The Schools Cannot Be Saved....They Must Be Destroyed

Someone who thinks "the flag should not be aloud" is teaching American children? Time to yank your children out of public school and let the morons scream as they see their funding going DOWN THE TUBE! Suck it, bitches!
New law for tachers on the Island Of Likk.
Teachers must live in the real world, fully employed by any non-govt agency for a period of 20 years, before entering a cirriculum for a teaching degree.
The same applies for architects, engineers and politicians
"Randi Weingarten Says Parental Rights Bills are ‘The Way in Which Wars Start’
AFT is the country’s most prominent teachers’ union has been a vocal critic of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and the recent spate of parental rights legislation, accusing the GOP of overstepping their bounds.


"Randi Weingarten Says Parental Rights Bills are ‘The Way in Which Wars Start’
AFT is the country’s most prominent teachers’ union has been a vocal critic of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and the recent spate of parental rights legislation, accusing the GOP of overstepping their bounds.

View attachment 636125

Grabbing that meme. Applies to SOOOOOOOOOOO many of the sick losers on this board.
Any parent who lived through these past two years and still has illusions about teachers' unions promoting the interests of our children is an idiot.

With all due modesty, I had a kid go through out local public K-12 with minimal psychological damage. He got instruction on safe anal sex at 10 years old, so I knew what I was up against. For some reason, he get into the habit of thinking for himself, and is anything but a clone of his immediate paternal ancestor. He is a damn fine journalist and at 40 y.o., is working his butt off to make a living. On more than one occasion, he has been able to straighten me out on a matter of public interest, simply because he reads a ton of material, and is careful about whom he takes seriously.

Home schooling was not an option for us, and would not be an option for many, even with a relative shitload of "education" in the parental intellectual bank. Best to pay attention to what s/he is being taught, and step in where it is false, harmful, or objectionable. Remember, your kids are as smart as you are (even though they know they are smarter).
Any parent who lived through these past two years and still has illusions about teachers' unions promoting the interests of our children is an idiot.

With all due modesty, I had a kid go through out local public K-12 with minimal psychological damage. He got instruction on safe anal sex at 10 years old, so I knew what I was up against. For some reason, he get into the habit of thinking for himself, and is anything but a clone of his immediate paternal ancestor. He is a damn fine journalist and at 40 y.o., is working his butt off to make a living. On more than one occasion, he has been able to straighten me out on a matter of public interest, simply because he reads a ton of material, and is careful about whom he takes seriously.

Home schooling was not an option for us, and would not be an option for many, even with a relative shitload of "education" in the parental intellectual bank. Best to pay attention to what s/he is being taught, and step in where it is false, harmful, or objectionable. Remember, your kids are as smart as you are (even though they know they are smarter).
I keep telling you to put your broad brush away. Teachers unions are toothless tigers in about 95% of the country. Unfortunately, you live in an educational shithole run by liberals. Of course you mileage may vary!
"Randi Weingarten Says Parental Rights Bills are ‘The Way in Which Wars Start’
AFT is the country’s most prominent teachers’ union has been a vocal critic of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and the recent spate of parental rights legislation, accusing the GOP of overstepping their bounds.

View attachment 636125

Y'know what, Randi? The right agrees with you. We just disagree about which one of us fired the first shot.
Not to argue numbers, Admiral, but California, New York, Illinois, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania constitute far more than 5% of the public school universe, and in those states the Teachers' unions RULE.

"Westport, CT School District Begins To Remove Shakespeare From Curriculum

William Shakespeare is widely considered to be the most important literary figure of all time. Now, according to many disappointed parents, the elective course on Shakespeare at Staples High School has been cancelled. Parents also note Shakespeare appears to be getting reduced representation across English classes.

This sad development is consistent with a disturbing trend. Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird was once a core element of Westport’s 8th grade curriculum but no longer is, as we previously observed. Dr. Ibram X. Kendi of course wrote in Stamped that he believes TKAM is racist.

As we have noted previously, Kendi’s organization has for years been championed by TEAM Westport and has provided extensive training to our teachers and various town employees. Now another literary giant whom Kendi finds objectionable seems to be on the chopping block. In 2020, Kendi tweeted an article which harshly criticized the teaching of Shakespeare…"
Amazing.....this is in the school books, but not allowed to be read at a school board meeting.


"Fairfax, Virginia Schools May Expel Elementary Students For ‘Misgendering’ People

Fairfax’s proposed changes, set to be approved May 26, have hit a new low. Legally meaningless offenses such as “malicious misgendering” and “outing related to gender identification” would be now punishable by up to “Level 4” sanctions. It’s the last level before penalties for drug dealing, rape, and homicide.

Level 4 is the punishment meted out for assault and battery, drug consumption, theft, and arson. These penalties may be applied even to kindergarteners and include, at their worst, expulsion at the behest of the school board.

This barrage of ideological punishment is accompanied by the school board sex-ed committee’s latest, unanimous April 2022 vote to move instruction on gender identity down to elementary school. "

"Fairfax, Virginia Schools May Expel Elementary Students For ‘Misgendering’ People

Fairfax’s proposed changes, set to be approved May 26, have hit a new low. Legally meaningless offenses such as “malicious misgendering” and “outing related to gender identification” would be now punishable by up to “Level 4” sanctions. It’s the last level before penalties for drug dealing, rape, and homicide.

Level 4 is the punishment meted out for assault and battery, drug consumption, theft, and arson. These penalties may be applied even to kindergarteners and include, at their worst, expulsion at the behest of the school board.

This barrage of ideological punishment is accompanied by the school board sex-ed committee’s latest, unanimous April 2022 vote to move instruction on gender identity down to elementary school. "
Dude, just stop with the cracker posts.

Don’t you ruskies have a war to worry about?
Dude, just stop with the cracker posts.

Don’t you ruskies have a war to worry about?

So you're a mis-gendered little puppy are ya? You want to teach children to lie in public about someone else's gender. This goes way beyond personal preference um " DUDE " and btw if you saw a full picture of PC there's no way you would ever refer to her as a Dude trust Dude. You don't get to tell me that the color I've known as purple for my whole life is now legally yellow or I go to jail. You don't get to tell me that a person walking around with a vagina and developed breasts is not a woman or a person walking around with a flesh pendulum is a female. This goes way beyond social etiquette...this is a direct assault on cognitive accuracy and a threat to independent thinking....this is being done not for the sake of hurt feelings its being done as conditioning technique designed to destroy intelligent objectivity.

So you're a mis-gendered little puppy are ya? You want to teach children to lie in public about someone else's gender. This goes way beyond personal preference um " DUDE " and btw if you saw a full picture of PC there's no way you would ever refer to her as a Dude trust Dude. You don't get to tell me that the color I've known as purple for my whole life is now legally yellow or I go to jail. You don't get to tell me that a person walking around with a vagina and developed breasts is not a woman or a person walking around with a flesh pendulum is a female. This goes way beyond social etiquette...this is a direct assault on cognitive accuracy and a threat to independent thinking....this is being done not for the sake of hurt feelings its being done as conditioning technique designed to destroy intelligent objectivity.

What lies are they teaching?

"Fairfax, Virginia Schools May Expel Elementary Students For ‘Misgendering’ People

Fairfax’s proposed changes, set to be approved May 26, have hit a new low. Legally meaningless offenses such as “malicious misgendering” and “outing related to gender identification” would be now punishable by up to “Level 4” sanctions. It’s the last level before penalties for drug dealing, rape, and homicide.

Level 4 is the punishment meted out for assault and battery, drug consumption, theft, and arson. These penalties may be applied even to kindergarteners and include, at their worst, expulsion at the behest of the school board.

This barrage of ideological punishment is accompanied by the school board sex-ed committee’s latest, unanimous April 2022 vote to move instruction on gender identity down to elementary school. "
This a obviously institutional, emphatic imposition of the sexual ideology of homofascim and transfascism. Legal challenges are coming, and the courts had better do their damn jobs or else.

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