the Senate votes to declassify info on Covid origins .

You really are an uneducated simpleton? Everyone already knows we had the CIA do this and Trump appointed him CIA Director and then Secretary of State. Where have you been? On the dark side of the moon?
And I already pointed that out as well.

You have a real problem with reading comprehension.

It speaks to one of two things, complicity, or incompetence.
Or both.


Thus? He can't be trusted. :rolleyes:
And I already pointed that out as well.

You have a real problem with reading comprehension.

I have a Master's degree and am a former educator. You appear to be a dumbass.

You seem to think because the CIA was involved in the overthrow of South American governments decades ago, that Pompeo cannot be trusted, so Trump appoints him to be Secretary of State? WTF am I missing here?
the Senate voted to declassify info on Covid origins . and the WH will not comment whether or not they support the bill . will dem voters support Biden if he blocks the release of said info ?

B-b-b-b-but the Demonrats just want to get to the truth of everything.

And COVID was so horrible and deadly!

Which is precisely why if you ask any questions about the origins of COVID you're a fucking racist so STFU.

Stunning and brave.

The truth?

The truth is commies fear the truth the same way Roaches fear raid.

And no, I'm not comparing them to roaches. No false praise here.
I have a Master's degree and am a former educator. You appear to be a dumbass.

You seem to think because the CIA was involved in the overthrow of South American governments decades ago, that Pompeo cannot be trusted, so Trump appoints him to be Secretary of State? WTF am I missing here?

I know what I saw and heard. Go gaslight someone else.

Pompeo is a career shill and spook, and someone who has a record of serving the establishment in nefarious activities. He was caught on camera doing a Freudian slip, I heard it and saw it with my own two eyes & ears.

You can puff up your accomplishments, and make me, or others, bleev, that automatically makes your POV the correct one. This appeal to authority fallacy has nothing to do with our disagreement.

And, you can sit there and insult me, and somehow, try to have that refuse reality as well.

None of that will lessen your cognitive dissonance.

You have a right to your opinion, and I have a right to mine. But don't for an instant, sit there and think, your KSAs, somehow cancel out my empirically posted evidence.
Rational & Logical thinking people, who trust their own senses, know better.
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Fauxi belongs in Gitmo, but then so does most of our Intel leadership for suborning Fauxi/CCP bioterrorism
While this would be nice, we have a constitution, and a fifth Amendment. These folks need a jury trial, and then? Probably need the
GTMO is not for Americans and cannot be. We have a prison system for criminals.
I know what I saw and heard. Go gaslight someone else.

Pompeo is a career shill and spook, and someone who has a record of serving the establishment in nefarious activities. He was caught on camera doing Freudian slip, I heard it and saw it with my own to eyes & ears.

You can puff up your accomplishments, and make me, or others, bleev, that automatically makes your POV the correct one.

Or, you can sit there and insult me, and somehow, try to have that refuse reality as well.

None of that will lessen your cognitive dissonance.

You have a right to your opinion, and I have a right to mine. But don't for an instant, sit there and think, your KSAs, somehow cancel out my empirically posted evidence.
Rational & Logical thinking people, who trust their own senses, know better.
You truly are an idiot. Pompeo graduated from West Point and served his 5 years as an Army officer. He graduated from Harvard Law and became a lawyer, He was an entrepreneur in the aerospace and oil industries and then was elected to Congress, where he served 2011-2017. Where is the "spook" in there?
OK. As soon as Trump knew he was being double crossed on the whole COVID thing, then why the hell did he not sack Fauci, and that whole team working with him?

He knew, at that point, he could not trust Pompeo, who was a former CIA spook, so as soon as he knew that, why the hell did he not can his ass as well?

It speaks to one of two things, complicity, or incompetence.
Or both.

Now. . . given his comments when he was touring with Bill O'Riley after the "selection?" I go with complicity.

Thus? He can't be trusted. :rolleyes:
What did Trump have to gain by knowing COVID might lose him the election?
You truly are an idiot. Pompeo graduated from West Point and served his 5 years as an Army officer. He graduated from Harvard Law and became a lawyer, He was an entrepreneur in the aerospace and oil industries and then was elected to Congress, where he served 2011-2017. Where is the "spook" in there?

yeah. . . that pretty much screams globalist to me. . . The Atlantacists, the CFR, the IRRA, the WHO, the WEF, and all the other globalists organs, are just extensions of the crown, the Vatican, and the world bank. None of them give a shit about ordinary Americans, and Pompeo seems just as elitists as any billionaire democrat to me. . . .

Doesn't seem to me, he gives a flying piss about the Constitution.

Pompeo and Haspel are Symptoms of a Deeper Problem




yeah. . . that pretty much screams globalist to me. . . The Atlantacists, the CFR, the IRRA, the WHO, the WEF, and all the other globalists organs, are just extensions of the crown, the Vatican, and the world bank. None of them give a shit about ordinary Americans, and Pompeo seems just as elitists as any billionaire democrat to me. . . .

Doesn't seem to me, he gives a flying piss about the Constitution.

Pompeo and Haspel are Symptoms of a Deeper Problem

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If you are a fan of that not only a has-been but never was Ron Paul, you truly are an idiot. The man never accomplished anything other than getting elected.
What did Trump have to gain by knowing COVID might lose him the election?
I can't really say.

I have continually tried to puzzle that one out.

A seat at the table?

Just the other day, I was gob-smacked, that Forbes gave him free publicity. . . it is like the cultural elites, are setting up the nation to have him president again. It is almost, like a forgone conclusion we are going to have a Trump vs. Biden, or, if Biden is not up for it, someone on the left. And since they are giving him so much free PR. . . I almost think it doesn't matter, Trump will win, again.

It is really, really weird.

It almost seems like purposeful balkanization.

This? This isn't "breaking news." This is a political ad. Ask yourself why the media elites are doing this. Is it to make sure low IQ folks demand he be nominated? Those who won't even question why they are being show this? I guarantee it, go read the comments on this video.

Hell, remember right after the J6 garbage, when not a single media outlet would let Trump speak, or tell his side to the public, and coverage was so awful and biased, the propaganda shit wasn't news. . . when the MSM had shadow banned him from talking to the nation? Now, tell me, what is this about? Trying thinking critically, and leave your Trump bias out of it. . . It doesn't seem to be a balanced piece of news, it seems to have swung entirely in the opposite direction. . .




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I can't really say.

I have continually tried to puzzle that one out.

A seat at the table?

Just the other day, I was gob-smacked, that Forbes gave him free publicity. . . it is like the cultural elites, are setting up the nation to have him president again. It is almost, like a forgone conclusion we are going to have a Trump vs. Biden, or, if Biden is not up for it, someone on the left. And since they are giving him so much free PR. . . I almost think it doesn't matter, Trump will win, again.

It is really, really weird.

It almost seems like purposeful balkanization.

This? This isn't "breaking news." This is a political ad. Ask yourself why the media elites are doing this. Is it to make sure low IQ folks demand he be nominated? Those who won't even question why they are being show this? I guarantee it, go read the comments on this video.

Hell, remember right after the J6 garbage, when not a single media outlet would let Trump speak, or tell his side to the public, and coverage was so awful and biased, the propaganda shit wasn't news. . . when the MSM had shadow banned him from talking to the nation? Now, tell me, what is this about? Trying thinking critically, and leave your Trump bias out of it. . . It doesn't seem to be a balanced piece of news, it seems to have swung entirely in the opposite direction. . .

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I don't buy Trump's involvement in this crap.
If you are a fan of that not only a has-been but never was Ron Paul, you truly are an idiot. The man never accomplished anything other than getting elected.
Ah. . . I see. So, we are no longer have a back and forth rational discussion. "Masters degree." Indeed. :rolleyes:

Is a Senate vote to declassify information treated as a Bill related to a law? I don't think so but maybe the media sources are just as ignorant.
I don't buy Trump's involvement in this crap.
I see I can't have a conversation with you either.

I don't necessarily see the whole J6 riot, and the narrative that the government and the media want to spin around it, and the subsequent censoring of Trump and his associates after it, as legitimate, either.

But? You are not addressing my analysis of how the establishment media is now doing a one-eighty, in their attitude towards letting Trump and his allies have access to MSM, on anything other than, say, OAN or Newsmax.

You are not recognizing how the nation is being manipulated.

yeah. . . that pretty much screams globalist to me. . . The Atlantacists, the CFR, the IRRA, the WHO, the WEF, and all the other globalists organs, are just extensions of the crown, the Vatican, and the world bank. None of them give a shit about ordinary Americans, and Pompeo seems just as elitists as any billionaire democrat to me. . . .

Doesn't seem to me, he gives a flying piss about the Constitution.

Pompeo and Haspel are Symptoms of a Deeper Problem

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Plagiarizing commentary now?

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