That’s why James Comey told her
To purge her server Before he looked at it.

Geezus Christ, after all these years you are still stuck on Clintons and the long debunked U1?
Oh my triggered little snowflake, Hitlery Clinton violated the Emoluments Clause. She sold the power of her office for millions and millions of dollars, funneled through her "Clinton Foundation". That link proves it yet again.
Natalia V was also a Fusion GPS employee.

There is your smoking gun.

There is no surprise at all to the educated and the informed that the Russian trail leads directly to the Democrats. Just look at the indisputable facts...
  • One of Barack Obama's primary foreign policy desires during his first term was to "repair" relations with Russia. It was at the top of his list and he campaigned on it. Eventually, he present Russia with a reset button.
  • While running for office a second time, Obama debates Mitt Romney who accurately predicts that Russia was the greatest geopolitical threat to the United States despite having none of the daily national security briefings that Barack Obama was privy to. In response, Obama mocks Romney stating "the 1980's called, they want their foreign policy back". Lead by Barack Obama, the Democrats still don't view Russia as a threat. Quite the contrary, they desperately want to suck up to them and yield to them on all global issues.
  • Once President Trump is elected president, there is suddenly a narrative about "Russian Collusion" despite every high profile Democrat acknowledging that not an ounce of evidence exists. So where does this narrative suddenly come from and why does it exist?
  • Democrats believe they land the "bombshell" when an email surfaces showing a meeting between Donald Trump Jr. and an attorney from Russia. Unfortunately for the Democrats, that backfires in a major way when pictures surface showing the Russian attorney is in the inner circle of the Obama Administration. Worse yet, evidence surfaces showing that Natalia Veselnitskaya (the Russian attorney) cold-contacted Donald Trump Jr. out of the blue. How does she get the personal contact information of a high-profile individual such as that? The answer, of course, is obvious - high level individuals within the Obama Administration.
  • But the bad news for the Democrats didn't stop there. Records show that the Obama Administration allowed Natalia Veselnitskaya into the country without a Visa. That is some damning evidence. Obviously she was here for nefarious purposes. It's looking more and more like for the express purpose of framing President Trump.
There is a treasure trove of Russian evidence now - and all of it leads directly back to the Democrats. It also matches the M.O. of how the Obama Administration operated during their reign of terror.
So stupid.
Zero college again.
I heard Hillary took our uranium to Russia in her suitcase.
You do know there were 7 departments approved what ? 7 % of our uranium?
And our Ken Starr's and trey never charged her with anything.?
They must be the dumb ones if it's so obvious to an old white fart sucking off commie benefits (which we take 40% more than we ever put in?
Geezus Christ, after all these years you are still stuck on Clintons and the long debunked U1?
Triggered little snowflake...if Hitlery wasn't violating the Emoluments Clause 24x7, how come donations to the Clinton Foundation has completely dried up ever since she's been out of office?

(Hint: she has nothing left to SELL, so nobody is BUYING)

Clinton Foundation Donations Take $36 Million Plunge This Year
So how much has it plunged to?
Try looking up snowflake - original slavery white boys.
Helps if you know the origin of the words you spout
Geezus Christ, after all these years you are still stuck on Clintons and the long debunked U1?
Oh my triggered little snowflake, Hitlery Clinton violated the Emoluments Clause. She sold the power of her office for millions and millions of dollars, funneled through her "Clinton Foundation". That link proves it yet again
In your small mind which doesn't even know the def of snowflake.
Clinton Foundation - Wikipedia
Rated A.
Unlike the cons which was shut down and fined.
Why don't you whine about that?
Geezus Christ, after all these years you are still stuck on Clintons and the long debunked U1?
Triggered little snowflake...if Hitlery wasn't violating the Emoluments Clause 24x7, how come donations to the Clinton Foundation has completely dried up ever since she's been out of office?

(Hint: she has nothing left to SELL, so nobody is BUYING)

Clinton Foundation Donations Take $36 Million Plunge This Year
So how much has it plunged to?
Try looking up snowflake - original slavery white boys.
Helps if you know the origin of the words you spout
Apologies, it's worth over $200000000
Peanuts to our zero Ed knees news old white fart.
You forgot the text
Aides to the ex-president, Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation said Bill Clinton did not have any conversations about Rosatom or the Uranium One deal while in Russia, and that no one connected to the deal was involved in the trip.
Didn't knees news tell you?
Useful to read the context
Everyone knows who has common sense that The DemNazi Party was owned by Russia.

If thats true how do you explain Russia hating Hillary and running a campaign against her and for Trump? If that's true why was Hillary slamming Putin while Trump was publicly felting him?

All the incoherency bouncing around in your head is mindboggling.
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Geezus Christ, after all these years you are still stuck on Clintons and the long debunked U1?
Oh my triggered little snowflake, Hitlery Clinton violated the Emoluments Clause. She sold the power of her office for millions and millions of dollars, funneled through her "Clinton Foundation". That link proves it yet again.
So what happened?
Read the text PLEASE

Geezus Christ, after all these years you are still stuck on Clintons and the long debunked U1?

Time to put that bong down, fold up the tinfoil hat and move on with your life.
Ah our patriot (the definition of a scoundrel)
Never did anything for anybody.
Just regurgitates knees news while sucking off his commie benefits.
Guess knees news didn't quote the text of your post?
“At every turn this storyline has been debunked on the merits. Its roots are with a project shepherded by Steve Bannon, which should tell you all you need to know,” said Nick Merrill. “This latest iteration is simply more of the right doing Trump’s bidding for him to distract from his own Russia problems, which are real and a grave threat to our national secur

Geezus Christ, after all these years you are still stuck on Clintons and the long debunked U1?

Time to put that bong down, fold up the tinfoil hat and move on with your life.
Our patriot has a very small life.
Never a comment about the fined and shut down trump foundation
So in one day these criminal Democrat operatives are under a “criminal investigation” which is something Muller Never Achieved despite huge desire and unlimited resources AND over 2.5 years.
So in one day these criminal Democrat operatives are under a “criminal investigation” which is something Muller Never Achieved despite huge desire and unlimited resources AND over 2.5 years.

He didn't have Barr, who hushed up Iran contra.
Also he made more money than they spent.
And most witnesses couldn't testify.
What do you expect?.
I presume you haven't read the report?
Like 90 % of the REPUBS?
So in one day these criminal Democrat operatives are under a “criminal investigation” which is something Muller Never Achieved despite huge desire and unlimited resources AND over 2.5 years.

He didn't have Barr, who hushed up Iran contra.
Also he made more money than they spent.
And most witnesses couldn't testify.
What do you expect?migh
So in one day these criminal Democrat operatives are under a “criminal investigation” which is something Muller Never Achieved despite huge desire and unlimited resources AND over 2.5 years.
It might help if you knew the difference between a noun and an adjective
I presume you haven't read the report?
Like 90 % of the REPUBS?
Guess you believe Biden got $1.5 billion from the Chinese?
Unbelievable ignorance
So in one day these criminal Democrat operatives are under a “criminal investigation” which is something Muller Never Achieved despite huge desire and unlimited resources AND over 2.5 years.

He didn't have Barr, who hushed up Iran contra.
Also he made more money than they spent.
And most witnesses couldn't testify.
What do you expect?migh
So in one day these criminal Democrat operatives are under a “criminal investigation” which is something Muller Never Achieved despite huge desire and unlimited resources AND over 2.5 years.
It might help if you knew the difference between a noun and an adjective
I presume you haven't read the report?
Like 90 % of the REPUBS?
Guess you believe Biden got $1.5 billion from the Chinese?
Unbelievable ignorance
You are talking about nouns and adjectives while your coup attempt is being unraveled.
Keep it up and try that response on the firing squad.
Charades like parsing nouns and adjectives will be the liberal response because the entire bitter coup attempt has been nothing but an emotive, deflective attempt to undo a valid election.
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