The Slaves The Yankees Fought For Were The So Called White Ones

Is this a real article? It is so out of character. The Slave law is defending a British law from the days of a British Colony that introduced slavery to Non-Christians. It did not introduce freeing of new Christians. Its abusive. First off, I don't ever hear this language anywhere when talking about the incoming African heathen. The One-Drop rule really fits life most of the time, Colin Powell, Condeleeza Rice, those are True 50-50 Persons. Controversial in a way! Brazil wouldn't call them "Black" we have a very tribal concept from the days of a black mother with a seemingly whiter child, "black". I don't say at all this is common as the controversial writers who want to introduce 80% average African DNA in blacks? That is Most Likely vagabonds and invaders of the homestead, there weren't pleasure positions in the society. There weren't slave to wedding choices like that 12 years a slave movie, you don't promote yourself like the Pharoahs of the Nile or the Louisiana Creole. Mixed DNA Children existed at the end of slavery but the myth exists that what, there's even one generation of a Small population in a Large population that would stay that racially intact? That Slavery in Brazil worked this way and no one confesses to "black" of any complexion because that "is a political equation to slavery!" Its political and a shame! And people decide no identity. Most of that Miscegenation of the DNA is going to be AFTER slavery, I don't know why people don't notice that.
Yes its a real part of history thought its definitely tucked away and conveniently ignored. Not sure where you got the idea Colin Powell or Condeleeza Rice were biracial. They are both Black and have Black parents.
Rice discovered on the PBS series Finding Your Roots[12] that she is of 51% African, 40% European, and 9% Asian or Native American genetic descent
Condoleezza Rice - Wikipedia
Her father was a white Presbyterian minister if I remember right.
Powell was born on April 5, 1937,[9] in Harlem, a neighborhood in the New York City borough of Manhattan, to Jamaican immigrants, Maud Arial (née McKoy) and Luther Theophilus Powell. His parents were both of mixed African and Scottish ancestry.
Colin Powell - Wikipedia
Well people have Truly studied the culture around these 50-50 persons. I don't know why you shout Objection with false claims.
Is this a real article? It is so out of character. The Slave law is defending a British law from the days of a British Colony that introduced slavery to Non-Christians. It did not introduce freeing of new Christians. Its abusive. First off, I don't ever hear this language anywhere when talking about the incoming African heathen. The One-Drop rule really fits life most of the time, Colin Powell, Condeleeza Rice, those are True 50-50 Persons. Controversial in a way! Brazil wouldn't call them "Black" we have a very tribal concept from the days of a black mother with a seemingly whiter child, "black". I don't say at all this is common as the controversial writers who want to introduce 80% average African DNA in blacks? That is Most Likely vagabonds and invaders of the homestead, there weren't pleasure positions in the society. There weren't slave to wedding choices like that 12 years a slave movie, you don't promote yourself like the Pharoahs of the Nile or the Louisiana Creole. Mixed DNA Children existed at the end of slavery but the myth exists that what, there's even one generation of a Small population in a Large population that would stay that racially intact? That Slavery in Brazil worked this way and no one confesses to "black" of any complexion because that "is a political equation to slavery!" Its political and a shame! And people decide no identity. Most of that Miscegenation of the DNA is going to be AFTER slavery, I don't know why people don't notice that.
Yes its a real part of history thought its definitely tucked away and conveniently ignored. Not sure where you got the idea Colin Powell or Condeleeza Rice were biracial. They are both Black and have Black parents.
Dear, , if you actually zoom in, the first words of that sentence are “The south”, and another word I can’t tell clearly, so it is talking about what the south thinks. See how selective blockage can change a meaning?
It didnt change the meaning. I think everyone but you understood that it was the republicans of the time talking about what the south believed. This belief that the southerners had white slaves as well as Black ones is the catalyst for this absurd notion that white people fought to free the Black enslaved. The real reason is that the north ran a marketing ad to convince northern whites that white slaves were being held in the south.
The real reason..was that most in the North saw little nor no reason to die for Emancipation...especially the Irish that bore the brunt of the draft. Thus the propaganda. I'm trying to suss out your motives it that you are unwilling to give white people any credit whatsoever for anything good? How drear a world you must live in. Slavery IS over....and so is Jim Crow. Perhaps it is time to move on? Take a more humanistic approach/ Of course, you can always fight the same old battles here.

You are, of course, incorrect, in your blanket assumption that no one fought for the freeing of the fact, there were people who fought for 50+ years to end slavery--but i imagine that they don't fit your revisionist historical narrative.
Truth is my motive. I hate when people make up fairy tales to give honor to people that dont deserve it. I never said no white person fought to free the Black enslaved. Matter of fact a guy by the name of John Brown showed all whites the way. He willingly gave his life to free Blacks. Too bad he didnt represent the majority or even a small minority of whites. Of course he was branded as insane by his fellow whites.

Is this a real article? It is so out of character. The Slave law is defending a British law from the days of a British Colony that introduced slavery to Non-Christians. It did not introduce freeing of new Christians. Its abusive. First off, I don't ever hear this language anywhere when talking about the incoming African heathen. The One-Drop rule really fits life most of the time, Colin Powell, Condeleeza Rice, those are True 50-50 Persons. Controversial in a way! Brazil wouldn't call them "Black" we have a very tribal concept from the days of a black mother with a seemingly whiter child, "black". I don't say at all this is common as the controversial writers who want to introduce 80% average African DNA in blacks? That is Most Likely vagabonds and invaders of the homestead, there weren't pleasure positions in the society. There weren't slave to wedding choices like that 12 years a slave movie, you don't promote yourself like the Pharoahs of the Nile or the Louisiana Creole. Mixed DNA Children existed at the end of slavery but the myth exists that what, there's even one generation of a Small population in a Large population that would stay that racially intact? That Slavery in Brazil worked this way and no one confesses to "black" of any complexion because that "is a political equation to slavery!" Its political and a shame! And people decide no identity. Most of that Miscegenation of the DNA is going to be AFTER slavery, I don't know why people don't notice that.
Yes its a real part of history thought its definitely tucked away and conveniently ignored. Not sure where you got the idea Colin Powell or Condeleeza Rice were biracial. They are both Black and have Black parents.
Rice discovered on the PBS series Finding Your Roots[12] that she is of 51% African, 40% European, and 9% Asian or Native American genetic descent
Condoleezza Rice - Wikipedia
Her father was a white Presbyterian minister if I remember right.
Powell was born on April 5, 1937,[9] in Harlem, a neighborhood in the New York City borough of Manhattan, to Jamaican immigrants, Maud Arial (née McKoy) and Luther Theophilus Powell. His parents were both of mixed African and Scottish ancestry.
Colin Powell - Wikipedia
Well people have Truly studied the culture around these 50-50 persons. I don't know why you shout Objection with false claims.
You remember wrong. Her father was Black. So was her mother. Same for Colin Powell.

Here is Condoleezza with her father.


The whole family.

Is this a real article? It is so out of character. The Slave law is defending a British law from the days of a British Colony that introduced slavery to Non-Christians. It did not introduce freeing of new Christians. Its abusive. First off, I don't ever hear this language anywhere when talking about the incoming African heathen. The One-Drop rule really fits life most of the time, Colin Powell, Condeleeza Rice, those are True 50-50 Persons. Controversial in a way! Brazil wouldn't call them "Black" we have a very tribal concept from the days of a black mother with a seemingly whiter child, "black". I don't say at all this is common as the controversial writers who want to introduce 80% average African DNA in blacks? That is Most Likely vagabonds and invaders of the homestead, there weren't pleasure positions in the society. There weren't slave to wedding choices like that 12 years a slave movie, you don't promote yourself like the Pharoahs of the Nile or the Louisiana Creole. Mixed DNA Children existed at the end of slavery but the myth exists that what, there's even one generation of a Small population in a Large population that would stay that racially intact? That Slavery in Brazil worked this way and no one confesses to "black" of any complexion because that "is a political equation to slavery!" Its political and a shame! And people decide no identity. Most of that Miscegenation of the DNA is going to be AFTER slavery, I don't know why people don't notice that.
Yes its a real part of history thought its definitely tucked away and conveniently ignored. Not sure where you got the idea Colin Powell or Condeleeza Rice were biracial. They are both Black and have Black parents.
Rice discovered on the PBS series Finding Your Roots[12] that she is of 51% African, 40% European, and 9% Asian or Native American genetic descent
Condoleezza Rice - Wikipedia
Her father was a white Presbyterian minister if I remember right.
Powell was born on April 5, 1937,[9] in Harlem, a neighborhood in the New York City borough of Manhattan, to Jamaican immigrants, Maud Arial (née McKoy) and Luther Theophilus Powell. His parents were both of mixed African and Scottish ancestry.
Colin Powell - Wikipedia
Well people have Truly studied the culture around these 50-50 persons. I don't know why you shout Objection with false claims.
You remember wrong. Her father was Black. So was her mother. Same for Colin Powell.

Here is Condoleezza with her father.

Dude OK, but you accept the DNA said 51% African, that people make studies about how that skin color does not meet a self-classification in Brazil? I wasn't focused on if in our Cultural Outlook if these Parents would identify themselves as Black when the things I'm focused on is our cultural perceptions of Black that don't fly in Brazil. You could look in Brazil at her father and he's mark census "White". Somebody else in her family "I'm feeling Black".
So? That mother looks 30% black, what are you getting at? Did I say they were Barack Obama, in that case a Caucasian White Idaho woman and a total African?
Is this a real article? It is so out of character. The Slave law is defending a British law from the days of a British Colony that introduced slavery to Non-Christians. It did not introduce freeing of new Christians. Its abusive. First off, I don't ever hear this language anywhere when talking about the incoming African heathen. The One-Drop rule really fits life most of the time, Colin Powell, Condeleeza Rice, those are True 50-50 Persons. Controversial in a way! Brazil wouldn't call them "Black" we have a very tribal concept from the days of a black mother with a seemingly whiter child, "black". I don't say at all this is common as the controversial writers who want to introduce 80% average African DNA in blacks? That is Most Likely vagabonds and invaders of the homestead, there weren't pleasure positions in the society. There weren't slave to wedding choices like that 12 years a slave movie, you don't promote yourself like the Pharoahs of the Nile or the Louisiana Creole. Mixed DNA Children existed at the end of slavery but the myth exists that what, there's even one generation of a Small population in a Large population that would stay that racially intact? That Slavery in Brazil worked this way and no one confesses to "black" of any complexion because that "is a political equation to slavery!" Its political and a shame! And people decide no identity. Most of that Miscegenation of the DNA is going to be AFTER slavery, I don't know why people don't notice that.
Yes its a real part of history thought its definitely tucked away and conveniently ignored. Not sure where you got the idea Colin Powell or Condeleeza Rice were biracial. They are both Black and have Black parents.
Rice discovered on the PBS series Finding Your Roots[12] that she is of 51% African, 40% European, and 9% Asian or Native American genetic descent
Condoleezza Rice - Wikipedia
Her father was a white Presbyterian minister if I remember right.
Powell was born on April 5, 1937,[9] in Harlem, a neighborhood in the New York City borough of Manhattan, to Jamaican immigrants, Maud Arial (née McKoy) and Luther Theophilus Powell. His parents were both of mixed African and Scottish ancestry.
Colin Powell - Wikipedia
Well people have Truly studied the culture around these 50-50 persons. I don't know why you shout Objection with false claims.
You remember wrong. Her father was Black. So was her mother. Same for Colin Powell.

Here is Condoleezza with her father.

Dude OK, but you accept the DNA said 51% African, that people make studies about how that skin color does not meet a self-classification in Brazil? I wasn't focused on if in our Cultural Outlook if these Parents would identify themselves as Black when the things I'm focused on is our cultural perceptions of Black that don't fly in Brazil. You could look in Brazil at her father and he's mark census "White". Somebody else in her family "I'm feeling Black".
Not to be trivial but 51% is not half. Its more than half. 40% is significantly less than half and 9% pretty much does away with the notion that she is biracial. I'm really not sure what people in Brazil believe has to do with the US and its concept of Black and white?
Four million were in bondage

Some were mixed race. The bigotry towards blacks was so strong that even those with unnoticeable negro features were still slaves
People are telling you all day that race is a cultural concept? Then, hear out the examples. Brazil has the Ugliest past in slavery. They imported slaves like replacement parts. 8 million? America received 300,000 overseas as a seed populace. Nobody who is Black even identifies with Brazil seems like. None of them were protecting their racial identity or allowed to, they weren't allowed family. The only time they did have family was a Portuguese master took an interest in a woman. Down in Brazil, I'm not saying exactly everyone has no clear racial heritage, but the notion is all politics. We Developed Black and White as a Peculiar Institution of a Particular Quality that all the world marvels that we found it shiningly defensible.
Four million were in bondage

Some were mixed race. The bigotry towards blacks was so strong that even those with unnoticeable negro features were still slaves
Let us not forget the profit motive....mixed race slaves brought more money..especially the women. Also, once England banned the slave trade and actively pursued slave house breeding made economic sense. The bigotry followed the dollar in many cases..
I hear alot of times that the north fought to free the enslaved in the Civil War. What they dont tell you is the so called "white slaves" werent really white. They were biracial children with Black mothers. It was a marketing job done on whites to get them outraged and against slavery as a whole.

All these children are biracial


"That slavery is right, natural, and necessary and does not depend upon the difference of complexion. The laws of slave states justify the holding of white men in bondage."

Welcome back.
And what does it say under that black line? And note your line starts with a capital T which it is not capitalized in the horrible supposed reproduction copy.

Cant you read it for yourself? Not sure why me capitalizing the T makes a difference. Can you explain your point?
Because it was an extension of the blackout line. Not the start of a sentence, as you portray. And I would like to know where it came from, so I can look for the original to see exactly what it said, and determine whether it actually exists.
The start of the sentence says "The south believed.....". Just look up white slavery and the civil war. There are plenty of articles on it.
Link us to the original historical copy, Asclepius. And then prove that it was even put out by Republicans, as many papers back then had the word Republican within their title. Just as many papers today have Democrat in them, yet have nothing to do with Democrats, the party.
Someone already posted a link. I dont have to prove anything. You have to prove its not true to feel better about your beliefs.
Check out what I posted.
Cant you read it for yourself? Not sure why me capitalizing the T makes a difference. Can you explain your point?
Because it was an extension of the blackout line. Not the start of a sentence, as you portray. And I would like to know where it came from, so I can look for the original to see exactly what it said, and determine whether it actually exists.
The start of the sentence says "The south believed.....". Just look up white slavery and the civil war. There are plenty of articles on it.
Link us to the original historical copy, Asclepius. And then prove that it was even put out by Republicans, as many papers back then had the word Republican within their title. Just as many papers today have Democrat in them, yet have nothing to do with Democrats, the party.
Someone already posted a link. I dont have to prove anything. You have to prove its not true to feel better about your beliefs.
Check out what I posted.
I did check it out. What are you trying to say?
Not sure what that has to do with my point but I believe you.
Read it.

No, you posted no link to yours.
Why dont you point out the relevant part. Its not even the same document I posted. I posted a bulletin. You posted their platform. What are you trying to say?
Where is your link?
Northern (Yankee) banks financed the slave trade, including Jewish Lehman Brothers.
So, the North was a bit hypocritical.
Not sure what that has to do with my point but I believe you.
Read it.

No, you posted no link to yours.
Why dont you point out the relevant part. Its not even the same document I posted. I posted a bulletin. You posted their platform. What are you trying to say?
Where is your link?
On the internet. Now please explain why you think posting their platform instead of that bulletin is relevant?

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