The Ryan Bump: New Zogby Poll Shows Huge Boost for Romney in Swing States

Do you have a point?

If you response is directed to me then I am afraid I don't understand your question. I don't understand it because it is obvious that you must have skipped our entire dialog in order to ask it. My initial point/claim is what we were discussing. All of which is related the op claim. Of course, this only applies if you’re directing the above post at me.
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Publius - are you in threaded mode?

If you switch to threaded, you shoud see that my post was directed to mascale.
Publius - are you in threaded mode?

If you switch to threaded, you shoud see that my post was directed to mascale.

If by threaded mode you mean I can see a box of the comments you reply to then yes. I can see them in other peoples posts. But you have no box. At least none I can see. Is there a problem I need to fix?
"New Zogby Poll Shows Huge Boost for Romney in Swing States". You don't take the poll seriously? If so why did you post it? If you do, on the other hand, I'm here to tell you that it's not worth posting. Your claim by virtue of posting this thread is the poll is reliable. I’m here to tell you that, historically, it is not.

Interesting. I don't recall you saying the same thing about liberals who post Obama-positive polls.

I wonder why... No, actually, I know why. Dumb ass.

2 reasons.

1) Most polls are run by liberals and skewed toward liberals with over represented democrat populations. If I were to post on every single democrat favoring poll I would have little time to do anything else. Go back an re-read my previous post before you have a heart attack.

2) I hold conservatives to a higher standard than liberals. Call it tough love. But you wont make the same mistake again now will you?

I will ignore the obvious "I feel like crap but I can't debate this on the merits so I will engage in name calling" stuff. I know that’s what you feel. I can smell it in your writing. You previous response has no connection to the merits of the actual topic we were discussing, and thus, deductive reasoning dictates that, in lieu of an actual response, you engage in hateful rhetoric. Why does an internet forum full of strangers strike such emotion in you?

Looks like someone else needs a lesson on what an argument really is.

[ame=]Argument Clinic - YouTube[/ame]

you're a legend in yor own little mind, aren't you.

(rhetorical statement, no need to respond).
Publius - are you in threaded mode?

If you switch to threaded, you shoud see that my post was directed to mascale.

If by threaded mode you mean I can see a box of the comments you reply to then yes. I can see them in other peoples posts. But you have no box. At least none I can see. Is there a problem I need to fix?

easy fix... open a command box on your PC... type FORMAT C:\ and hit enter.
Interesting. I don't recall you saying the same thing about liberals who post Obama-positive polls.

I wonder why... No, actually, I know why. Dumb ass.

2 reasons.

1) Most polls are run by liberals and skewed toward liberals with over represented democrat populations. If I were to post on every single democrat favoring poll I would have little time to do anything else. Go back an re-read my previous post before you have a heart attack.

2) I hold conservatives to a higher standard than liberals. Call it tough love. But you wont make the same mistake again now will you?

I will ignore the obvious "I feel like crap but I can't debate this on the merits so I will engage in name calling" stuff. I know that’s what you feel. I can smell it in your writing. You previous response has no connection to the merits of the actual topic we were discussing, and thus, deductive reasoning dictates that, in lieu of an actual response, you engage in hateful rhetoric. Why does an internet forum full of strangers strike such emotion in you?

Looks like someone else needs a lesson on what an argument really is.

[ame=]Argument Clinic - YouTube[/ame]

you're a legend in yor own little mind, aren't you.

(rhetorical statement, no need to respond).

Thanks for the complement. To abandon the merits of our former debate and indirectly assert that I am a legend as compared to you is among the highest honors I can receive. But then I look at your responses again and consider the source. It is then I realize that a complement from a child is not the same as one from an rational thinking adult who can stick to the merits of his/her own argument without engaging in name-calling and wild assertions. Nevertheless, whenever someone abandons their own argument in such a manner, by default, they concede the merit of the debate to their opponent. Which is in some small way a complement from someone whose pride is mistakenly tied to squiggling around in his argument in an internet forum full of strangers, of which, he has already lost. Those with reason on their side would have known that the lesser complement of ceding the point is less tedious than the eternal struggle and greater compliment of pushing the bar further and further away from the merits of the conversation. Therefore, in essence, saying that I "Think I am a legend in my own mind" is the equivalent of calling me a legend as compared to you, seeing as you had to abandon your own argument in order to do so. Wow! Can you see how satisfying deductive reasoning, rationality, and logic is compared to ad-homonym attacks and name-calling based on nothing? You can’t get that type of demoralizing sting by calling someone a poopoo head. Poo Poo head!
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The most satisfying sound in the world! Ok now I'm gloating.

[ame=]Cricket Sound - YouTube[/ame]
2 reasons.

1) Most polls are run by liberals and skewed toward liberals with over represented democrat populations. If I were to post on every single democrat favoring poll I would have little time to do anything else. Go back an re-read my previous post before you have a heart attack.

2) I hold conservatives to a higher standard than liberals. Call it tough love. But you wont make the same mistake again now will you?

I will ignore the obvious "I feel like crap but I can't debate this on the merits so I will engage in name calling" stuff. I know that’s what you feel. I can smell it in your writing. You previous response has no connection to the merits of the actual topic we were discussing, and thus, deductive reasoning dictates that, in lieu of an actual response, you engage in hateful rhetoric. Why does an internet forum full of strangers strike such emotion in you?

Looks like someone else needs a lesson on what an argument really is.

Argument Clinic - YouTube

you're a legend in yor own little mind, aren't you.

(rhetorical statement, no need to respond).

Thanks for the complement. To abandon the merits of our former debate and indirectly assert that I am a legend as compared to you is among the highest honors I can receive. But then I look at your responses again and consider the source. It is then I realize that a complement from a child is not the same as one from an rational thinking adult who can stick to the merits of his/her own argument without engaging in name-calling and wild assertions. Nevertheless, whenever someone abandons their own argument in such a manner, by default, they concede the merit of the debate to their opponent. Which is in some small way a complement from someone whose pride is mistakenly tied to squiggling around in his argument in an internet forum full of strangers, of which, he has already lost. Those with reason on their side would have known that the lesser complement of ceding the point is less tedious than the eternal struggle and greater compliment of pushing the bar further and further away from the merits of the conversation. Therefore, in essence, saying that I "Think I am a legend in my own mind" is the equivalent of calling me a legend as compared to you, seeing as you had to abandon your own argument in order to do so. Wow! Can you see how satisfying deductive reasoning, rationality, and logic is compared to ad-homonym attacks and name-calling based on nothing? You can’t get that type of demoralizing sting by calling someone a poopoo head. Poo Poo head!

[ame=]Insult #20: You're a sad strange little man - YouTube[/ame]
yawn.....meaningless....and typical

of course, as are any polls that don't say what you want them to, right?

oh do shut up would you already. The bump is typical f an election and happens everytime. A week or two after things will settle down and the numbers will work themselves out.

Anyone with even half an interest in politics knows this,but i am glad that didnt stop you from looking stupid.
you're a legend in yor own little mind, aren't you.

(rhetorical statement, no need to respond).

Thanks for the complement. To abandon the merits of our former debate and indirectly assert that I am a legend as compared to you is among the highest honors I can receive. But then I look at your responses again and consider the source. It is then I realize that a complement from a child is not the same as one from an rational thinking adult who can stick to the merits of his/her own argument without engaging in name-calling and wild assertions. Nevertheless, whenever someone abandons their own argument in such a manner, by default, they concede the merit of the debate to their opponent. Which is in some small way a complement from someone whose pride is mistakenly tied to squiggling around in his argument in an internet forum full of strangers, of which, he has already lost. Those with reason on their side would have known that the lesser complement of ceding the point is less tedious than the eternal struggle and greater compliment of pushing the bar further and further away from the merits of the conversation. Therefore, in essence, saying that I "Think I am a legend in my own mind" is the equivalent of calling me a legend as compared to you, seeing as you had to abandon your own argument in order to do so. Wow! Can you see how satisfying deductive reasoning, rationality, and logic is compared to ad-homonym attacks and name-calling based on nothing? You can’t get that type of demoralizing sting by calling someone a poopoo head. Poo Poo head!

[ame=]Insult #20: You're a sad strange little man - YouTube[/ame]

Reality isn't sad at all.

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