The Sanders - Biden showdown in a week.

Republicans want Biden ( because they know Trump will kill him in the debates and win easily), but won't admit it as much as they agree with the Democrats--none of them want Bernie in the White House.
Bernie will destroy him is what I believe,
but will it matter ?

The zillion dollar question.

You’re right, he’ll smoke Biden, and Biden will make himself look stupid on top of that when he can’t complete sentences and gets confused.

But no, it won’t matter, the left have been given their orders, to praise and love Biden no matter what. The MSM will declare him the winner and he’ll still get all endorsements. Then the regressive trolls on this board will regurgitate the same old shit, and support Biden no matter what. Because you know, President Trump is the worst thing since Hitler.
Bernie will definitely crush Biden in debates. He's still pretty sharp for a 78 year old man.
Republicans want Biden ( because they know Trump will kill him in the debates and win easily), but won't admit it as much as they agree with the Democrats--none of them want Bernie in the White House.
No, they don’t; Republicans want Sanders - badly.

Sanders as the nominee would guarantee Trump’s reelection.

With Sanders as the nominee Florida will have already gone to Trump.

Republicans know Biden can beat Trump and take from Trump enough independent voters from that razor thin collection of non-aligned moderates who decide presidential elections.
No, they don’t; Republicans want Sanders - badly.

Sanders as the nominee would guarantee Trump’s reelection.

With Sanders as the nominee Florida will have already gone to Trump.

Republicans know Biden can beat Trump and take from Trump enough independent voters from that razor thin collection of non-aligned moderates who decide presidential elections.
Wrong. It's just the opposite or they wouldn't be so worried about it.
With Sanders as the nominee Florida will have already gone to Trump.

Florida will be a dead-on toss up between the wealthy land-owning minority against pretty much everyone else, not the least being college students who need a break from overwhelming debt and elderly who're tired of big medical bills.

Guns rights people love Bernie.
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Bernie will destroy him is what I believe,
but will it matter ?

The zillion dollar question.

I don't agree with you. Biden could win several states. Washington and Idaho were caucus states in 2016 and are primary states in 2020. In 2016, Clinton got 52% of the vote in the non-binding primary. Biden could also win Missouri and Michigan if a large number of suburban female voters turn out as they did in Virginia. In Mississippi, the only question is if Sanders will meet the 15% threshold to get delegates.
I love seeing Plugs firing on 2 cylinders. It's the marxist Dims coronavirus. He can't put together a coherent sentence... WITH 2 TELEPROMPTERS IN FRONT OF HIM! Give the kenyan lawn jockey his due - he could read a teleprompter. Sleepy is done... toast.... finished... the laughingstock of the planet.

Meanwhile Comrade Bernie is scowling angrily while lecturing us about the virtues of breadlines and poverty.

Going to be another awesome November in our future.

Sanders will get bought off.

Don't count on it.
If Sanders hasn't started pointing out the obvious flaws in Biden by now?

I give him till their debate. He ought to be fighting for his political life, if he were serious. Biden is SO weak. Remember, this is the guy, who in his prime, lost the nomination to DUKAKIS.


Yeah, Sanders is a D.C. insider that is sheep-dogging for the party once again. It's pretty obvious for sober, rational folks. Everyone except those dreamers who still believe in tales where the good guy always wins, and the couple always lives happily ever after.

Everything that is on your TEE VEE is a set up to make the plebes feel as though we are in control. . . we aren't.

It would not surprise me if Wall Street, the CFR, the Deep State, and Silicon Valley have already decided who the winner will be. Now, it is just a matter of telling folks who they need to vote for, and giving the pols their assignments.

Nah. . . Bernie is playing the same 'ol dance card routine that brought in the far lefties like it did last time, and I am sure he will be rewarded. This keeps them placated and keeps the nation from becoming a tinder box.

Here he is admitting it.

I love seeing Plugs firing on 2 cylinders. It's the marxist Dims coronavirus. He can't put together a coherent sentence... WITH 2 TELEPROMPTERS IN FRONT OF HIM! Give the kenyan lawn jockey his due - he could read a teleprompter. Sleepy is done... toast.... finished... the laughingstock of the planet.

Meanwhile Comrade Bernie is scowling angrily while lecturing us about the virtues of breadlines and poverty.

Going to be another awesome November in our future.

Only rich people like you, Sean Hannity and Rachel Maddow are afraid of Bernie.


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