The simple truth of the marijuana issue

You're the one who introduced public opinion and its importance in a democracy into the thread.

Yeah, but the weed poll is a straight question yes or no.

Your "gun polls" don't have any basis for reality.

You go in and say "should criminals be allowed to buy guns without background checks" when what you really mean is that, like HITLER, you want to track and confiscate guns. The American people don't buy that at the polls. That's one of the main reasons why your side hasn't been doing so well. Obama tried to politicize the Newton hoax beyond anything in American history. The result is Prez Trump....
If your state wants MJ legal, it must address the issue where that substance is regulated: federally, with the voices of all the other states in debate (Congress). Then and ONLY THEN will a legitimate change in law happen.

Going in from underneath & usurping the way the Union does federal laws, is illegal and sedition. Other states want a say in this "sweeping legalization" process that defies federal laws. The debate belongs in Congress where all states have a voice on federal laws.

CA & CO etc. fucked up in the way they did things. And, ignorance is no excuse.

When you were out smoking rope in the bushes at school during American Government class, you missed a few crucial things about how we govern ourselves federally as a Union. Even if masses of people have their collective head up their ass, it doesn't allow them to perform sedition on how our federal government operates.
Where was this grand debate when pot was made illegal?
Where was this grand debate when pot was made illegal?

We've been over that countless times.

As Prohibition of alcohol was about to be repealed, the bureaucrats in the Prohibition bureaucracy took our taxdollars and put out propaganda bullshit like "Reefer Madness" to fool idiots like Jeff Sessions into supporting making it illegal.

When government "jobs" are at stake, truth doesn't matter jack...
Try a freaking PTA meeting and ask parents if they want their kids smoking marijuana. You won't get 60%. You almost gotta laugh at a time in history when they are virtually outlawing cigarette smoking a quirky segment of society wants to legalize marijuana use. Are they going to play the old Ad. game of claiming that marijuana is good for you? The dirty little secret is that it ain't about getting high. A pot head could grow a bush of the stuff and smoke it until his brains ran out of his ears. What the "legalize marijuana" faction wants is to make a good old capitalist buck while they rant about the evils of capitalism. It's ironic that you could be arrested in California for possession of alcohol still equipment but you can manufacture a gateway drug. Maybe zombie movies will become a reality.

I bet that same 60% of parents roll up a towel at night and put under their bedroom doors and smoke their brains out.
Try a freaking PTA meeting and ask parents if they want their kids smoking marijuana

This is typical sub human nonsense of the first order. First of all, weed is readily available now. It is easier to get weed than booze at school, but it is even easier to get PILLS. Asking loaded questions produces a BIG GOVERNMENT friendly answer. Legalizing weed would actually make it less accessible to youth. whitehall doesn't care. whitehall wants BIG GOVERNMENT to loot the heck out of you and everyone else... and spewing out lies and fear to do so is nothing new for scum from the LEFT.

There is NO INCREASE in youth weed use in states where it was legalized.

Why do you lie about it?

Because you have four core "values.."


All the kids have to do is go to their parents medicine cabinet and get all the pills they want.
Try a freaking PTA meeting and ask parents if they want their kids smoking marijuana. You won't get 60%. You almost gotta laugh at a time in history when they are virtually outlawing cigarette smoking a quirky segment of society wants to legalize marijuana use. Are they going to play the old Ad. game of claiming that marijuana is good for you? The dirty little secret is that it ain't about getting high. A pot head could grow a bush of the stuff and smoke it until his brains ran out of his ears. What the "legalize marijuana" faction wants is to make a good old capitalist buck while they rant about the evils of capitalism. It's ironic that you could be arrested in California for possession of alcohol still equipment but you can manufacture a gateway drug. Maybe zombie movies will become a reality.
Ask the parents if they want their kids tossed in prison with a criminal record for smoking a joint. Wonder if you'll get 60% there?
The problem is the feds have no jurisdiction to regulate any drug or health issue at all. Look that the 9th amendment. It says the feds can ONLY do exactly what is specifically put into their jurisdiction by the Constitution. There is no article giving the feds any health, medical, or drug jurisdiction at all. They could maybe regulate imports, but have no say at all in local usage. The feds have to be scaled back. The DEA has to go. And I would dump the BATF and several others at the same time.
As for the polls saying that the people want a gun purchase loophole closed, that is silly because there is none.
Convicted felons are not purchasing guns legally, but from illegal smugglers.
No one can buy firearms over the internet or gun shows without a background check.
There just is a lot of lying going on about this.
With internet purchases, you have to supply the name of a licensed dealer it is shipped to.
It is true the feds refuse to allow individuals to run background checks on anyone they would want to sell an old used firearm to, but that is the fault of the feds, not the individual who wants to sell.
This is yet another issue upon which Republicans are wrong.

In 2009, the Dems had the WH and both houses of Congress.

What did the Dems do?

Did they enact the will of the people?

HECK NO!!!!!!!

The Dems did what they always do - they SOLD OUT for MONEY from the ATTORNEY LOBBY
The problem is the feds have no jurisdiction to regulate any drug or health issue at all.

Indeed, the concept of the Feds making a plant that it non-toxic illegal is 100% unConstitutional, unless it is the ATTORNEY LOBBY determining the "constitutionality" of the ban...
This is yet another issue upon which Republicans are wrong.

In 2009, the Dems had the WH and both houses of Congress.

What did the Dems do?

Did they enact the will of the people?

HECK NO!!!!!!!

The Dems did what they always do - they SOLD OUT for MONEY from the ATTORNEY LOBBY
jones thinks no one on the right smokes pot....this is just yet another issue were he is wrong....
on the right

The real question is what views constitute being "on the right" today.

In the 1990s, that meant supporting smaller and less intrusive government, keeping the deficit down, restricting regulation from closing legit taxpaying businesses etc.

Now, "on the right" means this one sentence, and has since 1998

The US exists to serve, fund, defend, and expand Israel until Jesus floats down from the clouds....
I was in the Navy back in the late '60s early '70s.

They actually showed us Reefer Madness as an anti-drug training film.

You know, the last 8 years of my career in the Navy, I was trained to be a DAPA. When I saw the film Reefer Madness, I KNEW it was a lie, because the behavior of the people in that film is NOT, repeat NOT how people who smoke marijuana act.

The movie is more in line with people who do cocaine, meth, and alcohol. Reefer Madness is proof Anslinger didn't know what he was talking about when he conned Congress into making it illegal.
The only thing that will help our national impetus toward national addiction and being a nation of stoners is for the existing cartels to recognize that the US government is merely the newest drug pushing cartel and take appropriate action. Can't you picture the Sinaloa, Felix and Los Zeta cartels joining forced against the US cartel. It would be the mother of all drug wars. It's not like the National Guard will be deployed to protect pot shops.
Only old folks who still believe "Reefer Madness" want it illegal. They are dying off, and every election cycle the poll numbers for legalizing go up 2 points, and now stand in the low 60% level of support.

How can a "democracy" not enact that which 60% of the people support?

A: when the Congress is too beholden to those making money off reefer prohibition - the LAWYERS

Making reefer legal does the following....

1. it stops a CASH FLOW OUT OF THE COUNTRY to some of the worst criminal gangs on the planet
2. it stops the crimes associated with dealing contraband, as it did when Chicago crime dropped off a cliff when Prohibition was repealed
3. it is a net PLUS $300 billion per year to the US Treasury, at a time when the US now has a $20 trillion deficit
4. it allows farmers to grow crops here that are useful for a variety of products, as hemp use is diverse and profitable
5. it employs more Americans who pay more in taxes

Keeping reefer illegal

1. keeps money flowing to criminal gangs and LAWYERS
2. appeases the worst sub human parrots to ever exist, those who actually believe "Reefer Madness" like Jeff Sessions

You have your percentages wrong. No old folks are I believe I read are a smaller percentage than gen x and Millenials we have are right up there with gen x. Millenials had the highest percentage by far. But to say old folks are against it is farther from the truth. Many that will not speak out but do approve still believe there is some kind of stigma. I make my voice pretty well heard, writing senator's and congressmen/women and very vocal in my community. I'm 70. Also busted back in 1972 for an ounce, pleaded no contest paid $100 fine and no record and on my way. Some of these old folks that partake are doctor's, attorney's, judges, etc.

If you walk into your average 420 shop in CO, you would see that about half of the people who are there buying are 50 or older. And, if you check the license plates in the parking lot? About 75 percent of them are from out of state.
The only thing that will help our national impetus toward national addiction and being a nation of stoners is for the existing cartels to recognize that the US government is merely the newest drug pushing cartel and take appropriate action.

This sub human apparently has not yet noticed that after W and the "conservative" Republicans socialized senior drugs, that flooded our high schools with cheap taxpayer funded OxyContin and other pills. Uncle Sam eclipsed Pablo long ago. At least that keeps the dope money within our borders, I guess...

But, seriously, if you have no clue what you are talking about, if you haven't been empirical or scientific, if you are


don't expect anyone with a clue to take you seriously....
Reefer Madness is proof Anslinger didn't know what he was talking about when he conned Congress into making it illegal.

Anslinger, another "Christian" with a Jewish last name???

Jew or Not Jew: Harry Anslinger

Harry Anslinger

Jew Score:



May 20, 1892 – November 14, 1975

Hey duuuude. It's been like... forever... and stuff... man. Wow. Like how are you man? Yeah? How's your glaucoma? Haw haw haw.
So, like, you're totally not gonna believe this, I was talking to... what was his name? Oh man... I was like, just thinking about him, but like, you know him. We used to play ultimate together?

Anyway, we were talking about pot man and how the government just wants to keep us down and he was telling me about this dude named Harry Anslinger and how it's his fault that pot is still illegal and stuff.

Like, back in the 30s Anslinger was, like, this big man down at the Federal Bureau of Narcotics. And he became convinced that like, weed was gonna be the next opium, man. Which, dude, have you tried opium? Dude that stuff is like... wow... My cousin was totally riding his bike downtown when he got totaled by some suit's car and, like, broke his collarbone and stuff? So he got a bunch of painkillers and like, I shared some? Wow, you've totally gotta try that man.

Anyway, what was I saying?

Oh, right, Anslinger, man. So he totally makes this huge campaign about how the ganja turns people into murderers and makes teenage white girls get knocked up by African Americans and all this crazy stuff that was probably just the cotton industry trying to crowd out a competitor, man.

So now pot's illegal — except in Colorado which is bitchin except Colorado is like...really far away and stuff — and all because this one guy got really worked up about how bad the bud is. Except we all know that none of that stuff is true and actually pot is like this miracle drug that does all this cool stuff like...

I forget...

What were we talking about?

Verdict: Not a Jew.

If they say so... but he did do his best to enrich and empower the ATTORNEY LOBBY by LYING and making US taxdollars vanish without a trace.... how much more JEWISH can you get???

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