The Self-Proclaimed Conservative, Republican, and Rightwing Political Rhetoric, Ideas and Tropes


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
Have been debunked for at least the last 30+ years now, but yet they faithfully cling to their BS.

Marianne Williamson did a bang-up job of ripping all their nonsense to shreds today.


How many of you still fall for their nonsense today?
Have been debunked for at least the last 30+ years now, but yet they faithfully cling to their BS.

Marianne Williamson did a bang-up job of ripping all their nonsense to shreds today.


How many of you still fall for their nonsense today?

Not going to watch this video for over an hour. You got something to say. Say it.
Marianne: “is there anything that could motivate you more than love?”
David in his head: “Money”.

Not going to watch this video for over an hour. You got something to say. Say it.
But you can sit on your ass and watch The Mango Menace rant for two hours straight w/o breaking a sweat, right?
Here's a 20-minute synopsis of the discussion...

For those who felt 1 hour was just too long.
Ok, I saw the short version. The discussion hinges on the question "do you believe that slavery is an issue in 2019?" Conservatives say NO, its not an issue, slavery is ancient history, 150 years or so ago. No one today is affected by slavery, and no one is owed anything because of slavery. You were never a slave, and we never owned slaves. So why even discuss it? We have more pressing issues to resolve. Today the US is a color-blind society. Take a look at the black billionaires list: Black billionaires - Wikipedia
Ok, I saw the short version. The discussion hinges on the question "do you believe that slavery is an issue in 2019?" Conservatives say NO, its not an issue, slavery is ancient history, 150 years or so ago. No one today is affected by slavery, and no one is owed anything because of slavery. You were never a slave, and we never owned slaves. So why even discuss it? We have more pressing issues to resolve. Today the US is a color-blind society. Take a look at the black billionaires list: Black billionaires - Wikipedia
Funny how we are not supposed to let the issue of slavery go, but ignore the fact that Democrats were the primary beneficiaries of the practice.
Funny how we are not supposed to let the issue of slavery go, but ignore the fact that Democrats were the primary beneficiaries of the practice.
So you're argument is that we proceed w/BOTH or NEITHER!???!?
Have been debunked for at least the last 30+ years now, but yet they faithfully cling to their BS.

Marianne Williamson did a bang-up job of ripping all their nonsense to shreds today.


How many of you still fall for their nonsense today?

Wanna know what I think?

Have been debunked for at least the last 30+ years now, but yet they faithfully cling to their BS.

Marianne Williamson did a bang-up job of ripping all their nonsense to shreds today.


How many of you still fall for their nonsense today?

I have no idea why BUT Id cream pie her ...Still aint votin for her ....even after a creampie lovin

I love when she goes on about nutrition and the evil keep ya sick big pharma ...LOVE IT
People should absolutely take charge of their own nutritional well being
Funny how we are not supposed to let the issue of slavery go, but ignore the fact that Democrats were the primary beneficiaries of the practice.
So you're argument is that we proceed w/BOTH or NEITHER!???!?

Are you a slave?
Of course he isn’t a slave, but he likes to keep slavery and racism alive.
I can't wait for the debates when Trump beats them over the head with "reparations", open borders, the green new deal, gangs, antifa, Paris climate change scam, government run healthcare (imaging "Lois Lerner" in-charge of who sees a doctor), closed hospitals, etc.
To Democrats blacks are all "ex-slaves" who need to vote democrat to get what's owed them.
To Republicans everyone gets what they work for and pay for.
Love? What kind of love does it take to kill a newborn infant who doesn't conform to eugenic standards? Is it love that motivates liberals to ignore people living on the streets and shitting on the sidewalks? What kind of love does it take to attack an innocent elderly man for wearing a MAGA hat?

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