The slippery slope argument


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Many conservatives have this idea that giving into progressive ideas is a slippery slope. I don't remember what dumbass republican politician said it, but he made the laughable argument that "if we legalize gay marriage, then what? One man and three women? One woman and 4 men? How about having sex with animals?"

Do I even need to explain how stupid this quote is?

Legalizing gay marriage would not lead to polygamy. Why? Because no one besides Mormon fundamentalists want polygamy. What gives a political issue grounding, is how large the movement is.

This idea also applies to less absurd examples. Limiting certain, small freedoms, for example, does not lead to totalitarianism. Why? Because the larger population is always going to be against unfair and unjust government influence. Take limiting magazines on guns for instance. There is no major, legitimate movement to eliminate guns completely. Therefore, it is never going to happen! The NRA can go fuck themselves with their black and white thinking.

So contrary to what many of what you cons like to believe, raising taxes does not lead to communism. We are no where near socialism. We are nowhere near totalitarianism. There is always going to be people, such as yourselves, who are going to make sure we retain enough personal freedoms to live happy and fulfilling lives.

The trick is weighing certain legislation on a case by case basis to decide what is best for the country. That's it. It's that simple.
The last thing conservatives need to do is compromise with liberals, because the liberal utopian ideology will never accept mere compromise. The only reason liberals think conservatives are stupid, is because conservatives aren't willing to buy into liberal ideological nonsense, and that pisses liberal kooks off. That, and that pesky Constitution always seems to railroad the liberal utopian dream. Well...Boo f-in hoo.
The last thing conservatives need to do is compromise with liberals, because the liberal utopian ideology will never accept mere compromise. The only reason liberals think conservatives are stupid, is because conservatives aren't willing to buy into liberal ideological nonsense, and that pisses liberal kooks off. That, and that pesky Constitution always seems to railroad the liberal utopian dream. Well...Boo f-in hoo.

Don't you understand that the lack of compromise is what is harming this country? People like you are making it worse.
"No compromise, un-American Tea Party GOP" (TIME). Brainwashed functional idiots...
Because there are no historical examples of the Slippery Slope not coming to fruition.

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Many conservatives have this idea that giving into progressive ideas is a slippery slope. I don't remember what dumbass republican politician said it, but he made the laughable argument that "if we legalize gay marriage, then what? One man and three women? One woman and 4 men? How about having sex with animals?"

Do I even need to explain how stupid this quote is?

Legalizing gay marriage would not lead to polygamy. Why? Because no one besides Mormon fundamentalists want polygamy. What gives a political issue grounding, is how large the movement is.

This idea also applies to less absurd examples. Limiting certain, small freedoms, for example, does not lead to totalitarianism. Why? Because the larger population is always going to be against unfair and unjust government influence. Take limiting magazines on guns for instance. There is no major, legitimate movement to eliminate guns completely. Therefore, it is never going to happen! The NRA can go fuck themselves with their black and white thinking.

So contrary to what many of what you cons like to believe, raising taxes does not lead to communism. We are no where near socialism. We are nowhere near totalitarianism. There is always going to be people, such as yourselves, who are going to make sure we retain enough personal freedoms to live happy and fulfilling lives.

The trick is weighing certain legislation on a case by case basis to decide what is best for the country. That's it. It's that simple.

So what do you consider the IRS attack on TEA party groups, the attack on Gibson guitars and the attacks on the reporters?
Many conservatives have this idea that giving into progressive ideas is a slippery slope. I don't remember what dumbass republican politician said it, but he made the laughable argument that "if we legalize gay marriage, then what? One man and three women? One woman and 4 men? How about having sex with animals?"

Do I even need to explain how stupid this quote is?

Legalizing gay marriage would not lead to polygamy. Why? Because no one besides Mormon fundamentalists want polygamy. What gives a political issue grounding, is how large the movement is.

This idea also applies to less absurd examples. Limiting certain, small freedoms, for example, does not lead to totalitarianism. Why? Because the larger population is always going to be against unfair and unjust government influence. Take limiting magazines on guns for instance. There is no major, legitimate movement to eliminate guns completely. Therefore, it is never going to happen! The NRA can go fuck themselves with their black and white thinking.

So contrary to what many of what you cons like to believe, raising taxes does not lead to communism. We are no where near socialism. We are nowhere near totalitarianism. There is always going to be people, such as yourselves, who are going to make sure we retain enough personal freedoms to live happy and fulfilling lives.

The trick is weighing certain legislation on a case by case basis to decide what is best for the country. That's it. It's that simple.

So what do you consider the IRS attack on TEA party groups, the attack on Gibson guitars and the attacks on the reporters?

How is my personal opinion on these issues relevant to what i am saying?
... the larger population is always going to be against unfair and unjust government influence.

Do you really believe that will always be case? Are you willing to bet your life on it?

Yes, I do believe that. I suppose it would be remotely possible if some major catastrophe put the American people in fear. Of course, we are still a free society since 9/11.
... the larger population is always going to be against unfair and unjust government influence.

Do you really believe that will always be case? Are you willing to bet your life on it?

Yes, I do believe that. I suppose it would be remotely possible if some major catastrophe put the American people in fear. Of course, we are still a free society since 9/11.

It's far more than 'remotely possible'. The majority caters to its own interests and will, by default, subjugate the minority. This fact is the primary justification for constitutionally limited government - to protect minorities from abuse.
Do you really believe that will always be case? Are you willing to bet your life on it?

Yes, I do believe that. I suppose it would be remotely possible if some major catastrophe put the American people in fear. Of course, we are still a free society since 9/11.

It's far more than 'remotely possible'. The majority caters to its own interests and will, by default, subjugate the minority. This fact is the primary justification for constitutionally limited government - to protect minorities from abuse.

I don't buy that at all.
Many conservatives have this idea that giving into progressive ideas is a slippery slope. I don't remember what dumbass republican politician said it, but he made the laughable argument that "if we legalize gay marriage, then what? One man and three women? One woman and 4 men? How about having sex with animals?"

Do I even need to explain how stupid this quote is?

Legalizing gay marriage would not lead to polygamy. Why? Because no one besides Mormon fundamentalists want polygamy. What gives a political issue grounding, is how large the movement is.

This idea also applies to less absurd examples. Limiting certain, small freedoms, for example, does not lead to totalitarianism. Why? Because the larger population is always going to be against unfair and unjust government influence. Take limiting magazines on guns for instance. There is no major, legitimate movement to eliminate guns completely. Therefore, it is never going to happen! The NRA can go fuck themselves with their black and white thinking.

So contrary to what many of what you cons like to believe, raising taxes does not lead to communism. We are no where near socialism. We are nowhere near totalitarianism. There is always going to be people, such as yourselves, who are going to make sure we retain enough personal freedoms to live happy and fulfilling lives.

The trick is weighing certain legislation on a case by case basis to decide what is best for the country. That's it. It's that simple.

It won’t lead to polygamy because laws prohibiting plural marriage are Constitutional. Unlike prohibiting same-sex couples access to marriage law, laws banning polygamy are Constitutional because they’re applied to everyone equally, no particular class of persons is singled-out for exclusion.

The slippery slope fallacy is employed by many conservatives because their arguments can’t prevail predicated on the facts and law, they are for the most part demagogues, appealing to fear and emotion because that’s all they have.
The last thing conservatives need to do is compromise with liberals, because the liberal utopian ideology will never accept mere compromise. The only reason liberals think conservatives are stupid, is because conservatives aren't willing to buy into liberal ideological nonsense, and that pisses liberal kooks off. That, and that pesky Constitution always seems to railroad the liberal utopian dream. Well...Boo f-in hoo.

Don't you understand that the lack of compromise is what is harming this country? People like you are making it worse.

How do you compromise with a POS POTUS who calls us "the enemy"? Obama needs to compromise.

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