The Ryan Bump: New Zogby Poll Shows Huge Boost for Romney in Swing States


Type 40
Jul 1, 2011
The Ryan Bump: New Zogby Poll Shows Huge Boost for Romney in Swing States « Nice Deb

According to a new poll by JZ Analytics, Mitt Romney has gotten a very definite bump upwards with the selection of Rep. Paul Ryan as his running mate.

“Clearly there is a Ryan bump,” pollster John Zogby, managing of JZ Analytics, told Newsmax. Significantly, the new poll shows the Romney/Ryan ticket with a substantial lead among voters in swing states, 49.1 percent to 41.2 percent.

Also, the Republican ticket garners 45.2 percent among independent voters, ahead of the Democratic ticket at 40.1. Obama led in an earlier poll of independents. That shows that the Ryan choice has not hurt the Republican ticket in this important demographic, and has actually helped.

Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan — the freshly minted Republican vice presidential candidate — got an immediate ratings boost in the wake of his selection as Mitt Romney’s running-mate, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll. Little known nationally before Saturday’s announcement, favorable impressions of Ryan jumped 15 percentage points among the overall electorate with positive views soaring from 49 to 70 percent among conservative Republicans. In Wednesday through Friday interviews, fully 45 percent of Americans expressed no opinion of Ryan, dropping to 30 percent on Saturday and Sunday. The increasing familiarity all went to the positive side of the ledger, giving Ryan an initial advantage in the sprint to define his candidacy.

Prior to his selection, Ryan’s favorability rating among senior citizens was evenly split at 28/28. It has now jumped to 46 percent favorable, 28 percent unfavorable. This explains why Democrats are desperately rushing to distort Ryan’s plan in a bid to strike fear into the hearts of elderly voters.

OH poll just out on Raz......

Romney and the O now tied 45-45. It's been a slow slide down for the O for over 2 weeks now.

That outta' make the O go into diaper-change mode.
Clicking on at least one link in the link, is as follows:
"Mitt Romney’s campaign has gotten a decisive bump upwards with the selection of Rep. Paul Ryan as his running mate, a new poll by JZ Analytics reveals.

The poll — the first survey conducted after Romney announced Ryan as his vice presidential choice — shows the Romney/Ryan ticket tied with Obama/Biden at 46 percent.

But a JZ Analytics poll from a few weeks ago had Obama leading Romney by 5 percentage points, and most major polls also had Obama comfortably in the lead before the Ryan selection."

There are two polls, and one a few weeks ago. One comes after one full-weekend of Romney/Ryan dominant news coverage.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many in Great-Plains-Now-Devoid-Of-Buffalo were ready for a corn harvest, only a few weeks ago(?)! Now maybe not much on the news!)
The Ryan Bump: New Zogby Poll Shows Huge Boost for Romney in Swing States « Nice Deb

According to a new poll by JZ Analytics, Mitt Romney has gotten a very definite bump upwards with the selection of Rep. Paul Ryan as his running mate.

“Clearly there is a Ryan bump,” pollster John Zogby, managing of JZ Analytics, told Newsmax. Significantly, the new poll shows the Romney/Ryan ticket with a substantial lead among voters in swing states, 49.1 percent to 41.2 percent.

Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan — the freshly minted Republican vice presidential candidate — got an immediate ratings boost in the wake of his selection as Mitt Romney’s running-mate, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll. Little known nationally before Saturday’s announcement, favorable impressions of Ryan jumped 15 percentage points among the overall electorate with positive views soaring from 49 to 70 percent among conservative Republicans. In Wednesday through Friday interviews, fully 45 percent of Americans expressed no opinion of Ryan, dropping to 30 percent on Saturday and Sunday. The increasing familiarity all went to the positive side of the ledger, giving Ryan an initial advantage in the sprint to define his candidacy.

Prior to his selection, Ryan’s favorability rating among senior citizens was evenly split at 28/28. It has now jumped to 46 percent favorable, 28 percent unfavorable. This explains why Democrats are desperately rushing to distort Ryan’s plan in a bid to strike fear into the hearts of elderly voters.


I am a conservative and everyone here knows this. However, I am an honest conservative who lives in the realm of reality and have been through enough elections to know that the Zogby poll, of which I have made the same claims as you in the past, often over favors conservatives. More lies, damn lies, and statistics. Of course, I also know that if you trust the average poll, almost always liberal, then the last three Republican presidents, (Bush Jr, Bush Jr, Bush Sr, Reagan), should have statistically never been elected. Polling firms manipulate data to do one of two things: discourage conservatives from voting and encourage Democrats by showing a Democrat lead, or, strategically and very shortly showing a Republican lead every now and then to fire up the Democrat campaigns. When a Republican wins the polling data is found to be almost never correct, still favoring the Democrat. When a Democrat wins the polling data shows the Democrat winning by an overly larger margin than the election results. Honest polling is privately reserved for campaigns who rarely release them. With that said, could the Zogby poll be accurate? Sure. However, like most polls, they don’t have a track record of it.
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The Ryan Bump: New Zogby Poll Shows Huge Boost for Romney in Swing States « Nice Deb

According to a new poll by JZ Analytics, Mitt Romney has gotten a very definite bump upwards with the selection of Rep. Paul Ryan as his running mate.

Prior to his selection, Ryan’s favorability rating among senior citizens was evenly split at 28/28. It has now jumped to 46 percent favorable, 28 percent unfavorable. This explains why Democrats are desperately rushing to distort Ryan’s plan in a bid to strike fear into the hearts of elderly voters.


I am a conservative and everyone here knows this. However, I am an honest conservative who lives in the realm of reality and have been through enough elections to know that the Zogby poll, of which I have made the same claims as you in the past, often over favors conservatives. More lies, damn lies, and statistics. Of course, I also know that if you trust the average poll, almost always liberal, then the last three Republican presidents, (Bush Jr, Bush Jr, Bush Sr, Reagan), should have statistically never been elected. Polling firms manipulate data to do one of two things: discourage conservatives from voting and encourage Democrats by showing a Democrat lead, or, strategically and very shortly showing a Republican lead every now and then to fire up the Democrat campaigns. When a Republican wins the polling data is found to be almost never correct, still favoring the Democrat. When a Democrat wins the polling data shows the Democrat winning by an overly larger margin than the election results. Honest polling is privately reserved for campaigns who rarely release them.

please show me what claims I made in the OP.

I am a conservative and everyone here knows this. However, I am an honest conservative who lives in the realm of reality and have been through enough elections to know that the Zogby poll, of which I have made the same claims as you in the past, often over favors conservatives. More lies, damn lies, and statistics. Of course, I also know that if you trust the average poll, almost always liberal, then the last three Republican presidents, (Bush Jr, Bush Jr, Bush Sr, Reagan), should have statistically never been elected. Polling firms manipulate data to do one of two things: discourage conservatives from voting and encourage Democrats by showing a Democrat lead, or, strategically and very shortly showing a Republican lead every now and then to fire up the Democrat campaigns. When a Republican wins the polling data is found to be almost never correct, still favoring the Democrat. When a Democrat wins the polling data shows the Democrat winning by an overly larger margin than the election results. Honest polling is privately reserved for campaigns who rarely release them.

please show me what claims I made in the OP.

"New Zogby Poll Shows Huge Boost for Romney in Swing States". You don't take the poll seriously? If so why did you post it? If you do, on the other hand, I'm here to tell you that it's not worth posting. Your claim by virtue of posting this thread is the poll is reliable. I’m here to tell you that, historically, it is not.
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Oh god you vile filthy scumbag racist lying cocksuckers are so funny

Do you EVER tell the truth about ANYTHING

At the beginning of television political campaigning--even before Ronald Reagan there was television advertising--it was actually found, and kind of lore--to keep the actual nominee out of the campaign: Lest the nominee make any remarks about issues upcoming in the election. The less the focus on the candidate, the more likely the win.

So mostly now people notice this, here:

"SILVER: Be skeptical of the polls for a few weeks. ”I wouldn’t be too eager to consume the first few polls that we’ll get after Mr. Ryan’s selection, however. They may be a bit unsettled, and reflect a temporary burst of excitement for Mr. Romney and Mr. Ryan that may not persist. Gallup has found, for instance, that candidates typically get about a 5-point bounce in their polls after naming their running mates. But the effect seems to fade out after a week or two.” Nate Silver in The New York Times."

Now people already unfriendly about Romney, suddenly can learn that the Ryan is the Grinch who plans to take income support, entitlements spending, away. Effectively, now these people are exposing themselves(?)! Even Medicare will itself be funded, by incoming new retirees.

Bain Capital Hoarding--spending among the already prosperous--is exposed for the callous status quo that maybe King George III might have done. "Tax Them!"

Among Catholic Ryan's first Congressional votes: Was support of an Amendment to allow states to determine the display of The Ten Commandments on public property. That is now in compare and contrast, with the matter of Romney's religion being left obsure: so as not to offend the more extreme of the usual RNC fanatics.

Jesus Ben Joseph, Son of Mary, Called "The Christ" actually opposed The Ten Commandments. "The Law was Made for Man, Not Man for The Law," and its rife-with-Death-Penalty measures. The Death Penalty measures would finally be applied to Jesus, a mortal who actually created an idol in Heaven, and at the trial before the Jewish Elders. Pilate like saw the matter as some nature of LOL. The Jewish Man-God, Ceaser-like, would typically be put to death by stoning, under the twice conquered law of the Ten Commandments. Instead, Pilate could offer a choice--Barrabas or Jesus--so that the Jews themselves could be in on the application, of the death penalty, applied to their Ceaser-god(?). Reports back to Rome, of any events, are not too much on record.

Effectively, Pilate allowed the full application of The Ten Commandments: Except that crucifixion was the more modern, selected method. Even the Vatican now opposes the Death Penalty. The Death Penalty is of the Ten Commandments. Rep. Ryan maybe even knows some of their clergy(?)!

So at RNC: State legislatures are supposed to know more than even the Romans, about the life and times of Jesus Ben Joseph, Son of Mary, Called, "The Christ."

Then there is the RNC base to contend with: The Old Fat White People, Cavorting About Naked on Other People's Yachts--Dumping Substance and Other Treasure into the sea.

Even that is literally, a more realistic translation(?), and apparently one of their own will be the RNC, Convention, Keynote Speaker! Anyone will notice that having then roll downhill will make better sense! California would drop off into the sea, if that starts to bouncing around! Remaining to be seen will be any gospel choirs.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Young Warrior(?), chanting, "One. . .Wisconsin," make funny Ghost Dance, maybe now new Republican Theater! Soon maybe run away. . .join Hare Krishna!)
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I am a conservative and everyone here knows this. However, I am an honest conservative who lives in the realm of reality and have been through enough elections to know that the Zogby poll, of which I have made the same claims as you in the past, often over favors conservatives. More lies, damn lies, and statistics. Of course, I also know that if you trust the average poll, almost always liberal, then the last three Republican presidents, (Bush Jr, Bush Jr, Bush Sr, Reagan), should have statistically never been elected. Polling firms manipulate data to do one of two things: discourage conservatives from voting and encourage Democrats by showing a Democrat lead, or, strategically and very shortly showing a Republican lead every now and then to fire up the Democrat campaigns. When a Republican wins the polling data is found to be almost never correct, still favoring the Democrat. When a Democrat wins the polling data shows the Democrat winning by an overly larger margin than the election results. Honest polling is privately reserved for campaigns who rarely release them.

please show me what claims I made in the OP.

"New Zogby Poll Shows Huge Boost for Romney in Swing States". You don't take the poll seriously? If so why did you post it? If you do, on the other hand, I'm here to tell you that it's not worth posting. Your claim by virtue of posting this thread is the poll is reliable. I’m here to tell you that, historically, it is not.

Interesting. I don't recall you saying the same thing about liberals who post Obama-positive polls.

I wonder why... No, actually, I know why. Dumb ass.
please show me what claims I made in the OP.

"New Zogby Poll Shows Huge Boost for Romney in Swing States". You don't take the poll seriously? If so why did you post it? If you do, on the other hand, I'm here to tell you that it's not worth posting. Your claim by virtue of posting this thread is the poll is reliable. I’m here to tell you that, historically, it is not.

Interesting. I don't recall you saying the same thing about liberals who post Obama-positive polls.

I wonder why... No, actually, I know why. Dumb ass.

2 reasons.

1) Most polls are run by liberals and skewed toward liberals with over represented democrat populations. If I were to post on every single democrat favoring poll I would have little time to do anything else. Go back an re-read my previous post before you have a heart attack.

2) I hold conservatives to a higher standard than liberals. Call it tough love. But you wont make the same mistake again now will you?

I will ignore the obvious "I feel like crap but I can't debate this on the merits so I will engage in name calling" stuff. I know that’s what you feel. I can smell it in your writing. You previous response has no connection to the merits of the actual topic we were discussing, and thus, deductive reasoning dictates that, in lieu of an actual response, you engage in hateful rhetoric. Why does an internet forum full of strangers strike such emotion in you?

Looks like someone else needs a lesson on what an argument really is.

[ame=]Argument Clinic - YouTube[/ame]
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