The slang term “Karen”

[ kair-in ]

Karen is a pejorative slang term for an obnoxious, angry, entitled, and often racist middle-aged white woman who uses her privilege to get her way or police other people's behaviors.
As featured in memes, Karen is generally stereotyped as having a blonde bob haircut, asking to speak to retail and restaurant managers to voice complaints or make demands, and being an anti-vaxx , Generation X soccer mom.
In 2020, Karen spread as a label used to call out white women who were captured in viral videos engaging in what are widely seen as racist acts.

Using Karen as pejorative is racist and misogynistic. Where’s AOC and the rest of the left in condemning the use of this language?
that sounds a lot like Nancy Pelosi
blonde bob haircut, asking to speak to retail and restaurant managers to voice complaints or make demands, and being an anti-vaxx ,
I call bullshit. Karen is a popular girl's name, especially among Germanic or white people.

Most anti-vaxxer women have long hair in a bun, not a bob haircut. The Bob haircut women who are always calling the cops would tend to be pro-vaxxer, pro-abortion, pro-birth-control, etc., etc. along with the nail salons, ulta, make-over beauty parlors, and all the other liberal stuff they patronize.

As a general rule, certainly not without exceptions, but there is definitely a little bit too much of a matronly German haircut going on, inasmuch as one woman trusts another woman to tell her she's beautiful and all that.

I was camping outside on a hot summer night, and a mountain lion like that came and stole a soft jacket I had been using for a pillow, right out from under my head. I found the mountain lion's den several miles away: she was living in an abandoned mine shaft behind an old beer brewery building that looked like it had been disused for over 150 years. If some of the old beer bottles broke at some time or another, perhaps the hops would have had an effect like catnip on the mountain lion who had taken up residence there.

I noticed that the grass was picked clean in the area around the mine entrance. There must have been an enormous cavern in there, because it "breathed": air blew out of the mine for seven or eight minutes, with a distinct odor of dead bodies, then it blew back in for the same length of time.

It was totally dark in the mine, but when I listened, I heard the sound of water dripping somewhere deep inside, and echoing back and forth. Then I heard another sound, much quieter, and I listened some more: the lion was pacing back and forth on soft padded feet, as she smelled me from the air blowing into the mine. As the air current changed and began blowing back out of the mine, I very quietly retreated and walked slowly away.
[ kair-in ]

Karen is a pejorative slang term for an obnoxious, angry, entitled, and often racist middle-aged white woman who uses her privilege to get her way or police other people's behaviors.
As featured in memes, Karen is generally stereotyped as having a blonde bob haircut, asking to speak to retail and restaurant managers to voice complaints or make demands, and being an anti-vaxx , Generation X soccer mom.
In 2020, Karen spread as a label used to call out white women who were captured in viral videos engaging in what are widely seen as racist acts.

Using Karen as pejorative is racist and misogynistic. Where’s AOC and the rest of the left in condemning the use of this language?

That's some good Daving, man.
I have several friends named Karen. Somehow I can't get excited or insulted.
The name is "Karen" is deliberately chosen as bland and non-descript, a pseudonym, something to hide behind while committing crimes. The behavior of such highly entitled racist white women — whether they go by "Karen" or any other name — is vile, atrocious abhorrent. I was just robbed, beaten, bullied, and run out of town by a vicious gang of such female mafiose and their criminal associates in business and law enforcement.
[ kair-in ]

Karen is a pejorative slang term for an obnoxious, angry, entitled, and often racist middle-aged white woman who uses her privilege to get her way or police other people's behaviors.
As featured in memes, Karen is generally stereotyped as having a blonde bob haircut, asking to speak to retail and restaurant managers to voice complaints or make demands, and being an anti-vaxx , Generation X soccer mom.
In 2020, Karen spread as a label used to call out white women who were captured in viral videos engaging in what are widely seen as racist acts.

Using Karen as pejorative is racist and misogynistic. Where’s AOC and the rest of the left in condemning the use of this language?

This is what old busy bodies have always been called. Typically Keren is a 69 year old retired school teacher and Ken, her husband was probably a local general contractor, or, at least that's what it says on his card. Both hold seats on the HOA and both are e perts 8n everything because GAWWWduh. These are the folks who keep booze off limits on Sunday, and never for sale before noon and so on.
Typically Keren is a 69 year old retired school teacher and Ken, her husband was probably a local general contractor, or, at least that's what it says on his card. Both hold seats on the HOA and both are e perts 8n everything because GAWWWduh.
Home Owners Association, Municipal Assembly, County Board of Commissioners, etc., etc. Typical nosy neighbors. Involved in politics, and all politics is local, because it's Democrat Party only.

These are the folks who keep booze off limits on Sunday, and never for sale before noon and so on.
Yeah, they drink plenty of it themselves, don't they? "Sunday Blue Laws," something to do with the liquor store, cops are picking up black guys or something like that.
Hey, they're white women so its all okay, Now call a black woman Jemima.....different story. :D


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