The Senate Has Already Passed A Bi-Partisan Immigration Reform Bill.


Dec 5, 2011
Yes RePugs, the Senate has already passed, with a Bi-Partisan Majority, an Immigration Reform Bill.

The Immigration Bill passed the Senate with Republican support, overwhelming Republican support.

The House of Representatives, under St. John of Orange....the Boner himself, to bring that piece of legislation to the floor for a vote.

President Obama has waited for over a year for House Republicans to bring that legislation to the floor of the House of Representatives for a Vote.

A very important fact being ignore by ConJobs/NeoNuts/RePugs/TeaHadists: Your one and only god...the all knowing.....the all seeing.....the Alpha.....The Omega....The One That Made Really Bad Movies.....The Ronnie God SIGNED AN EXECUTIVE ORDER GIVING AMNESTY TO UNDOCUMENTED sad that you dead from the neck up idiots refuse to even acknowledge that salient fact.

Not only that but Poppi Bush himself did the same exact goddamn did nothing. Not one word about Impeachment (good luck on that btw)......not one word about shutting down the government (that worked out so fracking good for you the last time) people did not do squat.

Your a liar McGarret...The Ronnie God.....the eater of Jelly Beans did sign Amnesty.....did support Immigration Reform.....Your lying and you know it.
And we see how Reagan's immigration reform worked out. This wont be any better. That's why it can't get through the House. Because the legislation sucks.
But it doesnt matter. Dems dont need legislation. All they need is Obama's pen and telephone.
Yes RePugs, the Senate has already passed, with a Bi-Partisan Majority, an Immigration Reform Bill.

The Immigration Bill passed the Senate with Republican support, overwhelming Republican support.

The House of Representatives, under St. John of Orange....the Boner himself, to bring that piece of legislation to the floor for a vote.

President Obama has waited for over a year for House Republicans to bring that legislation to the floor of the House of Representatives for a Vote.

A very important fact being ignore by ConJobs/NeoNuts/RePugs/TeaHadists: Your one and only god...the all knowing.....the all seeing.....the Alpha.....The Omega....The One That Made Really Bad Movies.....The Ronnie God SIGNED AN EXECUTIVE ORDER GIVING AMNESTY TO UNDOCUMENTED sad that you dead from the neck up idiots refuse to even acknowledge that salient fact.

Not only that but Poppi Bush himself did the same exact goddamn did nothing. Not one word about Impeachment (good luck on that btw)......not one word about shutting down the government (that worked out so fracking good for you the last time) people did not do squat.

Your a liar McGarret...The Ronnie God.....the eater of Jelly Beans did sign Amnesty.....did support Immigration Reform.....Your lying and you know it.

The Repubs agreed to that bill and yet, its been sitting on Boehner's desk, buried under his ashtray and booze bottles while he plays golf and poses for photo ops.
Yep. Reagan did the A-word PolitiFact
And we see how Reagan's immigration reform worked out. This wont be any better. That's why it can't get through the House. Because the legislation sucks.
But it doesnt matter. Dems dont need legislation. All they need is Obama's pen and telephone.

it was your fucking hero....the ronnie god...your fucking hero that your fucking denying.
Wow, the meltdown is strong in this one.
So Reagan, whom you no doubt think was a disaster, is the model for Obama, whom you no doubt think is great.
What does that say about your intellectual powers?
Yes RePugs, the Senate has already passed, with a Bi-Partisan Majority, an Immigration Reform Bill.

The Immigration Bill passed the Senate with Republican support, overwhelming Republican support.

The House of Representatives, under St. John of Orange....the Boner himself, to bring that piece of legislation to the floor for a vote.

President Obama has waited for over a year for House Republicans to bring that legislation to the floor of the House of Representatives for a Vote.

A very important fact being ignore by ConJobs/NeoNuts/RePugs/TeaHadists: Your one and only god...the all knowing.....the all seeing.....the Alpha.....The Omega....The One That Made Really Bad Movies.....The Ronnie God SIGNED AN EXECUTIVE ORDER GIVING AMNESTY TO UNDOCUMENTED sad that you dead from the neck up idiots refuse to even acknowledge that salient fact.

Not only that but Poppi Bush himself did the same exact goddamn did nothing. Not one word about Impeachment (good luck on that btw)......not one word about shutting down the government (that worked out so fracking good for you the last time) people did not do squat.

Your a liar McGarret...The Ronnie God.....the eater of Jelly Beans did sign Amnesty.....did support Immigration Reform.....Your lying and you know it.

The Repubs agreed to that bill and yet, its been sitting on Boehner's desk, buried under his ashtray and booze bottles while he plays golf and poses for photo ops.
Some Republicans in the Senate agreed to it. So what?
How many bills is Harry Reid sitting on?
The simple fact of the matter is this. There is already by Bi-Partisan Immigration Bill passed by the Senate. Overwhelming support in the Senate. Republican and Democratic Support in the Senate.

It is Republicans obstructing any form of Immigration reform right now. NOT the Democrats. NOT President Obama....Republicans.

St. John the Boner of Orange is preventing a Bi-Partisan Bill from coming to the Floor of House of Representatives....NOT President Obama.

It is Republicans who do not want Immigration Reform.....It Is Republicans Blocking Immigration Reform.....For Over A Year.

It is an established fact that both Reagan and Bush41 signed Executive Orders on Immigration, which is exactly what President Obama intends to do, and not one....not one single outcry from ConJobs/NeoNuts/RePugs/TeaHadists...not one single word against Reagan or Bush41. It is only when President Obama decides.... when President Obama is FORCED TO TAKE EXECUTIVE ACTION DO REPUBLICANS CRY ''OVER REACH....DICTATOR....MONARCH..."

Republicans did not do a single, solitary thing when Reagan and Bush41 signed their orders....nope not one damn thing.

Only when President Obama decides to use his Executive Authority do RePugs bitch, whine, moan and complain....threaten Shut Down (that worked out so fucking well the first time didn't it?) do RePugs howl about abuse of Presidential Authority....only then.

There is bill ready for passage in the House....sitting on the Boner's desk ready for a vote you fucking assholes bitch only now.
This is proof that any blather about bi-partisanship and compromise coming from the GOP is pure horseshit.
Yes RePugs, the Senate has already passed, with a Bi-Partisan Majority, an Immigration Reform Bill.

The Immigration Bill passed the Senate with Republican support, overwhelming Republican support.

The House of Representatives, under St. John of Orange....the Boner himself, to bring that piece of legislation to the floor for a vote.

President Obama has waited for over a year for House Republicans to bring that legislation to the floor of the House of Representatives for a Vote.

A very important fact being ignore by ConJobs/NeoNuts/RePugs/TeaHadists: Your one and only god...the all knowing.....the all seeing.....the Alpha.....The Omega....The One That Made Really Bad Movies.....The Ronnie God SIGNED AN EXECUTIVE ORDER GIVING AMNESTY TO UNDOCUMENTED sad that you dead from the neck up idiots refuse to even acknowledge that salient fact.

Not only that but Poppi Bush himself did the same exact goddamn did nothing. Not one word about Impeachment (good luck on that btw)......not one word about shutting down the government (that worked out so fracking good for you the last time) people did not do squat.

Your a liar McGarret...The Ronnie God.....the eater of Jelly Beans did sign Amnesty.....did support Immigration Reform.....Your lying and you know it.

Obola will never enforce the letter of the law. He'll ignore the enforcement measures and just use the amnesty portion siting prosecutorial discretion.
Yes RePugs, the Senate has already passed, with a Bi-Partisan Majority, an Immigration Reform Bill.

The Immigration Bill passed the Senate with Republican support, overwhelming Republican support.

The House of Representatives, under St. John of Orange....the Boner himself, to bring that piece of legislation to the floor for a vote.

President Obama has waited for over a year for House Republicans to bring that legislation to the floor of the House of Representatives for a Vote.

A very important fact being ignore by ConJobs/NeoNuts/RePugs/TeaHadists: Your one and only god...the all knowing.....the all seeing.....the Alpha.....The Omega....The One That Made Really Bad Movies.....The Ronnie God SIGNED AN EXECUTIVE ORDER GIVING AMNESTY TO UNDOCUMENTED sad that you dead from the neck up idiots refuse to even acknowledge that salient fact.

Not only that but Poppi Bush himself did the same exact goddamn did nothing. Not one word about Impeachment (good luck on that btw)......not one word about shutting down the government (that worked out so fracking good for you the last time) people did not do squat.

Your a liar McGarret...The Ronnie God.....the eater of Jelly Beans did sign Amnesty.....did support Immigration Reform.....Your lying and you know it.

Obola will never enforce the letter of the law. He'll ignore the enforcement measures and just use the amnesty portion siting prosecutorial discretion.
The bill sucks, which is why the House won't pass it. As Mud said, no one has any trust in Obama's willingness to enforce the law in toto. They'll pass it, he'll sign it, then he'll issue a signing statement saying he thinks this or that is unconstitutional and he wont enforce it.
You make your bed, you sleep in it.
This is proof that any blather about bi-partisanship and compromise coming from the GOP is pure horseshit.
So very true. The Republican version is Democrats capitulating to them on everything.

Republicans will dance around what the ronnie god and bush41 did because they were Republicans.

No claims of over claims of trying to a claims of dictatorial power....RePugs can do no wrong.
This is proof that any blather about bi-partisanship and compromise coming from the GOP is pure horseshit.
So very true. The Republican version is Democrats capitulating to them on everything.

Republicans will dance around what the ronnie god and bush41 did because they were Republicans.

No claims of over claims of trying to a claims of dictatorial power....RePugs can do no wrong.
As opposed to the Dem view: MY way or the Highway.
The House is representing what people sent them there for. That means no amnesty.
It is more important to not pass immigration reform so the Right can scream about a "crisis" and shit their pants and stuff when Obama does something about it.

It's a deliberately manufactured "crisis".
Yep. Reagan did the A-word PolitiFact
And we see how Reagan's immigration reform worked out. This wont be any better. That's why it can't get through the House. Because the legislation sucks.
But it doesnt matter. Dems dont need legislation. All they need is Obama's pen and telephone.

it was your fucking hero....the ronnie god...your fucking hero that your fucking denying.
Reagan tied up the lose ends on the new immigration law, he didn't change the law.
Even obama has said in the past that he doesn't have the authority to do what he is about to do.
The only thing broken about our immigration laws are the people assigned to enforce them.
What obama is doing is adding new workers to the jobs market, around the same number of new jobs that have supposedly been created while obama is president.
Maybe the unemployment rate will go back up.
Yes RePugs, the Senate has already passed, with a Bi-Partisan Majority, an Immigration Reform Bill.

The Immigration Bill passed the Senate with Republican support, overwhelming Republican support.

The House of Representatives, under St. John of Orange....the Boner himself, to bring that piece of legislation to the floor for a vote.

President Obama has waited for over a year for House Republicans to bring that legislation to the floor of the House of Representatives for a Vote.

A very important fact being ignore by ConJobs/NeoNuts/RePugs/TeaHadists: Your one and only god...the all knowing.....the all seeing.....the Alpha.....The Omega....The One That Made Really Bad Movies.....The Ronnie God SIGNED AN EXECUTIVE ORDER GIVING AMNESTY TO UNDOCUMENTED sad that you dead from the neck up idiots refuse to even acknowledge that salient fact.

Not only that but Poppi Bush himself did the same exact goddamn did nothing. Not one word about Impeachment (good luck on that btw)......not one word about shutting down the government (that worked out so fracking good for you the last time) people did not do squat.

Your a liar McGarret...The Ronnie God.....the eater of Jelly Beans did sign Amnesty.....did support Immigration Reform.....Your lying and you know it.

The Repubs agreed to that bill and yet, its been sitting on Boehner's desk, buried under his ashtray and booze bottles while he plays golf and poses for photo ops.

You forgot to mention....
bangin waitresses two at a time from the Red Lobster.
Yes RePugs, the Senate has already passed, with a Bi-Partisan Majority, an Immigration Reform Bill.

The Immigration Bill passed the Senate with Republican support, overwhelming Republican support.

The House of Representatives, under St. John of Orange....the Boner himself, to bring that piece of legislation to the floor for a vote.

President Obama has waited for over a year for House Republicans to bring that legislation to the floor of the House of Representatives for a Vote.

A very important fact being ignore by ConJobs/NeoNuts/RePugs/TeaHadists: Your one and only god...the all knowing.....the all seeing.....the Alpha.....The Omega....The One That Made Really Bad Movies.....The Ronnie God SIGNED AN EXECUTIVE ORDER GIVING AMNESTY TO UNDOCUMENTED sad that you dead from the neck up idiots refuse to even acknowledge that salient fact.

Not only that but Poppi Bush himself did the same exact goddamn did nothing. Not one word about Impeachment (good luck on that btw)......not one word about shutting down the government (that worked out so fracking good for you the last time) people did not do squat.

Your a liar McGarret...The Ronnie God.....the eater of Jelly Beans did sign Amnesty.....did support Immigration Reform.....Your lying and you know it.

I thought it was common knowledge?
I remember it when it happened, was before you were born.... and I didn't like it then. What's your point?
So why all the animosity and hostility regarding this, anyway? You seem very angry and bitter about something.
What obama is doing is adding new workers to the jobs market, around the same number of new jobs that have supposedly been created while obama is president.
Maybe the unemployment rate will go back up.

they wouldn't allow that. they'll cook the usual...
I saw some Latin dude on one of the MSNBC afternoon shows....
Man he was pretty worked up about the suffering of the Latin folk that
live their lives in fear of deportation....

Was this not factored in when these folks decided to come here all those many years ago....
And how many times have we done the amnesty thing anyway.....

I hope Obama says tonight that this is the last fucking time we are going to do this shit.

And of course we don't secure the border so we will go through all this again.

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