The Shitting On Veterans and Their Families in Full Swing


Gold Member
May 22, 2011
Went to pick up my high blood pressure meds at the pharmacy yesterday. What has cost me $8 a bottle (30 day supply) under Tricare for ages - is now $44.00. I asked the pharmacist what's up and she said all Tricare co-pays have gone up. She told me (a good friend) - "You guys (Vets) are really getting screwed. I've never seen anything like this."

When I signed up and served for 23 years, I always knew I would be taken care of. Hell, I was guaranteed it! Thank God I can afford $44 a bottle - I feel bad for those veterans who can't.

Obama is fucking veterans ladies and gentlemen.

I actually agree with you Warrior. The rise in tricare costs that have been shifted to vets is very excessive.
Agreed. When you living on a fixed income, doubling or tripling your health are costs is outrageous.
The older vets don't understand. The whole object is to ferret a way to get them to die so they won't cost obama's government anything.

The idea is to drive down costs by shifting the burden to vets and hopefully get some vets to stop using tricare.

The idea is to drive down costs by shifting the burden to vets and hopefully get some vets to stop using tricare.

The bad thing is many vets are on a fixed income with no cost of living adjustment.
This is gonna kill 'em - in some cases, literally.

I've written my Congressman

This Obama insanity has got to stop.
I will say, I believe healthcare costs to vets needs to rise, it's been insulted for too long. However, there are reasonable rises and there are burdensome rises, every article Ive read showing the new rises in tricare are clearly over the line, IMO.
Thanks to ObamaCare everyone, not just Vets, are gonna' have to learn to be their own Doctor.

The last time I had a checkup the Nurse took my Blood Pressure 4 times because she couldn't believe it could be that low. All I did was change what I eat.
Thanks to ObamaCare everyone, not just Vets, are gonna' have to learn to be their own Doctor.

The last time I had a checkup the Nurse took my Blood Pressure 4 times because she couldn't believe it could be that low. All I did was change what I eat.

The last time I went to a doctor, it wasn't a doctor at all. It was a physician's assistant. I had to have made the diagnosis before I went AND made a request for the necessary medication. Otherwise, I would have been referred to another PA, and another after that, and another. As many as necessary until I came across one that so happened to know, I finally figured it out or died.

Not only is everyone going to have to become their own doctor, but before this regime is done, turn to witchdoctors as well.
I guess shitting on Veterans is OK as long as a Democrat/Libberhoid is in the front office.
am i to feel sorry for you because you were underpaying for your medication for a very long time?
am i to feel sorry for you because you were underpaying for your medication for a very long time?

I'm not asking for your sympathy, you stupid little cocksucker.
I am merely illustrating how this administration is shitting on veterans.
Do you understand that point, or do you need it dumbed down more.
Get it filled at a military hospital clinic or hospital and you'll have no copay. Most of us don't enjoy that luxury so boo fucking hoo to you.
Get it filled at a military hospital clinic or hospital and you'll have no copay. Most of us don't enjoy that luxury so boo <freudian stage II taboo speech omitted> hoo to you.
Not everyone lives within 500 miles of a military hospital clinic, Ravi. Two tanks of gas costs over $100., thanks to gas prices going up 20% since last week.

Other Americans support veterans who gave up profitable careers to serve. Taking any amount from the stipend they receive is unacceptable.
Get it filled at a military hospital clinic or hospital and you'll have no copay. Most of us don't enjoy that luxury so boo fucking hoo to you.

That's precisely what I am going to do - get it filled on base nearby.

I don't view veteran's benefits as a luxury.

Luxury is the lifestyle of people like Obama, not me/
Get it filled at a military hospital clinic or hospital and you'll have no copay. Most of us don't enjoy that luxury so boo <freudian stage II taboo speech omitted> hoo to you.
Not everyone lives within 500 miles of a military hospital clinic, Ravi. Two tanks of gas costs over $100., thanks to gas prices going up 20% since last week.

Other Americans support veterans who gave up profitable careers to serve. Taking any amount from the stipend they receive is unacceptable.

There's a base closeby, thank God for that. I feel bad for the older vets who are on a fixed income and do not have a base nearby. They are the ones who are really going to feel this the worse. Like my Dad for example - he recently passed away but was on several medications. There is no way in hell he would be able to afford it.
am i to feel sorry for you because you were underpaying for your medication for a very long time?

I'm not asking for your sympathy, you stupid little cocksucker.
I am merely illustrating how this administration is shitting on veterans.
Do you understand that point, or do you need it dumbed down more.

i don't consider being asked to pay a reasonable amount in co-pays to be shitting on anyone.

so again, are we supposed to feel sorry for you because you were underpaying for a long time?
If you don't live within 50 miles of a MTF you won't have acres to tricare prime anymore anyway.

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