The Site Still Sucks But It's Better

The Website is a Potemkin Village.

The BoondoggleCare website may "work better", but the security aspects still suck:

We've been hearing a lot about technical problems with the Federal government's Affordable Care Act (ACA) Web site. But slow downloads and 404 errors aren’t the worst of what could plague the Obamacare site. According to white-hat hacker David Kennedy, the site can be easily hacked, allowing criminals to compromise computers and steal people's private information.


Kennedy testified before Congress last week on the issue, and TrustedSec published a damning report. TrustedSec found "clear indicators that even basic security was not built into the website." The report warns "the website has critical risks associated with it and security concerns should be remediated immediately."

Poor security on Obamacare site could sacrifice private info | PCWorld
Fortunately, the website is not the only way for previously uninsurable people to get the coverage that they need.

So the 10% that get stalled on the site can pick up the phone. Mr. Bell is right there for ya!
Fortunately, the website is not the only way for previously uninsurable people to get the coverage that they need.

So the 10% that get stalled on the site can pick up the phone. Mr. Bell is right there for ya!

The problem is the system hasn't even programmed the back end, meaning that they get your information but the insurance companies don't know who is covered or even knows how much of a subsidy they will be getting, so they don't know how much to charge them even if they knew who was signed up.
Fortunately, the website is not the only way for previously uninsurable people to get the coverage that they need.

So the 10% that get stalled on the site can pick up the phone. Mr. Bell is right there for ya!

The problem is the system hasn't even programmed the back end, meaning that they get your information but the insurance companies don't know who is covered or even knows how much of a subsidy they will be getting, so they don't know how much to charge them even if they knew who was signed up.

Yeah....that is one of the things I heard. Fortunately, it will be fixed.
So now you RWers are going to shout Boogie Man for all of 2014. Yup, you need to scare the pee out of everyone hoping for a major disaster. The fear mongering will now formally begin!
Fortunately, the website is not the only way for previously uninsurable people to get the coverage that they need.

So the 10% that get stalled on the site can pick up the phone. Mr. Bell is right there for ya!

The problem is the system hasn't even programmed the back end, meaning that they get your information but the insurance companies don't know who is covered or even knows how much of a subsidy they will be getting, so they don't know how much to charge them even if they knew who was signed up.

The stupid site is either working all the way or it isn't working. F- It has failed.


If you believe the reporting of the New York Times, what the Obama administration said on Sunday was a lie.

The lead Times story today, co-authored by the health-care expert Robert Pear, says this: “The problem is that so-called back end systems, which are supposed to deliver consumer information to insurers, still have not been fixed.”

No, Healthcare.Gov Isn?t Working « Commentary Magazine
Fortunately, the website is not the only way for previously uninsurable people to get the coverage that they need.

So the 10% that get stalled on the site can pick up the phone. Mr. Bell is right there for ya!

The problem is the system hasn't even programmed the back end, meaning that they get your information but the insurance companies don't know who is covered or even knows how much of a subsidy they will be getting, so they don't know how much to charge them even if they knew who was signed up.

And watch soon, for all the blame to go on the Republicans for this botched idea thought up by people who have never held a job outside government in their lives. The Dems are desperate to pin it on the GOP, so the low-info voters can believe yet more lies.
Hehh heh heh'

This site suks less then this site has ever sucked before....

50,000 people at a time.
Is this the major improvement that was promised???
Anecdotal nay nays mean nothing, and the site is at 90% efficiency instead of the 40% efficiency.

Either we GOP come up with something that strikes the attention positively of the electorate, or we are toast this coming fall.
Not that much of a problem. Dems have to deal with Obamacare!:lol:

ACA is not going to be a major factor except for the far right and hard core libertarians, maybe the 20% the Dems could never attract.

Either we start a POSITIVE program instead of negative nay nays, Meathead, or the Dems will hose us.
Anecdotal nay nays mean nothing, and the site is at 90% efficiency instead of the 40% efficiency.

Either we GOP come up with something that strikes the attention positively of the electorate, or we are toast this coming fall.

90% of what?

How is that measured. By computer or by something the administration pulled put of their asses?

How can that be verified? Or are we supposed to trust you to be honest with us?

You? We can't trust you to be honest, Mudwhistle; you proved that during the shut down and attempted default. Me? Nope.

Independent assessment by trusted brokers will make that decision, and I don't see how we in the GOP can lie about that and win the American people's trust in the elections.

The GOP needs a positive program, which we have not had for year.
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Anecdotal nay nays mean nothing, and the site is at 90% efficiency instead of the 40% efficiency.

Either we GOP come up with something that strikes the attention positively of the electorate, or we are toast this coming fall.

We GOP??? Do you really think anyone buys your "I'm the quintessential Republican crap anymore, Jake?"
I feel bad for people who are logging or tying to log on.
Then there is the issue of web security.
Last I heard there are major security concerns.
And people are willfully handing over all there personal info...

This is messed up.

If this was republican backed would Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid and those Obama ass kissers over at
MSNBC be silent?

The Obama Administration could have rebuilt the thing completely by now but there a so many bugs in that Sunday morning people are still having problems getting through it.

The deadline has come and gone. The HHC Secretary promised that by the 30th of November it would be fixed, and the WhiteHouse swears it's like night and day how much of a difference it is. Still, there is no security, the insurance companies still don't know who has signed up. I personally think all this was intended to do was gather everyone's personal information for whatever nefarious means they intended it for.

A family found out that their 18 month old baby can't be covered under their family plan through the health exchange anymore. So many horror stories are coming out that ThinkProgress has written an article on how to spot a fake horror story. I guess they've been prepared for quite some time for all of the stories about people losing their health care plans and about all of the people discovering how expensive Obamacare it. How To Spot A Fake Obamacare Horror Story | ThinkProgress

ObamaCare Website Crashes When CNN Tests Upgraded Version | NewsBusters

MSNBC Guest: Obama White House ?Most Hostile to Media in U.S. History? | NewsBusters
How to spot a fake defense link think progress.
Charles Ornstein is no righty, plus, he is a sppter of obamacare, but apparently hes honest......until hes made to walk it back;)

‘Please Wait’: New-and-Improved Has Same Old Problems

What I found was hardly encouraging — long delays loading pages, an endless circle of tasks (some already completed) and ultimately an error message.

The load-time issues (sometimes more than a minute) reminded me of the problems users encountered in the very first days of the Web site, which handles health insurance enrollment for residents of 36 states. It also appears to contradict what Health and Human Services officials said had been fixed.

“Response times are under 1 second. Error rates are down well under 1%. And the system is stable, with uptimes exceeding 90%,” HHS bragged in a blog post yesterday.

Additionally, once I had completed and submitted my application and verified my identity, the site told me that I was missing information and had to review it again. Nothing was missing. Ultimately, I got an error message telling me to come back later.

The Obama administration says the site can now handle 50,000 unique visitors at one time and 800,000 over the course of a day. But on Day One of the new-and-improved site, it doesn’t appear able to keep up with the load. No wonder HHS is encouraging users to come back at off-peak hours.

more ( and screenshots) at
?Please Wait?: New-and-Improved Has Same Old Problems - ProPublica
Sorry MW the site is the good news even as bad as it is.

A few hospitals have already closed due to the 10/1 end of hospital subsidies.

Top tier hospitals are conspicuously lacking ACA inclusion.

there are no limits to premium, co-pay and deductible increases on the exchanges and non-exchange plans are readily available. Only idiots will be on the exchanges without subsidies a year from now.

- sincerely, The OHbama Administration

Funny! I just went here and the site is fast. You and the Speaker need some computer classes...

Boehner got caught putting the website on hold so he could say it was slow.

Also read there have been 13 denial of service attacks on the site.

I still haven't heard what the Republican answer is to ObamaCare ... :lol:

The answer is no obamacare. It really IS that simple.
Funny! I just went here and the site is fast. You and the Speaker need some computer classes...

Boehner got caught putting the website on hold so he could say it was slow.

Also read there have been 13 denial of service attacks on the site.

I still haven't heard what the Republican answer is to ObamaCare ... :lol:

The answer is no obamacare. It really IS that simple.

And this is why you should not hear anything about a plan from republicans.

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