The silence is deafening


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
I read about this several days ago, but couldn't remember where so I didn't post it-

MY OPINION! No shit! Who'd a thunk it.
Brandy Vaughan Died Eleven Days Ago, and the Silence Is Deafening

She knew her life was in mortal danger, and in December of 2019, she made a public statement indicating that she was in perfect health, was taking no drugs or medication of any kind, lived for her young son, and would never under any circumstances commit suicide. A few days before her death, she was visiting close friends, laughing, having great dinners, and playing games into the night. In addition, she stated that if anything happened to her, it would indicate foul play. She was only 47 years old, and extremely healthy according to her own assessment and that of her friends, so her death should be heavily scrutinized.

It is very disturbing to me that after eleven days since her death, nothing definitive has been announced, and a so-called investigation was not considered until this past Monday, just three days ago. This is with the knowledge that she had been threatened, her house broken into several times, and was certain she was a target by evil forces. One unfounded report attempted to claim without one shred of evidence that she had a bladder condition. This is interesting given that she had recently stated that she was in perfect health.
I read about this several days ago, but couldn't remember where so I didn't post it-

MY OPINION! No shit! Who'd a thunk it.
Brandy Vaughan Died Eleven Days Ago, and the Silence Is Deafening

She knew her life was in mortal danger, and in December of 2019, she made a public statement indicating that she was in perfect health, was taking no drugs or medication of any kind, lived for her young son, and would never under any circumstances commit suicide. A few days before her death, she was visiting close friends, laughing, having great dinners, and playing games into the night. In addition, she stated that if anything happened to her, it would indicate foul play. She was only 47 years old, and extremely healthy according to her own assessment and that of her friends, so her death should be heavily scrutinized.

It is very disturbing to me that after eleven days since her death, nothing definitive has been announced, and a so-called investigation was not considered until this past Monday, just three days ago. This is with the knowledge that she had been threatened, her house broken into several times, and was certain she was a target by evil forces. One unfounded report attempted to claim without one shred of evidence that she had a bladder condition. This is interesting given that she had recently stated that she was in perfect health.
That helps explain why the MSM is all about pushing the vaccine, reaffirming that Big Pharma pays the bills.
It is very disturbing to me that after eleven days since her death, nothing definitive has been announced, and a so-called investigation was not considered until this past Monday, just three days ago. This is with the knowledge that she had been threatened, her house broken into several times, and was certain she was a target by evil forces.
You are calling for an in-depth investigation into extensive networks of serious organized crime, that may involve obtaining warrants for wiretaps and other searches on other suspects and persons of interest -- and you are crying foul if a definitive result is not announced within 10 days.
One unfounded report attempted to claim without one shred of evidence that she had a bladder condition. This is interesting given that she had recently stated that she was in perfect health.
A woman might have a period or need to go to the bathroom. Which may or may not be relevant as to the circumstances or time of death, and does not necessarily contradict the claim of a woman to be in more or less “perfect” health, as part of the human condition, such as it is. Menstruation is certainly a “condition” -- there's no denying that -- although not on its face an “abnormal” condition.
I read about this several days ago, but couldn't remember where so I didn't post it-

MY OPINION! No shit! Who'd a thunk it.
Brandy Vaughan Died Eleven Days Ago, and the Silence Is Deafening

She knew her life was in mortal danger, and in December of 2019, she made a public statement indicating that she was in perfect health, was taking no drugs or medication of any kind, lived for her young son, and would never under any circumstances commit suicide. A few days before her death, she was visiting close friends, laughing, having great dinners, and playing games into the night. In addition, she stated that if anything happened to her, it would indicate foul play. She was only 47 years old, and extremely healthy according to her own assessment and that of her friends, so her death should be heavily scrutinized.

It is very disturbing to me that after eleven days since her death, nothing definitive has been announced, and a so-called investigation was not considered until this past Monday, just three days ago. This is with the knowledge that she had been threatened, her house broken into several times, and was certain she was a target by evil forces. One unfounded report attempted to claim without one shred of evidence that she had a bladder condition. This is interesting given that she had recently stated that she was in perfect health.
Thank you for posting about this horrendous loss of life as it's unfortunately a shining example of the current times. Information is power, and we the people deserve all facts, not just part-facts.

This info came from Vaughn's Learn the Risk website:
"A 2014 study found that prescription drugs are now the fourth leading cause of death in the US. The Harvard study reported 2.74 MILLION serious adverse drug reactions per year come from properly prescribed drugs. And about 106,000 people DIE EVERY YEAR from drugs prescribed to them."

"A 2016 report from Johns Hopkins School of Medicine shows that medical errors in hospitals and other healthcare facilities are incredibly common, and may now be the third-leading cause of death in the United States — claiming 251,000 lives every year, more than respiratory disease, accidents, stroke and Alzheimer’s."

2020 studies will be murky due to deaths counted as COVID-19 when in fact due to other cases.

This case certainly rings a very loud bell, but we'll have of course the normal response of varying opinions from the populace. We have the tools to find out 100% facts, the problem is that there are human tools in the mix using these tools as many know.
This info came from Vaughn's Learn the Risk website:
"A 2014 study found that prescription drugs are now the fourth leading cause of death in the US. The Harvard study reported 2.74 MILLION serious adverse drug reactions per year come from properly prescribed drugs. And about 106,000 people DIE EVERY YEAR from drugs prescribed to them."

"A 2016 report from Johns Hopkins School of Medicine shows that medical errors in hospitals and other healthcare facilities are incredibly common, and may now be the third-leading cause of death in the United States — claiming 251,000 lives every year, more than respiratory disease, accidents, stroke and Alzheimer’s."
My point being that such reports as you refer to here take more than ten days to research, investigate, write up, and publish.
I read about this several days ago, but couldn't remember where so I didn't post it-

MY OPINION! No shit! Who'd a thunk it.
Brandy Vaughan Died Eleven Days Ago, and the Silence Is Deafening

She knew her life was in mortal danger, and in December of 2019, she made a public statement indicating that she was in perfect health, was taking no drugs or medication of any kind, lived for her young son, and would never under any circumstances commit suicide. A few days before her death, she was visiting close friends, laughing, having great dinners, and playing games into the night. In addition, she stated that if anything happened to her, it would indicate foul play. She was only 47 years old, and extremely healthy according to her own assessment and that of her friends, so her death should be heavily scrutinized.

It is very disturbing to me that after eleven days since her death, nothing definitive has been announced, and a so-called investigation was not considered until this past Monday, just three days ago. This is with the knowledge that she had been threatened, her house broken into several times, and was certain she was a target by evil forces. One unfounded report attempted to claim without one shred of evidence that she had a bladder condition. This is interesting given that she had recently stated that she was in perfect health.
Who is she? Well I searched and find out she is an anti vaccine person. So why should I care?
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I read about this several days ago, but couldn't remember where so I didn't post it-

MY OPINION! No shit! Who'd a thunk it.
Brandy Vaughan Died Eleven Days Ago, and the Silence Is Deafening

She knew her life was in mortal danger, and in December of 2019, she made a public statement indicating that she was in perfect health, was taking no drugs or medication of any kind, lived for her young son, and would never under any circumstances commit suicide. A few days before her death, she was visiting close friends, laughing, having great dinners, and playing games into the night. In addition, she stated that if anything happened to her, it would indicate foul play. She was only 47 years old, and extremely healthy according to her own assessment and that of her friends, so her death should be heavily scrutinized.

It is very disturbing to me that after eleven days since her death, nothing definitive has been announced, and a so-called investigation was not considered until this past Monday, just three days ago. This is with the knowledge that she had been threatened, her house broken into several times, and was certain she was a target by evil forces. One unfounded report attempted to claim without one shred of evidence that she had a bladder condition. This is interesting given that she had recently stated that she was in perfect health.

This info came from Vaughn's Learn the Risk website:
"A 2014 study found that prescription drugs are now the fourth leading cause of death in the US. The Harvard study reported 2.74 MILLION serious adverse drug reactions per year come from properly prescribed drugs. And about 106,000 people DIE EVERY YEAR from drugs prescribed to them."

"A 2016 report from Johns Hopkins School of Medicine shows that medical errors in hospitals and other healthcare facilities are incredibly common, and may now be the third-leading cause of death in the United States — claiming 251,000 lives every year, more than respiratory disease, accidents, stroke and Alzheimer’s."
My point being that such reports as you refer to here take more than ten days to research, investigate, write up, and publish.
Indeed I would agree. We have the means to do things faster, thus mistakes happen like being the first media outlet with a story and a needed follow-up with a few corrections. Rushing is never good, particularly when studying outcomes of meds.
This info came from Vaughn's Learn the Risk website:
"A 2014 study found that prescription drugs are now the fourth leading cause of death in the US. The Harvard study reported 2.74 MILLION serious adverse drug reactions per year come from properly prescribed drugs. And about 106,000 people DIE EVERY YEAR from drugs prescribed to them."

"A 2016 report from Johns Hopkins School of Medicine shows that medical errors in hospitals and other healthcare facilities are incredibly common, and may now be the third-leading cause of death in the United States — claiming 251,000 lives every year, more than respiratory disease, accidents, stroke and Alzheimer’s."
My point being that such reports as you refer to here take more than ten days to research, investigate, write up, and publish.
Indeed I would agree. We have the means to do things faster, thus mistakes happen like being the first media outlet with a story and a needed follow-up with a few corrections. Rushing is never good, particularly when studying outcomes of meds.
Meant to add-I used to spend hours finding articles written by doctors submitted to various medical journals. At the time, I was trying to save someone from pancreatic cancer (yeah, I know...not likely) and wanted the newest findings, not just go by what the chemo doc said or radiation guy said. John Hopkins was a good source for info, but superior drugs, sold by Canadian pharmacy at the time that were not FDA approved, helped a bit more.
Rushing is never good, particularly when studying outcomes of meds.
superior drugs, sold by Canadian pharmacy at the time that were not FDA approved, helped a bit more.
Shove the meds. I don't afford drug dealers any ten days for paperwork or service of process. Not in my book.
And you wonder why I never get along with any of you gun-banning libs.
Rushing is never good, particularly when studying outcomes of meds.
superior drugs, sold by Canadian pharmacy at the time that were not FDA approved, helped a bit more.
Shove the meds. I don't afford drug dealers any ten days for paperwork or service of process. Not in my book.
And you wonder why I never get along with any of you gun-banning libs.
Well, I'm not a liberal but I'll answer anyway. Just because I like to keep things factual and not a fan of "Oh, you said this so you must also think x, y, and z" useless jargon. I go with holistic measures when I contract viruses etc. If that doesn't work (after a month usually when it's bacterial) I'll reluctantly go into the doctor's office, but feeling defeated that I couldn't get over it on my own. So, that being said, sometimes a person has no better option than to try a drug to recover from life-threatening illness. If you haven't experienced anything to require a prescription, I'd say you are most lucky and hopefully you recognize it.
It is very disturbing to me that after eleven days since her death, nothing definitive has been announced, and a so-called investigation was not considered until this past Monday, just three days ago. This is with the knowledge that she had been threatened, her house broken into several times, and was certain she was a target by evil forces.
You are calling for an in-depth investigation into extensive networks of serious organized crime, that may involve obtaining warrants for wiretaps and other searches on other suspects and persons of interest -- and you are crying foul if a definitive result is not announced within 10 days.
One unfounded report attempted to claim without one shred of evidence that she had a bladder condition. This is interesting given that she had recently stated that she was in perfect health.
A woman might have a period or need to go to the bathroom. Which may or may not be relevant as to the circumstances or time of death, and does not necessarily contradict the claim of a woman to be in more or less “perfect” health, as part of the human condition, such as it is. Menstruation is certainly a “condition” -- there's no denying that -- although not on its face an “abnormal” condition.
Bill Barr said there is not enough proof so time to move on guys.

So, that being said, sometimes a person has no better option than to try a drug to recover from life-threatening illness. If you haven't experienced anything to require a prescription, I'd say you are most lucky and hopefully you recognize it.
I had that experience. I had a terribly painful bladder infection, and I went to several different doctors' offices, urgent care clinics, and hospitals.
All those doctors mocked me, ridiculed me, and made fun of me.
None of them helped me.

Finally I found a dealer on the black market behind a Ukrainian deli who sold me a standard dose of one tablet of Fluconazole for just under $20.

I still haven't found adequate law enforcement or judicial resources to torture all those doctors out of their malpractice, punish them for violating HIPAA and breaking the Hippocratic Oath, and clean my record of the lies and slander on public medical records they have associated with my name for mental health and other reasons.

That's because all the cops and doctors of Clark County, Washington are damned alike, because they all prosecute and punish legal violations and diagnose and treat medical conditions in the same spirit of damnation and eternal perdition.
I read about this several days ago, but couldn't remember where so I didn't post it-

MY OPINION! No shit! Who'd a thunk it.
Brandy Vaughan Died Eleven Days Ago, and the Silence Is Deafening

She knew her life was in mortal danger, and in December of 2019, she made a public statement indicating that she was in perfect health, was taking no drugs or medication of any kind, lived for her young son, and would never under any circumstances commit suicide. A few days before her death, she was visiting close friends, laughing, having great dinners, and playing games into the night. In addition, she stated that if anything happened to her, it would indicate foul play. She was only 47 years old, and extremely healthy according to her own assessment and that of her friends, so her death should be heavily scrutinized.

It is very disturbing to me that after eleven days since her death, nothing definitive has been announced, and a so-called investigation was not considered until this past Monday, just three days ago. This is with the knowledge that she had been threatened, her house broken into several times, and was certain she was a target by evil forces. One unfounded report attempted to claim without one shred of evidence that she had a bladder condition. This is interesting given that
she had recently stated that she was in perfect health.

Yeah, she felt great. I did too, within a week of seeing my primary care physician I was taking high doses of radiation to kill my prostate. Obviously, I'd had it for months.

A long time good friend of mine, feeling fine started to have some pain in her leg, thought she'd pulled a muscle. Six months later she was dead from bone cancer.

Jim Fixx, famous runner and fitness guru, credited with starting the running craze in the 70s. He died of a heart attack while jogging at 52 years of age.

How SHE FELT, meant diddly.

She was an anti-vaccine kook meaning she had no realistic vision of her health or how vaccines and other drugs effected her body.
A long time good friend of mine, feeling fine started to have some pain in her leg, thought she'd pulled a muscle. Six months later she was dead from bone cancer.

Jim Fixx, famous runner and fitness guru, credited with starting the running craze in the 70s. He died of a heart attack while jogging at 52 years of age
It's either poison or recreational drug overdose. Prescription or not. Voluntary or involuntary. The doctors have an overwhelming agenda of vice and rape.
The health craze of the 1970s ended when AIDS was discovered. Except the doctors were gayer than the patients.
A long time good friend of mine, feeling fine started to have some pain in her leg, thought she'd pulled a muscle. Six months later she was dead from bone cancer.

Jim Fixx, famous runner and fitness guru, credited with starting the running craze in the 70s. He died of a heart attack while jogging at 52 years of age
It's either poison or recreational drug overdose. Prescription or not. Voluntary or involuntary. The doctors have an overwhelming agenda of vice and rape.
The health craze of the 1970s ended when AIDS was discovered. Except the doctors were gayer than the patients.

Oh, sorry. I mistakenly took you for a real poster. You're just an out on the fringe troll.

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