The Satanic Temple Installs ‘Baby Baphomet’ Display at Illinois State Capitol right before Christmas

You can start with Alabama. And any State where they had to take it to the SCOTUS to decide. Which, by the way, has given conflicting decisions

So which SCOTUS should I ask? The one that allowed a statue of the ten commadments in Texas? Or the one that banned hanging them up, in Kentucky?

The Kentucky thing was where the state was requiring it. They can't do that.
Grab your trumpet head to the public library and insist on the fact that you have a right to play your trumpet in a public space. Let me know how that goes.
The problem of state sponsored religious displays already existed. The satanists didn't create that problem. The Christians did.
It is not the purview of the government to decide what constitutes a religious display in the first place.

You mentally retarded folks cannot comprehend the 1st amendment.
It is not the purview of the government to decide what constitutes a religious display in the first place.
Unfortunately, that's not going to cut it. It is their purview sometimes, because it has to be. Otherwise people would be putting Christ on a cross on the courthouse lawn and just claiming it is John Jones, some guy who liked to hang from crosses.

So yeah, maybe you should put half that energy you put into your little baby insults into thinking through your dumb posts before clicking "Post reply"
Unfortunately, that's not going to cut it. It is their purview sometimes, because it has to be. Otherwise people would be putting Christ on a cross on the courthouse lawn and just claiming it is John Jones, some guy who liked to hang from crosses.
So fucking what, you fucking dumbass?

No law means no law, moron. It doesn't mean no law except if it has to do with Jesus Christ or John Jones. There is no such qualifier in the 1st amendment.

What part of that don't you comprehend?
This is all a part of free expression.

It is meant to flush out people who will sell out your freedom. Or as Democrats call it "freedumb"
Unsupported assertions are not an explanation, dumbass.
It may seem unsupported to someone who is too ignorant to know better and too lazy to look it up. But the government does, indeed, sometimes have to decide what is a religious display and what is not.

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