The Simple Truth on Trump: He's Dumb as Rocks


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
Excellent analysis , he got where he is because of his toady's and asslickers that he was able to buy off with his daddy's money. The people in NY know that , flyover county not too much

Over the period of Donald Trumpā€™s political career, from candidate to president, there have been assessments of his personality and history that have ranged from shrewd businessman to Machiavellian strategist to narcissist to huckster. People have called him clever and clueless, a showman and a showboat. Everyone has a take on Trump, and after this past week, I finally have to conclude that almost all of these are wrong. Thereā€™s only one correct take on Trump ā€” he is probably the dumbest man alive.

No, really, the man is as bright as a one-watt bulb. The wheels are turning, but the hamster is dead. The gates are down, the lights are flashing, but thereā€™s no train of thought coming. If there is one easily quantifiable thing to be said about Trump, itā€™s that with enough money and lawyers, the most slack-jawed goon can succeed. Well, only if heā€™s a straight cis white male.

if he wasnā€™t born a millionaire, he would be a used car salesman in Queens. Thatā€™s far too generous; he would be selling ā€œLuke Vittonā€ bags from a card table off Canal Street, because he was the only three-card monte dealer in the city to actually lose because he didnā€™t know how to throw the cards. He wouldnā€™t even be worth the beat copā€™s effort to chase down the street. Why do I say this? Because thatā€™s about the level that most people with his measure of "savvy" make it. Trump was born with millions of dollars and an army of lawyers to cover his behind, something a two-bit hustler never has.

The Simple Truth on Trump: He's Dumb as Rocks
Excellent analysis , he got where he is because of his toady's and asslickers that he was able to buy off with his daddy's money. The people in NY know that , flyover county not too much

Over the period of Donald Trumpā€™s political career, from candidate to president, there have been assessments of his personality and history that have ranged from shrewd businessman to Machiavellian strategist to narcissist to huckster. People have called him clever and clueless, a showman and a showboat. Everyone has a take on Trump, and after this past week, I finally have to conclude that almost all of these are wrong. Thereā€™s only one correct take on Trump ā€” he is probably the dumbest man alive.

No, really, the man is as bright as a one-watt bulb. The wheels are turning, but the hamster is dead. The gates are down, the lights are flashing, but thereā€™s no train of thought coming. If there is one easily quantifiable thing to be said about Trump, itā€™s that with enough money and lawyers, the most slack-jawed goon can succeed. Well, only if heā€™s a straight cis white male.

if he wasnā€™t born a millionaire, he would be a used car salesman in Queens. Thatā€™s far too generous; he would be selling ā€œLuke Vittonā€ bags from a card table off Canal Street, because he was the only three-card monte dealer in the city to actually lose because he didnā€™t know how to throw the cards. He wouldnā€™t even be worth the beat copā€™s effort to chase down the street. Why do I say this? Because thatā€™s about the level that most people with his measure of "savvy" make it. Trump was born with millions of dollars and an army of lawyers to cover his behind, something a two-bit hustler never has.

The Simple Truth on Trump: He's Dumb as Rocks
/---- And Dumb as Rocks was all that took to beat the tar out of Hildabeast. BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Trump is smart in his own way, he's good in business (when not declaring bankruptcy over and over) and he's skilled in manipulation, but his skills don't transfer to his new job as president. So, in a sense, we do have someone akin to being dumb as rocks as president as none of his qualifications apply. Thanks again, conservatives. You guys really know how to pick 'em
Trump is smart in his own way, he's good in business (when not declaring bankruptcy over and over) and he's skilled in manipulation, but his skills don't transfer to his new job as president. So, in a sense, we do have someone akin to being dumb as rocks as president as none of his qualifications apply. Thanks again, conservatives. You guys really know how to pick 'em
He uses the threat of bankruptcies to get his creditors to write off his debt. They keep the Trump name, he loses his stake in the development. It's a curious win win. I loathed the guy BEFORE he ran, so I admit I just don't understand why his brand name has any value. But then, beyond a football game here and there, betting bores me. Years ago I played the horses with my Dad. That was fun.
I've seen no evidence that he is dumb. Uninformed on some things yes but dumb? No
And Obama's skills? His resume was almost blank and you people elected that fool twice. Sorry but you have no cred to criticize Trump.
The Simple Truth on Trump: He's Dumb as Rocks
Well, I guess Kerri isn't a Southerner for down South we say "dumb as [or dumber than] a box of rocks." LOL

I agree with her assessment of Trump, but she really should eschew Southern sayings, unless she's going to get them right. LOL
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Trump is smart in his own way, he's good in business (when not declaring bankruptcy over and over) and he's skilled in manipulation, but his skills don't transfer to his new job as president. So, in a sense, we do have someone akin to being dumb as rocks as president as none of his qualifications apply. Thanks again, conservatives. You guys really know how to pick 'em
youd think you could pick better, huh? :)
I've seen no evidence that he is dumb. Uninformed on some things yes but dumb? No
I think incurious would be a better adjective for the man. His only interest is himself, and all things him by extension. He may genuinely have a belief that W and Obama were "weak." But that is not a rationale for policy.
I've seen no evidence that he is dumb. Uninformed on some things yes but dumb? No

Intentionally uninformed on issues a president needs to know when he has any information he might need available to him at any time. That's dumb.

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