'The Rose Effect': Father kills both children, committs suicide


Gold Member
Apr 11, 2012
Where the wild things are
Magen David Adom paramedics pronounced on Wednesday the death of a Eli Gur, 52, and his children, 4-year-old girl – Eden – and 5-year-old boy – Yahav – who fell from the 11th floor of a Tel Aviv building.

At approximately 3 pm Wednesday, Eli had arrived at the Bat Hefer house of the children's mother, Ronit, from whom he was in the process of divorcing, took the couple's children, presumably forcibly, and drove away. When he forced the children into the car he reportedly told their mother: "I'm going to kill them."

Ronit then reported the incident to the Tayibe police department, which launched a helicopter-assisted search after the father, but when he was located it was already too late.

Eli drove the kids to a Tel Aviv building that has an elevator to which one can enter from outside of the building without entering through the front door. The three reportedly climbed to the eleventh floor, from which they eventually plunged to their deaths.


Source: Ynetnews.com

***On August 2008, the Israeli police and public were informed about the tragic story of a 4 year old toddler, Rose Pizem. She was abused for years by her mother and grandfather, after suffering previous abuse by her biological father as well. Rose's mother urged the grandfather to get rid of the toddler, and she was murdered on May 12th, night-time. Her body was dumped into a Tel-Aviv river, found only months later (Rose's murder was also the inspiration of child-killer Melissa Huckaby, when killing little Sandra Cantu, on 2009.

The murder of Rose, discovered on September 2008, brought forth the horrific killings of 3 more children, two of them were Alon Borisov (was drowned to death in the sea by his mentally unstable mother) and Michael Krotchekov, 4 years old, who was drowned in a tub by his mother, Regina.

The despicable murder of Rose was known to be the trigger of killer mothers, 2008 was the most difficult year in Israel, due to multiple child-murdered, all following the Rose Pizem Case. Therefore, the phenomenon of fathers or mothers killing their children as part of a pattern followed by a previous killing, gained in Israel the name of "The Rose Effect".


Less than 48 hours previous to the two children being killed by their father, an unstable woman in Jerusalem stabbed both of her children to death, injuring herself in the process. their names were not released.

They were 7 and 5 years old.

Blessed be the memory of the tender pure children.
Magen David Adom paramedics pronounced on Wednesday the death of a Eli Gur, 52, and his children, 4-year-old girl – Eden – and 5-year-old boy – Yahav – who fell from the 11th floor of a Tel Aviv building.

At approximately 3 pm Wednesday, Eli had arrived at the Bat Hefer house of the children's mother, Ronit, from whom he was in the process of divorcing, took the couple's children, presumably forcibly, and drove away. When he forced the children into the car he reportedly told their mother: "I'm going to kill them."

Ronit then reported the incident to the Tayibe police department, which launched a helicopter-assisted search after the father, but when he was located it was already too late.

Eli drove the kids to a Tel Aviv building that has an elevator to which one can enter from outside of the building without entering through the front door. The three reportedly climbed to the eleventh floor, from which they eventually plunged to their deaths.


Source: Ynetnews.com

***On August 2008, the Israeli police and public were informed about the tragic story of a 4 year old toddler, Rose Pizem. She was abused for years by her mother and grandfather, after suffering previous abuse by her biological father as well. Rose's mother urged the grandfather to get rid of the toddler, and she was murdered on May 12th, night-time. Her body was dumped into a Tel-Aviv river, found only months later (Rose's murder was also the inspiration of child-killer Melissa Huckaby, when killing little Sandra Cantu, on 2009.

The murder of Rose, discovered on September 2008, brought forth the horrific killings of 3 more children, two of them were Alon Borisov (was drowned to death in the sea by his mentally unstable mother) and Michael Krotchekov, 4 years old, who was drowned in a tub by his mother, Regina.

The despicable murder of Rose was known to be the trigger of killer mothers, 2008 was the most difficult year in Israel, due to multiple child-murdered, all following the Rose Pizem Case. Therefore, the phenomenon of fathers or mothers killing their children as part of a pattern followed by a previous killing, gained in Israel the name of "The Rose Effect".


Less than 48 hours previous to the two children being killed by their father, an unstable woman in Jerusalem stabbed both of her children to death, injuring herself in the process. their names were not released.

They were 7 and 5 years old.

Blessed be the memory of the tender pure children.
Magen David Adom paramedics pronounced on Wednesday the death of a Eli Gur, 52, and his children, 4-year-old girl – Eden – and 5-year-old boy – Yahav – who fell from the 11th floor of a Tel Aviv building.

At approximately 3 pm Wednesday, Eli had arrived at the Bat Hefer house of the children's mother, Ronit, from whom he was in the process of divorcing, took the couple's children, presumably forcibly, and drove away. When he forced the children into the car he reportedly told their mother: "I'm going to kill them."

Ronit then reported the incident to the Tayibe police department, which launched a helicopter-assisted search after the father, but when he was located it was already too late.

Eli drove the kids to a Tel Aviv building that has an elevator to which one can enter from outside of the building without entering through the front door. The three reportedly climbed to the eleventh floor, from which they eventually plunged to their deaths.


Source: Ynetnews.com

***On August 2008, the Israeli police and public were informed about the tragic story of a 4 year old toddler, Rose Pizem. She was abused for years by her mother and grandfather, after suffering previous abuse by her biological father as well. Rose's mother urged the grandfather to get rid of the toddler, and she was murdered on May 12th, night-time. Her body was dumped into a Tel-Aviv river, found only months later (Rose's murder was also the inspiration of child-killer Melissa Huckaby, when killing little Sandra Cantu, on 2009.

The murder of Rose, discovered on September 2008, brought forth the horrific killings of 3 more children, two of them were Alon Borisov (was drowned to death in the sea by his mentally unstable mother) and Michael Krotchekov, 4 years old, who was drowned in a tub by his mother, Regina.

The despicable murder of Rose was known to be the trigger of killer mothers, 2008 was the most difficult year in Israel, due to multiple child-murdered, all following the Rose Pizem Case. Therefore, the phenomenon of fathers or mothers killing their children as part of a pattern followed by a previous killing, gained in Israel the name of "The Rose Effect".


Less than 48 hours previous to the two children being killed by their father, an unstable woman in Jerusalem stabbed both of her children to death, injuring herself in the process. their names were not released.

They were 7 and 5 years old.

Blessed be the memory of the tender pure children.

Yes indeed.

After Rose was killed, they called for a special committee to discuss what can possibly done in cases where "the adress's written on the wall".

The bill was never discussed though.

Seing Rose's sad eyes in the days following used to break my heart, everyone here said and called to learn from her case, but apperently nothing changed much.


hopefully it'll change in the future:(

Sad to see the level our society is reducing itself into!
Terrible ! There have been several murder-suicides in Israel recently, I wonder why

BTW Lipush the Israeli woman who was is your sig, the one missing in Germany , was found dead from a possible fall. I'm sure you already knew that tohugh, but I just read it. She was so young too :(
Terrible ! There have been several murder-suicides in Israel recently, I wonder why

BTW Lipush the Israeli woman who was is your sig, the one missing in Germany , was found dead from a possible fall. I'm sure you already knew that tohugh, but I just read it. She was so young too :(

Yes, that is why I also changed my sig, she was a friend's sibling, I had hopes, sadly, it ended the way it did:(. First they were told she was murdered, but then they said it was an accident. from a fall. so so sad:(

In Israel, it was proven in field that when one family or parent, kills their kids, suddenly all the psychos are out and a domino-phenomenon starts (What is called 'The Rose Effect' here). problem is in Israel that there is still a difference in court, between woman-killers and men-killers. Mothers usually get more sympathy, and its very uncommon that a killing mother will be sentenced to life-imprisonment over killing a child.

Marie Pizem, Rose's mom, I think was one of the only women in the last decade who was sentenced to full life-sentence in prison. That is because this case was so horrible that the judges knew that anything less will bring the people to the streets.

The mind and soul doesn't get how a mom push her husband to kill her baby. that's just something that one cannot grasp, and that is why the punishment was full.

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