The Roman Catholic Church never Excommunicate their hitler

3) Given that Jews committed genocide repeatedly during Old Testament times, why do we care about the Holocaust?

As far as I can see you like to eliminate the Old Testament out of the christian religion. Who is Jesus, the unloved Jew, for you? The son of an american soldier in the roman army? And who is your pope? Lefebvre?

guno, read the Old Testament, you Jews were committing genocide before the word was invented.

What exactly do you call "genocide" in this context?
Probably means the various Canaanite nation.

Comes out of the Book.

What exactly calls the Antisemite Blackrook "genocide" in this context? And what exactly do you call now "genocide" in this context?

Judea declared war on Germany, all jews unite, they pretty much ran Britain at that time as well made a huge dent in the US. (the elite Jews I mean, the secular who didn't want to be associated with the Orthodox Yiddish speaking clans.)
3) Given that Jews committed genocide repeatedly during Old Testament times, why do we care about the Holocaust?

As far as I can see you like to eliminate the Old Testament out of the christian religion. Who is Jesus, the unloved Jew, for you? The son of an american soldier in the roman army? And who is your pope? Lefebvre?

guno, read the Old Testament, you Jews were committing genocide before the word was invented.

What exactly do you call "genocide" in this context?
Probably means the various Canaanite nation.

Comes out of the Book.

What exactly calls the Antisemite Blackrook "genocide" in this context? And what exactly do you call now "genocide" in this context?

Judea declared war on Germany, all jews unite, they pretty much ran Britain at that time as well made a huge dent in the US. (the elite Jews I mean, the secular who didn't want to be associated with the Orthodox Yiddish speaking clans.)

What? Nonsense. Yiddish is a german language. German is who speaks a german language. So yiddish speaking Jews are Germans too. The crown of the emperors of the holy empire was as well in the tradition of the Romans as in the traditions of the Jews and showed also king David and king Solomo. The german emperor was directly responsible for the welfare of the Jews. By the way: Jews were Romans since the very early third century and Germans are a mix of Germanics, Celts and Romans. That you are an antisemite has to do with the war of the Normans against the Seljuks - also known as "the frankonian wars" or under the expression "christian dijhads" or "crusades" - where suddenly some Christians - better to say anticatholic pseudochristians - started to attack Jews on no reason to do so.

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3) Given that Jews committed genocide repeatedly during Old Testament times, why do we care about the Holocaust?

As far as I can see you like to eliminate the Old Testament out of the christian religion. Who is Jesus, the unloved Jew, for you? The son of an american soldier in the roman army? And who is your pope? Lefebvre?

guno, read the Old Testament, you Jews were committing genocide before the word was invented.

What exactly do you call "genocide" in this context?
Probably means the various Canaanite nation.

Comes out of the Book.

What exactly calls the Antisemite Blackrook "genocide" in this context? And what exactly do you call now "genocide" in this context?

Judea declared war on Germany, all jews unite, they pretty much ran Britain at that time as well made a huge dent in the US. (the elite Jews I mean, the secular who didn't want to be associated with the Orthodox Yiddish speaking clans.)

What? Nonsense. Yiddish is a german language. German is who speaks a german language. So yiddish speaking Jews are Germans too. The crown of the emperors of the holy empire was as well in the tradition of the Romans as in the traditions of the Jews and showed also king David and king Solomo. The german emperor was directly responsible for the welfare of the Jews. By the way: Jews were Romans since the very early third century and Germans are a mix of Germanics, Celts and Romans. That you are an antisemite has to do with the war of the Normans against the Seljuks - also known as "the frankonian wars" or under the expression "christian dijhads" or "crusades" - where suddenly some Christians - better to say anticatholic pseudochristians - started to attack Jews on no reason to do so.

I'm Roman Catholic. Really the secular Jews or Zionist , assimilated if you will , disassociated from the Yiddish orthodox jews. Israel was to be set up as a secular country, not a jewish one. Most of the orthodox jews were in Poland, fled from Russia, thanks to the secular communist jews hell bent on destroying the EO church.

These Jewish communists were incredibly ruthless in stamping out any type of religious activity by fellow Jews. They killed rabbis, closed the yeshivos and synagogues, banned all religious practices, and enforced it by getting friends to turn in neighbors, children to turn in parents and send them to Siberia for observing the religion. It was the Yevsektsia more than anything else that destroyed the Jewish community in Russia.

Jewish Europe Between the Wars
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3) Given that Jews committed genocide repeatedly during Old Testament times, why do we care about the Holocaust?

As far as I can see you like to eliminate the Old Testament out of the christian religion. Who is Jesus, the unloved Jew, for you? The son of an american soldier in the roman army? And who is your pope? Lefebvre?

What exactly do you call "genocide" in this context?
Probably means the various Canaanite nation.

Comes out of the Book.

What exactly calls the Antisemite Blackrook "genocide" in this context? And what exactly do you call now "genocide" in this context?

Judea declared war on Germany, all jews unite, they pretty much ran Britain at that time as well made a huge dent in the US. (the elite Jews I mean, the secular who didn't want to be associated with the Orthodox Yiddish speaking clans.)

What? Nonsense. Yiddish is a german language. German is who speaks a german language. So yiddish speaking Jews are Germans too. The crown of the emperors of the holy empire was as well in the tradition of the Romans as in the traditions of the Jews and showed also king David and king Solomo. The german emperor was directly responsible for the welfare of the Jews. By the way: Jews were Romans since the very early third century and Germans are a mix of Germanics, Celts and Romans. That you are an antisemite has to do with the war of the Normans against the Seljuks - also known as "the frankonian wars" or under the expression "christian dijhads" or "crusades" - where suddenly some Christians - better to say anticatholic pseudochristians - started to attack Jews on no reason to do so.

I'm Roman Catholic.

Nice or a nice joke. If an antisemitic Nazi used the expression "jewish religion" he used this expression sometimes also for Catholics and if Nazis spoke about "Blacks" then they spoke in their racistic ways often also about white Clerics of the catholic church. So I beg your pardon - but what do you think is a Catholic? Someone who believes in the enemies of the holy catholic church or someone who is sure the gates of hell never will overcome us? Stop it to be an entry point for the evil into our world. Stop it to be an antisemite! An antisemite is not able to love the jewish=human character of Jesus, the Christ.

Most of the orthodox jews

I guess you speak about Chassidim. Chassidim spoke yiddish. Yiddish is a german language - that's maybe a reason why sometimes in Poland Antisemites and Antigermans are the same people, although they collaborated with the Nazis too. And please: I don't speak about everyone in Poland now. Lots of the polish people were heroes - but not everyone was it.

were in Poland, fled from Russia,

Stalin was an Antisemite too. And the Commies were against religious people of all religions - also against Jews. Jews were by the way not the only german population in the East of Europe including Russia.

thanks to the secular communist jews hell bent on destroying the EO church.

The Commies were enemies of all and every religion and spirituality. They were materialists and propagated science instead of religion as for example the Brights are doing today too. To call Communists Jews in sense of Antisemitism is the same as to call Communists Catholics or Orthodox Christians.

These Jewish communists were incredibly ruthless in stamping out any type of religious activity by fellow Jews. They killed rabbis, closed the yeshivos and synagogues, banned all religious practices, and enforced it by getting friends to turn in neighbors, children to turn in parents and send them to Siberia for observing the religion. It was the Yevsektsia more than anything else that destroyed the Jewish community in Russia. ...

Good grieve. So you are an Antisemite because [communistic] Jews murdered [jewish] Rabbis? Do you know that the Popes and the roman Emperors of german (=united) nation often helped the Jews in history how it was their duty to do? Are such Clerics and Nobles in the middle ages also Commies in your view on the world?

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Oh you think I have something against jews because according to the bible they brought him to the romans to be put to death, no not at all. I just see them for what they are. They have you trained well, calling me an anti-Semite, that is what they use to shut people up.

I owe nothing to jews, they had the nerve to make WWII all about them, and still use it to the max. Over 65 mil people died in WWII, and many got rich and the Zionist got Israel, then again they started it.
The man has been dead for 70 years. Who the fuck cares? Give it a rest already.

Most people don't understand what had happend more than 70 years ago - but expect from the people who lived 70 years ago they should had to understand. If we don't think now - when there is time to think - what will happen if no one has no time to think any longer? The new international Nazis are thousands times more dangerous than the old Nazis. Today everyone could know.

Oh you think I have something against jews because according to the bible they brought him to the romans to be put to death, no not at all. I just see them for what they are.

But what knows an ET about the world? Never any Jew did you something bad, isn't it?

They have you trained well, calling me an anti-Semite, that is what they use to shut people up.

Because you are an Antisemite someone calls you an Antisemite - what would not happen if Jews are not existing. What about Sami or Innuit? Any special opinion about hem? Indeed you know more about them, because you know about Jews less than nothing, although it's easy to know something about Jews. Why do you think for example had the Nazis in Germany to use a marker - the yellow star - for Jews in public, so they were able to discriminate them? Exactly - because Jews were not Aryans like all other Germans were not Aryans too. But the people believed in this propaganda. And the Nazis had for everything an easy answer. The sun was for example an iceberg in their ideology.

I owe nothing to jews, they had the nerve to make WWII all about them,

World war 2 was in general a result of the mad world which was created after world war 1. Hitler was a mad man of this mad world. More concrete: Hitler and Stalin together started world war 2 with the so called "Deutsch-sowjetischer Nichtangriffspakt" (=Hitler-Stalin-Pakt=Molotow-Ribbentrop-Pakt=Ribbentrop-Molotow-Pakt). In this pakt they negated the right to exist of the polish nation.

and still use it to the max. Over 65 mil people died in WWII, and many got rich and the Zionist got Israel, then again they started it.

World war 2 was a minimum of two different wars. For the USA this was a war against Japan over the Pacific and a war against Germany over the Atlantic. In both wars together died about 50 million people. More than 50% were Russians (27 millions). About 5.7-6.3 million Jews were massmurdered in an industrialized way of massmurder mostly known under the name "holocaust". About 1.5 million Jews fought against the Nazis in the different armies of the world. This caused the joke: "The Germans lost the war because of the Jewish soldiers and officers." "How? They had none!" "Exactly!". To make out of this self-defense a motor of this war is totally wrong. For example: Because Hitler lived in fear after Pearl Harbor the USA could first fight against Japan and afterwards against Germany he declared the USA the war. He needed world war 2. Only with the war he was able to do things no one was able to imagine before Hitler lived.

I hope you are able to stop it to be an Antisemite with the help of god and the power of your real identity and true thoughts - so not a weapon has to stop you one day, because this will be the only chance for others to survive.

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