The Self-Made Mill- Billionaire?

You forgot, Clinton, Obama and Biden!

Obama helped create more wealth for the wealthy than Reagan, Bush, Bush and Trump ever did. Clinton helped by signing laws that created the housing bubble. Biden, he has given billions to the rich and continues to do so.

Now, why would rich House Democrats clear the way for illegals to work on their staff? I thought hiring illegals was a GOP thing but your Democrats are just as guilty. Congrats!! Quite the hypocrisy you are trying to pull off.
How did Obama create more wealth for the wealthy?
How did Obama create more wealth for the wealthy?

No your turn to defend the greatest liberal that gave money to the wealthy and only the wealthy. Funny how he was okay with it when he was doing that but condemns everyone else for doing it.
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We don't want communism. We want well regulated capitalism.

We had it. Back when America was great. Back then, the rich weren't so rich but the middle class was doing a heck of a lot better. Then came Reagan, Bush, Bush and Trump tax breaks. Suddenly things are out of wack.

Also keep in mind one of the ways the rich got richer and we got poorer was they sent our jobs overseas. We took a hit but they profited more. Back in the 2000's the CEOs that were paid the most were the CEO's who sent the most jobs overseas.

And then the rich, or guys like Trump, hired illegals. This costs blue collar America billions of dollars a year. It also saves rich people and corporations billions of dollars a year.
Capitalism is regulated enough. SEC allows Twitter to commit felonious FRAUD. Why don't you fycking start there.
Capitalism is regulated enough. SEC allows Twitter to commit felonious FRAUD. Why don't you fycking start there.
I thought you said we are regulated enough? You just stated a problem with the SEC and Twitter. Sounds like that's something that needs to be regulated.

You see? We need to stop talking about "regulations" as if they are a bad thing. Some regulations are good. In fact most of the regulations in place right now are in place for a good reason. And some are bad. Let's start talking only about specific regulations being either good or bad or necessary. Not slander the word Regulations as if it's a bad thing.

In an unregulated capitalistic society, what you would get is a small rich ruling class with monopolies on everything. A very small merchant/middle class and the masses would be what they called in England, "The Rabble".
We don't want communism. We want well regulated capitalism.

We had it. Back when America was great. Back then, the rich weren't so rich but the middle class was doing a heck of a lot better. Then came Reagan, Bush, Bush and Trump tax breaks. Suddenly things are out of wack.

Also keep in mind one of the ways the rich got richer and we got poorer was they sent our jobs overseas. We took a hit but they profited more. Back in the 2000's the CEOs that were paid the most were the CEO's who sent the most jobs overseas.

And then the rich, or guys like Trump, hired illegals. This costs blue collar America billions of dollars a year. It also saves rich people and corporations billions of dollars a year.
Largest exchange of wealth from poor and middle class to the rich happened under Obama, not Reagan, not Bush or Bush or Trump, it came under Obama. So tell us how bad the GOP is when the largest wealth exchanged happened under Obama.
Largest exchange of wealth from poor and middle class to the rich happened under Obama, not Reagan, not Bush or Bush or Trump, it came under Obama. So tell us how bad the GOP is when the largest wealth exchanged happened under Obama.
They control both parties, remember? Which Republicans objected to these things that happened on Obama's watch, or Clinton's? Or did they force them to go along? Did Republicans object to these policies that Obama/Clinton passed? No they didn't. So anything you are going to show me Democrats did that made the rich richer, Republicans went along with.

Okay maybe one exception. Obamacare probably made the rich richer and Republicans were all against that one. Got any other examples?

You will have to cherry pick. Because things like NAFTA, Republicans loved. Bush stopping the enforcement of raiding illegal employers? That's the kind of things that made hiring illegals go up on Obama's watch. Hard to undo everything Bush did so the rich got richer, even under Obama. What can Obama do when the Republicans would fight anything he tried? Devil's in the details.
They control both parties, remember? Which Republicans objected to these things that happened on Obama's watch, or Clinton's? Or did they force them to go along? Did Republicans object to these policies that Obama/Clinton passed? No they didn't. So anything you are going to show me Democrats did that made the rich richer, Republicans went along with.

Okay maybe one exception. Obamacare probably made the rich richer and Republicans were all against that one. Got any other examples?

You will have to cherry pick. Because things like NAFTA, Republicans loved. Bush stopping the enforcement of raiding illegal employers? That's the kind of things that made hiring illegals go up on Obama's watch. Hard to undo everything Bush did so the rich got richer, even under Obama. What can Obama do when the Republicans would fight anything he tried? Devil's in the details.
Again and I hope you get it but I doubt it, both parties are corrupt, they have a plan to transfer wealth to the rich as both have done. You are desperate to blame just the GOP and not put the blame where it really belongs, and that is Dems and the GOP, both are ruining our country. But hey, you continue to think a bunch of wealth transferring assholes who don't know you from Adam care about, you go ahead. I am not trusting wither party.

As far as hiring illegals? Democrats in Congress are now hiring them for their staffs now, what do you want to do with the Dems hiring them?
Again and I hope you get it but I doubt it, both parties are corrupt, they have a plan to transfer wealth to the rich as both have done. You are desperate to blame just the GOP and not put the blame where it really belongs, and that is Dems and the GOP, both are ruining our country. But hey, you continue to think a bunch of wealth transferring assholes who don't know you from Adam care about, you go ahead. I am not trusting wither party.

As far as hiring illegals? Democrats in Congress are now hiring them for their staffs now, what do you want to do with the Dems hiring them?
The more money I gather, the more Republican I see things. You seem to be in the middle. Not quite broke enough to vote Democrat but not rich enough to be a Republican. My rise was very quick. So I didn't have time to fumble through Libertarianism. In fact as much as I want to be a Republican, I just can't. Must be how rich Democrats feel. Just can't abandon the little guy, even though the more and more I look the more I realize they deserve to be poor. All of you. Even me back when I was.

I remember Republicans told me, "you're broke because that's what you are worth". And that's true. Because as a sales person, in the industry I was in, that is what I was worth. What were my options? I could ask the company for more money and get it or leave to another company worth paying more more. Or if I was a blue collar guy, I could unionize, go back to school or start my own company. It's America.

So America hasn't been ruined by anyone, has it? How? Please papa, tell me how America has been ruined. What's wrong with it? I mean economically. Seems great to me right now. I'm doing great. And I started out poor. What's the problem? This I can't wait to hear.
The more money I gather, the more Republican I see things. You seem to be in the middle. Not quite broke enough to vote Democrat but not rich enough to be a Republican. My rise was very quick. So I didn't have time to fumble through Libertarianism. In fact as much as I want to be a Republican, I just can't. Must be how rich Democrats feel. Just can't abandon the little guy, even though the more and more I look the more I realize they deserve to be poor. All of you. Even me back when I was.

I remember Republicans told me, "you're broke because that's what you are worth". And that's true. Because as a sales person, in the industry I was in, that is what I was worth. What were my options? I could ask the company for more money and get it or leave to another company worth paying more more. Or if I was a blue collar guy, I could unionize, go back to school or start my own company. It's America.

So America hasn't been ruined by anyone, has it? How? Please papa, tell me how America has been ruined. What's wrong with it? I mean economically. Seems great to me right now. I'm doing great. And I started out poor. What's the problem? This I can't wait to hear.
You sound condescending but what else is new, you vote for who you want, I don't care how stupid you are with your vote. I tire of rehashing the same conversations with you over and over. Why don't you just make more stupid shit up like you always do and then believe you are right, it saves a lot of time.
You sound condescending but what else is new, you vote for who you want, I don't care how stupid you are with your vote. I tire of rehashing the same conversations with you over and over. Why don't you just make more stupid shit up like you always do and then believe you are right, it saves a lot of time.
I knew you wouldn't answer my questions about how exactly America has been "ruined" by Democrats. Because you would have to start arguing that America has been ruined. And you don't really believe that. You think it's just fine. You argue for the status quo.

And yes, I am selfishly voting for my own self interest now that I made it out of the masses. For years I tried to get the masses to wake up and stop voting GOP. But they didn't. Every 8 years they put Republicans back in office. So we have what we have today.

Every thing you would say bad about Democratic policies that made the rich richer, Democrats went along with Republicans. I remember each time Clinton let us liberals down starting with NAFTA. Republicans certainly weren't complaining about NAFTA. But yes, enough Democrats went along with NAFTA that it passed. I'm sure if the Democrats needed more votes, more Democrats would have voted for it. But the ones who's constituents hated the deal the most, probably Michigan with our unions, voted no but that was just to show our constituents see we didn't vote yes but there was nothing we could do.

Because NAFTA was a done deal regardless of which party was in power.

I knew you wouldn't answer my questions about how exactly America has been "ruined" by Democrats. Because you would have to start arguing that America has been ruined. And you don't really believe that. You think it's just fine. You argue for the status quo.

And yes, I am selfishly voting for my own self interest now that I made it out of the masses. For years I tried to get the masses to wake up and stop voting GOP. But they didn't. Every 8 years they put Republicans back in office. So we have what we have today.

Every thing you would say bad about Democratic policies that made the rich richer, Democrats went along with Republicans. I remember each time Clinton let us liberals down starting with NAFTA. Republicans certainly weren't complaining about NAFTA. But yes, enough Democrats went along with NAFTA that it passed. I'm sure if the Democrats needed more votes, more Democrats would have voted for it. But the ones who's constituents hated the deal the most, probably Michigan with our unions, voted no but that was just to show our constituents see we didn't vote yes but there was nothing we could do.

Because NAFTA was a done deal regardless of which party was in power.

Where did I claim that America was ruined by Democrats? To me both parties are putting America in jeopardy.

The transition of money from poor to rich has ruined America, the fact we are 30 trillion in debt is the ruin of America. We are in deep trouble financially and it is only going to get worse.

Again, you and I have had this conversation over and over and over again and you still want to rehash it, why? Why waste the time? BTW, you aren't part of any union, so can the "we" BS when it comes to the unions you refuse to join.

Again, I was against NAFTA but I am a Republican. :rolleyes-41:
The more money I gather, the more Republican I see things. You seem to be in the middle. Not quite broke enough to vote Democrat but not rich enough to be a Republican. My rise was very quick. So I didn't have time to fumble through Libertarianism. In fact as much as I want to be a Republican, I just can't. Must be how rich Democrats feel. Just can't abandon the little guy, even though the more and more I look the more I realize they deserve to be poor. All of you. Even me back when I was.

I remember Republicans told me, "you're broke because that's what you are worth". And that's true. Because as a sales person, in the industry I was in, that is what I was worth. What were my options? I could ask the company for more money and get it or leave to another company worth paying more more. Or if I was a blue collar guy, I could unionize, go back to school or start my own company. It's America.

So America hasn't been ruined by anyone, has it? How? Please papa, tell me how America has been ruined. What's wrong with it? I mean economically. Seems great to me right now. I'm doing great. And I started out poor. What's the problem? This I can't wait to hear.
Who are these imaginary "little guys" you care about?
Good post^

Just clarifying a couple things. Firstly, I'm happy, comfortable, and satisfied with enough. Not rich. So not a sealybobo. That condition has also forced me to become independent and far too left for any Party like the Democrats, Libertarians, or Republicans these days. You're all nuts. None of this Party squabbling has interested me in decades other than to make me or others laugh. Finally, the Thom Hartmann link sealybobo posted was from

Thom Hartmann Administrator's picture

Mar. 11, 2004 6:00 pm
By Thom Hartmann A... no brownie points awarded for not listening to him since 2010, pops. His problem was increasingly becoming a hypocrite. He was never really satisfied with enough, despite having Bernie in his ear every week for years on end. He grew narcissistic and greedy. So jealous of pigs like Rush Limbaugh and Howard Stern that he began working hard to make sure people like me, who refused to ever pay additional subscription fees on principle, could no longer even listen to his week old audio podcasts. Signing up with RT to do live TV was predictably his ultimate downfall. That said, he did a lot of good for a long while.
As far as hiring illegals? Democrats in Congress are now hiring them for their staffs now, what do you want to do with the Dems hiring them?
You keep saying they're all the same, then revert to picking on just the Dems. Who, from any Party, is "hiring illegals"? Name names. Provide sources to verify. Then all can scream bloody murder at them in unison.
Where did I claim that America was ruined by Democrats? To me both parties are putting America in jeopardy.

The transition of money from poor to rich has ruined America, the fact we are 30 trillion in debt is the ruin of America. We are in deep trouble financially and it is only going to get worse.

Again, you and I have had this conversation over and over and over again and you still want to rehash it, why? Why waste the time? BTW, you aren't part of any union, so can the "we" BS when it comes to the unions you refuse to join.

Again, I was against NAFTA but I am a Republican. :rolleyes-41:
The transition of money from poor to rich has ruined America? And you’re a Republican? I’ll start a new thread and a poll. I don’t think you are a Republican.
Where did I claim that America was ruined by Democrats? To me both parties are putting America in jeopardy.

The transition of money from poor to rich has ruined America, the fact we are 30 trillion in debt is the ruin of America. We are in deep trouble financially and it is only going to get worse.

Again, you and I have had this conversation over and over and over again and you still want to rehash it, why? Why waste the time? BTW, you aren't part of any union, so can the "we" BS when it comes to the unions you refuse to join.

Again, I was against NAFTA but I am a Republican. :rolleyes-41:
I started a thread

The transition of money from poor to rich has ruined America​

Republicans all say there was no transition of money from poor to rich. Harry Dresden says you aren’t a Republican.
Where did I claim that America was ruined by Democrats? To me both parties are putting America in jeopardy.

The transition of money from poor to rich has ruined America, the fact we are 30 trillion in debt is the ruin of America. We are in deep trouble financially and it is only going to get worse.

Again, you and I have had this conversation over and over and over again and you still want to rehash it, why? Why waste the time? BTW, you aren't part of any union, so can the "we" BS when it comes to the unions you refuse to join.

Again, I was against NAFTA but I am a Republican. :rolleyes-41:
I’m waiting for you to join my thread. I think I have busted you. You just admitted that wealth redistribution has occurred in America. Until now republicans have denied this is even true. You’re th first republican to admit it. And of course the only way you would admit it is if you could blame democrats for it.

And that’s ok. At least you admit class warfare exists. Now convince your fellow republicans to admit it. And what should we do to combat income inequality?

This is what it will be like the day the first Republican admits global warming is real. They’ll admit it, but they’ll blame democrats. Somehow. They’ll go from denying it’s real to blaming democrats.
The transition of money from poor to rich has ruined America? And you’re a Republican? I’ll start a new thread and a poll. I don’t think you are a Republican.
I’ve told you for years, I am not a Republican nor a Democrat, neither party gives a damn about Americans.

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