The Rush Limbaugh media lynch mob

If you can't prove it, then it never happened. But I'll play along. So, tell me when this alleged show was aired and how was Chelsea's picture displayed?

It was aired on his short lived TV Show and a still picture of her was flashed on the TV screen with her long very wavy hair covering her face. There must have also been a screen of some kind for his live audience to see as they howled with laughter immediately after it was flashed on the TV screen.
If you can get me access to complete unedited transcripts of his TV show I will be able to find it. You posted a transcript from another show, but no link to the actual transcripts so others can search through the transcripts. We are expected to believe a CON$ervative is telling the truth when they say there is no other transcript involving Chelsea and a dog, when, having seen it myself, I know he's lying, which is why there is no link to the collection of TV Show transcripts.

For the record I think both you and payperview are liars for claiming you watched Rush's television show. That fact that you and payperview are not conservatives I find it highly unlikely either of you would tune in on a Friday to watch a conservative talk show, especially Rush's show of whom you both seem to despise. The partial transcript I posted was the only show where he discussed the whitehouse pets and Chelsea. The only reference that can be found of the scenario you present is the one that Franken wrote about in his book and that was shown to be untrue.

Oh and nice dodge on the questions I posed. I expected as much.
Obviously you NEVER watched his TV show because it was on Monday to Friday!!! :rofl:

Actually, I started watching him on TV during the Summer of 1992. Unlike his slacker audience I worked during the day back then so I couldn't listen to his radio show like I can now that I am retired. I met some CON$ at the beach and they told me I had to listen to him because they were not quoting him very well when I shot down their arguments. So I did. They had his book prominently displayed in the Summer rental they had as a conversation started.
Before LimpBoy I used to watch Morton Downey Jr "puke" his CON$ervative "pablum" on TV. :lol: As a Cynic I watch and listen to everybody on all sides, not just Left and Right. I am a lifelong registered Independent who has always voted 3rd Party or Write-in, and never for either major Party.
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It was aired on his short lived TV Show and a still picture of her was flashed on the TV screen with her long very wavy hair covering her face. There must have also been a screen of some kind for his live audience to see as they howled with laughter immediately after it was flashed on the TV screen.
If you can get me access to complete unedited transcripts of his TV show I will be able to find it. You posted a transcript from another show, but no link to the actual transcripts so others can search through the transcripts. We are expected to believe a CON$ervative is telling the truth when they say there is no other transcript involving Chelsea and a dog, when, having seen it myself, I know he's lying, which is why there is no link to the collection of TV Show transcripts.

For the record I think both you and payperview are liars for claiming you watched Rush's television show. That fact that you and payperview are not conservatives I find it highly unlikely either of you would tune in on a Friday to watch a conservative talk show, especially Rush's show of whom you both seem to despise. The partial transcript I posted was the only show where he discussed the whitehouse pets and Chelsea. The only reference that can be found of the scenario you present is the one that Franken wrote about in his book and that was shown to be untrue.

Oh and nice dodge on the questions I posed. I expected as much.
This is typical of the slurping dittohead Lonestar Logic. Call people liars when they refute the evidence. Time and again. I've even seen you respond to actual clips of Fox News shows and say "how do we know that isn't faked" (paraphrased). Jaw-droppingly stupid.

You refuse any evidence which upsets your pretzel logic applecart.

For your information, I have been listening to Limbaugh on the radio since the first day he was syndicated. I watched his short-lived TV show.
I have logged thousands and thousands of hours listening to Rush (and Hannity, before he was even syndicated) and Beck, way back in the early 2000's. (He was funny then too) -- I have made it a practice of mine to "know they enemy" and Rush has been there to display his methods and madness for a long time now. I'm listening.

I have found to understand the other side, I need to do that. It arms me for debate when I take the time to hear the conservative perspective, which I why I have always been drawn to right wing outlets.

On occasion, I even temper my criticism upon hearing a well deduced argument.

I know it seems incomprehensible for you, a gold-star dittohead, to understand some folks like to hear all sides and will go out of their way to seek the voices from opposing ideologies, but in the real world, LL, it happens.

Dittohead world, not so much.

Now, I've commented Rush did apologize for his nasty attack on Chelsea, and for that I credit Rush.

You seem to keep insisting it didn't happen, to which I say: then why did he apologize?

I call you a liar because well, that's what I think you are. You refuted no evidence, you haven't presented any evidence. All you have is, " I saw it on TV" sixteen or seventeen years ago. You then provide news articles that echoes Franken's book which has already been shown to be nothing short of a lie.

He apologized for showing the damn picture of the cat instead of Chelsea. Damn didn't you read the transcript?!?!?!

No what I disputed was not the clip of Fox News but the clip you allege Fox presented, but i don't expect you to be smart enough to understand that possibility.

My understanding a of a "dittohead" is someone that faithfully listens to Rush, which pretty much describes yourself. I rarely listen to Rush, fact is I only listen to him when there's a subject of controversy, I personally can't stand the guy. But the truth is the truth and you don't have any evidence that supports your claim. You have nothing but the distorted lies of Franken and Irvings and a memory of a television showed that aired 16 or 17 years ago. If I agreed with you, we would both be wrong.
It was aired on his short lived TV Show and a still picture of her was flashed on the TV screen with her long very wavy hair covering her face. There must have also been a screen of some kind for his live audience to see as they howled with laughter immediately after it was flashed on the TV screen.
If you can get me access to complete unedited transcripts of his TV show I will be able to find it. You posted a transcript from another show, but no link to the actual transcripts so others can search through the transcripts. We are expected to believe a CON$ervative is telling the truth when they say there is no other transcript involving Chelsea and a dog, when, having seen it myself, I know he's lying, which is why there is no link to the collection of TV Show transcripts.

For the record I think both you and payperview are liars for claiming you watched Rush's television show. That fact that you and payperview are not conservatives I find it highly unlikely either of you would tune in on a Friday to watch a conservative talk show, especially Rush's show of whom you both seem to despise. The partial transcript I posted was the only show where he discussed the whitehouse pets and Chelsea. The only reference that can be found of the scenario you present is the one that Franken wrote about in his book and that was shown to be untrue.

Oh and nice dodge on the questions I posed. I expected as much.
Obviously you NEVER watched his TV show because it was on Monday to Friday!!! :rofl:

Actually, I started watching him on TV during the Summer of 1992. Unlike his slacker audience I worked during the day back then so I couldn't listen to his radio show like I can now that I am retired. I met some CON$ at the beach and they told me I had to listen to him because they were not quoting him very well when I shot down their arguments. So I did. They had his book prominently displayed in the Summer rental they had as a conversation started.
Before LimpBoy I used to watch Morton Downey Jr "puke" his CON$ervative "pablum" on TV. :lol: As a Cynic I watch and listen to everybody on all sides, not just Left and Right. I am a lifelong registered Independent who has always voted 3rd Party or Write-in, and never for either major Party.

His first show was in Sept. of 1992, you consider that summertime? Oh and no I didn't watch his show, I don't like the guy. However the show in question happened on a Friday, hence my Friday reference, Nov. 6th 1992 to be exact. What you say may be true, but I'll reserve my right not to believe you, until more evidence is produced.
For the record I think both you and payperview are liars for claiming you watched Rush's television show. That fact that you and payperview are not conservatives I find it highly unlikely either of you would tune in on a Friday to watch a conservative talk show, especially Rush's show of whom you both seem to despise. The partial transcript I posted was the only show where he discussed the whitehouse pets and Chelsea. The only reference that can be found of the scenario you present is the one that Franken wrote about in his book and that was shown to be untrue.

Oh and nice dodge on the questions I posed. I expected as much.
Obviously you NEVER watched his TV show because it was on Monday to Friday!!! :rofl:

Actually, I started watching him on TV during the Summer of 1992. Unlike his slacker audience I worked during the day back then so I couldn't listen to his radio show like I can now that I am retired. I met some CON$ at the beach and they told me I had to listen to him because they were not quoting him very well when I shot down their arguments. So I did. They had his book prominently displayed in the Summer rental they had as a conversation started.
Before LimpBoy I used to watch Morton Downey Jr "puke" his CON$ervative "pablum" on TV. :lol: As a Cynic I watch and listen to everybody on all sides, not just Left and Right. I am a lifelong registered Independent who has always voted 3rd Party or Write-in, and never for either major Party.

His first show was in Sept. of 1992, you consider that summertime? Oh and no I didn't watch his show, I don't like the guy. However the show in question happened on a Friday, hence my Friday reference, Nov. 6th 1992 to be exact. What you say may be true, but I'll reserve my right not to believe you, until more evidence is produced.
September is still summer where I live and I wouldn't be so sure of that Nov 6th date.

Like I said, I have a very vivid memory of the picture he used with her very wavy hair almost completely covering her face.
Michael J. Fox incident

On the October 23, 2006 edition of his radio show, Limbaugh imitated on the "DittoCam" (the webcam for website subscribers to see him on the air) the physical symptoms of actor Michael J. Fox, who has Parkinson's disease.[19][20] He said "(Fox) is exaggerating the effects of the disease. He's moving all around and shaking and it's purely an act ... This is really shameless of Michael J. Fox. Either he didn't take his medication or he's acting."[21]

Rush acting like a big man again by attacking someone with a disease.

During an October 26 edition of his nationally syndicated radio show, Rush Limbaugh "apologize[d]" for being "wrong" in "speculat[ing]" that actor Michael J. Fox either "didn't take his medication or he was acting" in a recent campaign advertisement for Missouri Democratic Senate candidate Claire McCaskill.

The fact is, while Fox acknowledged on Access Hollywood that his tremors were a result of having taken "too much medication," he did not say he had intentionally done so. Indeed, after Limbaugh's remark, Fox appeared on the October 26 edition of the CBS Evening News with Katie Couric and confirmed that the tremors he had experienced during the taping of the ad occurred because it is difficult to "calculate" the correct dosage of medication and, "ometimes, it kicks in too hard.".

and because he has a disease that he has to take medication for and it is difficult to calculate the correct dosage that is just fine for the fat pigboy to take a shot at him and others who suffer from the same condition?
Molly Irvings reported this incident, I guess that makes it true. :cuckoo:


It's Molly Ivins. Get it right. And she was an award winning writer from Texas. You think a professional as she, writing from Texas, dittohead country, would make a false quote about Rush and not be called to task on it by the dittoheads there, or by Rush, or by anyone? Her article appeared in 1993, long before Frankens book.

Sorry, it happened, and too many people know it did. Only the die-hard head-up-his-ass Limbaugh defenders continue to insist it never did.

He apologized for showing the damn picture of the cat instead of Chelsea. Damn didn't you read the transcript?!?!?!
He apologized to HILLARY in 2002, as they were at a wedding together. He told her personally he regretted what he said about Chelsea. Why would he do that if it was just a simple 'technical error?'
Diversionary Tactics Aside, The Tapes Make Clear Rush Limbaugh Is A Racist
Huffington Post - 10-19-09
Forget the double standard of Rush Limbaugh, a free marketeer, now decrying as outrageous the NFL corporation's logical business decision to protect its brand from his taint. In all the hullaballoo about whether or not the NFL should have allowed Limbaugh to invest in the St. Louis Rams, the most telling narrative is the radio host's victimization narrative.

House, in your absolutely useless opinion was Michael J. Fox just acting or is Rush about as much of a Dr. as you are?

When you go a week without posting someone elses shit, I'll take you seriously...

Until then, godspeed....
oh ...I see House - someone else came up with and posted my question. Sounds like you and Rush share the same love for heavy duty opiates.
oh ...I see House - someone else came up with and posted my question. Sounds like you and Rush share the same love for heavy duty opiates.

Whats the matter Jayboy Canuckstain?

Post for a week without links to HuffyPuffy and UnthinkingNoprogress and all the other leftwing hack sites you love that form your opinions for you and tell you how you think...

Chicken shit?


Clownshoes, the problem is if I don't post links to stories then those events contain within didn't take place according to your asshat I'm damned if I do and damned if i don't - so I will just choose to post how I like to post and you can chew the bark off of my log...... allrighty?
Clownshoes, the problem is if I don't post links to stories then those events contain within didn't take place according to your asshat I'm damned if I do and damned if i don't - so I will just choose to post how I like to post and you can chew the bark off of my log...... allrighty?

Sorry, Captain Fuckstain, huffypuffy and UnthinkingNoprogress are not reliable sources to "backup" anything except leftist hackery, but you go ahead and cut & paste away... I bet your bendover-buddies there dig the attention...

Most of the posters here recognize that sourcing with hack sites is fucking stupid, but somehow your obviously small brain can't grasp that concept...

I shouldn't pick on you folks with diminished capabilities, but for cripes sakes find an original thought someplace... Nobody cares what some shit hack at HuffyPuffy thinks...

bendover buddies?..... oh you mean like the blowjobs on this board that you thank continually and who in turn continually thank and positive rep you for your dumbshit opinion posts?
The White House’s ‘ironic’ Mao moment? Glenn Beck doesn’t get it.

Dunn, a long-time Washington strategist, surprised many by singling out Fox as a public relations arm of the Republican party last weekend. She said on Friday that her Mao comments were obviously “ironic” and that she had lifted the reference from the late and legendary Republican strategist Lee Atwater.

Yes, a lot of this is personal between Fox and Dunn.

Yet perhaps we get a tiny bit of new insight into America’s political divide from the Mao affair. Perhaps the standoff is less about left and right, socialists versus libertarians, and more about ironic speech versus direct speech.

The Oxford English Dictionary says that irony is “a figure of speech in which the unintended meaning is the opposite of that expressed by the words used.”
Molly Irvings reported this incident, I guess that makes it true. :cuckoo:


It's Molly Ivins. Get it right. And she was an award winning writer from Texas. You think a professional as she, writing from Texas, dittohead country, would make a false quote about Rush and not be called to task on it by the dittoheads there, or by Rush, or by anyone? Her article appeared in 1993, long before Frankens book.

Sorry, it happened, and too many people know it did. Only the die-hard head-up-his-ass Limbaugh defenders continue to insist it never did.

He apologized for showing the damn picture of the cat instead of Chelsea. Damn didn't you read the transcript?!?!?!
He apologized to HILLARY in 2002, as they were at a wedding together. He told her personally he regretted what he said about Chelsea. Why would he do that if it was just a simple 'technical error?'

Irving, Ivin makes little difference since she's no longer with us. Yes she wasn't above making a mistake. Could be Franken quoted her instead of vice versa, either way neither one proved the incident ever took place as you and edthenumbskull has claimed it has.

I'm a defender of the truth and you and Ed are not presengint the truth. The only thing you have is a memory of 16, 17 some odd years ago and writings from Ivin and Franken. I provided a transcript from Rush show in 1992 that clearly shows what happened, Yet you and Edtheidiot refuse to accept it. He apologized because it was a simple error and the guy obviously felt bad about it. Apologizing for what was clearly a mistake is not an admission of anything more dastardly. Until you can provide substantial proof that what you claimed happened actually happened, I'll stick with the present evidence. You say Rush apologized, I'd like to see that apology.
Obviously you NEVER watched his TV show because it was on Monday to Friday!!! :rofl:

Actually, I started watching him on TV during the Summer of 1992. Unlike his slacker audience I worked during the day back then so I couldn't listen to his radio show like I can now that I am retired. I met some CON$ at the beach and they told me I had to listen to him because they were not quoting him very well when I shot down their arguments. So I did. They had his book prominently displayed in the Summer rental they had as a conversation started.
Before LimpBoy I used to watch Morton Downey Jr "puke" his CON$ervative "pablum" on TV. :lol: As a Cynic I watch and listen to everybody on all sides, not just Left and Right. I am a lifelong registered Independent who has always voted 3rd Party or Write-in, and never for either major Party.

His first show was in Sept. of 1992, you consider that summertime? Oh and no I didn't watch his show, I don't like the guy. However the show in question happened on a Friday, hence my Friday reference, Nov. 6th 1992 to be exact. What you say may be true, but I'll reserve my right not to believe you, until more evidence is produced.
September is still summer where I live and I wouldn't be so sure of that Nov 6th date.

Like I said, I have a very vivid memory of the picture he used with her very wavy hair almost completely covering her face.

Provide the picture.
Michael J. Fox incident

On the October 23, 2006 edition of his radio show, Limbaugh imitated on the "DittoCam" (the webcam for website subscribers to see him on the air) the physical symptoms of actor Michael J. Fox, who has Parkinson's disease.[19][20] He said "(Fox) is exaggerating the effects of the disease. He's moving all around and shaking and it's purely an act ... This is really shameless of Michael J. Fox. Either he didn't take his medication or he's acting."[21]

Rush acting like a big man again by attacking someone with a disease.

During an October 26 edition of his nationally syndicated radio show, Rush Limbaugh "apologize[d]" for being "wrong" in "speculat[ing]" that actor Michael J. Fox either "didn't take his medication or he was acting" in a recent campaign advertisement for Missouri Democratic Senate candidate Claire McCaskill.

The fact is, while Fox acknowledged on Access Hollywood that his tremors were a result of having taken "too much medication," he did not say he had intentionally done so. Indeed, after Limbaugh's remark, Fox appeared on the October 26 edition of the CBS Evening News with Katie Couric and confirmed that the tremors he had experienced during the taping of the ad occurred because it is difficult to "calculate" the correct dosage of medication and, "ometimes, it kicks in too hard.".

and because he has a disease that he has to take medication for and it is difficult to calculate the correct dosage that is just fine for the fat pigboy to take a shot at him and others who suffer from the same condition?

So only idiots like you are allowed to make fun of people? Can you say hypocrite?

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