The SETI Fraud


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2019

Gold Record.jpg

Read the record above please. Interpret all the symbols without doing any research at all. It was sent into space in 1977 by NASA in collaboration with SETI, the Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence, as part of the Voyager 1 Program, which cost some $254,000,000.

Was that a prudent use of our scarce resources? After 50 years of considerable scientific research, SETI says, "Nothing yet. More funding please!"


Read the hieroglyphics above please. You can't? Nobody else could either, until the Rosetta Stone was found. It has Egyptian hieroglyphics at the top, Demotic text in the middle and ancient Greek at the bottom.

It enabled the translation of one human language into others. Reading hieroglyphics was previously impossible, as is the probability of deciphering anything SETI might ever find, if we had even the capacity to receive it, which is very unlikely. But before humanity could ever attempt to interpret any extraterrestrial message, first the following impossible series of hurdles have to be overcome. Inscribed in 196 BC, the Rosetta Stone has Egyptian hieroglyphics at the top, Demotic script in the middle, and ancient Greek at the bottom, allowing the translation of previously unreadable hieroglyphics.

1. How can we possibly know if our technology is remotely adequate to speak to, or hear from anyone beyond our solar system? The fact is, we cannot possibly know. IF anyone else exists, their technology would probably be so far advanced beyond ours as to be unrecognizable. Our electromagnetic transmissions might be the technological equivalent of Indian smoke signals.

2. BUT IF SOMEONE INTELLIGENT, ADVANCED CIVILIZATION could possibly receive our communications, how far away should we expect them to be, given a universe 93,000,000,000 light years in diameter. Moreover, spherical volume increases in proportion to the cube of the distance from the center. So the number of galaxies at the outer reaches of the universe is far greater than the number of galaxies "just' a million light years distant from earth There are approximately 804 quadrillion times as many stars beyond the million light year radius as there are within it. (92,999 cubed) An intelligent civilization "only" 1,000,000 light years distant from earth could, theoretically, receive our incredibly weak signals in a million years.

3. IF they elect to respond from very close by, one million light years distant, which is by no means certain, we might expect a response in just 2,000,000 years. Send your money in to SETI today!

SETI is one of the longest running, most expensive hoaxes in the history of science.

Another such hoax, more recent, far more costly, and therefore far more destructive, is the Global Warming Hoax.

SETI claims to want to learn; I have a lesson. Stop throwing good money after bad. Save tax dollars. Save the millions of dollars of corporations and private donors. As Enrico Fermi said in 1974, "Where are they?"

The answer to the Fermi Paradox is simple. SETI is looking for E.T. in the wrong place, and in wrong way. Scientists claim they can learn from E.T, but learning something is entirely different from using that information as it was intended to be used. If billions of humans refuse to heed ET's following message, why should we expect them to follow the instructions from a local civilization "only" 1,000,000 light years distant?


Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

Psalm 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.

Ecclesiastes 2:13 Then I saw that wisdom excelleth folly, as far as light excelleth darkness.

Luke 6:31 Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Luke 6:38 Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give unto your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.

Proverbs 14:7 Go from the presence of a foolish man.

Ephesians 5:28 In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies He who loves his wife loves himself.

Proverbs 3:13 Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding.
Most relevant of all, there's no reason why highly evolved life would be the least bit interested in us.

View attachment 915651

Read the record above please. Interpret all the symbols without doing any research at all. It was sent into space in 1977 by NASA in collaboration with SETI, the Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence, as part of the Voyager 1 Program, which cost some $254,000,000.

Was that a prudent use of our scarce resources? After 50 years of considerable scientific research, SETI says, "Nothing yet. More funding please!"

View attachment 915652

Read the hieroglyphics above please. You can't? Nobody else could either, until the Rosetta Stone was found. It has Egyptian hieroglyphics at the top, Demotic text in the middle and ancient Greek at the bottom.
View attachment 915653

It enabled the translation of one human language into others. Reading hieroglyphics was previously impossible, as is the probability of deciphering anything SETI might ever find, if we had even the capacity to receive it, which is very unlikely. But before humanity could ever attempt to interpret any extraterrestrial message, first the following impossible series of hurdles have to be overcome. Inscribed in 196 BC, the Rosetta Stone has Egyptian hieroglyphics at the top, Demotic script in the middle, and ancient Greek at the bottom, allowing the translation of previously unreadable hieroglyphics.

1. How can we possibly know if our technology is remotely adequate to speak to, or hear from anyone beyond our solar system? The fact is, we cannot possibly know. IF anyone else exists, their technology would probably be so far advanced beyond ours as to be unrecognizable. Our electromagnetic transmissions might be the technological equivalent of Indian smoke signals.

2. BUT IF SOMEONE INTELLIGENT, ADVANCED CIVILIZATION could possibly receive our communications, how far away should we expect them to be, given a universe 93,000,000,000 light years in diameter. Moreover, spherical volume increases in proportion to the cube of the distance from the center. So the number of galaxies at the outer reaches of the universe is far greater than the number of galaxies "just' a million light years distant from earth There are approximately 804 quadrillion times as many stars beyond the million light year radius as there are within it. (92,999 cubed) An intelligent civilization "only" 1,000,000 light years distant from earth could, theoretically, receive our incredibly weak signals in a million years.

3. IF they elect to respond from very close by, one million light years distant, which is by no means certain, we might expect a response in just 2,000,000 years. Send your money in to SETI today!

SETI is one of the longest running, most expensive hoaxes in the history of science.

Another such hoax, more recent, far more costly, and therefore far more destructive, is the Global Warming Hoax.

SETI claims to want to learn; I have a lesson. Stop throwing good money after bad. Save tax dollars. Save the millions of dollars of corporations and private donors. As Enrico Fermi said in 1974, "Where are they?"

The answer to the Fermi Paradox is simple. SETI is looking for E.T. in the wrong place, and in wrong way. Scientists claim they can learn from E.T, but learning something is entirely different from using that information as it was intended to be used. If billions of humans refuse to heed ET's following message, why should we expect them to follow the instructions from a local civilization "only" 1,000,000 light years distant?


Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

Psalm 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.

Ecclesiastes 2:13 Then I saw that wisdom excelleth folly, as far as light excelleth darkness.

Luke 6:31 Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Luke 6:38 Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give unto your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.

Proverbs 14:7 Go from the presence of a foolish man.

Ephesians 5:28 In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies He who loves his wife loves himself.

Proverbs 3:13 Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding.
Who knows. Maybe that civilization is far away and can only be reached by a star studded superhighway.
Most relevant of all, there's no reason why highly evolved life would be the least bit interested in us.
But against that .
Suppose there is a firewall at the edge of our Solar System that means no entrance or exit in terms of science that we currently understand .
Information, from Voyager Number one primarily , suggests this very strongly .

Then NASA and the fake SETI are actually working to find out about our near neighbours .Not the Universe -- the science and pretty pictures are just that . Pretty but academic .
Deflection and Distraction .

Clearly if we do have information about any or some other local race / species , such info will never be divulged by the1% until it becomes profitable and useful to do so .
Naturally you do not want billiions of hysterical , mad and violence crazed humans rushing around here behaving like frightened babies and creating untold chaos .

And then ?
Well the next stage is too far out and will be ridiculed .
But there was life on Mars and probably Jupiter , but due to some catastrophe eveybody left alive on Mars departed .
Some to Earth ( us) , some to Jupiter and some to an assortment of Moons .
And right now we are beginning to see that some of our relations are no longer very much like us and in every way imaginable .
However , in the broadest terms they are prepared to tolerate and slowly instruct us , providing we obey some basic rules .

Etc etc . See Part 2 next week . Blah blah

View attachment 915651

Read the record above please. Interpret all the symbols without doing any research at all. It was sent into space in 1977 by NASA in collaboration with SETI, the Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence, as part of the Voyager 1 Program, which cost some $254,000,000.

Was that a prudent use of our scarce resources? After 50 years of considerable scientific research, SETI says, "Nothing yet. More funding please!"

View attachment 915652

Read the hieroglyphics above please. You can't? Nobody else could either, until the Rosetta Stone was found. It has Egyptian hieroglyphics at the top, Demotic text in the middle and ancient Greek at the bottom.
View attachment 915653

It enabled the translation of one human language into others. Reading hieroglyphics was previously impossible, as is the probability of deciphering anything SETI might ever find, if we had even the capacity to receive it, which is very unlikely. But before humanity could ever attempt to interpret any extraterrestrial message, first the following impossible series of hurdles have to be overcome. Inscribed in 196 BC, the Rosetta Stone has Egyptian hieroglyphics at the top, Demotic script in the middle, and ancient Greek at the bottom, allowing the translation of previously unreadable hieroglyphics.

1. How can we possibly know if our technology is remotely adequate to speak to, or hear from anyone beyond our solar system? The fact is, we cannot possibly know. IF anyone else exists, their technology would probably be so far advanced beyond ours as to be unrecognizable. Our electromagnetic transmissions might be the technological equivalent of Indian smoke signals.

2. BUT IF SOMEONE INTELLIGENT, ADVANCED CIVILIZATION could possibly receive our communications, how far away should we expect them to be, given a universe 93,000,000,000 light years in diameter. Moreover, spherical volume increases in proportion to the cube of the distance from the center. So the number of galaxies at the outer reaches of the universe is far greater than the number of galaxies "just' a million light years distant from earth There are approximately 804 quadrillion times as many stars beyond the million light year radius as there are within it. (92,999 cubed) An intelligent civilization "only" 1,000,000 light years distant from earth could, theoretically, receive our incredibly weak signals in a million years.

3. IF they elect to respond from very close by, one million light years distant, which is by no means certain, we might expect a response in just 2,000,000 years. Send your money in to SETI today!

SETI is one of the longest running, most expensive hoaxes in the history of science.

Another such hoax, more recent, far more costly, and therefore far more destructive, is the Global Warming Hoax.

SETI claims to want to learn; I have a lesson. Stop throwing good money after bad. Save tax dollars. Save the millions of dollars of corporations and private donors. As Enrico Fermi said in 1974, "Where are they?"

The answer to the Fermi Paradox is simple. SETI is looking for E.T. in the wrong place, and in wrong way. Scientists claim they can learn from E.T, but learning something is entirely different from using that information as it was intended to be used. If billions of humans refuse to heed ET's following message, why should we expect them to follow the instructions from a local civilization "only" 1,000,000 light years distant?


Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

Psalm 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.

Ecclesiastes 2:13 Then I saw that wisdom excelleth folly, as far as light excelleth darkness.

Luke 6:31 Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Luke 6:38 Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give unto your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.

Proverbs 14:7 Go from the presence of a foolish man.

Ephesians 5:28 In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies He who loves his wife loves himself.

Proverbs 3:13 Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding.

We found your little toy.
Correction: I wrote, but cannot edit, this:
"804 quadrillion times as many stars beyond the million light year radius as there are within it. (92,999 cubed)"

The volume of a sphere is proportional to the radius of the sphere cubed, not its diameter. So instead of "804 quadrillion times," the correct factor is a scant 100,544,625 million times the volume of the sphere a million light years distant. (93,000,000,000 divided by 2 divided by 1,000,000 (light years), = 46,500 which is then cubed.

So maybe SETI is a good investment after all, ya think?

On further research, Nobel Laureate,Enrico Fermi's quote was "Where is everybody?" supposedly asked around 1950.
I suspect that there is a pretty good chance there is something we would consider “life” in other parts of the universe. Will it turn out to be some sort of highly evolved anthropomorphic entity that likes to stick probes into us and zip around Earth in flying saucers because they have such a keen interest in humans? No. That is vanity.
We found your little toy.

What is this "we," cowboy? You talk like the Unabomber when he wrote his essay pubished in the New York Times, viz., "We" this and "We" that....
In fact, he was a loner living in a rathole cabin in Wyoming, killing and maiming people with package bombs. Pretending to speak on behalf of many others is petty and weak.
But against that .
Suppose there is a firewall at the edge of our Solar System that means no entrance or exit in terms of science that we currently understand .
Information, from Voyager Number one primarily , suggests this very strongly .
What has V1 reported that supports that?
Then NASA and the fake SETI are actually working to find out about our near neighbours .Not the Universe -- the science and pretty pictures are just that . Pretty but academic .
Deflection and Distraction .
possible to speculate, but you do so in an intelligent way.
Clearly if we do have information about any or some other local race / species , such info will never be divulged by the1% until it becomes profitable and useful to do so .
Naturally you do not want billiions of hysterical , mad and violence crazed humans rushing around here behaving like frightened babies and creating untold chaos .

And then ?
Well the next stage is too far out and will be ridiculed .
But there was life on Mars and probably Jupiter , but due to some catastrophe eveybody left alive on Mars departed .
Some to Earth ( us) , some to Jupiter and some to an assortment of Moons .
And right now we are beginning to see that some of our relations are no longer very much like us and in every way imaginable .
However , in the broadest terms they are prepared to tolerate and slowly instruct us , providing we obey some basic rules .

Etc etc . See Part 2 next week . Blah blah
Nothing is too fare out to speculate. There could be intelligent life on the sun. Seriously!
Do you see why there's no end to speculation?

I'll continue to believe that no intelligent life will be found, because if they're that advanced to know about us, they would have no interest.
I think we’ve been visited since - forever.

I’ve seen UFOs several times already

What’s the big deal?

I tried to post The Why Files Episode on Crop Circles and the CIA amateurish efforts to debunk them
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I suspect that there is a pretty good chance there is something we would consider “life” in other parts of the universe. Will it turn out to be some sort of highly evolved anthropomorphic entity that likes to stick probes into us and zip around Earth in flying saucers because they have such a keen interest in humans? No. That is vanity.
Good point on the vanity Rod, and welcome back!
What has V1 reported that supports that?

possible to speculate, but you do so in an intelligent way.

Nothing is too fare out to speculate. There could be intelligent life on the sun. Seriously!
Do you see why there's no end to speculation?

I'll continue to believe that no intelligent life will be found, because if they're that advanced to know about us, they would have no interest.

Not if our planet has a special feature/ chemstry that they need to use but require a hybrid version of us in order to use it successfully .
This might well involve them using us as a laboratory test centre, OR , taking specimens away for them to experiment with on their own planet, or , wherever they might already be colonised .

The reported missing persons total per year is in excess of one million .
Suppose the number due to internal trafficking is small . Then where are the others disappearing to and why ?
Alternatively , suppose the vast bulk of missing people have not been trafficked but are a quota we supply , in return for new technologies .
That is , most of the trafficking stories are Fake and act as Deflection from the real reason / scenario.

Of course this is essentially more speculation but it is in response to your submission that an incredibly more clever species would have little or no interest in us .
I argue against that, and without the other possibility that we taste good to them and that they steal / farm us as a product /food .
Not if our planet has a special feature/ chemstry that they need to use but require a hybrid version of us in order to use it successfully .

G'wan, with all the choices available?
This might well involve them using us as a laboratory test centre, OR , taking specimens away for them to experiment with on their own planet, or , wherever they might already be colonised .
You're forgetting that we're talking about a very advanced civilization that would be capable of visiting.
The reported missing persons total per year is in excess of one million .
No valid specifics but if you can find one then let us know!
Suppose the number due to internal trafficking is small . Then where are the others disappearing to and why ?
Alternatively , suppose the vast bulk of missing people have not been trafficked but are a quota we supply , in return for new technologies .
That is , most of the trafficking stories are Fake and act as Deflection from the real reason / scenario.

Of course this is essentially more speculation but it is in response to your submission that an incredibly more clever species would have little or no interest in us .
I argue against that, and without the other possibility that we taste good to them and that they steal / farm us as a product /food .
Speculation is good but you're sliding into wishful thinking now.

Point is, you want it to be true and I don't.

Didn't somebody mention vanity as being the reason why some speculate positively on ET's?
If space aliens are anything like humans we should hide from them not send them messages telling them where we are.
SETI is paying its staff members hundreds of thousands of dollars annually in an ongoing pretense of "communicating" with "intelligent life" that does not exist.

Public universities donate hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars to SETI for this ongoing fraud. The "billions" of galaxies beyond our own Milky Way are so absurdly distant that we can NEVER communicate with them or they with us. Will we be alive in the hundreds of thousands of light years it would take for radio waves to go in either direction. Large Magellanic Cloud is 179,000 light years distant and Small Magellanic Cloud is 210,000 light years away. And they're "close"!

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