The simple truth of the marijuana issue

California is going to get filthy rich making pot legal.
It should be legal in all 50 states.
Selling it to whom? Themselves? The massive surplus driving the price....up?... Or are you suggesting they traffick a clear surplus across state lines?

See why Sessions is getting involved? :popcorn:
Not suggesting that at all. Pot is a valuable commodity that millions will pay good money for, thus the state will get rich, taxes will go down and everyone wins.
You’re on the little racist garden gnome’s side?
Legalize It
Peter Tosh

Legalize it
Don't criticize it
Legalize it, yeah yeah
And I will advertise it
Some call it tamjee
Some call it the weed
Some call it marijuana
Some of them call it ganja
Never mind, got to legalize it
And don't criticize it
Legalize it, yeah yeah
And I will advertise it
Singers smoke it,
And players of instrument, too
Legalize it, yeah yeah
That's the best thing you can do
Doctors smoke it
Nurses smoke it
Judges smoke it
Even lawyer, too
So you've got to legalize it
And it don't criticize it
Legalize it, yeah yeah
And I will advertise it
It's good for the flu
Good for asthma
Good for tuberculosis
Even numara thrombosis
Go to legalize it
Don't criticize it.
Only old folks who still believe "Reefer Madness" want it illegal.

Wrong. You are an idiot if you think anyone believes in reefer madness. Blanket rules and broad categorizations do not work. There are many reasons for smoking pot, from psychological escape of mental issues, medical, to recreational to even religious, but individuals vary greatly in their reaction to and capacity to handle it. So the broad legalization of it statewide based solely on age is just as poor a solution as the Fed wanting to treat it like a heinous narcotic locking people up for years just for smelling of it.

How can a "democracy" not enact that which 60% of the people support?

Because we are not a democracy! And if mob rule is your idea of a good way to resolve issues, let me get together a majority in your neighborhood who wish to take your house and family from you, turn it into a public theater and throw you in the street. After all, 60% of the community is "for" it. I'm sure there are areas where 60% of the people would be happy to run around naked, have orgies with minors and rob people at will.

I'm not against legalization, just that there are responsible ways to dispense and use an intoxicant and ways that are not. At the very least:

1). Age 21 so that the person's lungs have matured (smoking stunts their development).
2). Health in good order or medical / other need.
3). Responsibility in using it.

One thing I AM against are high prices-- -- -- not only does that invite crime but the stuff is a weed! It costs little to grow it. Hundreds of dollars an ounce is just plain ridiculous.

I agree with just about everything you said. ESPECIALLY the 21 year old age limit, because that is also when your brain and nervous system has finally finished developing.

As far as the high prices? I can get an oz. of Mexican brick around here for about 70 bucks an ounce. If I want high grade CO type smoke, it's gonna run me around 180 an ounce.

You will smoke more brick than you will good stuff, and the good stuff doesn't crap up your lungs as much as brick does. Paying a bit extra is worth it to me because if I smoke brick, I go through 3 to 4 oz. a month. If I smoke high grade stuff? I only go through 1 1/2 to 2 oz. a month.
The simple truth is that conservatives and Republicans are once again out of touch with the majority of the American people.

The simple truth is that the problem isn’t states decriminalizing marijuana use consistent with the will of the people of those states, but Congressional Republicans’ refusal to amend Federal marijuana law enforcement policy.

Actually not All Republicans and Conservatives agree with the AG on this issue, but when you can make billuons off keeping pot illegal, well ya know money talks...
Session's actions mean nothing and stops nothing. Black market has always been my go to. And for the foreseeable future will remain so as I live nowhere near a legal state. If I did, damn right I would give them my business.

I would just as soon go to a legal operation or store but the nanny state has decided that legal alcohol, state sponsored lotteries, and legally prescribed hard narcotics are far less harmful to me. Too bad for the government on that missed revenue.

Those on the high horse of moral judgment with their sweeping generalizations are just as guilty as the far left loons who seek to use the government as a tool to alter behavior. Failing to realize some who smoke are home owners, business owners, contributing members of society.
Much easier to paint with a broad brush the unemployed lazy liberal with dreads living in moms basement.
The simple truth is that conservatives and Republicans are once again out of touch with the majority of the American people.

The simple truth is that the problem isn’t states decriminalizing marijuana use consistent with the will of the people of those states, but Congressional Republicans’ refusal to amend Federal marijuana law enforcement policy.
the simple truth is,you dont know what the hell you are talking about jones....many righties smoke pot and want it at least decriminalized just as much as the lefty crowd....thats how out of touch you are with the to comment?.....or will you run off to another thread and do another drive by post?...

The simple truth is Republicans once again voting against their own interests. Isn't that what you meant to say?
The simple truth is that conservatives and Republicans are once again out of touch with the majority of the American people.

The simple truth is that the problem isn’t states decriminalizing marijuana use consistent with the will of the people of those states, but Congressional Republicans’ refusal to amend Federal marijuana law enforcement policy.
Then they debate that "out of touch" sentiment IN CONGRESS. They do not merely assume "all are on board" while squeezing out the voices of the states who are opposed.

In other words you prove up on how many people actually want a federally-regulated substance taken off of Schedule 1. You don't merely disseminate potential disinformation in order to get your way without the debate of the entire Union.

Remove federal criminality around marijuana and let states enact their own laws as to it's legality.
Sorry kids, we have nationalized liquor laws.... which is BS. So, it is only fitting that pot laws have been nationalized. You can't have it both ways.

We don't have federal laws that make alcohol illegal. What are you smoking?
Try a freaking PTA meeting and ask parents if they want their kids smoking marijuana. You won't get 60%. You almost gotta laugh at a time in history when they are virtually outlawing cigarette smoking a quirky segment of society wants to legalize marijuana use. Are they going to play the old Ad. game of claiming that marijuana is good for you? The dirty little secret is that it ain't about getting high. A pot head could grow a bush of the stuff and smoke it until his brains ran out of his ears. What the "legalize marijuana" faction wants is to make a good old capitalist buck while they rant about the evils of capitalism. It's ironic that you could be arrested in California for possession of alcohol still equipment but you can manufacture a gateway drug. Maybe zombie movies will become a reality.

Nothing you posted is factual or based in reality.

Nobody is proposing students should smoke pot

Cigarettes are a dangerous carcinogen and/or highly addictive

What's wrong with capitalism? Are you some kind of commie or something?

You may have a point about people making their own hard alcohol, but what does that have to do with the legalization of marijuana?

Marijuana is no more a gateway drug than cigarettes and alcohol, both of which are legal.

You're a zombie.
Remove federal criminality around marijuana and let states enact their own laws as to it's legality.

Then get busy writing your representatives in Congress. Because you don't change laws on narcotics and their trafficking from underneath, without the permission of the other states affected.
The only thing that will help our national impetus toward national addiction and being a nation of stoners is for the existing cartels to recognize that the US government is merely the newest drug pushing cartel and take appropriate action. Can't you picture the Sinaloa, Felix and Los Zeta cartels joining forced against the US cartel. It would be the mother of all drug wars. It's not like the National Guard will be deployed to protect pot shops.
What drugs are YOU on?
Try a freaking PTA meeting and ask parents if they want their kids smoking marijuana. You won't get 60%. You almost gotta laugh at a time in history when they are virtually outlawing cigarette smoking a quirky segment of society wants to legalize marijuana use. Are they going to play the old Ad. game of claiming that marijuana is good for you? The dirty little secret is that it ain't about getting high. A pot head could grow a bush of the stuff and smoke it until his brains ran out of his ears. What the "legalize marijuana" faction wants is to make a good old capitalist buck while they rant about the evils of capitalism. It's ironic that you could be arrested in California for possession of alcohol still equipment but you can manufacture a gateway drug. Maybe zombie movies will become a reality.

Try the same PTA meeting and ask the parents if they want their kids drinking Scotch and beer, and I bet you get the same response.

And, the true "gateway drug" is actually alcohol. Why? Because everyone knows that when a person gets drunk, they are more likely to do things they would never do sober. Dancing on bars, going home with people they don't like, etc.

Marijuana doesn't reduce those inhibitions. If you wouldn't do something sober, you are very unlikely to do it while stoned.
Except call everyone "DUUUUUDE!" for 3 hours.
Remove federal criminality around marijuana and let states enact their own laws as to it's legality.

Then get busy writing your representatives in Congress. Because you don't change laws on narcotics and their trafficking from underneath, without the permission of the other states affected.

You only need Democrats to take back Congress and a hard push by the Democratic base to get a simple majority in the House and 60 votes in the senate and I doubt the Republicans could even push a filibuster on this one anyway.

I have no idea what you're going on about.
About the only holdouts are the right wing social conservatives. Pretty much everyone else is moving towards legalization of marijuana.

In 2009 the Dems had the WH and both houses of Congress.

Why didn't the Dems legalize?

Dems do what the ATTORNEY LOBBY tells them to do... and freedom and self determination are four letter words to Dems.

YOU NEED BIG GOVERNMENT FOR EVERYTHING is the summary of the Dem Party.
You are an idiot if you think anyone believes in reefer madness

Sessions does. Want to go over his pot quotes again?

The KKK was OK until it started smoking pot = Jeff Sessions

Age 21 so that the person's lungs have matured (smoking stunts their development).

Michael Phelps comes to mind as 100% proof you are FULL OF SHIT and anti-reefer PROPAGANDA....

didn't stop

Big Pharma, Big Tobacco, Liquor, and the prison for profit industry think this is a bad idea.

and that ATTORNEY LOBBY, which accounts for 10 times the total political donations of the ones you listed summed together....

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