The Senate is designed undemocratic and will break America

By 2040 70% of Americans will live in 15 states - first article below. Do the math. 70% of Americans will be represented by 30% of the Senators. Taxation without representation cannot stand and 40% of Americans will not be represented. It will make ripe for a revolution.... Constitution designers screwed up slavery, screwed up representation of women, and screwed up equal representation. In fact state senates can’t be made up that way... it’s illegal.

How can we make the senate more fair in the long term? Should we? The last article says it’s impossible.

Here is a link to a story on population growth from a few years back

Here’s an article that says it’s impossible to amend essentially this immoral Piece of the constitution.
Revamping the Senate Is a Fantasy

You're under the mistaken belief that the United States is a democracy.

"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."


By 2040 70% of Americans will live in 15 states - first article below. Do the math. 70% of Americans will be represented by 30% of the Senators. Taxation without representation cannot stand and 40% of Americans will not be represented. It will make ripe for a revolution.... Constitution designers screwed up slavery, screwed up representation of women, and screwed up equal representation. In fact state senates can’t be made up that way... it’s illegal.

How can we make the senate more fair in the long term? Should we? The last article says it’s impossible.

Here is a link to a story on population growth from a few years back

Here’s an article that says it’s impossible to amend essentially this immoral Piece of the constitution.
Revamping the Senate Is a Fantasy
What more do you and the article want you have the 17th amendment and for the millionth time the Senate was for state rights not people's rights

What he wants is unfettered mob rule.
By 2040 70% of Americans will live in 15 states - first article below. Do the math. 70% of Americans will be represented by 30% of the Senators. Taxation without representation cannot stand and 40% of Americans will not be represented. It will make ripe for a revolution.... Constitution designers screwed up slavery, screwed up representation of women, and screwed up equal representation. In fact state senates can’t be made up that way... it’s illegal.

How can we make the senate more fair in the long term? Should we? The last article says it’s impossible.

Here is a link to a story on population growth from a few years back

Here’s an article that says it’s impossible to amend essentially this immoral Piece of the constitution.
Revamping the Senate Is a Fantasy

Spending bills (federal tax dollars of those who actually pay federal income tax) originate in the House of Representatives. The House membership is representative of population... California has 53 - Utah has 4. Hence the push by some states to count people here illegally.

Using your logic - should only those who pay income tax get to vote?

The Senate is fine despite Harry Reid's 8 years of finagling with the rules.
I never claimed tax payers only should vote. There are non tax payers under represented by the senate as well. So I don’t think that logic holds.

Congress is nearly representative. Not perfect because of 435 cap. No issues there. But 2 for 40M Californians and 2 for 0.5M Wyoming citizens is bunk.
This post is a perfect example of why our school system failed us you don't know how are government works
By 2040 70% of Americans will live in 15 states - first article below. Do the math. 70% of Americans will be represented by 30% of the Senators. Taxation without representation cannot stand and 40% of Americans will not be represented. It will make ripe for a revolution.... Constitution designers screwed up slavery, screwed up representation of women, and screwed up equal representation. In fact state senates can’t be made up that way... it’s illegal.

How can we make the senate more fair in the long term? Should we? The last article says it’s impossible.

Here is a link to a story on population growth from a few years back

Here’s an article that says it’s impossible to amend essentially this immoral Piece of the constitution.
Revamping the Senate Is a Fantasy

That was the point. If anything, we made a mistake switching to direct election of senators.

What you want, means that those 15 states completely oppress the rest.

THAT is a receipt for oppression and then revolution.
We are just arguing over who is oppressed. In your version people with a current voice that is worth more than others would be “oppressed” if placed on equal footing. In my version people who currently have less of a voice than others are “oppressed”. I think I won that argument.

No, you didn't. Rule of the Mob, might be democratic, but it is not Just, nor Enlightened.

That was the compact, that basis of our nation. That the RIghts of the Individuals would be respected.

IN our version, the individuals in the smaller states, will never have their interests or rights respected again.

In mine, they, well complete out weighted in the House and in Presidential elections, at least have a voice and some sway in the Senate, ie One half of ONE of THREE branches of government.

Try to be less greedy.
But again, you’re choosing whose wishes to protect more than others - not rights. Rights are guaranteed to all via the constitution regardless of color, race, or which state you live in. Those rights are unbreakable. Now the wishes of governing through legislation should be based on equal representation. Otherwise you are choosing to weight the wishes of Montana citizens above California citizens on mutual decisions. Montana citizens can legislate their state laws to their heart’s desire.

1. Except that you people have shown that you are all about taking away those rights.

2. AND, no. This nation is an union of STATES, and each state was promised a certain level of balance between the larger and smaller states. Changing the rules after the deal is done, is Unjust. And breaks the Contract.
1. Terrible ad hominem attack with no basis

2.Better but flawed. It assumes everything in the original creating of the constitution was perfect. It wasn’t. This was a compromise like the 3/5ths compromise. It was flawed and unjust. Saying it is right cuz that’s how it was created is a bad argument.
By 2040 70% of Americans will live in 15 states

I find this population prediction rather presumptive. Thus the premise upon which argument is made could very well be similar to the Great Horse Manure Crisis of 1894. Or jokingly categorized as a load of crap.
Only a handful of U.S. states require employers to check an employee’s eligibility and their SSN through E-Verify, a Department of Homeland Security database. Other states have varying levels of E-Verify requirements, from partial to none.

and also many pay taxes as evidence by

An ITIN, or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number, is a tax processing number only available for certain nonresident and resident aliens, their spouses, and dependents who cannot get a Social Security Number (SSN). It is a 9-digit number, beginning with the number "9", formatted like an SSN (NNN-NN-NNNN).
Taxpayer Identification Numbers (TIN) | Internal Revenue ...
they deserve to be counted. They use our resources, but Tramp messed with the census, you know why, to give less federal dollars to the states.

Nonresident and resident aliens are here legally.

Those here illegally should not be represented in Congress...nor should they be supported by those here legally and/or taxpaying citizens.

Even so, we Americans are very generous to those who defy our immigration laws. We provide free schooling and treatment at any hospital.

I disagree. Some of them are here illegally and they use our resources. Tramp hired illegals and he didn't check e-verify.

Since they use our schools and have admission to our hosps, drive on the street, rent homes and apts, they need to be counted.

Do nursing home residents not receive representation, do seniors not need representation, do disabled not need representation,

They need more , not less.
Yeah they need to be counted right out the door
This post is a perfect example of why our school system failed us you don't know how are government works
This thread is about how the structure is flawed. I obviously know how it works, just don’t agree with how it is structured. Your claim of schools failing me is incorrect and a ripoff of my comeback yesterday. ;)
This post is a perfect example of why our school system failed us you don't know how are government works
This thread is about how the structure is flawed. I obviously know how it works, just don’t agree with how it is structured. Your claim of schools failing me is incorrect and a ripoff of my comeback yesterday. ;)
It's only flawed if you have the mistaken belief that we are a democracy, we are not if we where gay marriage would still be illegal.the people of california voted No to gay marriage
By 2040 70% of Americans will live in 15 states - first article below. Do the math. 70% of Americans will be represented by 30% of the Senators. Taxation without representation cannot stand and 40% of Americans will not be represented. It will make ripe for a revolution.... Constitution designers screwed up slavery, screwed up representation of women, and screwed up equal representation. In fact state senates can’t be made up that way... it’s illegal.

How can we make the senate more fair in the long term? Should we? The last article says it’s impossible.

Here is a link to a story on population growth from a few years back

Here’s an article that says it’s impossible to amend essentially this immoral Piece of the constitution.
Revamping the Senate Is a Fantasy

That was the point. If anything, we made a mistake switching to direct election of senators.

What you want, means that those 15 states completely oppress the rest.

THAT is a receipt for oppression and then revolution.
We are just arguing over who is oppressed. In your version people with a current voice that is worth more than others would be “oppressed” if placed on equal footing. In my version people who currently have less of a voice than others are “oppressed”. I think I won that argument.

No, you didn't. Rule of the Mob, might be democratic, but it is not Just, nor Enlightened.

That was the compact, that basis of our nation. That the RIghts of the Individuals would be respected.

IN our version, the individuals in the smaller states, will never have their interests or rights respected again.

In mine, they, well complete out weighted in the House and in Presidential elections, at least have a voice and some sway in the Senate, ie One half of ONE of THREE branches of government.

Try to be less greedy.
But again, you’re choosing whose wishes to protect more than others - not rights. Rights are guaranteed to all via the constitution regardless of color, race, or which state you live in. Those rights are unbreakable. Now the wishes of governing through legislation should be based on equal representation. Otherwise you are choosing to weight the wishes of Montana citizens above California citizens on mutual decisions. Montana citizens can legislate their state laws to their heart’s desire.

1. Except that you people have shown that you are all about taking away those rights.

2. AND, no. This nation is an union of STATES, and each state was promised a certain level of balance between the larger and smaller states. Changing the rules after the deal is done, is Unjust. And breaks the Contract.
1. Terrible ad hominem attack with no basis

2.Better but flawed. It assumes everything in the original creating of the constitution was perfect. It wasn’t. This was a compromise like the 3/5ths compromise. It was flawed and unjust. Saying it is right cuz that’s how it was created is a bad argument.

1. You libs have people in jail, for defending themselves from mobs. For one limited example.

2. I assume nothing. The Union was founded based on the States being equal with each other. Changing the rules of the contract after the deal is done, invalidates the contract.

This is you.

By 2040 70% of Americans will live in 15 states - first article below. Do the math. 70% of Americans will be represented by 30% of the Senators. Taxation without representation cannot stand and 40% of Americans will not be represented. It will make ripe for a revolution.... Constitution designers screwed up slavery, screwed up representation of women, and screwed up equal representation. In fact state senates can’t be made up that way... it’s illegal.

How can we make the senate more fair in the long term? Should we? The last article says it’s impossible.

Here is a link to a story on population growth from a few years back

Here’s an article that says it’s impossible to amend essentially this immoral Piece of the constitution.
Revamping the Senate Is a Fantasy

You can always move to Africa after the election and live in peace without racism for the rest of your life.
What more do you and the article want you have the 17th amendment and for the millionth time the Senate was for state rights not people's rights
What he wants is unfettered mob rule.
How is equal representation mob rule?

Because liberals like you, do not respect limitations on government power. The more power we give you, the less you will pay attention to the limits.

The courts will just become a rubber stamp for whatever "right" the latest fad group makes up, and the long suffering normal Americans will have to just take it, or rise up in rebellion, because they won't have any voice.
By 2040 70% of Americans will live in 15 states - first article below. Do the math. 70% of Americans will be represented by 30% of the Senators. Taxation without representation cannot stand and 40% of Americans will not be represented. It will make ripe for a revolution.... Constitution designers screwed up slavery, screwed up representation of women, and screwed up equal representation. In fact state senates can’t be made up that way... it’s illegal.

How can we make the senate more fair in the long term? Should we? The last article says it’s impossible.

Here is a link to a story on population growth from a few years back

Here’s an article that says it’s impossible to amend essentially this immoral Piece of the constitution.
Revamping the Senate Is a Fantasy
50% of Americans pay no taxes, so why the fuck should they be represented?
Disenfranchising the working poor and denying them real representation is one of the central aims of fascism.
No it isnt, it is stopping the "give away the house for a vote" policy that the progs use. If you cant earn a living and be a citizen of the US, then you shouldnt be allowed to vote for the people who keep you poor.
You speak as if a bordered entity should have any say in matters. It doesn’t. The people do. You’re not disenfranchised by having an equal voice.

Your ignorance about the very good and wise reasons that the great men who founded this nation set up our Congress the way that they did is not really an argument; just an expression of your own ignorance.
By 2040 70% of Americans will live in 15 states - first article below. Do the math. 70% of Americans will be represented by 30% of the Senators. Taxation without representation cannot stand and 40% of Americans will not be represented. It will make ripe for a revolution.... Constitution designers screwed up slavery, screwed up representation of women, and screwed up equal representation. In fact state senates can’t be made up that way... it’s illegal.

How can we make the senate more fair in the long term? Should we? The last article says it’s impossible.

Here is a link to a story on population growth from a few years back

Here’s an article that says it’s impossible to amend essentially this immoral Piece of the constitution.
Revamping the Senate Is a Fantasy

You can always move to Africa after the election and live in peace without racism for the rest of your life.
Wow. So clever. You must be one of the uneducated Trump lives.
What more do you and the article want you have the 17th amendment and for the millionth time the Senate was for state rights not people's rights
What he wants is unfettered mob rule.
How is equal representation mob rule?

Because liberals like you, do not respect limitations on government power. The more power we give you, the less you will pay attention to the limits.

The courts will just become a rubber stamp for whatever "right" the latest fad group makes up, and the long suffering normal Americans will have to just take it, or rise up in rebellion, because they won't have any voice.
How does that address how much power we give individuals? Right now some individuals have much more say in governing than others only related to what state they live in... that is the injustice. You are justifying the injustice because right now you like the group that is over represented.
50% of Americans pay no taxes, so why the fuck should they be represented?
Everyone pays taxes. You are talking about specifically income taxes from people who have no income - children, old retired people etc. Guess what? You’re not paying every US tax that doesn’t apply to you either. There is an excise tax on arrows... buy any recently?
Or people who work under the table? How about property owners who pay a lot more in taxes? I pay more than you, I am more educated than you and my vote should count more than yours. But it doesn’t. We all have rules and laws we don’t agree with.
What more do you and the article want you have the 17th amendment and for the millionth time the Senate was for state rights not people's rights
What he wants is unfettered mob rule.
How is equal representation mob rule?

Because liberals like you, do not respect limitations on government power. The more power we give you, the less you will pay attention to the limits.

The courts will just become a rubber stamp for whatever "right" the latest fad group makes up, and the long suffering normal Americans will have to just take it, or rise up in rebellion, because they won't have any voice.
How does that address how much power we give individuals? Right now some individuals have much more say in governing than others only related to what state they live in... that is the injustice. You are justifying the injustice because right now you like the group that is over represented.
No it doesn't we are a nation made up of 50 states, what is normal in california is considered insane in oklahoma that's what the left refuses to acknowledge
What more do you and the article want you have the 17th amendment and for the millionth time the Senate was for state rights not people's rights
What he wants is unfettered mob rule.
How is equal representation mob rule?

Because liberals like you, do not respect limitations on government power. The more power we give you, the less you will pay attention to the limits.

The courts will just become a rubber stamp for whatever "right" the latest fad group makes up, and the long suffering normal Americans will have to just take it, or rise up in rebellion, because they won't have any voice.
How does that address how much power we give individuals? Right now some individuals have much more say in governing than others only related to what state they live in... that is the injustice. You are justifying the injustice because right now you like the group that is over represented.
Hold on a second. If I am in a room with nine other people and they are 18 year old pot heads who live with their parents, don’t pay taxes, don’t contribute to society but their votes represent 90% while mine is only 10%, how is that fair? It isn’t. Those states who have larger populations have greater representation in the House.

How is it fair in MA where Democrats run this state for those who disagree with many of their political stances? It isn’t. I can move. Such as life.

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