The Rot In The Supreme Court Goes Beyond Clarence And Ginni Thomas

There is nothing in COTUS to even suggest 5-4 or 6-3 is proof of anything; what you need to reference is in the Declaration of Independence, to wit:

"The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness"

The facts are the Supreme Court, and the five hard core conservatives are biased bigots.

Furthermore, the only way for you to prove what you claimed would be to pass an amendment in COTUS as noted in Article V of the original Constitution.
The fact is you only object to a conservative majority. You would embrace the court as perfectly suited for its job if the scenario was a 6-3 liberal majority.

Thy name is hypocrite.
The rules… would have Clarence Thomas recusing himself from any decision involving Trump


You leftards are such assholes it's unbelievable.

Supreme Court Justices can vote for whomever they want. They are also free to express political opinions. (Ruth Bader Ginsburg did it all the time).

They can do that, AND still do their jobs, because the Constitution has nothing to do with political opinion.

You're just being a retarded little leftist two year old who isn't getting his way so he decides to throw a temper tantrum.

Sometimes a good swift spanking helps. We'll see.
The fact is you only object to a conservative majority. You would embrace the court as perfectly suited for its job if the scenario was a 6-3 liberal majority.

Thy name is hypocrite.
Another one of the crowd screaming "democracy" until it doesn't go their way. Hypocrite us too nice a word.
The fact is you only object to a conservative majority. You would embrace the court as perfectly suited for its job if the scenario was a 6-3 liberal majority.

Thy name is hypocrite.
Please don't post a dream of yours and blame me for being a hypocrite. For the Record, the Trump nominees all lied when asked about R v. W. That's very clear, and yet the decision backfired as the majority of American Citizens are angry, and more than angry when the State Legislatures are making felons out of their own citizens.

BTW: Writing about hypocrisy, did you know the Republican Minority in the H. or Rep. voted against funding for FEMA, and now want The Federal Government to pay for the damage of the Hurricane?

You should support President Biden who has empathy and did not reject the needs of those in Florida, Georgia and S. Carolina; FEMA is on the spot, sadly that trump has yet to pass out paper towels for those in need.
Fly catcher obviously agrees with oddball.
I put you on ignore do to the fact that you are a stupid asshole. I've put a number of stupid assholes and singular assholes on parole.

It's so much fun to read the BIG LIES and Conspiracy Fantasies of people like you as you would not thrive without them. Keep it up, you are and always will be an asshole, and stupid do to the fact that no one believes you, though some trumpanzees echo you.
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Well stated and true. Be prepared for the kooks to use lies and attacks on your character. The have no smarts enough to write a rebuttal do to the fact that they have no facts to do so.
Near all agendas of Progs is based on a high tax national and local state.
Please don't post a dream of yours and blame me for being a hypocrite.
I didn’t. You are a hypocrite.
For the Record, the Trump nominees all lied when asked about R v. W. That's very clear,
It is neither clear nor true at all. You just lied, in fact. Not one lie was muttered by any Trump nominee.
and yet the decision backfired as the majority of American Citizens are angry,
Doesn’t seem that way. In fact, the Dobbs decision only serves to return the issue to the States. Alarmists like you think it’s a death knell to women’s rights. But if you were willing to actually think, you’d likely take note that even some conservative states are ok with some abortions.
and more than angry when the State Legislatures are making felons out of their own citizens.
You mean like Kansas? That’s odd. I would assume the Kansas decision would be embraced by all you bed wetting pro-abortion “rights” types.
BTW: Writing about hypocrisy, did you know the Republican Minority in the H. or Rep. voted against funding for FEMA, and now want The Federal Government to pay for the damage of the Hurricane?
So? Take it up with them. I can certainly see a valid argument that it isn’t the obligation of the Federal treasury to assist particular states and their people for every random natural catastrophe. But it would be foolish not to seek it for one’s state citizens if it’s available.
You should support President Biden who has empathy and did not reject the needs of those in Florida, Georgia and S. Carolina;
You’re cuckoo. You should be demanding that Congress impeach Brandon for trying to display his “empathy” outside the parameters of his actual duties at the expense of all taxpayers.
FEMA is on the spot, sadly that trump has yet to pass out paper towels for those in need.
Oh. My. You were so close to making an actual sentence there.
You don't care that conservative judges and justices are biased? No one dares to believe you are an American patriot.
You seem to forget that all liberal judges and justices are biased. Or that just simply doesn’t concern you. You remain a hypocrite.
I put you on ignore do to the fact that you are a stupid asshole. I've put a number of stupid assholes and singular assholes on parole.

It's so much fun to read the BIG LIES and Conspiracy Fantasies of people like you as you would not thrive without them. Keep it up, you are and always will be an asshole, and stupid do to the fact that no one believes you, though some trumpanzees echo you.
You are nothing but a troll. And we all know it. You can’t carry the weight for your side of any argument.

Listen up, you dishonest hack bitch troll. You can falsely label a claim as a “big lie,” any time you want to. But your labels aren’t worth a thing. The modern American liberal political philosophy is itself a big lie. And I suspect even a brain dead troll like you actually knows that’s the case.

You’ve been one of the biggest assholes to ever infect this Board. And you’re only reason to be concerned is that there are many others out there as dishonest and as vapid as you are.

You libtards are hostile to truth. You’re a classic example of that. And by the way, if you can’t read this because you did suddenly place me on “ignore,” then it won’t matter to you that I call out your bullshit. It’s all you have to offer.

I suppose it is possible that you believe that someone out here values your opinions. That’s funny though. Most people recognize you for what you are. A big-mouthed dishonest libtard troll.

Back on topic, you little bitch. It was not a lie to testify that Roe v. Wade was “settled law.” It had been. But, if you stupidly believed that saying as much meant it couldn’t be touched, then you deserve to be embarrassed. You imbecile.

You know what was “settled law” for a longer period of time than Roe v. Wade? Plessy v. Ferguson. Yet it got overruled too. Justifiably so in both cases.
Near all agendas of Progs is based on a high tax national and local state.
Yep, and the blue states send dollars to the Red States and via the Federal Government that money was supposed to benefit the needy.

Did you see the story of the water in Mississippi and the needy people suffer, and yet the State Republican Pols gave millions of that money to build a new gymnasium for Farve's Daughter.

Of course not, you never watch or listen to the MSM, Fox and AM Radio all censor this message.

Bring a good liberal I've posted three links, and one of them (Oh gasp) was from a Fox local TV Station


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