The Romney Path To 271;Indiana,N.Carolina,Iowa,Michigan,Wisconsin,New Hampshire&Fla.

Mar 16, 2012


At this point of the election, we can safely assume that Indiana,Iowa,Michigan,North Carolina & Florida should be a lock for Romney, we still have to wait for future polling in Wisconsin,New Hampshire and Iowa. But based on polling we have seen all year, these states are all in favor or trending GOP. These states are also favoring Romney and "A.B.O.". Now we have to wait and see who the VP is, and that will change everything.Whether it's Rubio,Ryan or Portman, it will give Romney a boost.
i think if Romney picks Paul Ryan, the GOP and Conservatives will be more energized, and Obama can cross off Wisconsin!
At this point of the election, we can safely assume that Indiana,Iowa,Michigan,North Carolina & Florida should be a lock for Romney

If Romney has them locked up, shouldn't he be leading in more than two of them?

To be sure, there are only two states not won by McCain in which Romney isn’t trailing the president in the RCP Average. They are Indiana, where the last survey taken was in March, and North Carolina, where Romney leads the president in the RCP Average, 47.3 percent to 45.3 percent.

In Ohio, Obama beats Romney in the average by 2.6 percentage points, and in Virginia it’s 2.4 points. The president is ahead in Iowa by 2.5 points and leads by 1.7 points in Florida.

Out West, the president is doing even better: He leads Romney by a 5.3-point margin in Nevada -- a state Republicans believe is automatically in play due to its dubious distinction of having the highest unemployment rate of any state in the country at 11.2 percent. In Colorado -- where Romney will visit Tuesday -- Obama leads by 3 points.

In half of the states Romney hit along his six-state bus tour in June (which also featured Iowa and Ohio, mentioned above), the president is comfortably ahead. Obama enjoys an 8-point lead over his challenger in the RCP Average in Pennsylvania and a 5.7-point lead in New Hampshire, where Romney owns a vacation home and spent the last week. Obama has a 3-point advantage in the RCP Average in Wisconsin. Michigan, however, is closer. Obama has a lead of only 1.8 points there.
At this point of the election, we can safely assume that Indiana,Iowa,Michigan,North Carolina & Florida should be a lock for Romney

If Romney has them locked up, shouldn't he be leading in more than two of them?

To be sure, there are only two states not won by McCain in which Romney isn’t trailing the president in the RCP Average. They are Indiana, where the last survey taken was in March, and North Carolina, where Romney leads the president in the RCP Average, 47.3 percent to 45.3 percent.

In Ohio, Obama beats Romney in the average by 2.6 percentage points, and in Virginia it’s 2.4 points. The president is ahead in Iowa by 2.5 points and leads by 1.7 points in Florida.

Out West, the president is doing even better: He leads Romney by a 5.3-point margin in Nevada -- a state Republicans believe is automatically in play due to its dubious distinction of having the highest unemployment rate of any state in the country at 11.2 percent. In Colorado -- where Romney will visit Tuesday -- Obama leads by 3 points.

In half of the states Romney hit along his six-state bus tour in June (which also featured Iowa and Ohio, mentioned above), the president is comfortably ahead. Obama enjoys an 8-point lead over his challenger in the RCP Average in Pennsylvania and a 5.7-point lead in New Hampshire, where Romney owns a vacation home and spent the last week. Obama has a 3-point advantage in the RCP Average in Wisconsin. Michigan, however, is closer. Obama has a lead of only 1.8 points there.

No kidding, the OP is out of his mind. Obama is kicking the crap out of Willard in virtually every key swing state.
does anyone really take polling seriously? today the conservative media is disclosing how many pollsters are oversampling demorats....and undersampling republicans and independents. I live in florida and pretty much most people here cant stand obama. and cant wait to vote him out.
BTW when it's over, Romney will have much more than 271
BTW when it's over, Romney will have much more than 271

That's the problem with the electoral college that Republicans have. With the preponderance of blue states Republicans have to sweep the swing states just to reach 271

Like Bush showed, Republicans are capable of winning a close election. Their days of winning a landslide are way behind them
BTW when it's over, Romney will have much more than 271

That's the problem with the electoral college that Republicans have. With the preponderance of blue states Republicans have to sweep the swing states just to reach 271

Like Bush showed, Republicans are capable of winning a close election. Their days of winning a landslide are way behind them

Like usual, you are completely backwards. The census redistributed EC votes towards traditionally more conservative states. That means Romney starts with an advantage.

Also, did you notice how more and more of the swing states are ones that were formerly blue? You think Democrats struggling to maintain their base is going to hurt Republicans?
BTW when it's over, Romney will have much more than 271

That's the problem with the electoral college that Republicans have. With the preponderance of blue states Republicans have to sweep the swing states just to reach 271

Like Bush showed, Republicans are capable of winning a close election. Their days of winning a landslide are way behind them

Like usual, you are completely backwards. The census redistributed EC votes towards traditionally more conservative states. That means Romney starts with an advantage.

Also, did you notice how more and more of the swing states are ones that were formerly blue? You think Democrats struggling to maintain their base is going to hurt Republicans?

Romney is way behind in non swing states. Obama currently leads in ten of twelve swing states

Read it and weep
does anyone really take polling seriously? today the conservative media is disclosing how many pollsters are oversampling demorats....and undersampling republicans and independents. I live in florida and pretty much most people here cant stand obama. and cant wait to vote him out.

Because that's the right wing propaganda agenda. Spread lies, makes up excuses, and their sheep eat it up because they want to hear only what they want to hear, not the truth.
Like usual, you are completely backwards. The census redistributed EC votes towards traditionally more conservative states. That means Romney starts with an advantage.

What electoral map are you looking at that doesn't show at least a 40 electoral vote lead for Obama? Electoral-vote doesn't do leaners so it has him up by over 100,, 270towin's default has him up 69, HuffoPo has it at a 62-EC vote Obama lead, FiveThirtyEight has his lead at about 51, RCP has it at 40 votes without toss-ups (Obama +126 with toss-ups included).

Where are you seeing the Romney advantage?
and keep in the mind the other newest poll showing that at least 65% feel our nation is going down the toilet, then how can the media claim that Bambi has a 47% approval with near 70% of us in fear of our lives&childrens lives?
The scenario is comically illogical.

If Romney were strong enough in the Rust Belt to take Michigan, he'd take Ohio.

Grow up, newbies.
John McCain led Obama for 10 straight days on the realclear average,

in September of 2008. Try to keep that in mind before you waste too much energy trying to make something of these polls.
He won't make it. Michigan and Wisconsin will be in Obama's column. Romney didn't want to save GM and Wisconsin is dominated by Chicago.
Like usual, you are completely backwards. The census redistributed EC votes towards traditionally more conservative states. That means Romney starts with an advantage.

What electoral map are you looking at that doesn't show at least a 40 electoral vote lead for Obama? Electoral-vote doesn't do leaners so it has him up by over 100,, 270towin's default has him up 69, HuffoPo has it at a 62-EC vote Obama lead, FiveThirtyEight has his lead at about 51, RCP has it at 40 votes without toss-ups (Obama +126 with toss-ups included).

Where are you seeing the Romney advantage?

Basically 8 EV's moved to the red states due to the census re-distribution.
Romney should take Ohio being the residents told Obama that he can take his forced health-care bill and shove it up axlerods ass in a 65/35 decision.
He won't make it. Michigan and Wisconsin will be in Obama's column. Romney didn't want to save GM and Wisconsin is dominated by Chicago.

Obama will at least take NH, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa and Nevada

More than enough to win
i just dont see o'bozo taking florida,,,,,he will lose the middle of the state, an area that was hurt significantly thanks to obama and his anti business thugs.

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