The simple truth of the marijuana issue

Sorry kids, we have nationalized liquor laws.... which is BS. So, it is only fitting that pot laws have been nationalized. You can't have it both ways.
Our roads are undrivable(mine is) yet we can afford to put choppers in the sky year around looking for weed growing..Yeah stupid shit by stupid moralist that want to make people submit to their wills...
Only old folks who still believe "Reefer Madness" want it illegal. They are dying off, and every election cycle the poll numbers for legalizing go up 2 points, and now stand in the low 60% level of support.

How can a "democracy" not enact that which 60% of the people support?

A: when the Congress is too beholden to those making money off reefer prohibition - the LAWYERS

Making reefer legal does the following....

1. it stops a CASH FLOW OUT OF THE COUNTRY to some of the worst criminal gangs on the planet
2. it stops the crimes associated with dealing contraband, as it did when Chicago crime dropped off a cliff when Prohibition was repealed
3. it is a net PLUS $300 billion per year to the US Treasury, at a time when the US now has a $20 trillion deficit
4. it allows farmers to grow crops here that are useful for a variety of products, as hemp use is diverse and profitable
5. it employs more Americans who pay more in taxes

Keeping reefer illegal

1. keeps money flowing to criminal gangs and LAWYERS
2. appeases the worst sub human parrots to ever exist, those who actually believe "Reefer Madness" like Jeff Sessions

You have your percentages wrong. No old folks are I believe I read are a smaller percentage than gen x and Millenials we have are right up there with gen x. Millenials had the highest percentage by far. But to say old folks are against it is farther from the truth. Many that will not speak out but do approve still believe there is some kind of stigma. I make my voice pretty well heard, writing senator's and congressmen/women and very vocal in my community. I'm 70. Also busted back in 1972 for an ounce, pleaded no contest paid $100 fine and no record and on my way. Some of these old folks that partake are doctor's, attorney's, judges, etc.
The current GOP no longer tolerates libertarians.

Libertarians were purged for whining when W socialized senior drugs in 2004....

To be a "conservative" today like Jeff Sessions, you must hate pot, but love OxyContin....

I believe the problem here is big pharma and alcohol regardless of party. There are both dems and pubs taking big money from both to keep it illegal and must be more than the ones not taking money.
But there still is no side-stepping the process for changing federal regulations: in Congress with the voices of all states ruled by those regulations having a voice in the debate. All other issues are strawmen compared to this singular and pivotal issue.
The main concerns with legalizing marijuana have not happened. Under the influence traffic fatalities havent increased. Kids havent had more access to "refer madness" lol. Its actually harder for someone underage to purchase pot than it is alcohol.
Having it taxed and regulated so far is pretty much all positive. Lots of small businesses are popping up. Upscale shops.
I remember it use to be considered the gateway drug, but alcohol and cigerettes are also gateway drugs....for some.
The main concerns with legalizing marijuana have not happened. Under the influence traffic fatalities havent increased. Kids havent had more access to "refer madness" lol. Its actually harder for someone underage to purchase pot than it is alcohol.
Having it taxed and regulated so far is pretty much all positive. Lots of small businesses are popping up. Upscale shops.
I remember it use to be considered the gateway drug, but alcohol and cigerettes are also gateway drugs....for some.

The Israeli owned "US" media is censoring that like they censored NASA data documenting Antarctic ice growth every year since 1988.

Our masters want it illegal because our "masters" are the dominant demographic of the attorney profession....
Only old folks who still believe "Reefer Madness" want it illegal. They are dying off, and every election cycle the poll numbers for legalizing go up 2 points, and now stand in the low 60% level of support.

How can a "democracy" not enact that which 60% of the people support?

A: when the Congress is too beholden to those making money off reefer prohibition - the LAWYERS

Making reefer legal does the following....

1. it stops a CASH FLOW OUT OF THE COUNTRY to some of the worst criminal gangs on the planet
2. it stops the crimes associated with dealing contraband, as it did when Chicago crime dropped off a cliff when Prohibition was repealed
3. it is a net PLUS $300 billion per year to the US Treasury, at a time when the US now has a $20 trillion deficit
4. it allows farmers to grow crops here that are useful for a variety of products, as hemp use is diverse and profitable
5. it employs more Americans who pay more in taxes

Keeping reefer illegal

1. keeps money flowing to criminal gangs and LAWYERS
2. appeases the worst sub human parrots to ever exist, those who actually believe "Reefer Madness" like Jeff Sessions

You have your percentages wrong. No old folks are I believe I read are a smaller percentage than gen x and Millenials we have are right up there with gen x. Millenials had the highest percentage by far. But to say old folks are against it is farther from the truth. Many that will not speak out but do approve still believe there is some kind of stigma. I make my voice pretty well heard, writing senator's and congressmen/women and very vocal in my community. I'm 70. Also busted back in 1972 for an ounce, pleaded no contest paid $100 fine and no record and on my way. Some of these old folks that partake are doctor's, attorney's, judges, etc.

i know several old timer pot heads

back in the seventies it was cool to smoke pot

i know several old timer pot heads

Amazing, since Jeff Sessions told me that smoking pot kills you off while you are young...


Mike "I've smoked pot my whole life and I'm still dancing" Jagger
Jeff Session has inflicted more damage to The Donald that even that fish-lipped qu33r Michael Wolffe and other fake news media!

That is the scoreboard.

# of Dems indicted = ZERO
# of Swamp figures of any kind indicted = ZERO
prosecution of Sen Menendez (D), an Obama indictment, FAILED... Swamp figure gets off

The ONLY "major" indictments from Swampy Jeff's DOJ are Manafort, Gates, and Papadrapopulis- whatever....
Only old folks who still believe "Reefer Madness" want it illegal. They are dying off, and every election cycle the poll numbers for legalizing go up 2 points, and now stand in the low 60% level of support.

How can a "democracy" not enact that which 60% of the people support?

1. at least 60% of Americans oppose overturning Roe v Wade

2. 90% of Americans want the gun purchase loopholes closed.

since you set the bar, are you on board with those 'democratic' numbers as well?
Try a freaking PTA meeting and ask parents if they want their kids smoking marijuana. You won't get 60%. You almost gotta laugh at a time in history when they are virtually outlawing cigarette smoking a quirky segment of society wants to legalize marijuana use. Are they going to play the old Ad. game of claiming that marijuana is good for you? The dirty little secret is that it ain't about getting high. A pot head could grow a bush of the stuff and smoke it until his brains ran out of his ears. What the "legalize marijuana" faction wants is to make a good old capitalist buck while they rant about the evils of capitalism. It's ironic that you could be arrested in California for possession of alcohol still equipment but you can manufacture a gateway drug. Maybe zombie movies will become a reality.
90% of Americans want the gun purchase loopholes closed.


You know, your FASCIST side of GUN CONFISCATION has lost election after election on that issue. It is pretty scary you still lie about it. You'll never learn, because you fear those who might stop you from looting the US taxpayer, and they have guns.... and you don't want them to....
90% of Americans want the gun purchase loopholes closed.


You know, your FASCIST side of GUN CONFISCATION has lost election after election on that issue. It is pretty scary you still lie about it. You'll never learn, because you fear those who might stop you from looting the US taxpayer, and they have guns.... and you don't want them to....

You're the one who introduced public opinion and its importance in a democracy into the thread. It's YOUR topic.

btw, I posted what I posted because I was 99% sure you'd immediately flip.

Good one, eh?
Try a freaking PTA meeting and ask parents if they want their kids smoking marijuana

This is typical sub human nonsense of the first order. First of all, weed is readily available now. It is easier to get weed than booze at school, but it is even easier to get PILLS. Asking loaded questions produces a BIG GOVERNMENT friendly answer. Legalizing weed would actually make it less accessible to youth. whitehall doesn't care. whitehall wants BIG GOVERNMENT to loot the heck out of you and everyone else... and spewing out lies and fear to do so is nothing new for scum from the LEFT.

There is NO INCREASE in youth weed use in states where it was legalized.

Why do you lie about it?

Because you have four core "values.."

Only old folks who still believe "Reefer Madness" want it illegal. They are dying off, and every election cycle the poll numbers for legalizing go up 2 points, and now stand in the low 60% level of support.

How can a "democracy" not enact that which 60% of the people support?

A: when the Congress is too beholden to those making money off reefer prohibition - the LAWYERS

Making reefer legal does the following....

1. it stops a CASH FLOW OUT OF THE COUNTRY to some of the worst criminal gangs on the planet
2. it stops the crimes associated with dealing contraband, as it did when Chicago crime dropped off a cliff when Prohibition was repealed
3. it is a net PLUS $300 billion per year to the US Treasury, at a time when the US now has a $20 trillion deficit
4. it allows farmers to grow crops here that are useful for a variety of products, as hemp use is diverse and profitable
5. it employs more Americans who pay more in taxes

Keeping reefer illegal

1. keeps money flowing to criminal gangs and LAWYERS
2. appeases the worst sub human parrots to ever exist, those who actually believe "Reefer Madness" like Jeff Sessions

We are a Democratic Republic. Not a simpleton democracy.

Legalization has not stopped criminal trafficing in Colorado moron.

A democratic Republic is a democracy dumbass.

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