The Slow Motion ObamaCare Train Wreck Pulling down the Entire Democrat Party


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Now the Small Business Exchanges are delayed...for a year!

It's not just the Large and Growing Obama Credibility Gap, it's the worst Natural Disaster to ever hit the USA.



Obamacare Small Business Exchange Will Be Delayed A Year

"Small businesses won't be able to buy health insurance via until next year, President Barack Obama's administration announced Wednesday.

The delay in functionality for the so-called SHOP exchanges represents the latest setback in the Obama administration's efforts to implement the three-year-old Affordable Care Act. The development also comes just days before, the online portal for individual and family health coverage in more than 30 states, is supposed to be working better after its troubled first two months."
Now the Small Business Exchanges are delayed...for a year!

It's not just the Large and Growing Obama Credibility Gap, it's the worst Natural Disaster to ever hit the USA.



Obamacare Small Business Exchange Will Be Delayed A Year

"Small businesses won't be able to buy health insurance via until next year, President Barack Obama's administration announced Wednesday.

The delay in functionality for the so-called SHOP exchanges represents the latest setback in the Obama administration's efforts to implement the three-year-old Affordable Care Act. The development also comes just days before, the online portal for individual and family health coverage in more than 30 states, is supposed to be working better after its troubled first two months."

i think obama said it best when

early on he coined such things

as man caused disasters

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You can bet those cancellation notices will be going out on time.

Which ones are those? The 80 million?


That number might be a little higher.
If you had insurance before ObamaCare you were covered.
When it went into effect most policies didn't meet the 10 standard rule.
So yeh...80 million people will be effected by this.

To insure 15 million or so uninsured Obama and the democrat party turned
everything on it's ear and screwed with probably 80 million Americans.

Thanks Obama...
Thanks Democrat party.... :mad:
Once people get their better and cheaper health insurance, they'll never want to give it up. Sorta like with Medicare and Social Security.
Wow. That sounds serious!

It's very serious--and it's even more serious for Democrats in the Senate that are running for re-election in 2014. I have a very strong feeling the Republicans will take the senate and that democrats will also lose a lot of seats in the house.

You can bet those cancellation notices will be going out on time.

Which ones are those? The 80 million?


That number might be a little higher.
If you had insurance before ObamaCare you were covered.
When it went into effect most policies didn't meet the 10 standard rule.
So yeh...80 million people will be effected by this.

To insure 15 million or so uninsured Obama and the democrat party turned
everything on it's ear and screwed with probably 80 million Americans.

Thanks Obama...
Thanks Democrat party.... :mad:

You say it with such certainty! I had better start worrying.
Once people get their better and cheaper health insurance, they'll never want to give it up. Sorta like with Medicare and Social Security.

You must have your head buried in the sand? If the 5 million who just had their policies canceled due to Obamacare mandates--were actually getting a better insurance plan at less cost--right now Obama would be a hero.

But that's not what they're getting. Those who have had their policies canceled are looking at double to sometimes even triple the amount on the Obamacare state exchanges--from the ones that were just canceled. They're not happy because Obama PROMISED them that their premiums would be LOWER. They're finding out quickly that The "Affordable Care Act" is NOT Affordable.

Feinstein said in a statement Tuesday that she has received nearly 31,000 calls, emails, and letters from Californians detailing insurance-policy cancellations and premium spikes that have come with the implementation of Obamacare.

In her statement, Feinstein included the story of a phone call from a Rancho Mirage, Calif., man, who now receives just about the same coverage for $400 more a month.
Dianne Feinstein Signs Onto Obamacare 'Keep Plan' Bill - Business Insider

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Nutters.....always feeling things.

I'm sure that's just as truthful as Obama saying I could keep my plan. Dishonesty is not an effective strategy.

Hmm. You really wanted to post something, huh? Anything. Let me guide you toward a more meaningful contribution.

Lets discuss.

Have you lost your plan?

I really wanted to mock you for your ignorant ad hominem, to show you that hate is not a posting style. So, I did. And, yes, I'm losing my plan, which I liked very much because I had chosen to not have coverage that some faceless drone in Washington has decided every plan must have. THAT loss of freedom is what I find galling...that people on the Left are so sure than can run my life better than I can. And, you defend it. :cuckoo:
I'm sure that's just as truthful as Obama saying I could keep my plan. Dishonesty is not an effective strategy.

Hmm. You really wanted to post something, huh? Anything. Let me guide you toward a more meaningful contribution.

Lets discuss.

Have you lost your plan?

I really wanted to mock you for your ignorant ad hominem, to show you that hate is not a posting style. So, I did. And, yes, I'm losing my plan, which I liked very much because I had chosen to not have coverage that some faceless drone in Washington has decided every plan must have. THAT loss of freedom is what I find galling...that people on the Left are so sure than can run my life better than I can. And, you defend it. :cuckoo:

You mocked me? I missed it. Try harder.

Lets discuss your plan.

What was it called? What state do you live in? How old are you? How many people were insured on the plan? How much were your premiums? Why was it cancelled, specifically?
I don't understand how any government with 3 1/2 years to prepare something could not. Three and one-half fucking years ffs!

And here Obama and progressives think government is the solution to all our problems.
Hmm. You really wanted to post something, huh? Anything. Let me guide you toward a more meaningful contribution.

Lets discuss.

Have you lost your plan?

I really wanted to mock you for your ignorant ad hominem, to show you that hate is not a posting style. So, I did. And, yes, I'm losing my plan, which I liked very much because I had chosen to not have coverage that some faceless drone in Washington has decided every plan must have. THAT loss of freedom is what I find galling...that people on the Left are so sure than can run my life better than I can. And, you defend it. :cuckoo:

You mocked me? I missed it. Try harder.

Lets discuss your plan.

What was it called? What state do you live in? How old are you? How many people were insured on the plan? How much were your premiums? Why was it cancelled, specifically?

Sorry, you missed the mocking. Humor does tend to fly over the heads of the humorless.

Why do you want to know all that information? Trying to identify me for some reason? You asked if I'd lost my plan and I answered. I told you why it was lost. Are you looking for another "Why do you hate women?" moment, as if that'll justify the loss of freedom that the ACA represents?

It seems that you are what is known as a time-suck troll. You'll get no more from me.
I really wanted to mock you for your ignorant ad hominem, to show you that hate is not a posting style. So, I did. And, yes, I'm losing my plan, which I liked very much because I had chosen to not have coverage that some faceless drone in Washington has decided every plan must have. THAT loss of freedom is what I find galling...that people on the Left are so sure than can run my life better than I can. And, you defend it. :cuckoo:

You mocked me? I missed it. Try harder.

Lets discuss your plan.

What was it called? What state do you live in? How old are you? How many people were insured on the plan? How much were your premiums? Why was it cancelled, specifically?

Sorry, you missed the mocking. Humor does tend to fly over the heads of the humorless.

Why do you want to know all that information? Trying to identify me for some reason? You asked if I'd lost my plan and I answered. I told you why it was lost. Are you looking for another "Why do you hate women?" moment, as if that'll justify the loss of freedom that the ACA represents?

It seems that you are what is known as a time-suck troll. You'll get no more from me.

A wise person once said:

"Dishonesty is not an effective strategy."

Could it be that this person is not being totally honest? Nah! Impossible!
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You mocked me? I missed it. Try harder.

Lets discuss your plan.

What was it called? What state do you live in? How old are you? How many people were insured on the plan? How much were your premiums? Why was it cancelled, specifically?

Sorry, you missed the mocking. Humor does tend to fly over the heads of the humorless.

Why do you want to know all that information? Trying to identify me for some reason? You asked if I'd lost my plan and I answered. I told you why it was lost. Are you looking for another "Why do you hate women?" moment, as if that'll justify the loss of freedom that the ACA represents?

It seems that you are what is known as a time-suck troll. You'll get no more from me.

A wise person once said:

"Dishonesty is not an effective strategy."

Could it be that this person is not being totally honest? Nah! Impossible!

Yep, definitely a time-suck troll trying to goad me into more responses. Why not say something about my mother next? LMAO@your pathetic trolling tactics.

Bye now!

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