The Science of 6% of Scientists...

I think the "6% of Scientists Identify as Republicans" simply means that only 6% of scientists are war mongers: Republicans are noted for their love for war and readiness to engage in war over very minute issues.

Yeah. Sure. THAT's what "they" are "noted for" -- if all you read is the DU.


You idiots (like rdean) and your invariable reliance on cartoonish stereotypes are pretty amusing. You may be ridiculous and absurd, but at least you are always and forever unpersuasive.
I guess I WILL worry more about Democrat being an epithet.. Right after we rid the commons of the "tea-bagger" convention.
I think there is a difference you may be overlooking. There are no elected Democrats using the term "teabagger"...just lefty media is flinging that turd. The "Democrat party" is used by Republicans in congress.

Are you sure man? It's a little off topic. But can you really really comprehend ALL of the matter and energy in the entire known universe co-located in a lesser space than the size of a flea?? Or does that "scientific fact" require a little "faith" to help it go down? Of course -- I've GOT to buy into it.. It's the prevailing wisdom (not unchallenged, but prevailing). I personally think it requires far LESS faith to believe that Moses parted the Red Sea in Exodus. OK -- no faith required in "scientific method", but some of prevailing "scientific facts" require faith in the assertions.
Faith is not involved in the observation that matter in our universe is heading away from a central point. Faith is also not involved in crazy calculations about the weight and volume of all that matter if it were in that central point.

There's a LOT of work to do for ANYONE who seriously wants to make this science/political assertion stick. And they might not like the results of their work.
That's why I both hate and love PEW Research. Two studies in particular really changed what I wanted to believe. 1. The study that showed 20% of Fox's audience were Democrats in 2004, I always figured no Democrats would ever watch Fox News. 2. The study that showed 30% of Lebanese Muslims, and the 40% of Egyptian Muslims, think violence against US troops in the region is okay. While the study showed only 10% of Muslims in the region overall approve, I always argued that no Muslim middle eastern country had a percentage that high.

I think we're BLESSED with a plethora of media to choose from. It's chaotic, and largely uncontrollable. And the majority of it --- STINKS. So in that fashion -- we're in agreement. With all the "new media" available, you no longer get to suffer thru JUST the spin zones of the two major parties. But we're more likely to find facts and analysis that would NEVER have seen the light of day in the 3 channel TV days..

YES -- there's toxic spewage out there. But there's also more light on the subjects than before. It's a tradeoff I prefer. Because "neutered" news, and "elite-only" debate doesn't interest me at all.. When the chains came off the "media" --- so did the gloves..
On this point I couldn't agree less. Between 1700-1996, the US media was slanted to the left about 20-30% because Journalism majors tended to be liberals. a post Fox world, advocacy journalism abounds in which there is 100% advocacy for a given party. It's the kind of message purity that would make Mao and Stalin blush. The "facts and analysis" you speak of tends to be fundamentally electioneering, and of low quality IMHO. In the last 30 years, conservia has created it's own think tanks and studies to quote on it's own news networks. Fox News even has the gaul to air a "fact" checking show that checks their own previously stated "facts". Rupert Murdoch took a well respected financial journal like the Wall Street Journal, and turned it into tabloid competition for the NYT.

Media is not well in America.
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I guess I WILL worry more about Democrat being an epithet.. Right after we rid the commons of the "tea-bagger" convention.
I think there is a difference you may be overlooking. There are no elected Democrats using the term "teabagger"...just lefty media is flinging that turd. The "Democrat party" is used by Republicans in congress. » Rep. John Conyers on ‘Tea Baggers’: Their ‘Rational Abilities Are Compromised’ by Anger

New Tone: Arizona House Democrats Use "Teabagger" on Official Facebook Page - Katie Pavlich

Schumer Pulls 'Tea-Bagger' Card on GOP Candidate Brown -
I guess I WILL worry more about Democrat being an epithet.. Right after we rid the commons of the "tea-bagger" convention.
I think there is a difference you may be overlooking. There are no elected Democrats using the term "teabagger"...just lefty media is flinging that turd. The "Democrat party" is used by Republicans in congress. » Rep. John Conyers on ‘Tea Baggers’: Their ‘Rational Abilities Are Compromised’ by Anger

New Tone: Arizona House Democrats Use "Teabagger" on Official Facebook Page - Katie Pavlich

Schumer Pulls 'Tea-Bagger' Card on GOP Candidate Brown -

PERFECT example DaveMan of why the explosion in media sources is a blessing and gets us to "the truth" faster than Huntley-Brinkley or Walter Cronkite used to.. Life's too short to live under decades of misconceptions, unwarranted hatred, and faulty biases..

Kudos for the demonstration...

Both sides accuse the other of wanting to go back to the "old days".. I'm not all that fond of the "old media". But in fairness, there's a lot more out there that IS lesser quality.. The marketplace of "news consumers" will act to reduce that problem UNLESS there's a MARKET for low quality "news"..
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I think there is a difference you may be overlooking. There are no elected Democrats using the term "teabagger"...just lefty media is flinging that turd. The "Democrat party" is used by Republicans in congress. » Rep. John Conyers on ‘Tea Baggers’: Their ‘Rational Abilities Are Compromised’ by Anger

New Tone: Arizona House Democrats Use "Teabagger" on Official Facebook Page - Katie Pavlich

Schumer Pulls 'Tea-Bagger' Card on GOP Candidate Brown -

PERFECT example DaveMan of why the explosion in media sources is a blessing and gets us to "the truth" faster than Huntley-Brinkley or Walter Cronkite used to.. Life's too short to live under decades of misconceptions, unwarranted hatred, and faulty biases..

Kudos for the demonstration...

Both sides accuse the other of wanting to go back to the "old days".. I'm not all that fond of the "old media". But in fairness, there's a lot more out there that IS lesser quality.. The marketplace of "news consumers" will act to reduce that problem UNLESS there's a MARKET for low quality "news"..

I'm sure toxicmedia will be along any minute now to acknowledge his error. Any minute now...
Okay, Conyers and Schumer used the epithet, I stand corrected. I couldn't find the word "teabagger" on the Arizona Democrats facebook page.

In comparison...GOP politicians use the phrase "Democrat Party" more than they do the correct name.
I think there is a difference you may be overlooking. There are no elected Democrats using the term "teabagger"...just lefty media is flinging that turd. The "Democrat party" is used by Republicans in congress. » Rep. John Conyers on ‘Tea Baggers’: Their ‘Rational Abilities Are Compromised’ by Anger

New Tone: Arizona House Democrats Use "Teabagger" on Official Facebook Page - Katie Pavlich

Schumer Pulls 'Tea-Bagger' Card on GOP Candidate Brown -

PERFECT example DaveMan of why the explosion in media sources is a blessing and gets us to "the truth" faster than Huntley-Brinkley or Walter Cronkite used to.. Life's too short to live under decades of misconceptions, unwarranted hatred, and faulty biases..

Kudos for the demonstration...

Both sides accuse the other of wanting to go back to the "old days".. I'm not all that fond of the "old media". But in fairness, there's a lot more out there that IS lesser quality.. The marketplace of "news consumers" will act to reduce that problem UNLESS there's a MARKET for low quality "news"..
Breitbart and Fox are two examples of 100% advocacy pseudo journalsm. Rush created the 100% advocacy model, and then Fox made the model incredibly profitable. It's competely understandable that conservative media would make you and Daveman feel like you're hearing "the truth". "The truth" is a very subjective term. Here is one example...when conservative media shows a poll on "the direction of the country", and it's results show that people are unhappy with the direction, the concluion is drawn that those unhappy people don't like Obama. I would anwer yes to the same poll, but I think the direction this country is talking is bad because so many so called "conservatives" won seats in the house last January.

With sources like Breitbart, and Fox, the problem isn't what conservative media tells you about's what they won't tell you about Republicans, and that is not even low quality news, it's propaganda.

I think the following sources are the problem. Fox, MSNBC, Drudge, The Huffington Post, The New York Post, The New York Times, Breitbart, Crook and Liars, Michelle Malkin, Daily KOS, Redstates, Wonkette, Hotair, Rush, CNN, and so on...If you're getting your information from any of these have a head full of propaganda.

The fact agencies since the beginning of time have raked muck and perpetuated centuries of misconceptions, unwarranted hatred, and faulty biases. Sorting out "the truth" from US media of today is abolutely imposible.

What I know about the middle east and Muslims, I learned from living there. What I know about the healthcare industry, I learned from working in it. What I know about political history, I learned from reading political history. All these sources that you think are bringing the undisclosed to light, are just telling you how you should think. Today's media holds focus groups that find out what conservatives and liberals want to hear, then they produce that product. Because that product is favorable to a particular electioneering effort, those politicians will appear. It's simply what I call the media/political complex. Parties don't tell their advocacy news agencies what to say, but those news agencies know what to say to keep their party members engaged. Cronkite and Brinkley didn't have any relationships with Democrats that even approaches the level of integration that the GOP and Fox does. Cronkite and Brinkley didn't rely on focus groups, verified all stories with 2 sources, and they didn't have the Frank Lunz's of the world running around pretending to NOT be a Republican political strategist.

The most liberating thing that ha happened to me in the last five years was to quit watching cable news. Now my two sources for everything are the house and senate web sites where you can read the legislation yourself...and history books written before 1970.

Just to be clear...I mean no disrepect to your critical reasoning skills, or you. It's also very refreshing to debate with someone who doen't need inults to reinforce salient points.

PERFECT example DaveMan of why the explosion in media sources is a blessing and gets us to "the truth" faster than Huntley-Brinkley or Walter Cronkite used to.. Life's too short to live under decades of misconceptions, unwarranted hatred, and faulty biases..

Kudos for the demonstration...

Both sides accuse the other of wanting to go back to the "old days".. I'm not all that fond of the "old media". But in fairness, there's a lot more out there that IS lesser quality.. The marketplace of "news consumers" will act to reduce that problem UNLESS there's a MARKET for low quality "news"..

I'm sure toxicmedia will be along any minute now to acknowledge his error. Any minute now...
I logged off before I saw your post, and only logged back on today.

One should never mistake disacknowledgment for capitulation from me. I'm very busy and don't log on every day. I never run away from a debate. I'm right or I'm wrong, and if I'm right, I'll say nothing, if I'm wrong, I'll admit it.
*tips hat*
I couldn't find the word "teabagger" on the Arizona Democrats facebook page.
Obviously, the AZ Dems edited their post, or removed it altogether.
In comparison...GOP politicians use the phrase "Democrat Party" more than they do the correct name.
How awful. "Democrat" carries such an obvious sexual connotation.

Oh,, it doesn't.
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PERFECT example DaveMan of why the explosion in media sources is a blessing and gets us to "the truth" faster than Huntley-Brinkley or Walter Cronkite used to.. Life's too short to live under decades of misconceptions, unwarranted hatred, and faulty biases..

Kudos for the demonstration...

Both sides accuse the other of wanting to go back to the "old days".. I'm not all that fond of the "old media". But in fairness, there's a lot more out there that IS lesser quality.. The marketplace of "news consumers" will act to reduce that problem UNLESS there's a MARKET for low quality "news"..

I'm sure toxicmedia will be along any minute now to acknowledge his error. Any minute now...
I logged off before I saw your post, and only logged back on today.

One should never mistake disacknowledgment for capitulation from me. I'm very busy and don't log on every day. I never run away from a debate. I'm right or I'm wrong, and if I'm right, I'll say nothing, if I'm wrong, I'll admit it.
*tips hat* My apologies.

I don't rely on any of the partisian sources as my PRIMARY source of information. I use them the same way I interpret useless polling (like your example above). And that is to judge how badly each side is lying and misrepresenting the facts -- and WHY that lie is important to them.. THAT -- in itself is useful as a defense mechanism..

My intake is totally from print journals and TOTALLY on policies, principles, and factual analysis. I've (in the past) had subscriptions to BOTH "The Nation" and "National Review" --- Or Mother Jones and Reason Mag. It's my vaccination against your "infectious" media..

Somewhere along the way, I learned that left NEEDS control of the media more than the Conservatives do. Because today's political left doesn't rely very heavily on facts, or reason, or consistentcy or even math.. Sorry for the slight, I TRIED to remain objective and I'm STILL not affiliated with either party.. BUT --- am I opinionated..

"The truth" is a very subjective term. Here is one example...when conservative media shows a poll on "the direction of the country", and it's results show that people are unhappy with the direction, the concluion is drawn that those unhappy people don't like Obama. I would anwer yes to the same poll, but I think the direction this country is talking is bad because so many so called "conservatives" won seats in the house last January.
Back to the topic of BAD POLLING.. Who invented the fantasy of blaming the PREZ for the direction of the country? Of course he had a role to play -- but I remember giving Presidents credit for things they don't deserve and blame for stuff they couldn't control. Where did the phrase "Are you better off now than you were 4 years ago" come from?

I just saw the last Harry Potter film (I hope) - and the phrase "defense against the black arts" comes to mind.. My theory is that the left lacks a lot of self-defense skills and has no innate sense of self-preservation. They see "relativity" in everything. They can freely interpret a poll or a graph with no respect for the actual contents or the math or the methodology.. USUALLY -- on USMB as an example, it will be a Conservative or Libertarian that cares enough to question a PARTICULAR graph or poll.. Even one that appears to prove it's point outright -- there can still be flaws or mistakes or intentional bias. The left generally has no patience for that kind of analysis.. This '6% of scientists' turdball is just one example of that.

The previous paragraph is ALL personal opinion.. Probably should have been kept to myself.. And was NOT intended to create yet another pissing contest on which factions are more brilliant or skillful.. I just worry about the day when those lefties get released into the wild and have to develop INDIVIDUAL survival skills without their daily dose of Dem Underground or Koz.. :eusa_angel:
How awful. "Democrat" carries such an obvious sexual connotation.

Oh,, it doesn't.
I never use the term teabagger, but honestly I'd never heard it untill it became an unfortunate turd of choice for some lefties. I'm also don't think there is any kind of formula based on severity of profanity, or how many times an epithet is used by our politicians, that would make any one worse than another, in spite of my own previous point that Republicans say "Democrat party" more than Democratic pary.

I think Washington politicians should have more class. Let the Philipino, Korean, and Taiwanese parliaments break out in their brawls.
Somewhere along the way, I learned that left NEEDS control of the media more than the Conservatives do. Because today's political left doesn't rely very heavily on facts, or reason, or consistentcy or even math.. Sorry for the slight, I TRIED to remain objective and I'm STILL not affiliated with either party.. BUT --- am I opinionated..

I just worry about the day when those lefties get released into the wild and have to develop INDIVIDUAL survival skills without their daily dose of Dem Underground or Koz.. :eusa_angel:
I repsectfully dissagree with your opinon on this matter.

Let me give you an example.

On another site...I assembled two righties who were in favor of the Arizona Law last year, and two lefties who were against. What we did was read the 17 page bill from cover to cover. Then we went to the DHS website and learned about something called 287g and also examined the immigration/deportation court system.

After much discussion, and I apologize for clearly straying too far from the topic of polling, we found that we all agreed. The law did not empwer state police to reduce illegal immigration, nor did it have the potential to grant police any power to violate constitutional rights that they don't already have. By resisting media forces who's initial aim was to make us mad at each other over the issue, we found that common sense showed the law wouldn't do what both sides said it would.

Anyway...I've got to run again...I will pop back on and address that polling issue now that I can see you're rational.
How awful. "Democrat" carries such an obvious sexual connotation.

Oh,, it doesn't.
I never use the term teabagger, but honestly I'd never heard it untill it became an unfortunate turd of choice for some lefties. I'm also don't think there is any kind of formula based on severity of profanity, or how many times an epithet is used by our politicians, that would make any one worse than another, in spite of my own previous point that Republicans say "Democrat party" more than Democratic pary.

I think Washington politicians should have more class. Let the Philipino, Korean, and Taiwanese parliaments break out in their brawls.
I honestly don't understand the reaction "Democrat Party" causes. It's not like the party has any real respect for democracy, after all.
How awful. "Democrat" carries such an obvious sexual connotation.

Oh,, it doesn't.
I never use the term teabagger, but honestly I'd never heard it untill it became an unfortunate turd of choice for some lefties. I'm also don't think there is any kind of formula based on severity of profanity, or how many times an epithet is used by our politicians, that would make any one worse than another, in spite of my own previous point that Republicans say "Democrat party" more than Democratic pary.

I think Washington politicians should have more class. Let the Philipino, Korean, and Taiwanese parliaments break out in their brawls.
I honestly don't understand the reaction "Democrat Party" causes. It's not like the party has any real respect for democracy, after all.

... he mumbles while the offended leaves the room.. I HEARD that...
Somewhere along the way, I learned that left NEEDS control of the media more than the Conservatives do. Because today's political left doesn't rely very heavily on facts, or reason, or consistentcy or even math.. Sorry for the slight, I TRIED to remain objective and I'm STILL not affiliated with either party.. BUT --- am I opinionated..

I just worry about the day when those lefties get released into the wild and have to develop INDIVIDUAL survival skills without their daily dose of Dem Underground or Koz.. :eusa_angel:
I repsectfully dissagree with your opinon on this matter.

Let me give you an example.

On another site...I assembled two righties who were in favor of the Arizona Law last year, and two lefties who were against. What we did was read the 17 page bill from cover to cover. Then we went to the DHS website and learned about something called 287g and also examined the immigration/deportation court system.

After much discussion, and I apologize for clearly straying too far from the topic of polling, we found that we all agreed. The law did not empwer state police to reduce illegal immigration, nor did it have the potential to grant police any power to violate constitutional rights that they don't already have. By resisting media forces who's initial aim was to make us mad at each other over the issue, we found that common sense showed the law wouldn't do what both sides said it would.

Anyway...I've got to run again...I will pop back on and address that polling issue now that I can see you're rational.

You must have hit on the right representative sample.. The kind that cares about the ISSUE and the principles not -- the partisian spin.. Unfortunately, that kind of participant screening doesn't exist on open forums.. It's open-season on USMB for instance. (and I LOVE the chaos and the party animals). Also sad to say, it doesn't exist in the selection of talking heads on TV Cable news panels..

But it SHOULD make you proud that magic can happen..

I've reserved a website called bigTVboobs that someday when I retire is gonna lampoon all the professional talking heads we never want to see again.. NOT the anchors or hosts, but the panel-members that makes us wretch.. You'd be surprised at the acreage of common ground there as well..
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I never use the term teabagger, but honestly I'd never heard it untill it became an unfortunate turd of choice for some lefties. I'm also don't think there is any kind of formula based on severity of profanity, or how many times an epithet is used by our politicians, that would make any one worse than another, in spite of my own previous point that Republicans say "Democrat party" more than Democratic pary.

I think Washington politicians should have more class. Let the Philipino, Korean, and Taiwanese parliaments break out in their brawls.
I honestly don't understand the reaction "Democrat Party" causes. It's not like the party has any real respect for democracy, after all.

... he mumbles while the offended leaves the room.. I HEARD that...

How awful. "Democrat" carries such an obvious sexual connotation.

Oh,, it doesn't.
I never use the term teabagger, but honestly I'd never heard it untill it became an unfortunate turd of choice for some lefties. I'm also don't think there is any kind of formula based on severity of profanity, or how many times an epithet is used by our politicians, that would make any one worse than another, in spite of my own previous point that Republicans say "Democrat party" more than Democratic pary.

I think Washington politicians should have more class. Let the Philipino, Korean, and Taiwanese parliaments break out in their brawls.
I honestly don't understand the reaction "Democrat Party" causes. It's not like the party has any real respect for democracy, after all.
If the above highlighted sentence is just hyperbole, and if calling the Democratic party the "Democrat party" was also just hyperbole, then I wouldn't have any reaction to it.

Many lefties during the Bush admin actually believed that W started the war in Iraq to sacrifice Americans for oil, Saddam's attempt on GHW's life, or simply out of bravado. A rational person assumes that W probably thought he was doing the right thing for America. So it's this whole demonization process that is neccessary for electioneering, but more often than not, likely untrue.

Bush wasn't out to murder Muslims because he hates them. Obama is not out to implement govenrment ownership of American businesses and abolish private property (communism/pure socialism).

See?......that's how advocacy media operates...they spew out combinations of hyperbole, opinions, and in/out of context quotes in order to create false and misleading impressions. Without ever prefacing this with "it is reported by" or "in my opinion"...people accept outright lies when they like the way it sounds. don't really think that Democrats are against a system of government where an elected body votes, and the majority you? because that's what Democracy is. It's actualy been Republicans who started bashing Democracy big time in 2000, when more Americans voted for Al Gore than George Bush. After that, every Republican who listens to conservative media became an expert on how we're a Republic, and not a Democracy, and how tyranny of the majority was bad.
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I never use the term teabagger, but honestly I'd never heard it untill it became an unfortunate turd of choice for some lefties. I'm also don't think there is any kind of formula based on severity of profanity, or how many times an epithet is used by our politicians, that would make any one worse than another, in spite of my own previous point that Republicans say "Democrat party" more than Democratic pary.

I think Washington politicians should have more class. Let the Philipino, Korean, and Taiwanese parliaments break out in their brawls.
I honestly don't understand the reaction "Democrat Party" causes. It's not like the party has any real respect for democracy, after all.

... he mumbles while the offended leaves the room.. I HEARD that...
Should I get that?....or is it a private joke?
Democratics for some reason dislike it when you correctly call their political party "the Democrat Party."

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