The Select Committee Has Sedition Caucus Nervous

Yep, 12 FBI agents involved with six patsies...
Your ASS

On October 8, 2020, the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) announced the arrests of 13 men suspected of orchestrating a domestic terror plot to kidnap American politician Gretchen Whitmer, the Governor of Michigan, and otherwise using violence to overthrow the state government.[1][2][3][4] Half of the suspects were tied to a paramilitary militia group that called themselves the Wolverine Watchmen.[5] Six of the suspects were charged in federal court, while the other seven were charged with state crimes.[4] A week later, a fourteenth suspect was arrested and charged in state court.[6]
Your ASS

On October 8, 2020, the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) announced the arrests of 13 men suspected of orchestrating a domestic terror plot to kidnap American politician Gretchen Whitmer, the Governor of Michigan, and otherwise using violence to overthrow the state government.[1][2][3][4] Half of the suspects were tied to a paramilitary militia group that called themselves the Wolverine Watchmen.[5] Six of the suspects were charged in federal court, while the other seven were charged with state crimes.[4] A week later, a fourteenth suspect was arrested and charged in state court.[6]
These cultists are pathological liars. Every damn one of them.
"The Whitmer plot WAS related to the Jan 6 attack in that it was a dress rehearsal by right wing extremists"

I agree with poster Lesh on this.
And have said so to Michigan snowbird-neighbors near our place in Florida ---and off of this forum.

What happened in Lansing, Michigan that day framed an appealling national image to the MAGAhats. . And it demonstrated to the duped & snookered...if only they dressed up in their Mall Ninja Kevlar & Camo DragQueen gear.......well, they could look intimidating and become a 'news-story'-generator. ALL publicity is good publicity, for those of that type.

Sort of a, "Look, Duke, let's dress up like MealTeam 6'ers.....and the media cameras will follow us like eyeballs to cleavage."

Lansing, Michigan was a dress rehearsal.....albeit not known to be at that very time. But it showd the Duped & Snookered MAGAHats what COULD be ....... if only they could costume-up and get a bigger stage than little ol' Lansing, Michigan.

Henrik Impola. Jason Chambers, Richard Trask, and Steven D’Antuono are the four top agents that have been named by the defense and the prosecution has refused to call these key witnesses. They are either active or former agents.
It's obvious that your reply shows you did not read article I posted.
I agree with poster Lesh on this.
And have said so to Michigan snowbird-neighbors near our place in Florida ---and off of this forum.

What happened in Lansing, Michigan that day framed an appealling national image to the MAGAhats. . And it demonstrated to the duped & snookered...if only they dressed up in their Mall Ninja Kevlar & Camo DragQueen gear.......well, they could look intimidating and become a 'news-story'-generator. ALL publicity is good publicity, for those of that type.

Sort of a, "Look, Duke, let's dress up like MealTeam 6'ers.....and the media cameras will follow us like eyeballs to cleavage."

Lansing, Michigan was a dress rehearsal.....albeit not known to be at that very time. But it showd the Duped & Snookered MAGAHats what COULD be ....... if only they could costume-up and get a bigger stage than little ol' Lansing, Michigan.

It was a dress rehearsal for the FBI''s B movie plot writers, it failed miserably.
"The committee's efforts won't be deterred". Didn't we hear that back in the early 50's when HUAC investigators were issuing subpoenas and blacklisting communists? Democrats managed to blame a single republican for the whole era and haven't stopped whining about it for the better part of 60 years. Here we go again. Will democrats blame it on Trump?
The FBI asked for password details from Apple after a terror attack on American soil that killed many citizens. Apple told them no. It might have even had risked future attacks but they still said no.

If they can do that to the leading federal police agency in America, why would anyone be snooping? Can the GOP in the majority request access to Dem politicians, their family members? How far up the chain can they go?

This isn't just a slippery slope, this is the end of your system. Don't expect Europe, Japan or others to follow suit.

A diabolical way to try and change the channel though...
Not the same. The FBI asked Apple to write code to break a device's encryption. Apple does not habve the passwords or private keys of the devices.

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