The Shroud of Trayvon

Wasn't that the norm for this country all the way up until the Civil Rights Act was passed?

I seem to remember segregated seating areas and fountains as well......................

so you have lived in the southern US and you are at least 60 years old?

The gaybiker is also the lamebiker. He is unaware that civil rights came in under the Commerce Clause before the Civil Rights Act.

During the mid-20th century, partly as a result of cases such as Powell v. Alabama, 287 U.S. 45 (1932); Smith v. Allwright, 321 U.S. 649 (1944); Shelley v. Kraemer, 334 U.S. 1 (1948); Sweatt v. Painter, 339 U.S. 629 (1950); McLaurin v. Oklahoma State Regents, 339 U.S. 637 (1950); NAACP v. Alabama, 357 U.S. 449 (1958); Boynton v. Virginia, 364 U.S. 454 (1960) and probably the most famous, Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, 347 U.S. 483 (1954), the tide against segregation began to turn. However, segregation remained in full effect into the 1960s in parts of the southern United States, where the Heart of Atlanta Motel was located, despite these decisions.

Heart of Atlanta Motel v. United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I grew up during the so-called civil rights era and I lived up north. I never saw any colored water fountains and black kids went to our schools. I can prove that.

Yet when you see some of the posts from younger members and foreigners they give the impression that blacks were in chains right up until 1999. :cuckoo:
The fact remains - all young African-American men in the US should carry guns at all times, and be prepared to use them.

Why not, as long as it's legal.


Note how neither Hawk nor AJ like the idea. Notice also how neither Hawk nor AJ will admit it.

Not sure what you needed AJ or Hawk to admit too...but to clarify, my answer was not to exclude anyone else in this country who can legally carry and want to carry.

Legally, being the operative word here.
HEY! don't forget the Skittles and Ice Tea...

The Shroud of Trayvon

August 7, 2013 By Mark Tapson


Just when you think the left can’t possibly get more unhinged about the shooting of black Trayvon Martin, the next step in his beatification is getting underway: the hoodie he died in may be acquired for the Smithsonian Institution. This not only will imbue it with an historical civil rights significance, which it has not earned, but will practically accord it the status of a religious relic.


The NMAAHC’s mission statement claims that “this institution will stimulate a dialogue about race and help to foster a spirit of reconciliation and healing.” But Trayvon Martin’s hoodie will not foster that spirit; it will only divide us in the future as it has thus far. If it deserves a spot in the Smithsonian at all, it should not be as an emblem of white America’s ingrained racism toward blacks, but as a symbol of the left’s ingrained grievance-mongering and their refusal to embrace responsibility and reconciliation.

The Shroud of Trayvon | FrontPage Magazine

Fuck you. What would be your reaction if you had a son who was killed by a fat fucking coward with a gun? You're an asshole.
HEY! don't forget the Skittles and Ice Tea...

The Shroud of Trayvon

August 7, 2013 By Mark Tapson


Just when you think the left can’t possibly get more unhinged about the shooting of black Trayvon Martin, the next step in his beatification is getting underway: the hoodie he died in may be acquired for the Smithsonian Institution. This not only will imbue it with an historical civil rights significance, which it has not earned, but will practically accord it the status of a religious relic.


The NMAAHC’s mission statement claims that “this institution will stimulate a dialogue about race and help to foster a spirit of reconciliation and healing.” But Trayvon Martin’s hoodie will not foster that spirit; it will only divide us in the future as it has thus far. If it deserves a spot in the Smithsonian at all, it should not be as an emblem of white America’s ingrained racism toward blacks, but as a symbol of the left’s ingrained grievance-mongering and their refusal to embrace responsibility and reconciliation.

The Shroud of Trayvon | FrontPage Magazine

and here i thought the shroud would have been the body bag.

They even have it laid-out 'Crucifixion Style'...

One Secular Sainthood comin' right up...

Then again, Zimmerman already canonized him...

With a real cannon...


Enough of this happy horseshit...

Putting this piece of shit in the Smithsonian does not stimulate intelligent dialogue on Race...

Putting this piece of shit in the Smithsonian merely helps to perpetuate and deepen the Racial Divide...

But the civil service slugs running things don't give a shit about that...

Perhaps they'll build a little shrine around it or something...

Perhaps they'll give it its own special room... cathedral ceilings... skylights... open-air access... etc...

One of these days, the Race-Baiters and Hate-Mongers who dig-up on this kind of sleaze can start scissoring-off pieces of The Holy Hoodie...

One of these days, they'll start selling-off pieces of the Holy Hoodie, to the Sheeple-Faithful...

One of these days, there'll be more pieces of the Holy Hoodie circulating than make-up the square-footage of the Holy Hoodie before it began to be cut up...

Kinda like pieces of the True Cross back in the Middle Ages...

With enough slivers of old wood circulating around Christendom and being passed off as pieces of the True Cross, to make up several crosses, once re-assembled...

Perhaps some KKK Leader will touch the thing while on-display and be cured of his Racism then-and-there... a bona fide miracle...

And then they can put up a statue to Saint Skittles, on The Mall, bronze, with a gold halo surrounding his hooded head... drink, Skittles, and all...

With a bong and a backpack full of jewelry and three suspension-notices at his feet, also carved in bronze... :lol:
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Carrying a firearm requires discipline and temperance, something young black males usually lack.

Would you agree that Zimmerman also lacks discipline and temperance?

A.j -

Yes,I know you are embarrassed. You should be.

I know I am not AJ but I do know that Zimmerman actually showed lots of discipline considering he had called in suspicious people around 50 times prior and never pulled his gun, as he had no need because he was never attacked.
Ilar -

Judging from the TV coverage I saw, this is a race issue, regardless of whether you or I make it so.

No. It isn't.

Never was. And your claim that others are somehow suggesting that blacks should not be able to carry guns is silly.

I have never seen anyone on here suggest that. EVER. But Trayvon Martin was a minor. And minors are excluded by law from getting a carry permit.
so you have lived in the southern US and you are at least 60 years old?

The gaybiker is also the lamebiker. He is unaware that civil rights came in under the Commerce Clause before the Civil Rights Act.

During the mid-20th century, partly as a result of cases such as Powell v. Alabama, 287 U.S. 45 (1932); Smith v. Allwright, 321 U.S. 649 (1944); Shelley v. Kraemer, 334 U.S. 1 (1948); Sweatt v. Painter, 339 U.S. 629 (1950); McLaurin v. Oklahoma State Regents, 339 U.S. 637 (1950); NAACP v. Alabama, 357 U.S. 449 (1958); Boynton v. Virginia, 364 U.S. 454 (1960) and probably the most famous, Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, 347 U.S. 483 (1954), the tide against segregation began to turn. However, segregation remained in full effect into the 1960s in parts of the southern United States, where the Heart of Atlanta Motel was located, despite these decisions.

Heart of Atlanta Motel v. United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I grew up during the so-called civil rights era and I lived up north. I never saw any colored water fountains and black kids went to our schools. I can prove that.

Yet when you see some of the posts from younger members and foreigners they give the impression that blacks were in chains right up until 1999. :cuckoo:

Yes, they do. And they don't know one damned thing about it. They have been drinking the chain flavored Cool Aid. I grew up in the 50s. Schools WERE segregated then so were lunch counters, buses, bathrooms, water fountains, etc. I remember desegregation, and while some places had problems with resistance, there wasn't any here that I recall. I don't think there were any blacks at my school for a long time because I lived 'in the county.' Certainly they were not forbidden to go there after the schools desegregated. Before desegregation, the black school was in town, and most blacks lived around it. But by the time my children were in school, there were blacks in all the schools. Buses were no more crowded, the water tasted the same, the food at the lunch counter was no different, bathrooms were no more dirty, but then they couldn't get much dirtier as I recollect.

By the 60s here, things were pretty much as they are now. I know I'm one of the oldest posters on here, and I never saw any blacks in chains. LOL.

Their threads are bait threads like this one. And the one on 'young black men' and their right to carry guns. No one on here, NO ONE, at any point in time has ever said that blacks who are qualified for a carry permit should not carry guns. But like this thread li'l Trayvon is the bait, and they think we are stupid. Trayvon was a minor. As a minor, he did not qualify for a carry permit.
HEY! don't forget the Skittles and Ice Tea...

The Shroud of Trayvon

August 7, 2013 By Mark Tapson


Just when you think the left can’t possibly get more unhinged about the shooting of black Trayvon Martin, the next step in his beatification is getting underway: the hoodie he died in may be acquired for the Smithsonian Institution. This not only will imbue it with an historical civil rights significance, which it has not earned, but will practically accord it the status of a religious relic.


The NMAAHC’s mission statement claims that “this institution will stimulate a dialogue about race and help to foster a spirit of reconciliation and healing.” But Trayvon Martin’s hoodie will not foster that spirit; it will only divide us in the future as it has thus far. If it deserves a spot in the Smithsonian at all, it should not be as an emblem of white America’s ingrained racism toward blacks, but as a symbol of the left’s ingrained grievance-mongering and their refusal to embrace responsibility and reconciliation.

The Shroud of Trayvon | FrontPage Magazine

Fuck you. What would be your reaction if you had a son who was killed by a fat fucking coward with a gun? You're an asshole.

But Trayvon was not killed by a fat fucking coward.

George Zimmerman was not a coward.

And at the time of the incident, he wasn't fat, either.

You work hard at being wrong, Wry. You are getting good at it. Too good.
What a stupid thing to say.

BUT, if both had been armed, both might be dead.

The nutters keep saying that MORE guns are the answer to everything, they want everyone shooting at each other. Why not arm black too?


Any of you racists willing to answer that honestly?

I've answered this a hundred times already. How come blacks aren't already armed ? Are they stupid ?

There really isn't anyone who doesn't know the answer to this.

If Travon had stood his ground and defended himself against the man who was following and then stalking him, he would already be on death row. "You" can pretend that's not true, but "you" know better.

Chicago blacks ...


Its not "Chicago blacks" who are armed. In ALL cities, it is gangs, including white supremacists, blacks, Hispanics and the NRA nutters, who are armed. Mr and Mrs Black American Family are not arming themselves any more or more often than Mr and Mrs All Other Colors American Family.

bleeds like a stigmata.

WTF is wrong with people who make fun of this youngster being chased, stalked and then gunned down although he had committed no crime. Yes, I know that the nutters are now pretending that he was some kind of gangster but even if that had been true, gz had no right to go after him. "You" can pretend he did but you know you are wrong.

You are delusional and you are obsessed. I would not find it surprising to turn on the TV and see that you had killed someone in the midst of a psychosis.
If Trayvon had been armed he would have ended up like the 14 year old shot by a cop.

All of Trayvon's future victims owe Zimmernan a debt of gratitude.
The question is fairly simple - why do many posters want to see whites armed, and blacks not armed?

the answer is also very simple, when blacks attack they NEVER attack one one or one on two it is always 3 or or more blacks attacking one white.., unless it is three or four blacks going into a nursing home full of disabled very old white people.., that aside, every white person who goes out alone is the one who NEEDS to carry. :up:
I wonder if 500 years from now there will be an impression of trayvon's lips on that shroud?

a Shroud ?? i thought the topic was about race, guns and angelic blacks :up:

but you do have an interesting thought there, i hope before they enshrine it, they enhance the blood and that little hole 10X plus a note, "this hole compliments of GZ exercising his right to self defense"

Do you agree that this crime would not have happened if all young black men carried guns?

I'm going to go out on a limb on this one and say: If Martin had been armed the crime would not have been committed, but not for the reason you think.

Based on the law and the evidence the only crime committed that night was by Trayvon Martin and the crime was either attempted murder or aggravated battery. Had Martin been armed, these crimes would not have been committed; instead the crime would have been murder, pure and simple.

The evidence shows that Martin cold-cocked Zimmerman then straddled him while he pummeled his head against the concrete. Zimmerman was no physical match for the younger, stronger Martin and was apparently unable to defend himself. It was only after Zimmerman had already received injuries and had called for help that he used deadly force against Martin. A jury who admitted they tried to find something – anything – to convict Zimmerman could find no evidence of wrongdoing.

I want to remind you and others that in order to find George Zimmerman not guilty, the jury had to make two specific determinations: (1) That a reasonably prudent person in the same situation would have believed the use of deadly force was necessary to avoid death or serious bodily injury; and (2) Zimmerman did nothing which would have justified Martin's attack upon him. In other words, to find Zimmerman not guilty they had to conclude that Martin was guilty of a crime.

There is no doubt in my mind that if Martin had been armed Zimmerman would have been shot to death before he had a chance to draw his weapon. In the final analysis, it is a very good thing that Zimmerman (the victim) was armed and Martin (the criminal aggressor) was not.

Question: just what did George Zimmerman do to Martin that would have given Martin just cause to shoot him?

Please don't say “he followed him” because following someone is not a crime and the words “I shot him because he was following me” is not a legal defense; rather it is a complete and irrefutable confession to the crime of murder. And please don't use the word “stalking.” Following someone for a brief period EXACTLY as Zimmerman followed Martin that night is not “stalking” as that crime is defined by Florida Statute. For an explanation of “stalking” as it pertains to the Zimmerman case, please read my article at the following link:

(See Permalink #26)
Professor -

You may well be right, but I'm sure you also realise that the comment of mine you quote was ironic.

My point being that many posters assure us that being armed is the only way to stay safe on the streets these days - but only insomuch as the person is white.

When a young black man is killed, few seem willing to say that he should have been armed.

My preferred would be that no one on the street was armed - a solution that seems to work well enough in countries like Spain and Germany that their homicide rate is a fraction of that in the US.
[ame=]Trayvon Martin's Hoodie The "Shroud of Turin" For The So-Called Black Community - YouTube[/ame]

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Carrying a firearm requires discipline and temperance, something young black males usually lack.

Would you agree that Zimmerman also lacks discipline and temperance?

A.j -

Yes,I know you are embarrassed. You should be.

You actually embarrass yo-self with that silly question, but you being a liberal europeeon journalist I understand...

Carry on...:lol:

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