The shit has hit the fan (at full speed) Pastor compares Obama to Judas

Are you even following your own thread? I'm not the one throwing the fascist label around. Are you also accusing me of fascism? :lol:

Yes and no. What's your point. There are trolls in every thread. Today is no different.

So you're trolling? Or are you talking about the "Amazed" fellow...because I'm confused. You seem to be enabling him by questioning what's in my "heart".

He made the asshole comment, I responded with a sarcastic reply and you became douche number two. So what gives?

(smile) I called you out on your bigotry, you are a racist by your own comments about the black don't like black folk eh?
You are not unlike people that wanted to keep legal, civil marriage only between people of the same races. Guess how that turned out both legally and historically?

Your comparing the freedom struggle of the American black to validate your sexual proclivities is as repugnant or even more so than any other liberal use of the black man as a means to an end.

No, actually I'm not comparing the civil rights struggle, but the discrimination faced by both groups. They are exactly the same, almost to the language used in the arguments.

A right delayed is a right denied.
(smile) I called you out on your bigotry, you are a racist by your own comments about the black don't like black folk eh?

Not when those black folk step off the entitlement plantation.

It infuriates them.
Are you even following your own thread? I'm not the one throwing the fascist label around. Are you also accusing me of fascism? :lol:

Yes and no. What's your point. There are trolls in every thread. Today is no different.

So you're trolling? Or are you talking about the "Amazed" fellow...because I'm confused. You seem to be enabling him by questioning what's in my "heart".

He made the asshole comment, I responded with a sarcastic reply and you became douche number two. So what gives?

Covering for him? Lol...I don't even know him. I'm simply stating that being an exmilitary member doesn't give you some kind of special insight into the subject.

Anyhow I'm outta here. Have a good night and thanks for your service to our country.
No, actually I'm not comparing the civil rights struggle, but the discrimination faced by both groups. They are exactly the same, almost to the language used in the arguments.

A right delayed is a right denied.

That's twisted.

Someone who knows a true civil rights struggle should help you understand.
Yes and no. What's your point. There are trolls in every thread. Today is no different.

So you're trolling? Or are you talking about the "Amazed" fellow...because I'm confused. You seem to be enabling him by questioning what's in my "heart".

He made the asshole comment, I responded with a sarcastic reply and you became douche number two. So what gives?

(smile) I called you out on your bigotry, you are a racist by your own comments about the black don't like black folk eh? called me a fascist, moron, not a racist. How is calling a homophobic pastor a homophobic pastor, racist? (how is it fascist for that matter) I do it all the time to white pastors.
So you're trolling? Or are you talking about the "Amazed" fellow...because I'm confused. You seem to be enabling him by questioning what's in my "heart".

He made the asshole comment, I responded with a sarcastic reply and you became douche number two. So what gives?

(smile) I called you out on your bigotry, you are a racist by your own comments about the black don't like black folk eh? called me a fascist, moron, not a racist. How is calling a homophobic pastor a homophobic pastor, racist? (how is it fascist for that matter) I do it all the time to white pastors.

You hate that black man for his beliefs, using leftwing logic that makes you a racist pigfucker.

...and yes you'd like to keep him from speaking his completely legitimate opinion because you disagree with it....tell me he an Uncle Tom for calling out Bammy?
No, actually I'm not comparing the civil rights struggle, but the discrimination faced by both groups. They are exactly the same, almost to the language used in the arguments.

A right delayed is a right denied.

That's twisted.

Someone who knows a true civil rights struggle should help you understand.

You mean like, oh I dunno, Coretta Scott King?

• Lesbian and gay people are a permanent part of the American workforce, who currently have no protection from the arbitrary abuse of their rights on the job. For too long, our nation has tolerated the insidious form of discrimination against this group of Americans, who have worked as hard as any group, paid their taxes like everyone else, and yet have been denied equal protection under the law.

• I believe all Americans who believe in freedom, tolerance and human rights have a responsibility to oppose bigotry and prejudice based on sexual orientation.

• I still hear people say that I should not be talking about the rights of lesbian and gay people and I should stick to the issue of racial justice. But I hasten to remind them that Martin Luther King Jr. said, "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."

• I appeal to everyone who believes in Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream to make room at the table of brother- and sisterhood for lesbian and gay people.

• We have to launch a national campaign against homophobia in the black community.

• Homophobia is like racism and anti-Semitism and other forms of bigotry in that it seeks to dehumanize a large group of people, to deny their humanity, their dignity and personhood. This sets the stage for further repression and violence that spread all too easily to victimize the next minority group.

• Gays and lesbians stood up for civil rights in Montgomery, Selma, in Albany, Ga. and St. Augustine, Fla., and many other campaigns of the Civil Rights Movement. Many of these courageous men and women were fighting for my freedom at a time when they could find few voices for their own, and I salute their contributions.
Coretta Scott King Quotes
On Lesbian and Gay Rights, On Homophobia

Like her? Or the NAACP maybe? They just came out and endorsed marriage equality. Should I get someone there to explain it to me?
I don't think in my heart of hearts Dr King would deviate from the Chik-fil-a message.
(smile) I called you out on your bigotry, you are a racist by your own comments about the black don't like black folk eh? called me a fascist, moron, not a racist. How is calling a homophobic pastor a homophobic pastor, racist? (how is it fascist for that matter) I do it all the time to white pastors.

You hate that black man for his beliefs, using leftwing logic that makes you a racist pigfucker.

...and yes you'd like to keep him from speaking his completely legitimate opinion because you disagree with it....tell me he an Uncle Tom for calling out Bammy?

Boy, you hit every branch on the way down, didn't you? I don't hate him...I disagree with his position. I think he's homophobic. If I told him I didn't think he should marry a white woman, he'd call me racist, right? Why can't I call him homophobic for wishing to deny me equal rights?

As for animal intercourse, I'm afraid we gays and lesbians leave that activity to backwoods, inbred, cousin fuckers like you.

No, I don't want to keep him from speaking at all. I prefer my homophobes out of the woodwork (and the closet, Ted Haggart) Their incoherence on the issue just bolsters our argument for marriage equality. Thanks for helping too! called me a fascist, moron, not a racist. How is calling a homophobic pastor a homophobic pastor, racist? (how is it fascist for that matter) I do it all the time to white pastors.

You hate that black man for his beliefs, using leftwing logic that makes you a racist pigfucker.

...and yes you'd like to keep him from speaking his completely legitimate opinion because you disagree with it....tell me he an Uncle Tom for calling out Bammy?

Boy, you hit every branch on the way down, didn't you? I don't hate him...I disagree with his position. I think he's homophobic. If I told him I didn't think he should marry a white woman, he'd call me racist, right? Why can't I call him homophobic for wishing to deny me equal rights?

As for animal intercourse, I'm afraid we gays and lesbians leave that activity to backwoods, inbred, cousin fuckers like you.

No, I don't want to keep him from speaking at all. I prefer my homophobes out of the woodwork (and the closet, Ted Haggart) Their incoherence on the issue just bolsters our argument for marriage equality. Thanks for helping too!

Too funny :)

I think you should have right hetero's have...but you need to give in to calling it a Civil Union.....and his Religious Beliefs are are no more wrong than yours....thats the hate but you justify it.

You are at most 6% of the merican populace....and your "rights" don't trump theirs.
i am not shock and understand where the minister is coming from...religion is blinding at times

Wow, liberals really really have a thing for gays, in the past 20 years they have moved the gay militants into the base of the democratic party.....WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So you're trolling? Or are you talking about the "Amazed" fellow...because I'm confused. You seem to be enabling him by questioning what's in my "heart".

He made the asshole comment, I responded with a sarcastic reply and you became douche number two. So what gives?

(smile) I called you out on your bigotry, you are a racist by your own comments about the black don't like black folk eh? called me a fascist, moron, not a racist. How is calling a homophobic pastor a homophobic pastor, racist? (how is it fascist for that matter) I do it all the time to white pastors.

Because he's black, nothing else matters, that's the same reason us conservatives get hit with it.....dont agree, you're a racist....liberals are the ones that started that shit...not us... called me a fascist, moron, not a racist. How is calling a homophobic pastor a homophobic pastor, racist? (how is it fascist for that matter) I do it all the time to white pastors.

You hate that black man for his beliefs, using leftwing logic that makes you a racist pigfucker.

...and yes you'd like to keep him from speaking his completely legitimate opinion because you disagree with it....tell me he an Uncle Tom for calling out Bammy?

Boy, you hit every branch on the way down, didn't you? I don't hate him...I disagree with his position. I think he's homophobic. If I told him I didn't think he should marry a white woman, he'd call me racist, right? Why can't I call him homophobic for wishing to deny me equal rights?

As for animal intercourse, I'm afraid we gays and lesbians leave that activity to backwoods, inbred, cousin fuckers like you.

No, I don't want to keep him from speaking at all. I prefer my homophobes out of the woodwork (and the closet, Ted Haggart) Their incoherence on the issue just bolsters our argument for marriage equality. Thanks for helping too!

What equal rights? Jerry Sandusky cant play with boys, is that fair? Do I really give a shit, nooooooooooo
You hate that black man for his beliefs, using leftwing logic that makes you a racist pigfucker.

...and yes you'd like to keep him from speaking his completely legitimate opinion because you disagree with it....tell me he an Uncle Tom for calling out Bammy?

Boy, you hit every branch on the way down, didn't you? I don't hate him...I disagree with his position. I think he's homophobic. If I told him I didn't think he should marry a white woman, he'd call me racist, right? Why can't I call him homophobic for wishing to deny me equal rights?

As for animal intercourse, I'm afraid we gays and lesbians leave that activity to backwoods, inbred, cousin fuckers like you.

No, I don't want to keep him from speaking at all. I prefer my homophobes out of the woodwork (and the closet, Ted Haggart) Their incoherence on the issue just bolsters our argument for marriage equality. Thanks for helping too!

Too funny :)

I think you should have right hetero's have...but you need to give in to calling it a Civil Union.....and his Religious Beliefs are are no more wrong than yours....thats the hate but you justify it.

It's not his religious beliefs that concern me. I don't care what his church does, I care what rights the citizens of this country have and they are not currently equal for law abiding, tax paying, gay and lesbian citizens.

I'm all for Civil Unions...if that is what EVERY legal, civilly married couple in this country is awarded. We tried that Separate but Equal shit before...EPIC FAIL, that was.

You are at most 6% of the merican populace....and your "rights" don't trump theirs.

Look up "tyranny of the majority". It'll be eye opener I'm sure. called me a fascist, moron, not a racist. How is calling a homophobic pastor a homophobic pastor, racist? (how is it fascist for that matter) I do it all the time to white pastors.

You hate that black man for his beliefs, using leftwing logic that makes you a racist pigfucker.

...and yes you'd like to keep him from speaking his completely legitimate opinion because you disagree with it....tell me he an Uncle Tom for calling out Bammy?

Boy, you hit every branch on the way down, didn't you? I don't hate him...I disagree with his position. I think he's homophobic. If I told him I didn't think he should marry a white woman, he'd call me racist, right? Why can't I call him homophobic for wishing to deny me equal rights?

As for animal intercourse, I'm afraid we gays and lesbians leave that activity to backwoods, inbred, cousin fuckers like you.

No, I don't want to keep him from speaking at all. I prefer my homophobes out of the woodwork (and the closet, Ted Haggart) Their incoherence on the issue just bolsters our argument for marriage equality. Thanks for helping too!

Look the good thing about lesbians as opposed to peter puffers, is that if you're hot you get the exemption...otherwise.....GROSS
(smile) I called you out on your bigotry, you are a racist by your own comments about the black don't like black folk eh? called me a fascist, moron, not a racist. How is calling a homophobic pastor a homophobic pastor, racist? (how is it fascist for that matter) I do it all the time to white pastors.

Because he's black, nothing else matters, that's the same reason us conservatives get hit with it.....dont agree, you're a racist....liberals are the ones that started that shit...not us...

His race, religion, gender, orientation, political affiliation, blood type and/or choice of spank material are immaterial. It is his homophobia and only his homophobia that "concerns" me. I call pastors of all faiths, colors and creeds homophobic when they, like you, openly display those traits.

The fun part is when these same, incredibly homophobic pastors, get caught with their hand in the proverbial gay cookie jar.

Watch that toe tapping, son!
It's not his religious beliefs that concern me. I don't care what his church does, I care what rights the citizens of this country have and they are not currently equal for law abiding, tax paying, gay and lesbian citizens.

I'm all for Civil Unions...if that is what EVERY legal, civilly married couple in this country is awarded. We tried that Separate but Equal shit before...EPIC FAIL, that was.

Thats a cop out.

Your sexual "preference" is not more important than their Religious beliefs.....noot in America anyway.

Take your "rights" and call it a Civil Union otherwise you won't win this fight.

You won't "win" this one. called me a fascist, moron, not a racist. How is calling a homophobic pastor a homophobic pastor, racist? (how is it fascist for that matter) I do it all the time to white pastors.

Because he's black, nothing else matters, that's the same reason us conservatives get hit with it.....dont agree, you're a racist....liberals are the ones that started that shit...not us...

His race, religion, gender, orientation, political affiliation, blood type and/or choice of spank material are immaterial. It is his homophobia and only his homophobia that "concerns" me. I call pastors of all faiths, colors and creeds homophobic when they, like you, openly display those traits.

The fun part is when these same, incredibly homophobic pastors, get caught with their hand in the proverbial gay cookie jar.

Watch that toe tapping, son!

So they're self loathing, gay sex is just is... are missing the point...he was mocking liberals like you that call anyone disagreeing with Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton racist. Both of those guys are true pieces of shit, who if you criticise AT ALL, liberals will call you racist. Now if you dont admit that, you are either lying and a partisan hack, OR you really dont know much about contemporary American politics.. called me a fascist, moron, not a racist. How is calling a homophobic pastor a homophobic pastor, racist? (how is it fascist for that matter) I do it all the time to white pastors.

Because he's black, nothing else matters, that's the same reason us conservatives get hit with it.....dont agree, you're a racist....liberals are the ones that started that shit...not us...

His race, religion, gender, orientation, political affiliation, blood type and/or choice of spank material are immaterial. It is his homophobia and only his homophobia that "concerns" me. I call pastors of all faiths, colors and creeds homophobic when they, like you, openly display those traits.

The fun part is when these same, incredibly homophobic pastors, get caught with their hand in the proverbial gay cookie jar.

Watch that toe tapping, son!

Wait I like to toe tap, if I do it in a bathroom and I guy approaches me, they get a beatdown!

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