The Russian Army Will Collapse

Shit like this worries me.....and I am pist at Putin for attacking Ukraine.
That shit is none of our business and we should just stay the hell out of it, like George Washington, Jefferson, and Monroe told us we should. But we had State department bureaucrats meddling in it for years, with folks funding the Asov battalion, trying to provoke Putin by their incessant attacks on ethnic Russians in the Donbas . . . they knew what they were doing. . .
I'm pissed at Putin, and I am pissed at our Deep State for provoking him.

The affairs of the world are none of our business. Other nations have always been ruled by Kings, tyrants, dictators, thugs, etc. None of them understand liberal democratic republicanism like we do, and they warned us, if we entangle ourselves in their squabbles, we will lose our liberty.

This is the work of international bankers and global corporate propaganda. The folks that benefit by getting us involved in this bullshit are the arms manufacturers. The simple small town American farmer or small businessmen has NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING to gain by getting involved in this mess. Small town America, and the reserve currency will die in the flames of this mess in Europe. . .

It is a robbery of the taxpayer and a fleecing of Americans' liberties. If Americans didn't trust the corporate and government infiltrated propaganda about the elections and the scamdemic, why the hell trust them about this bullshit?


It is just one more way internationalists are seeking to destroy the nation and move it into the NWO.

Russian insurgents and political op's are responsible for everything that's happened in Ukraine since 2013 and the country is literally fighting for it's life right now.

This was definitely an appropriate step.

Very difficult to fight a foreign enemy with their operatives undermining your country from within at the same time.
You don't know what actual suffering is.

What we're, "suffering" now is a mere inconvenience.
I'm sorry man, I think you probably just joined at a very bad time. . . but?

Dude, you have no credibility. No one cares what you post.

It looks like, to us old hands, that you joined just to spam the board with your propaganda, and everyone knows, (or suspects,) that you are a spook or controlled opo. You are paid to push the narrative of the MIC.

It appears you don't represent true and independent thought, but the paid promotion of stake holders. That puts folks off. . .

Most of us that are regular members, see this type of shit, like, around ever election time. .. fair weather posters, that are on here for a cause, and then, *poof* gone when that cause is over and funding dries up.

You opinion means next to nothing to most folks . . . even less to us than the silly folks that are hyper partisan, because you are here, only for your thirty pieces of silver.

n00bs that joined this forum, right after the invasion? Would do well to keep their comments to threads about political topics on everything other than the war, otherwise? No one on here will take them seriously at all. They are either Russian propagandists, US MIC and Yuki propagandists, or folks that joined at a very, very unfortunate time. You want to stay above suspicion due to the time you joined? Stay out of the war threads . . . just a friendly bit 'o advice.

. . . either that? Or you joined at a really, really bad time, and happen to just echo Hannity very, very well.

Not to people who are dipping into their savings to live. It is a death sentence.
Yeah, I really don't know who this clown is. . .


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