Presidential Rap Sheets

Donald Trump
  • Guilty on all counts of business fraud
  • Guilty of adjudicated rape with an $80 million plus settlement
  • Guilty of defrauding the government running a criminal enterprise such that the company can no longer operate in a state for three years
  • Guilty of running a fraudulent charity that stole from childrens' cancer victims.
  • Guilty of running a scam university
  • Indicted for fomenting a coup d'etat to overturn an election that killed cops and injured hundreds
  • Indicted for stealing government top secret documents after not only refusing to return said documents but actively hiding said documents

Joe Biden
- Something something reasons because precious snowflake feelingz
Trump being convicted of some hush money sex scandal while mass murderers like Clinton, Bush and Obama won’t even see arrest warrants and Biden commits an active live-streamed genocide shines yet another glaring light on the circus that is US politics.

What a country, but Tonto loves it. Can’t fix stoopid!
Trump being convicted of some hush money sex scandal while mass murderers like Clinton, Bush and Obama won’t even see arrest warrants and Biden commits an active live-streamed genocide shines yet another glaring light on the circus that is US politics.

What a country, but Tonto loves it. Can’t fix stoopid!

you can't fix stupid but apparently you can give it a court date!
one concept is that is consistent in the bible is the concept of a false god from genesis to revelations its is a warning thru out the bible to beware of false is trump defeating satan ...affairs on on his affair with a porn star? do go on

There are also Trump's claims that God "chose" him to be President. While the Bible says that we should obey the government - "render unto Cesaer that which is Cesaer's", and that all leaders are ruling with God's consent, it is to be noted that the evangelicals believe that God chooses their leaders when Republicans are elected, and never when Democrats are in office. Democrats are demons.

The hypocrisy never ends.

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