So in one day these criminal Democrat operatives are under a “criminal investigation” which is something Muller Never Achieved despite huge desire and unlimited resources AND over 2.5 years.

He didn't have Barr, who hushed up Iran contra.
Also he made more money than they spent.
And most witnesses couldn't testify.
What do you expect?migh
So in one day these criminal Democrat operatives are under a “criminal investigation” which is something Muller Never Achieved despite huge desire and unlimited resources AND over 2.5 years.
It might help if you knew the difference between a noun and an adjective
I presume you haven't read the report?
Like 90 % of the REPUBS?
Guess you believe Biden got $1.5 billion from the Chinese?
Unbelievable ignorance
You are talking about nouns and adjectives while your coup attempt is being unraveled.
Keep it up and try that response on the firing squad.
Yup, zero college rube firing squad I guess
Charades like parsing nouns and adjectives will be the liberal response because the entire bitter coup attempt has been nothing but an emotive, deflective attempt to undo a valid election.
Education is tough isn't it?
No prob with the vagina grabber?
So in one day these criminal Democrat operatives are under a “criminal investigation” which is something Muller Never Achieved despite huge desire and unlimited resources AND over 2.5 years.

He didn't have Barr, who hushed up Iran contra.
Also he made more money than they spent.
And most witnesses couldn't testify.
What do you expect?migh
So in one day these criminal Democrat operatives are under a “criminal investigation” which is something Muller Never Achieved despite huge desire and unlimited resources AND over 2.5 years.
It might help if you knew the difference between a noun and an adjective
I presume you haven't read the report?
Like 90 % of the REPUBS?
Guess you believe Biden got $1.5 billion from the Chinese?
Unbelievable ignorance
You are talking about nouns and adjectives while your coup attempt is being unraveled.
Keep it up and try that response on the firing squad.
help being able to read.
Read. The report. You say?
So the gist of this nonsense is that the Dems conspired with Russia to lose the 2016 election?

I heard Hillary took our uranium to Russia in her suitcase.
Nah. What she did do, however, was violate the Emoluments Clause. For a large "donation" to the Clinton Foundation, she approved the sale of uranium mines to Russia's Uranium One.
Triggered little snowflake...if Hitlery wasn't violating the Emoluments Clause 24x7, how come donations to the Clinton Foundation has completely dried up ever since she's been out of office?

(Hint: she has nothing left to SELL, so nobody is BUYING)

Clinton Foundation Donations Take $36 Million Plunge This Year
So how much has it plunged to? $30000000?
As the article states, it has plunged a mind-boggling $36 million now that Hitlery no longer has a public office to sell.
Unlike the cons which was shut down and fined.
Why don't you whine about that?
In your tizzy, you're not even forming complete sentences. What is the "cons"? When was it "shut down"? Why was it "fined"? I can't comment on something I've never heard about.
Aides to the ex-president, Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation said Bill Clinton did not have any conversations about Rosatom or the Uranium One deal while in Russia, and that no one connected to the deal was involved in the trip.
Bwahahahahaha!!! Yeah sweetie, and Bill also said "I did not have sexual relations with that woman". :laugh:

How dumb are you to believe what people appointed by the Clinton's tell you? :lmao:
Aides to the ex-president, Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation said Bill Clinton did not have any conversations about Rosatom or the Uranium One deal while in Russia, and that no one connected to the deal was involved in the trip.
Enjoy the video, sweetie... :lmao:

If thats true how do you explain Russia hating Hillary and running a campaign against her and for Trump?
It's true because the second part of your sentence is 100% not true. Russia ran ads for Hillary - not "against" her as your ignorant, lying ass claims. And even extreme left-wing Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg are both on record stating as much.
The infamous $100,000 Facebook ads that supposedly lead to Hillary Clintons defeat at the hands of “Kremlin linked” users have been leaked, and reveal the ads to be showing support for Hillary.
Your ignorance is mind-boggling. One would have to work to be as uninformed as you are. And I posted this story right here in this thread when it broke, so you have 0 excuse.

Facebook FAIL: 'Russian ads' were actually posts helping Hillary Clinton according to leak
If thats true how do you explain Russia hating Hillary and running a campaign against her and for Trump?
I'm going to keep going so all of the informed, intelligent people on this thread (known as "conservatives") can continue to laugh their ass off at you...
This fake ad helped draw thousands to a real world event in New York City's Union Square on Nov. 12 to protest Donald Trump's victory in the presidential election.
Your ignorance is mind-boggling. One would have to work to be as uninformed as you are. And I posted this story right here in this thread when it broke, so you have 0 excuse.

See the fake Facebook ads Russians ran on Clinton, guns, race, Christianity
We know that the Russians interfered in the 2016 election to harm Hillary and help Trump

That is fact. It's not debatable. Putin admitted it in Helsinki

So your contention is that she orchestrated that effort to LOSE?

What is the air like on your planet?
We know that the Russians interfered in the 2016 election to harm Hillary and help Trump

That is fact. It's not debatable. Putin admitted it in Helsinki

So your contention is that she orchestrated that effort to LOSE?

What is the air like on your planet?

As you know, there has been no proof, whatsoever, of any collusion. However, your desperation is duly noted.

Under whose administration did this alleged interference occur?

Who and what has Hillary Clinton, to this day, NOT blamed for her loss?

Here's the latest, just this week. The woman is dangerous!

"Hillary said during an appearance on Campaign HQ’s podcast with David Plouffe that she lost because of dark web MK Ultra."

“I think it’s going to be the same as 2016,” Hillary said. “I’m going to show you in these flashing videos that appear and then disappear and they’re on the dark web and nobody can find them, but you’re going to see them and you’re going to see that person doing these horrible things.”
As you know, there has been no proof, whatsoever, of any collusion

Did you see me refer to "Russian collusion" at ALL dimwit?


But you DO seem to be saying that Hillary "colluded" with Russia to LOSE the election.

On what planet does that make sense?
As you know, there has been no proof, whatsoever, of any collusion

Did you see me refer to "Russian collusion" at ALL dimwit?


But you DO seem to be saying that Hillary "colluded" with Russia to LOSE the election.

On what planet does that make sense?

How is Russia, interfering in the 2016 presidential election, overseen by the failed administration of President Barack Hussein Obama the fault of President Donald Trump?

Facebook Says Likely Russian Operation Spent $100K on Issues Ads During 2016 Campaign
Facebook says likely Russian-based operation spent money on ads on issues

Sec. Hillary Clinton spent over $1 BILLION in her failed attempt to win the Oval Office. President Donald Trump spent half that amount.

Yep, $100,000.00 definitely gave the victory to President Trump.

Have you heard Hillary's latest excuse for losing?

Hillary said during an appearance on Campaign HQ’s podcast with David Plouffe that she lost because of dark web MK Ultra.

“I think it’s going to be the same as 2016,” Hillary said. “I’m going to show you in these flashing videos that appear and then disappear and they’re on the dark web and nobody can find them, but you’re going to see them and you’re going to see that person doing these horrible things.”
If thats true how do you explain Russia hating Hillary and running a campaign against her and for Trump?
It's true because the second part of your sentence is 100% not true. Russia ran ads for Hillary - not "against" her as your ignorant, lying ass claims. And even extreme left-wing Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg are both on record stating as much.
The infamous $100,000 Facebook ads that supposedly lead to Hillary Clintons defeat at the hands of “Kremlin linked” users have been leaked, and reveal the ads to be showing support for Hillary.
Your ignorance is mind-boggling. One would have to work to be as uninformed as you are. And I posted this story right here in this thread when it broke, so you have 0 excuse.

Facebook FAIL: 'Russian ads' were actually posts helping Hillary Clinton according to leak
So why did comey release a comment on her emails and zero on the con?.
I presume the above is gateway? According to leak?
You believe that garbage?

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