The Science is settled!!!! 10 year old boy finds mistake...

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
The science will never be settled ...

10-year-old boy points out mistake in London's Natural History Museum display

London's Natural History Museum has been forced to change its new exhibition "Dino Snores" after a 10-year-old boy pointed out a labelling mistake.

Charlie Edwards was at the museum for a birthday sleepover when he noticed museum staff mistakenly used the silhouette of a Protoceratops, a sheep-sized herbivore, for an Oviraptor, a small carnivore with a parrot-like beak.

"We were walking around looking for dinosaur clues. So, I read this one sign that had an egg, but then it showed the full dinosaur side-by-side comparison to a human, and I saw that the shape of it was wrong. It was claimed to be an Oviraptor but it looked like an early dinosaur from the Triceratops family," he told the BBC.
The science will never be settled ...

10-year-old boy points out mistake in London's Natural History Museum display

London's Natural History Museum has been forced to change its new exhibition "Dino Snores" after a 10-year-old boy pointed out a labelling mistake.

Charlie Edwards was at the museum for a birthday sleepover when he noticed museum staff mistakenly used the silhouette of a Protoceratops, a sheep-sized herbivore, for an Oviraptor, a small carnivore with a parrot-like beak.

"We were walking around looking for dinosaur clues. So, I read this one sign that had an egg, but then it showed the full dinosaur side-by-side comparison to a human, and I saw that the shape of it was wrong. It was claimed to be an Oviraptor but it looked like an early dinosaur from the Triceratops family," he told the BBC.
Like your new avie!
As Homer would say.."DOH!!!!"

Shown up by a ten year old...that's gotta hurt.
Can you imagine the the amount of shit who ever did it is going recieve?

One of our 13 year old twins schooled a teacher on the Crusades, it was priceless.

But the teacher owned up and conceded our daughter was correct. I'll give her that.
As Homer would say.."DOH!!!!"
Shown up by a ten year old...that's gotta hurt.
Can you imagine the the amount of shit who ever did it is going recieve?
Well it wont be a phud, instead it will be some lowest ranking lackey, a TA or student assistant of some sort most likely.

These egotistical shit4brains dont have enough honesty to take responsibility for embarrassing errors like Michael Mann.
Labeling mistake? That all it takes to make scientists stupid to people who don't even believe in dinosaurs.

After all, the earth is only 6,000 years old.

Some right wingers believe scientists carve bones out of rocks.

Others believe God put bones in the ground to show up what creatures on other worlds look like.

Some stupid thing like this pops up and they go "Oh look how smart we are. They made a mistake".

Well, worshiping at the shrine of stupidity proves right wingers are a mistake.
"Science" is science to a progressive only when it is politically convenient. They make shit up as they go. Take climate change..........they say, "The science is settled"..........but then why are they always rigging the data like this week when the Australian Meteorology Dept was caught red handed fudging the data ( thread/link in ENVIRONMENT section ). have the issue of the transgenders in the military. Science doesn't count here..........these fools conveniently reject the scientific binary.

ghey :gay:
Labeling mistake? That all it takes to make scientists stupid to people who don't even believe in dinosaurs.

After all, the earth is only 6,000 years old.

Some right wingers believe scientists carve bones out of rocks.

Others believe God put bones in the ground to show up what creatures on other worlds look like.

Some stupid thing like this pops up and they go "Oh look how smart we are. They made a mistake".

Well, worshiping at the shrine of stupidity proves right wingers are a mistake.

Lol, straw man much, Denerd?
Labeling mistake? That all it takes to make scientists stupid to people who don't even believe in dinosaurs.

After all, the earth is only 6,000 years old.

Some right wingers believe scientists carve bones out of rocks.

Others believe God put bones in the ground to show up what creatures on other worlds look like.

Some stupid thing like this pops up and they go "Oh look how smart we are. They made a mistake".

Well, worshiping at the shrine of stupidity proves right wingers are a mistake.

Yea Rderp we know the Science is settled

15-year-old catches math error at the Museum of Science

15-year-old catches math error at the Museum of Science

Joseph Rosenfeld was looking at the exhibit at the Museum of Science—an exhibit more than twice his own age—when he saw it.

The math was wrong.

When the Virginia high schooler recently came to Boston on a family trip, he visited the museum with his aunts. Joseph noticed the error in an equation for the Golden Ratio, part of the “Mathematica: A World of Numbers…and Beyond’’ exhibit. There were minus signs where there should be plus signs.

“It was cool,’’ Joseph told “At first, I wasn’t sure, I thought maybe I had it wrong, but I was excited.’’

The Mathematica exhibit was created by design team Charles and Ray Eames, and has been at the museum since 1981. The pair made their name in the architecture and furniture design worlds, and created the exhibit to “provide an opportunity for everyone to enjoy the wonder of mathematics as well as the beauty of post-modern design,’’ according to the Museum of Science website.

Joseph noticed the mistake and left a message at the front desk, but didn’t leave any contact information, according to Joseph’s father, Scott Rosenfeld. Joseph’s aunts contacted the museum, which then sent a letter to the family.

“You are right that the formula for the Golden Ratio is incorrect. We will be changing the – sign to a + sign on the three places it appears if we can manage to do it without damaging the original,’’ Alana Parkes, the museum’s exhibit content developer, wrote in the letter.
UK schoolboy corrects Nasa data error - BBC News

UK schoolboy corrects Nasa data error

A British teenager has contacted scientists at Nasa to point out an error in a set of their own data.

A-level student Miles Soloman found that radiation sensors on the International Space Station (ISS) were recording false data.

The 17-year-old from Tapton school in Sheffield said it was "pretty cool" to email the space agency.

The correction was said to be "appreciated" by Nasa, which invited him to help analyse the problem.

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