The single worst thing Trump said that bothers the most people.

The lawsuits against Trump fleecing the elderly and veterans for Fraud and Racketeering have really bothered a lot of people. But that's not the worst.

Trump's suggestion we get hacked by the Russians really upset a lot of people. But that's not the worst.

Probably mostly Democrats don't like it Trump won't release his tax returns, but that isn't what bothers them the most.

A surprising number were upset when he said "he alone" could fix the country's problems.

A lot of Americans were shocked when he said he wouldn't necessarily protect NATO from attack. But that wasn't the most bothersome thing he said.

Not as many as you would expect were bothered by his praise of Putin.

Saying his sacrifice working hard seem to bother a lot, compared to losing a child.

Even his attacks on the Kahn family weren't number one. As horrible as they were.

The number one, worst thing Trump has said by a whopping 83% is:

Wait for it.


Trump's top disgusting and awful moment:


Mocking the disabled.


Probably because America understands how disgusting it is to mock and bully the disabled. Most, if not all Americans know someone disabled. Mocking them is something swine would do. Sad so many Republicans approve.
I saw his actions as just a confirmation that he doesn't understand what being the president really means. The presidency is not a stage to be used for personal attacks, nor a medium for the Trump show, nor a place for self promotion. The presidency is the highest office of public service in the nation. Anyone who considers themselves worthy of that office must convince voters that his or her goal is to serve the public. Anyone that believes Trump seeks the presidency to serve anyone but himself hasn't been paying attention.
Well then obviously you don't know the difference between a political campaign and running the office. Maybe it's because all Obama does is campaign instead of doing his job.
So that what Trump is doing running a political campaign. It looks more like a reality show with a new episode each day. I really hate to see the season end in Nov.
Yeah....but it never ends. With Democrats it never ends.

Mainly because they suck at governing.
Yeah....but it never ends. With Democrats it never ends.

Mainly because they suck at governing.

Without the Media in their ass pocket, Hillary would be 9 points down in the polls.

But Trump is 'punching through' the Media Juggernaut and getting his message out.

All polls are really good for is showing swings in momentum and the momentum has swung in Trumps favor.

Breitbart thought the polls were biased against Trump. So it did its own poll. Clinton won.

The Breitbart/Gravis poll published Sunday found Clinton leading Trump 42 to 37 percent in a four-way contest with Green Party candidate Jill Stein (3 percent) and Libertarian Gary Johnson (9 percent).

Clinton lead over Trump shrinks to margin-of-error: Bloomberg poll | Sharyl Attkisson

On Aug. 10, Bloomberg reported “Clinton up 6 on Trump in Two Way Race.” But looking at the actual poll, Trump has moved so close to Clinton, the results are within the margin of error.

Notably, in five months, Clinton’s lead over Trump in the Bloomberg poll has shrunk from 18-points to within the margin of error.

In March of 2016, when likely voters were asked to choose between Clinton and Trump “if the election were held today,” Clinton bested Trump 54%-36% (18 percentage points).

In June, with Libertarian Gary Johnson thrown into the mix, Clinton’s lead over Trump was 5 percentage points smaller: 48% to 35% (13 percentage points).

In the most recent poll, the spread between Clinton and Trump in a two-person race was down to just 3 percentage points, Clinton at 45% and Trump at 42%. That’s within the margin of error. When Libertarian and Green Party candidates are put in the mix, it’s Clinton 42% and Trump 40% –again within the margin of error.
The lawsuits against Trump fleecing the elderly and veterans for Fraud and Racketeering have really bothered a lot of people. But that's not the worst.

Trump's suggestion we get hacked by the Russians really upset a lot of people. But that's not the worst.

Probably mostly Democrats don't like it Trump won't release his tax returns, but that isn't what bothers them the most.

A surprising number were upset when he said "he alone" could fix the country's problems.

A lot of Americans were shocked when he said he wouldn't necessarily protect NATO from attack. But that wasn't the most bothersome thing he said.

Not as many as you would expect were bothered by his praise of Putin.

Saying his sacrifice working hard seem to bother a lot, compared to losing a child.

Even his attacks on the Kahn family weren't number one. As horrible as they were.

The number one, worst thing Trump has said by a whopping 83% is:

Wait for it.


Trump's top disgusting and awful moment:


Mocking the disabled.


Probably because America understands how disgusting it is to mock and bully the disabled. Most, if not all Americans know someone disabled. Mocking them is something swine would do. Sad so many Republicans approve.
I saw his actions as just a confirmation that he doesn't understand what being the president really means. The presidency is not a stage to be used for personal attacks, nor a medium for the Trump show, nor a place for self promotion. The presidency is the highest office of public service in the nation. Anyone who considers themselves worthy of that office must convince voters that his or her goal is to serve the public. Anyone that believes Trump seeks the presidency to serve anyone but himself hasn't been paying attention.
Well then obviously you don't know the difference between a political campaign and running the office. Maybe it's because all Obama does is campaign instead of doing his job.
So that what Trump is doing running a political campaign. It looks more like a reality show with a new episode each day. I really hate to see the season end in Nov.
Yeah....but it never ends. With Democrats it never ends.

Mainly because they suck at governing.
Republicans under Bush showed us how good they are at government. Let's list all their successes:


OK, I couldn't think of anything either.
disabled or not, he was mocking a reporter, so it's perfectly acceptable and should be encouraged.
Right on time. Do you speak for most Republicans? I suspect you do.

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