The Shroud of Trayvon

Professor -

You may well be right, but I'm sure you also realise that the comment of mine you quote was ironic.

My point being that many posters assure us that being armed is the only way to stay safe on the streets these days - but only insomuch as the person is white.

When a young black man is killed, few seem willing to say that he should have been armed.

My preferred would be that no one on the street was armed - a solution that seems to work well enough in countries like Spain and Germany that their homicide rate is a fraction of that in the US.

The only people that believe black people shouldn't be armed are liberals. Thats why liberal controlled states and cities have very restrictive gun bans --see Chicago. Yet all this does is disarm honest citizens, because robbers and murderers aren't going to abide by any gun ban law. That's why those same areas have the highest violent crime rates.

But, you of course cannot acknowledge those facts. You have to continue your made up fantasy that its the evil white conservatives that want to keep guns out of the hands of black people, when the reality is liberals have already taken those actions of disarming them.
so you have lived in the southern US and you are at least 60 years old?

The gaybiker is also the lamebiker. He is unaware that civil rights came in under the Commerce Clause before the Civil Rights Act.

During the mid-20th century, partly as a result of cases such as Powell v. Alabama, 287 U.S. 45 (1932); Smith v. Allwright, 321 U.S. 649 (1944); Shelley v. Kraemer, 334 U.S. 1 (1948); Sweatt v. Painter, 339 U.S. 629 (1950); McLaurin v. Oklahoma State Regents, 339 U.S. 637 (1950); NAACP v. Alabama, 357 U.S. 449 (1958); Boynton v. Virginia, 364 U.S. 454 (1960) and probably the most famous, Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, 347 U.S. 483 (1954), the tide against segregation began to turn. However, segregation remained in full effect into the 1960s in parts of the southern United States, where the Heart of Atlanta Motel was located, despite these decisions.

Heart of Atlanta Motel v. United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I grew up during the so-called civil rights era and I lived up north. I never saw any colored water fountains and black kids went to our schools. I can prove that.

Yet when you see some of the posts from younger members and foreigners they give the impression that blacks were in chains right up until 1999. :cuckoo: tell you the truth, I was born in '64, so I didn't see all the segregated water fountains either. Matter of fact, I didn't get a chance to see the South until 1982 when I joined the Navy and went to boot camp. the fall of 1982, I left boot camp and went to Meridian MS for PN "A" school. My room mate there was a black dude by the name of Leslie S., and because he was from Los Angeles, everyone called him L.A.

Well, LA and I had a weekend deal that we did, because he liked rock and roll as much as I did, and the rap music he had was pretty decent and I liked it as well. So..............during the week, we'd go out and find the best clubs we could, and every other weekend, I'd take him out to a rock and roll bar, and on the other weekends, he'd take me out to a rap disco.

One week, I came back and told him about a really decent band that I'd heard out at a place called "Pott's Place", and because it was my weekend, we decided that's where we'd go to party.

Friday night, we put on our uniforms (we hadn't been in long enough to be able to wear civilian clothes yet), and went out.

We got to the door, and the doorman let me in, but dropped an axe handle right behind me and stopped LA. I asked what the problem was, and if they had something against sailors in uniform (because I'd been in just the night before in uniform and had a great time), and he said no, you can go inside and have a good time, but the ****** ain't getting in.

Yeah..................sure...............tell me how much they've fixed racism. Sorry, but a lot of white people are still pretty racist.
Professor -

You may well be right, but I'm sure you also realise that the comment of mine you quote was ironic.

My point being that many posters assure us that being armed is the only way to stay safe on the streets these days - but only insomuch as the person is white.

When a young black man is killed, few seem willing to say that he should have been armed.

My preferred would be that no one on the street was armed - a solution that seems to work well enough in countries like Spain and Germany that their homicide rate is a fraction of that in the US.

I apologize for not making myself clear. I should have added that I believe everyone should be lawfully armed (having a permit). Whenever I hear of people being murdered I always wonder whether they could have saved themselves if they were armed. I ask the same question of every victim, man or woman, Black or White.

I used to carry because I was required to go into areas I considered to be unsafe at all hours of the day and night. I no longer put myself in situations I think I might need a gun. Presently, my guns are locked and stored in a locked safe. I live in a very safe neighborhood and I don't go to bed worrying that an armed intruder will break my door down and kill me. I'm just too fucking old to live a life of fear.

I would love to live in a country where guns are not necessary, but I am not convinced that we are at that point. There is just too much violence - senseless violence - and many people live in fear of becoming a victim. They see a gun as the only defense against those who are unlawfully armed or those who are physically capable of overpowering them. I cannot blame them.

I remember living at a time and place where people left their doors unlocked. They even left their windows open at night to catch the slightest breeze. People were more civil then. Kids didn't kill other kids over a fucking pair of sneakers. People didn't punch someone out just for the enjoyment of hurting them. Over the years, respect for human life has eroded with disastrous results. Those who live in fear of harm and have no confidence in others to protect them will resort to self help. It's human nature.

Like you, I don't like what I see. I wish things were different but unfortunately I can't think of a workable solution. I do have some radical suggestions, but I'll reserve those for another post.

I'd love to meet you in Germany for a beer or two.
Yeah..................sure...............tell me how much they've fixed racism. Sorry, but a lot of white people are still pretty racist.

A lot of black people are still pretty racist too.

What's your point?

You're right...............there ARE black people who are racist as well, I've ran into one or two.

However............I know a lot more racist whites than I do blacks, and, if you treat black people like you'd like to be treated, it turns out pretty decent.

Even though there was that situation at Pott's Place in Meridian MS, everytime I went with LA to a rap disco, NOBODY hassled me about being a white boy in a black place. On occasion, one or two would give me some strange stares, but for the most part, they were all right and fun to party with.

One time, when I was stationed in my first squadron, a friend of mine asked if I wanted to go home with him for the weekend and hang out where he grew up (he was black) and I said sure, because we were pretty decent friends, and I wanted to get the hell out of Jacksonville for a while.

We went to where he lived, up around Columbus GA, and that Saturday we went out clubbing. In the first place we stopped, I stood out like a searchlight on a dark night, because I was the ONLY white person in the whole place. I grabbed a beer, walked up to the pool table and put my quarters up, and when I turned around, there was a large black man who looked at me and said "do you know where you're at boy"? I said "yeah, I'm here in a bar with some jumping music, drinking beer, playing pool and looking at pretty women".

He then told me I was all right and I had a great time there. Later, we all left and went to another club that didn't close until 4:00 am., and I had a great time there as well.

Sorry, but in my experience, blacks are more tolerant of whites than whites are tolerant of blacks, especially in the South.

Shit...................when I was stationed in Millington TN, there was a place called Tipton County (just to the north) where if you were black and caught in the county after dark, it was open season on your ass.
HEY! don't forget the Skittles and Ice Tea...

The Shroud of Trayvon

August 7, 2013 By Mark Tapson


Just when you think the left can’t possibly get more unhinged about the shooting of black Trayvon Martin, the next step in his beatification is getting underway: the hoodie he died in may be acquired for the Smithsonian Institution. This not only will imbue it with an historical civil rights significance, which it has not earned, but will practically accord it the status of a religious relic.


The NMAAHC’s mission statement claims that “this institution will stimulate a dialogue about race and help to foster a spirit of reconciliation and healing.” But Trayvon Martin’s hoodie will not foster that spirit; it will only divide us in the future as it has thus far. If it deserves a spot in the Smithsonian at all, it should not be as an emblem of white America’s ingrained racism toward blacks, but as a symbol of the left’s ingrained grievance-mongering and their refusal to embrace responsibility and reconciliation.

The Shroud of Trayvon | FrontPage Magazine

what a waste of time, and money if they did buy it.

and a complete insult to history unless they clearly marked it that he was killed after attacking an innocent man.
The gaybiker is also the lamebiker. He is unaware that civil rights came in under the Commerce Clause before the Civil Rights Act.

Heart of Atlanta Motel v. United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I grew up during the so-called civil rights era and I lived up north. I never saw any colored water fountains and black kids went to our schools. I can prove that.

Yet when you see some of the posts from younger members and foreigners they give the impression that blacks were in chains right up until 1999. :cuckoo: tell you the truth, I was born in '64, so I didn't see all the segregated water fountains either. Matter of fact, I didn't get a chance to see the South until 1982 when I joined the Navy and went to boot camp. the fall of 1982, I left boot camp and went to Meridian MS for PN "A" school. My room mate there was a black dude by the name of Leslie S., and because he was from Los Angeles, everyone called him L.A.

Well, LA and I had a weekend deal that we did, because he liked rock and roll as much as I did, and the rap music he had was pretty decent and I liked it as well. So..............during the week, we'd go out and find the best clubs we could, (qweer bars.., right ??) and every other weekend, I'd take him out to a rock and roll bar, and on the other weekends, he'd take me out to a rap disco. (more qweer bars !!)

One week, I came back and told him about a really decent band that I'd heard out at a place called "Pott's Place", and because it was my weekend, we decided that's where we'd go to party.

Friday night, we put on our uniforms (we hadn't been in long enough to be able to wear civilian clothes yet), and went out.

We got to the door, and the doorman let me in, but dropped an axe handle right behind me and stopped LA. I asked what the problem was, and if they had something against sailors in uniform (because I'd been in just the night before in uniform and had a great time), and he said no, you can go inside and have a good time, but the ****** ain't getting in.

Yeah..................sure...............tell me how much they've fixed racism. Sorry, but a lot of white people are still pretty racist. (you included ?)

ooooooh my gawd, so THAT is your problem.., a personnelmen (PNs) in my Navy we called your kind "Titless WAVES" :up: you are nothing but an unglorified news copier and propagandist liberal !! i fail to believe that "...the ****** ain't getting in" bullshit...., prove it :up:
"...You're right...there ARE black people who are racist as well, I've ran into one or two. However...I know a lot more racist whites than I do blacks..."
We have had different experiences.

It's my belief (based upon years of experience in support of a large-scale metropolitan social services agency and high-volume interaction with inner-city agency clientele) that - proportionally speaking - there are at LEAST as many Racist Blacks as there are Racist Whites.

Perhaps even more, given that most White Folk just don't think about Blacks on a regular basis, whereas a fairly high percentage of Blacks - especially the very large numbers living in our inner cities - grow-up and manifest as blaming White Folk for their inferior position in the economy and society.

When you're regularly thinking - from cradle to grave - about those whom you believe are responsible for your troubles, and when those 'others' are all a different skin color than you are, then, considerable numbers of 'your own' are not gonna look kindly upon that other skin color.

Right or wrong, it's logical... and quite true, in the main, with respect to Urban Blacks, at least... or so it seems to this fairly experienced and reasonably thoughtful White Guy, in this context.

Some inner-city Black colleague of ours here might call bullshit (or worse) on this one, but I find myself obliged to stand by the observation.
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The fact remains - all young African-American men in the US should carry guns at all times, and be prepared to use them.

Um, Earth to dumb ass, many of them do and many of them use them over the smallest things (such as the other person is breathing). See classic liberal douches like you ignore the stats that African Americans are 13% over the population, but make up more than 50% of the homicide victims and 91% of them are killed by other blacks!
The question is fairly simple - why do many posters want to see whites armed, and blacks not armed?

the answer is also very simple, when blacks attack they NEVER attack one one or one on two it is always 3 or or more blacks attacking one white.., unless it is three or four blacks going into a nursing home full of disabled very old white people.., that aside, every white person who goes out alone is the one who NEEDS to carry. :up:

WM, the premise of that question is a fallacy. NO ONE on this forum has EVER said that adult black men and women who meet criteria for a carry permit should not be allowed to have one. Don't let him suck you in. Martin was a minor. He did not qualify under the law of any state in the union to carry a gun.

I have challenged Saigon to post any statement by any poster to the effect that adult black men and women who meet carry permit criteria should not be allowed. He has yet to do so. Hmmmm.....
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Any of you racists willing to answer that honestly?

what is a racist ? one who races ?

The people who believe their should be one set of rules for whites, and another for blacks.

See the post immediately below the post of yours I quote here for one example.


You have still not posted any statement by any poster on here that adult black men and women who meet criteria to carry weapon should not be allowed to do so.
what is a racist ? one who races ?

The people who believe their should be one set of rules for whites, and another for blacks.

See the post immediately below the post of yours I quote here for one example.


You have still not posted any statement by any poster on here that adult black men and women who meet criteria to carry weapon should not be allowed to do so.

that says a lot about that guy doesnt it
The people who believe their should be one set of rules for whites, and another for blacks.

See the post immediately below the post of yours I quote here for one example.


You have still not posted any statement by any poster on here that adult black men and women who meet criteria to carry weapon should not be allowed to do so.

that says a lot about that guy doesnt it

Certainly does.

I don't understand someone who would deliberately promote a lie like this thread promotes. Putting up a thread based upon a lie like this one is unconscionable and has pretty much cost him any respect I had for him. You can go back to ANY gun thread on here and there is a contingent of people who consistently say that EVERYONE should be armed. They do not distinguish between young, old, black, white, well, infirm, sane, or insane. They make the blanket statement that everyone should be armed. Someone usually takes them on over the fact that not every adult is qualified nor capable of being safely armed, but I have NEVER seen that disagreement include race. This has to be one of the most dishonest and unethical threads that has ever been put up here.

You have still not posted any statement by any poster on here that adult black men and women who meet criteria to carry weapon should not be allowed to do so.

that says a lot about that guy doesnt it

Certainly does.

I don't understand someone who would deliberately promote a lie like this thread promotes. Putting up a thread based upon a lie like this one is unconscionable and has pretty much cost him any respect I had for him. You can go back to ANY gun thread on here and there is a contingent of people who consistently say that EVERYONE should be armed. They do not distinguish between young, old, black, white, well, infirm, sane, or insane. They make the blanket statement that everyone should be armed. Someone usually takes them on over the fact that not every adult is qualified nor capable of being safely armed, but I have NEVER seen that disagreement include race. This has to be one of the most dishonest and unethical threads that has ever been put up here.

only in history did race place a factor in gun control

it was the democrats that penned gun control laws aimed at the blacks

i do not care who owns a firearm and personally believe that honest

black folks should be armed more so when you hear reports

in certain cities that the police response time is upwards of 58 minutes

at that rate the cities should be handing out self protection kits

(firearms and ammo)

instead of attempting to take them away

with a walmart gift card
that says a lot about that guy doesnt it

Certainly does.

I don't understand someone who would deliberately promote a lie like this thread promotes. Putting up a thread based upon a lie like this one is unconscionable and has pretty much cost him any respect I had for him. You can go back to ANY gun thread on here and there is a contingent of people who consistently say that EVERYONE should be armed. They do not distinguish between young, old, black, white, well, infirm, sane, or insane. They make the blanket statement that everyone should be armed. Someone usually takes them on over the fact that not every adult is qualified nor capable of being safely armed, but I have NEVER seen that disagreement include race. This has to be one of the most dishonest and unethical threads that has ever been put up here.

only in history did race place a factor in gun control

it was the democrats that penned gun control laws aimed at the blacks

i do not care who owns a firearm and personally believe that honest

black folks should be armed more so when you hear reports

in certain cities that the police response time is upwards of 58 minutes

at that rate the cities should be handing out self protection kits

(firearms and ammo)

instead of attempting to take them away

with a walmart gift card

That's why I keep my loaded gun at the bedside. This is a fairly safe neighborhood, but one who lives here must realize that this 'lake' is actually a commercial and navigable river, so what could possible climb onto land from it is a craps shoot. The roads are winding and hilly, and it takes near 40 minutes to get out here. Anyone here would be toast before the cops arrived. And I am fairly sure that all my neighbors are armed as well. I hear gunshots here occasionally. People will shoot a squirrel for supper or if a nasty snake crawls up they will shoot that. There have been two suicides, one before I moved her one just after. It is so lovely here that it is hard to imagine someone in that state of mind, though.
You have still not posted any statement by any poster on here that adult black men and women who meet criteria to carry weapon should not be allowed to do so.


Read page one of this thread, genius.
Certainly does.

I don't understand someone who would deliberately promote a lie like this thread promotes. Putting up a thread based upon a lie like this one is unconscionable and has pretty much cost him any respect I had for him. You can go back to ANY gun thread on here and there is a contingent of people who consistently say that EVERYONE should be armed. They do not distinguish between young, old, black, white, well, infirm, sane, or insane. They make the blanket statement that everyone should be armed. Someone usually takes them on over the fact that not every adult is qualified nor capable of being safely armed, but I have NEVER seen that disagreement include race. This has to be one of the most dishonest and unethical threads that has ever been put up here.

only in history did race place a factor in gun control

it was the democrats that penned gun control laws aimed at the blacks

i do not care who owns a firearm and personally believe that honest

black folks should be armed more so when you hear reports

in certain cities that the police response time is upwards of 58 minutes

at that rate the cities should be handing out self protection kits

(firearms and ammo)

instead of attempting to take them away

with a walmart gift card

That's why I keep my loaded gun at the bedside. This is a fairly safe neighborhood, but one who lives here must realize that this 'lake' is actually a commercial and navigable river, so what could possible climb onto land from it is a craps shoot. The roads are winding and hilly, and it takes near 40 minutes to get out here. Anyone here would be toast before the cops arrived. And I am fairly sure that all my neighbors are armed as well. I hear gunshots here occasionally. People will shoot a squirrel for supper or if a nasty snake crawls up they will shoot that. There have been two suicides, one before I moved her one just after. It is so lovely here that it is hard to imagine someone in that state of mind, though.

ya just never know when you will need one

for the most part i do not include suicide as an act of gun violence

people commit suicide for a multitude of reasons

having a gun is not one of the reasons they terminate their life

i had a friend several years ago commit suicide by denying dialysis

he planned it out so that he would die in the month of June when the weather

was nice

planned out his funeral (everyone had to wear Hawaiian shirts

and listen to Yes albums )

his life had become pretty painful

when he stopped treatments

the pain went away he remained alert for a week then slipped away

into unconsciousness and then death

he was a great guy and taught me much about life

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