The Serious Stock Market Crash Thread


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Surfing the Oceans of Liquidity
The other thread has turned into the usual mindless political hack garbage. This thread is to discuss the stock market crash without blaming everything on Republicans or Democrats by people who barely know the difference between a stock and livestock.

The UK has fallen 12% in 5 days. Switzerland has fallen 17% in 2 weeks.
The other thread has turned into the usual mindless political hack garbage. This thread is to discuss the stock market crash without blaming everything on Republicans or Democrats by people who barely know the difference between a stock and livestock.

The UK has fallen 12% in 5 days. Switzerland has fallen 17% in 2 weeks.
And the Asian markets?
i am being told to hold and wait.....i cant wait to see the august statement but i dont think it will reflect what has happened....i am not sure what the close date is for the august statement...
The other thread has turned into the usual mindless political hack garbage. This thread is to discuss the stock market crash without blaming everything on Republicans or Democrats by people who barely know the difference between a stock and livestock.

The UK has fallen 12% in 5 days. Switzerland has fallen 17% in 2 weeks.

In my opinion a market drop like this is just like an industrial accident. Its usually not just one thing, its a cascade of "failures" that leads to it.

The poor finanical state of the lesser Eurozone economies is finally starting to settle in with the investors. At this point the whole concept of the Euro is looking more and more like a bad idea. It limits slower economies fall back of last resort, money printing and inflation to stop an economy from tanking completely. Now the only thing left is for the stronger economies to bail out the weaker ones, and that fact is not making investors and producers in the stronger economies very happy.

In the US I have noticed that the main effect of the debt limit debate is that people are really now starting to notice both the yearly deficit and the overall debt, along with how much money we spend every year on debt service. What investors are starting to see is that the US government is basically in a form of the same leverage crisis that torpedoed the investment banks.

As for Asia I havent looked at that yet, but Asia could be a combination of China's economy starting to show the negative signs of its rapid and in some ways false expansion, as well as carry over from US and European markets.
July Jobs Numbers up 117K

Revised up previously announced May & June headline numbers.

Markets turn up.
The other thread has turned into the usual mindless political hack garbage. This thread is to discuss the stock market crash without blaming everything on Republicans or Democrats by people who barely know the difference between a stock and livestock.

The UK has fallen 12% in 5 days. Switzerland has fallen 17% in 2 weeks.

the swiss franc has become overvalued for their own good and they have started the printing presses. they have that latitude, why? ;)

Italy is trying to be to cute by half, their bonds are unrealized junk, but they have to sell them to make that a reality and they won't.....whatever....I don't know what they think will change between now and November.
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The only serious question is how quickly the market is going to collapse? That will be when the OMG moment hits in regards to Europe or the Far East. When Obama tries another foreign bailout (he has already committed on that) I suspect that the house will impeach for high treason. He won't be convicted in the Senate but it will just about destroy the Democratic party in three-quarters of the states. Since the GOP is not ready for prime time that will be a major mess. That will really tank the stock market. Imagine Rand Paul vs. Michelle Bach as the two front runners for the 2016 presidential election. Think what that will do for your portfolio.
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The only serious question is how quickly the market is going to collapse? That will be when the OMG moment hits in regards to Europe or the Far East. When Obama tries another foreign bailout (he has already committed on that) I suspect that the house will impeach for high treason. He won't be convicted in the Senate but it will just about destroy the Democratic party in three-quarters of the states. Since the GOP is not ready for prime time that will be a major mess. That will really tank the stock market. Imagine Rand Paul vs. Michelle Bach as the two front runners for the 2016 presidential election. Think what that will do for your portfolio.
I think you've gotten a little too panicked and lost some of your marbles.
Uncertainty breeds volitility.

We are, I think, in a long trend migrating from a world economy based on nationalism to a world economy based on weak states and stronger international corporations.

These are uncharted waters for mankind, folks.

When the passing of a law or trade agreement can completely change the dynamic of the market then knowing how high to jump or where to jump is pretty much not possible.

So many market prices have less to do with market forces than chaotic geopolitics.

The price of oil, for example, is more dependent on war and peace, than it is supply and demand.

In such circumstances, it is the INSIDERS who are the only people in a position to know where a market might be going, and even they can be surprised by how forces outside their range of manipulation can blow up in their faces.
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