think it will get no worse? What a fool you are.

Obama declared a National Health Emergency in April of that year.
He don't get no respect.

Because of Trump's quick actions America hasn't suffered the contagion to the extent that other nations have....but look at how the media handles it.

Which brings to mind this essay of tribute to the one they called god, Jesus and the messiah....

"Obama declares H1N1 emergency
October 26, 2009 8:47 a.m. EDT
Washington (CNN) -- President Obama has declared a national emergency to deal with the "rapid increase in illness" from the H1N1 influenza virus."
Obama declares H1N1 emergency -

It isn't until paragraph 10 that this is noted:

"Since the H1N1 flu pandemic began in April, millions of people in the United States have been infected, at least 20,000 have been hospitalized and more than 1,000 have died, said Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention."

Imagine if Hussein Obama was Paul Revere....we'd be wearing tri-corner hats.


He doesn’t deserve any respect. Here is what your fellow blob said in 2013:

View attachment 312475

Now he isn’t taking responsibility for anything.

"Obama declares H1N1 emergency
October 26, 2009 8:47 a.m. EDT
Washington (CNN) -- President Obama has declared a national emergency to deal with the "rapid increase in illness" from the H1N1 influenza virus."
Obama declares H1N1 emergency -

It isn't until paragraph 10 that this is noted:

"Since the H1N1 flu pandemic began in April, millions of people in the United States have been infected, at least 20,000 have been hospitalized and more than 1,000 have died, said Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention."

6 months and 1,000 American lives.

Who has done more for Americans, Trump or Hussein?

Clearly President Obama

I know you being a total moron has been proven myriad times....but I enjoy gilding this lily....

1. So, in the context of this thread, costing 951 American lives is a benefit???

2. And, in the larger context, the one you Liberals called god, Jesus and the messiah, benefited Americans by
a. telling illegal aliens to go and vote..'when you vote, you're a citizen yourself'


b. guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism.

Before you next post, you should consider asking yourself” Do I really want the word ‘moron’ in my obituary?”
He don't get no respect.

Because of Trump's quick actions America hasn't suffered the contagion to the extent that other nations have....but look at how the media handles it.

Which brings to mind this essay of tribute to the one they called god, Jesus and the messiah....

"Obama declares H1N1 emergency
October 26, 2009 8:47 a.m. EDT
Washington (CNN) -- President Obama has declared a national emergency to deal with the "rapid increase in illness" from the H1N1 influenza virus."
Obama declares H1N1 emergency -

It isn't until paragraph 10 that this is noted:

"Since the H1N1 flu pandemic began in April, millions of people in the United States have been infected, at least 20,000 have been hospitalized and more than 1,000 have died, said Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention."

Imagine if Hussein Obama was Paul Revere....we'd be wearing tri-corner hats.


He doesn’t deserve any respect. Here is what your fellow blob said in 2013:

View attachment 312475

Now he isn’t taking responsibility for anything.

"Obama declares H1N1 emergency
October 26, 2009 8:47 a.m. EDT
Washington (CNN) -- President Obama has declared a national emergency to deal with the "rapid increase in illness" from the H1N1 influenza virus."
Obama declares H1N1 emergency -

It isn't until paragraph 10 that this is noted:

"Since the H1N1 flu pandemic began in April, millions of people in the United States have been infected, at least 20,000 have been hospitalized and more than 1,000 have died, said Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention."

6 months and 1,000 American lives.

Who has done more for Americans, Trump or Hussein?

Clearly President Obama

I know you being a total moron has been proven myriad times....but I enjoy gilding this lily....

1. So, in the context of this thread, costing 951 American lives is a benefit???

2. And, in the larger context, the one you Liberals called god, Jesus and the messiah, benefited Americans by
a. telling illegal aliens to go and vote..'when you vote, you're a citizen yourself'


b. guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism.

Before you next post, you should consider asking yourself” Do I really want the word ‘moron’ in my obituary?”

I just exposed why your fellow blob gets zero respect... he deserves no respect since he takes no responsibility for his shortcomings you grotesque bitch
Watch me rip you a new one, PoliticalChic

This is the CNN article, stating Obama did nothing for 6 months.

FLAT out lie.
Obama acted on April 26th, 11 days after April 15.
These are the facts, you deny them.
But these are still the FACTS.

On April 26, 2009, the Secretary of Health and Human Services (the "Secretary") first declared a public health emergency under section 319 of the Public Health Service Act,42 U.S.C. 247d, in response to the 2009 H1N1 influenza virus. The Secretary has renewed that declaration twice, on July 24,2009, and October 1, 2009. In addition, by rapidly identifying the virus, implementing public health measures, providing guidance for health professionals and the general public, and developing an effective vaccine, we have taken proactive steps to reduce the impact of the pandemic and protect the health of our citizens. As a Nation, we have prepared at all levels of government, and as individuals and communities, taking unprecedented steps to counter the emerging pandemic. Nevertheless, the 2009 H1N1 pandemic continues to evolve. The rates of illness continue to rise rapidly within many communities across the Nation, and the potential exists for the pandemic to overburden health care resources in some localities. Thus, in recognition of the continuing progression of the pandemic, and in further preparation as a Nation, we are taking additional steps to facilitate our response.
He don't get no respect.

Because of Trump's quick actions America hasn't suffered the contagion to the extent that other nations have....but look at how the media handles it.

Which brings to mind this essay of tribute to the one they called god, Jesus and the messiah....

"Obama declares H1N1 emergency
October 26, 2009 8:47 a.m. EDT
Washington (CNN) -- President Obama has declared a national emergency to deal with the "rapid increase in illness" from the H1N1 influenza virus."
Obama declares H1N1 emergency -

It isn't until paragraph 10 that this is noted:

"Since the H1N1 flu pandemic began in April, millions of people in the United States have been infected, at least 20,000 have been hospitalized and more than 1,000 have died, said Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention."

Imagine if Hussein Obama was Paul Revere....we'd be wearing tri-corner hats.


He doesn’t deserve any respect. Here is what your fellow blob said in 2013:

View attachment 312475

Now he isn’t taking responsibility for anything.

He don't get no respect.

Because of Trump's quick actions America hasn't suffered the contagion to the extent that other nations have....but look at how the media handles it.

Which brings to mind this essay of tribute to the one they called god, Jesus and the messiah....

"Obama declares H1N1 emergency
October 26, 2009 8:47 a.m. EDT
Washington (CNN) -- President Obama has declared a national emergency to deal with the "rapid increase in illness" from the H1N1 influenza virus."
Obama declares H1N1 emergency -

It isn't until paragraph 10 that this is noted:

"Since the H1N1 flu pandemic began in April, millions of people in the United States have been infected, at least 20,000 have been hospitalized and more than 1,000 have died, said Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention."

Imagine if Hussein Obama was Paul Revere....we'd be wearing tri-corner hats.

I'm positive you have not noticed but the orange buffoon doesn't GIVE any respect....

this is rather typical of you and him and conservatives in general....

demanding respect for your hate and your insults and your ignorant opinions and then whining (like snowflakes) when people give you the amount of respect you truly deserve....

you want respect?


In the real world, respect is earned, not freely given like a participation trophy.



trump has NOT earned any respect

Mccain deserved respect and trump mocked and ridiculed him

I could do a quick search and post a THOUSAND times trump has insulted or mocked or ridiculed someone WHO DIDN'T DESERVE it!

so you are right

respect is earned

trump hasn't earned it

Mccain deserved to be tarred and feathered.
He don't get no respect.

Because of Trump's quick actions America hasn't suffered the contagion to the extent that other nations have....but look at how the media handles it.

Which brings to mind this essay of tribute to the one they called god, Jesus and the messiah....

"Obama declares H1N1 emergency
October 26, 2009 8:47 a.m. EDT
Washington (CNN) -- President Obama has declared a national emergency to deal with the "rapid increase in illness" from the H1N1 influenza virus."
Obama declares H1N1 emergency -

It isn't until paragraph 10 that this is noted:

"Since the H1N1 flu pandemic began in April, millions of people in the United States have been infected, at least 20,000 have been hospitalized and more than 1,000 have died, said Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention."

Imagine if Hussein Obama was Paul Revere....we'd be wearing tri-corner hats.

YET. You think it will get no worse? What a fool you are.

Obama declared a National Health Emergency in April of that year.

You may have difficulty with this post, RealDumb, because it requires reading.....but here is the CNN article.

Because of Trump's quick actions America hasn't suffered the contagion to the extent that other nations have....but look at how the media handles it.

Which brings to mind this essay of tribute to the one they called god, Jesus and the messiah....

"Obama declares H1N1 emergency
October 26, 2009 8:47 a.m. EDT
Washington (CNN) -- President Obama has declared a national emergency to deal with the "rapid increase in illness" from the H1N1 influenza virus."
Obama declares H1N1 emergency -

It isn't until paragraph 10 that this is noted:

"Since the H1N1 flu pandemic began in April, millions of people in the United States have been infected, at least 20,000 have been hospitalized and more than 1,000 have died, said Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention."

Please, buy a ticket on the clue train…

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