The single biggest problem with Obamacare.

Brutus sir,we are better and more mature than to insult eachother's IQ. If for no other reason than doing so repeatedly makes one look foolish and creates partisanship.

If anything bring up the opinion you share with your liberal brothers and demand the end of state regulations so insurance companies can compete nationally
If anything bring up the opinion you share with your liberal brothers and demand the end of state regulations so insurance companies can compete nationally

actually it is liberals who made health insurance competition illegal and Republicans who want to make it legal again.Health insurance has not been very good. This is because liberals made competition illegal!

Imagine someone who jogs for fun and someone who races in life and death competition? Who would be a faster runner? Now you understand competion and how it makes us better. Not so hard was it?
I pay over 30K a year in health insurance premiums. One of my employees has lung cancer now. They have already run up over 100K in bills. And my carrier is the largest health insurance company in the country. To date, they have paid NOTHING. They have denied every bill. Why? They claim my employee is disabled because of her cancer and that she qualifies for Medicare and SS disability. And under the law they can claim whatever they want. Even the hospital where the biopsies and tests were done is filing appeals and taking the position that they should pay. Stall, delay, whatever they can do to try to not pay. We are seeing more and more of this and the doctors have told us the same.
Government health care is bad but what we have is not much better.

i hear stories like this all the time dawg

my impression is, most Americans just can't identify a monopoly calling the supply shots from a capitalist system that pursues demand
my impression is, most Americans just can't identify a monopoly calling the supply shots from a capitalist system that pursues demand

pure gibberish. I'm sure you thought that meant something. Why not try again
Even if they do pay half per capita, keep in mind, they get what they pay for.

please keep in mind:

1) Americans pay more in part because they are about 35% richer than the Europeans

2) our health care system is badly screwed up more than any other sector of our economy because it is more controlled and regulated by the government than any other segment of our economy.
It's anti-American in that it does not rely on free enterprise. This is because the liberal mind lacks the IQ to understand free enterprise.

Wall street and the bankers are excellent examples of almost destroying this country.

God bless.
It's anti-American in that it does not rely on free enterprise. This is because the liberal mind lacks the IQ to understand free enterprise.

Wall street and the bankers are excellent examples of almost destroying this country.

God bless.

you don't keep up; that is perfectly typical of a liberal. All agree it was liberal regulation that almost destroyed the country, not bankers. Hear it from the mouth of the best liberal and conservative economists and from the pages of the best liberal and conservative nespapers:

"First consider the once controversial view that the crisis was largely caused by the Fed's holding interest rates too low for too long after the 2001 recession. This view is now so widely held that the editorial pages of both the NY Times and the Wall Street Journal agree on its validity!"...John B. Taylor( arch conservative, author of the Taylor Rule)

" The Federal reserve having done so much to create the problems in which the economy is now mired, having mistakenly thought that even after the housing bubble burst the problems were contained, and having underestimated the severity of the crisis, now wants to make a contribution to preventing the economy from sinking into a Japanese Style malaise....... - "Joseph Stiglitz"
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my impression is, most Americans just can't identify a monopoly calling the supply shots from a capitalist system that pursues demand

pure gibberish. I'm sure you thought that meant something. Why not try again

Brutus sir, :( he was making an implication you and other americans would not recognize the supply problems capitalism creates.

Here is an innocent one. Imagine if thanks to flooding the bean crop is poor this year. With demand the same prices can be expected to rise.

Next year farmers are planning what to plant and everyone decides on beans since the mark up is so high.

Oops, everyone planted beans. Prices on beans fall to nothing farmers go out of business. No one eats next year. Riots.

You undersrand right buddy even if you disagree?
It's anti-American in that it does not rely on free enterprise. This is because the liberal mind lacks the IQ to understand free enterprise.

Wall street and the bankers are excellent examples of almost destroying this country.

God bless.

you don't keep up; that is perfectly typical of a liberal. All agree it was liberal regulation that almost destroyed the country, not bankers. Hear it from the mouth of the best liberal and conservative economists and from the pages of the best liberal and conservative nespapers:

"First consider the once controversial view that the crisis was largely caused by the Fed's holding interest rates too low for too long after the 2001 recession. This view is now so widely held that the editorial pages of both the NY Times and the Wall Street Journal agree on its validity!"...John B. Taylor( arch conservative, author of the Taylor Rule)

" The Federal reserve having done so much to create the problems in which the economy is now mired, having mistakenly thought that even after the housing bubble burst the problems were contained, and having underestimated the severity of the crisis, now wants to make a contribution to preventing the economy from sinking into a Japanese Style malaise....... - "Joseph Stiglitz"

Lets get more basic. Brutus, do you understand the FDIC and agree its existance is a good thing?
Next year farmers are planning what to plant and everyone decides on beans since the mark up is so high.
Oops, everyone planted beans. Prices on beans fall to nothing farmers go out of business. No one eats next year. Riots.

perfect example of brain dead liberalism, you and liberal bureaucrats are smart and can predict the future but dumb farmers who have been in the business for generations can't. Liberals have Nazi-like self-assurance about their own superiority so feel it is their duty to impose their will on others, Heil Hitler

"Were we directed from Washington when to sow and when to reap, we should soon want bread."-Jefferson
It's anti-American in that it does not rely on free enterprise. This is because the liberal mind lacks the IQ to understand free enterprise.

It is robbing those who are barely getting by, to pay for the medical expenses of those who will not or can not. This program also decreases the quality of care for ALL. :eusa_whistle: It is a Robin Hood solution that is unconstitutional and unfair.
Next year farmers are planning what to plant and everyone decides on beans since the mark up is so high.
Oops, everyone planted beans. Prices on beans fall to nothing farmers go out of business. No one eats next year. Riots.

perfect example of brain dead liberalism, you and liberal bureaucrats are smart and can predict the future but dumb farmers who have been in the business for generations can't. Liberals have Nazi-like self-assurance about their own superiority so feel it is their duty to impose their will on others, Heil Hitler

"Were we directed from Washington when to sow and when to reap, we should soon want bread."-Jefferson

I CAN predict the future Brutus.

Lets say a population used 1,000,000 bushels of wheat a decade ago. The population increases three percent per year, so does the intake of wheat. We NEED to have programs to insure this wheat is largely available.

If supply falls more than XX% then uh oh, riots in the street. If it falls X% perhaps rice can pick up some of the slack. Just can't let anything anything radical happen though or there could be a real socialist revolution.

Let's take a wear item we could all put off buying. Cars. I bet even though junked cars could be salvaged you can figure out how many new automobiles America will purchase next year within a few percentage points.

It's anti-American in that it does not rely on free enterprise. This is because the liberal mind lacks the IQ to understand free enterprise.

It is robbing those who are barely getting by, to pay for the medical expenses of those who will not or can not. This program also decreases the quality of care for ALL. :eusa_whistle: It is a Robin Hood solution that is unconstitutional and unfair.

This so called reform program has done nothing but redistribute the wealth. under the guise of providing health care to all, all are required to have health care. So even if you can't afford it you still probably have to pay something. A little of what everyone pays is allocated to pay for the folks who are already being subsidized through Welfare, Medicaid, Food Stamps, Housing and other assitance programs.

its UNconstitutionl

that' debatable

it's also not the issue

I oppose the mandate on ethical/moral grounds
It is not debatable. The gov't. does not have the right to tell you you have to buy something.

Sadly, the liberals hate America and so want the Constitution to be living and changing as they see fit. This means it is growing to mean anything they want it to mean, regardless of what it says.

If they can find the right to an abortion there they can find the right to make you buy insurance.

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