The 10-Year-Old Boy Who Has Become the Face of Starvation in Gaza (but why no pressure on Hamas to be Humanitarian

Whose Fault is the Death of 10-Year-Old Boy Who Has Become the Face of Starvation in Gaza

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Here is the reality, so far about 32 thousand people have been killed from Israeli bombing etc, including over 11 thousand Children and about the same numbers for women, thats in 6 months, this shows total indiscrimiate bombing of civilians now look at the numbers for two years of war in Ukraine, sad as it is it shows the Russians are not targeting civilians indiscriminateley they are what the west calls collateral damage of people who are in the area of military targets, the odd missile that went off course and anti aircraft missiles of Ukraine that failed or brought a missile down over a built up area before it reached it's target falling on civilians, the numbers speak for themselves that's why in Gaza it's Genocide.

Published: 22nd February 2024

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Oxfam’s response to the Ukraine crisis
Two years since the escalation of the war in Ukraine, more than 10,500 civilians have been killed, including 587 children, as constant bombardments, mines, and drone attacks have left a generation traumatized, displaced, and fearful for their lives, said Oxfam together with 50 other humanitarian agencies, today.
Would it surprise you some time in the near future, we find out IDF murdered most of the Israelis killed on 10/7?
Well they certainly killed many of them according to people who were there and saw tanks and Apache choppers attacking buildings and cars, it's called the Hannibal directive, if you look at the damage of all those buildings and burned out cars there is no way a few guys with AKs caused all that.
Well the jews in the Warsaw Ghetto could have had a meeting with that nice SS General Jurgen Stroop and tried to reason with him before he liquidated the Ghetto and people in it, he would still have destroyed the Ghetto and transported all the jews, you can't feed red meat to a rabid dog and hope it won't attack.
Well the jews in the Warsaw Ghetto could have had a meeting with that nice SS General Jurgen Stroop and tried to reason with him before he liquidated the Ghetto and people in it, he would still have destroyed the Ghetto and transported all the jews, you can't feed red meat to a rabid dog and hope it won't attack.
Somehow the genocide supporters here see Israel as a benevolent force always willing to compromise, when the reality Israel is much like the SS general.
Well they certainly killed many of them according to people who were there and saw tanks and Apache choppers attacking buildings and cars, it's called the Hannibal directive, if you look at the damage of all those buildings and burned out cars there is no way a few guys with AKs caused all that.

Remember those pictures of hundreds of Israeli automobiles incinerated? How does Hamas do that with the weapons they had?

It’s likely the IDF panicked and following the Hannibal Directive, mass murdered their own people. Then Mossad told the press to report of fictional Hamas atrocities, and dumb Americans bought it hook line and sinker.

Remember those pictures of hundreds of Israeli automobiles incinerated? How does Hamas do that with the weapons they had?

It’s likely the IDF panicked and following the Hannibal Directive, mass murdered their own people. Then Mossad told the press to report of fictional Hamas atrocities, and dumb Americans bought it hook line and sinker.
Not just many Americans bought it but so did many here in the UK, but now some people are waking from the Coma they have been in for years and seeing those criminals for what they are, but there are also many supporting them, our Parliament is totally infested and corrupted by them, but now George Galloway is the new Sheriff in town and he is on their case calling them out, some of them don't have the balls to turn up in Parliament to hear it, at the next general election if there is a candidate in my town for his party that's where my vote is going.
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Not just many Americans bought it but so did many here in the UK, but now some people are waking from the Coma they have been in for years and seeing those criminals for what they are, but there are also many supporting them, our Parliament is totally infested and corrupted by them, but now George Galloway is the new Sheriff in town and he is on their case calling them out, some of them don't have the balls to turn up in Parliament to hear it.
Agreed. The entire west contains many dupes.

Regarding Galloway, would it surprise anyone if he commits “suicide?“ I hope he stays safe and can make a difference. I’m unaware of anyone in the US Congress like him.
Agreed. The entire west contains many dupes.

Regarding Galloway, would it surprise anyone if he commits “suicide?“ I hope he stays safe and can make a difference. I’m unaware of anyone in the US Congress like him.
Well you have a point, i said the same when Corbyn became leader of the labour party, the deep state and the Israelis took him out of the picture, Galloway is cut from the same cloth but more of a Rottweiler he goes after the scumbags and has already won two libel actions against people who think they can lie about him i believe he has another legal action at the moment against SKY news and Boris Johnsons Sister who works for SKY think that is also a libel action, Corbyn could have done the same but was too nice a man, Galloway is a political street fighter and that's the only thing the establishment understand, i don't know of any US politicians like him but there are several American commentators who are like him, Jimmy Dore for example, did you see Galloway at your Senate hearing on Iraqi oil? one of his finest moments, by the way you can see Galloway on his Mother of all talk shows every Wednesday and Sunday.
That didn't wash with the SS at Nuremberg when they were on trial for wiping Oradour Sur Glane off the map or murdering US POWs at Malmedy, but your Honour war is hell.

I don't think we'll be holding Nuremberg trials for Muslim terrorists.
Here is the reality, so far about 32 thousand people have been killed from Israeli bombing etc, including over 11 thousand Children and about the same numbers for women, thats in 6 months, this shows total indiscrimiate bombing of civilians now look at the numbers for two years of war in Ukraine, sad as it is it shows the Russians are not targeting civilians indiscriminateley they are what the west calls collateral damage of people who are in the area of military targets, the odd missile that went off course and anti aircraft missiles of Ukraine that failed or brought a missile down over a built up area before it reached it's target falling on civilians, the numbers speak for themselves that's why in Gaza it's Genocide.

Published: 22nd February 2024

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Oxfam’s response to the Ukraine crisis
Two years since the escalation of the war in Ukraine, more than 10,500 civilians have been killed, including 587 children, as constant bombardments, mines, and drone attacks have left a generation traumatized, displaced, and fearful for their lives, said Oxfam together with 50 other humanitarian agencies, today.

Here is the reality, so far about 32 thousand people have been killed from Israeli bombing etc, including over 11 thousand Children and about the same numbers for women, thats in 6 months, this shows total indiscrimiate bombing of civilians

Fewer than 200 per day? That's the opposite of indiscriminate you moron.
Shit, I could kill 32,000 a day if I bombed indiscriminately.

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