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Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

The Significance of Adam Schiff’s “Parody” | Power Line
26 Sep 19 ~ By John Hinderaker
Schiff simply lied. Not a word of his tirade came from the transcript of the president’s conversation with Zelensky. Schiff made it all up, and it didn’t resemble the actual transcript in any respect. Apart from the fact that it shows once again what a disgusting liar Adam Schiff is, why is his “parody” important? Because it shows the baselessness of the Democrats’ case against Trump. If Trump had actually said anything objectionable–let alone impeachable!–in his conversation with Zelenskiy, Schiff would have quoted it. But because the conversation was entirely innocent, Schiff couldn’t quote a line of it. He had to make schift up, and that’s what he did.
Adam Schiff’s absurd tirade of lies demonstrates, as well as anything, that the Democrats’ Ukraine hysteria is just another hoax.

The biased press will play it like it is real. We knew this was another hoax even before the Trump-Zelenskiy transcript. What Schiff demonstrated today is that there is nothing they won’t do or say to in their failed attempts to remove and ruin Trump or anyone who supports him.
As Rush said on his program today, when this hoax collapses, there will be another and another. There'll be a lot more right up to and including after the election next year.
The smart Conservative's response to everything Schiff says should be a single question: What services could Joe Biden's son possibly provide to the Ukrainian gas company that agreed to pay him $85,000 a month for five years?
The lies are getting bolder and more ridiculous yet the media, with few exceptions, continue to perpetrate the phony narrative.
If Trump said what Schiff puked out today he would be impeached by now...why can he lie like that?...isn't there a law against openly lying on this panel funded by us the tax payers?...we don't fund this BS hearing to hear him lie....I think he should be forced to step down over this....but it does show how weak this case is...the dems have nothing...but here is why we should care...

Schiff had this whistle blower report for weeks and waited until this very significant UN meeting to unload it....the dems are doing harm to our country because they lost an election...The DOJ must get involved before they fuck us for good...because this embarrassment of a hoax just like the Russian hoax won't be the last...they will not stop until they regain power...the same bunch of anti Trump members of our intel community are still spying on the president...the deep state is still at it....
The Lawfirm that Schiff’s Russian CIA Mole-Spy has hired actually pays for people to leak classified information from The Trump Administration.

Pretty sure they won’t be in business after 2020!

Good chance that some of them will be in jail.
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